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<正>日前,新修改的《环境影响评价法》正式公布实施,其中最大的关注点之一就是取消了环评资质。环评法修改的焦点聚集在第十九条,原环评法第十九条规定,接受委托为建设项目环境影响评价提供技术服务的机构,应当经国务院环境保护行政主管部门考核审查合格后,颁发资质证书,按照资质证书规定的等级和评价范围,从事环境影响评价服务,并对评价结论负责。为建设项目环境影响评价提供技术服务的机构的资质条件和管理办法,由国务院环境保护行政主管部门制定。  相似文献   

正广东省政府印发《关于深化我省环境影响评价制度改革指导意见》,此次改革提出优化区域规划环评、试行环评豁免、告知承诺制、简化环评内容等措施。同时,广东省生态环境厅配套出台豁免环评和重点管理行业名录,明确30大类61项建设项目可豁免环评手续;石化等8大类生态环境影响大、风险高的项目实施重点管理,严格环评要求。新政下,造纸和纸制品业喜忧参半,纸浆、溶解浆、纤维浆等制造;造纸(含废纸造纸)业被列入了重点管理的行业中,将严格环评要求,而纸制品制造业则被列为可豁免环评手续的行业中。  相似文献   

<正>为进一步规范建设项目环境影响评价文件审批,统一管理尺度,环境保护部组织编制了水泥制造、煤炭采选、汽车整车制造、铁路、制药、水利(引调水工程)、航道等7个行业建设项目环境影响评价文件审批原则(试行)。7个审批原则分别适用于:水泥制造(包括水泥熟料制造以及配套石灰岩矿山开采)建设项目环境影响评价文件的审批;煤炭采选工程建设项目环境影响评价文件的审批;汽车整车制造及电动汽车除电池生产之外的建设项目环境影响评价文件的审批;标准轨  相似文献   

邬建国 《质量探索》2010,(Z1):14-14
<正>"质量和安全年"活动有声有色截至目前,全市有7个县(市、区)成立了以政府分管副县(市、区)长为组长的活动领导小组,市局也成立了领导小组,制订并下发了工作实施方案,召开动员大会后,10个县(市、区)局也结合当地实际制订了"质量和安全年"活动方案。同时,我们还建立健全了市局领导联系制、县(市、区)局领导分片包干负责制的质量和安全监管工作责任  相似文献   

<正>生态环境部近日印发《2019年环境影响评价与排放管理工作要点》,明确了2019年环境影响评价与排放管理重点任务和工作要求。推进重点区域重点流域规划环评及政策环境影响论证工作,研究制定关于进一步加强产业园区规划环评管理的通知。建立健全排污许可管理核心制度,助力打好污染防治攻坚战。开展固定污染源清理整顿工作,地方生  相似文献   

天津顶益国际食品有限公司新厂建设项目环境影响评价中恶臭因子是一个重要的环境污染因子。恶臭因子成分复杂,处理难度大,环评推荐采用植物液处理方法。  相似文献   

目前,我国环境影响后评价仍处于起步阶段,其理论和实践都具有很强的探索性。随着环境影响后评价作为环境影响评价的延伸,是提高环评有效性的有力手段。环境保护需要通过科学化、法制化的手段来实行,而环境影响评价就是环境保护得以实施的重要途径,科学合理的环境影响评价制度,是顺利实施环境保护以改善人类生存环境的有力保障。本文针对建设项目环境影响后评价进行了深刻的分析与研究。  相似文献   

本文以我国县(市、区)政府为研究对象,在研究国内外相关政府质量工作绩效评价的基础上,探讨了我国县(市、区)政府质量工作绩效评价存在的主要问题,并对我国县(市、区)政府质量工作绩效评价提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

【摘要】清洁生产分析是建设项目环境影响评价的重要内容,也是目前建设项目环境影响评价中的薄弱环节。在集中供热建设项目环境影响评价的清洁生产分析中,评价人员往往仅对锅炉炉型选择、燃料选择、粉煤灰的处理措施进行简单的评述,而不能从工艺角度进行清洁生产分析,从而影响了环境影响评价报告书的质量。集中供热系统主要分为热能生产、热能输送和热能使用三个技术环节进行清洁生产分析。  相似文献   

刘洋 《中国科技博览》2011,(21):228-228
环境现状监测是环境影响评价的重要组成部分,它给环境影响评价提供必不可少的基础数据。本文针对目前环评现状监测质量管理存在的~些问题,提出相应的管理措施。  相似文献   

Developmental projects are dynamic in the manner in which proponents react to issues or events arising during the conceptual planning, design or construction phases. The basic challenge of integrating environmental impact assessment (EIA) into an existing environmental management system (EMS) is to provide adequate control while allowing flexibility to cope with site-specific project requirements. Environmental management plans (EMP) are one way of controlling the environmental effects of construction projects. These contain project-specific protocols that act as an EMS interface between the EIA and subsequent project planning and development phases. This paper developed from the EIA follow-up session of IAIA 2001 in Cartagena, Columbia outlines the framework for an EMP and its application in respect of the development of an electrical infrastructure project within the UK.  相似文献   

The economic relationship between China and Myanmar is regarded as a win–win cooperation. However, Chinese investments, especially in extractive and natural resource sectors, are associated with a number of unwanted environmental consequences. Moreover, the environmental impact assessment (EIA) quality of Chinese enterprises has often been criticized. EIA identifies adverse impacts to the environment through evidence-based decision making. On this basis, this paper provides an evaluation of Chinese EIA performance within the natural resources sector through a structured review of 15 environmental impact statements (EISs). This research also evaluates the EISs of the three largest and most controversial projects, the Myitsone Hydropower Dam, Lappadaung Copper Mine and Sino-Myanmar oil and gas pipelines. The findings reveal several omissions, inadequacies and deficiencies in all the projects with a significant number of EISs falling short of satisfactory quality. Through the analysis, the paper summarizes the factors affecting the EIA performance and proposes feasible recommendations to improve EIA practices in Chinese development projects in Myanmar.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the quality of environmental impact statements (EISs) and gives us an understanding about the performance of environmental impact assessment (EIA) practice in Bangladesh. EIA has been formally practised in Bangladesh since 1995.However, no study has yet been conducted on the quality of EISs. This study fills this gap. This empirical study shows that the quality of EISs in Bangladesh is ‘just satisfactory’ only. A significant proportion of EISs (34%) are still unsatisfactory. Finally, possible factors affecting the quality of EISs are examined and measures to improve the quality of EISs are recommended. The findings will be useful to EIA practitioners and other stakeholders in Bangladesh. This study will also provide a general guideline for other developing countries with similar socio-economic context.  相似文献   

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is an important tool for making informed decisions about development projects to avoid or mitigate potential adverse impacts on the environment. Guidelines are prepared all over the world to facilitate consultants and stakeholders to meet the objectives of EIA and to prepare quality EIA reports. The Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency prepared environmental impact assessment guidelines for this purpose in 1997. However, the major issue is that, even after two decades, the guidelines have not been reviewed. This paper presents the outcome of research conducted on the contents and quality of the guidelines for the preparation of EIA reports. The methodology encompasses an extensive review of the literature as well as available guidelines and interviews with the selected consultants, using semi-structured interview schedules. Although the quality of current guidelines overall is found to be good, the likelihood they are followed is connected with them being updated regularly, taking on board opinion of EIA consultants and other stakeholders.  相似文献   

This study uses empirical research of 145 projects on environmental impact assessment (EIA). The researchers generated and tested hypotheses based on questions about the effectiveness and quality of EIA. By means of EIA, aspects of proactive thinking have entered into procedural decisions more than previously presumed and modifications in the spatial dimensions of projects have played an especially prominent role. The three most important factors affecting the scale of general project modifications are: the degree to which the subject matter and methodological aspects of a study are prescribed by §5 of the EIA Act (Scoping); the early, intense involvement of authorities, experts, and third parties in the scoping; and the degree to which the project's effects and impacts are analyzed and forecast in the environmental impact study (EIS). EIA and EIS practice has moved beyond the ‘experimental phase’ and routines have now emerged for certain parts of the procedure.  相似文献   

We observe ongoing weaknesses in the quality of science underpinning environmental impact assessment (EIA) in Canada. This is frustrating because approaches for strong scientific practice in EIA were published decades ago. A major failing has been the lack of scientific support from outside the EIA practitioner community. We argue for a re-conception of science associated with EIA that includes a rigorous scholarship of application inside EIA and a vigorous scholarship of integration outside it. Cases of exemplary organizational structures and science applications in the Canadian forest sector are given. To turn EIA from the often bitter battleground of shallow impact debates to an enterprise of strong accumulation of effects knowledge, we urge the relevant communities of researchers and practitioners to become embedded communities of practice and reform the way science contributes to EIA.  相似文献   

This research examined public understanding of the environmental effects of a proposed energy-from-waste facility from the perspective of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) practitioner. Disparities were identified between the public perceptions examined and the results of the EIA, notably on air quality and health effects from chimney emissions; the facility's noise characteristics; traffic volumes and associated air quality, noise and amenity effects; daylight, sunlight and overshadowing effects; and cumulative effects. Lessons for EIA practitioners are drawn that enable better appreciation of specific areas of public concern. Ways in which communications might be improved in future EIAs to aid public understanding are also identified.  相似文献   

Practitioners play a key role in implementing environmental impact assessment (EIA) policies. Gauging their perception can help in designing legislation or regulation reforms and signals what needs more attention in research. The Brazilian EIA system is under review by lawmakers, but there is scant information about the views of professionals. A survey was conducted to inquiry on practitioners’ perception of the Brazilian EIA system regarding: (1) quality of the process, (2) quality of the environmental impact studies (EIS), and (3) proposals to change the system. Four hundred and fourteen professionals participated in an online survey responding to 44 questions. Results show positive perceptions about some aspects of current practice, but there is a clear predominance of negative appraisal both about the quality of the process and the quality of EIS. The poorest practices are the consideration of cumulative impacts and determination of impact significance. As for proposals to change the system, respondents defend the continuity of specific characteristics of the Brazilian system. Essentially, practitioners are calling for incremental changes that do not require any modification in the legislation.  相似文献   

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) practice in Slovakia is about 20 years old. EIA was first introduced in Slovakia based on the Environment Law of 1992. The practice in EIA started developing shortly after the Law No. 127/1994 Coll. came into force. The first group of experts was certified as being EIA/strategic environmental assessment (SEA) professionally qualified persons. During 20 years, the numbers of EIA procedures were performed and number of EIA practitioners has considerably increased. Many discussions arise about EIA procedure effectiveness and quality in Slovakia. The task of this study has been to investigate EIA system applications in Slovakia and evaluate its effectiveness. In this paper, the views of professionally qualified persons are examined closely, using a questionnaire survey. Data from the questionnaires are analysed to find information relating to current EIA/SEA and EIA/SEA practice and the future for EIA. The objective of this study was to assess the potential for improving the effectiveness of EIA in Slovakia, and finally the recommendations for improvement are presented. The results of this research suggest that the use of new legislation should be extended in Slovakia in order to improve EIA effectiveness.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Construction projects often involve significant environmental impacts (EIs). Although EI assessments are required for these projects, the commitments made in the EI statements are rarely followed up. As a consequence, the emphasis on and the awareness of these issues in the contractor's organisation are often insufficient. Drawing on a case study of the City Tunnel Project in Malmo, Sweden, this paper illustrates how the EIs identified in the EIA can be followed up by integrating them in the project- environmental management system, the construction contract procurements, and the EMSs and work instructions of the contractor. The use of environmental procurement preferences is suggested to provide a link between the EIA and the contractors' EMSs.  相似文献   

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