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疲劳缺口系数Kf与理论应力集中系数Kt之间的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
疲劳缺口系数Kf是表征缺口部位疲劳强度降低程度的参量,这一系数在结构抗疲劳设计中经常被使用.一般认为Kf与理论应力集中系数Kt呈线性关系,线性的斜率与不同材料类别(铝合金、钛合金和钢)有关.通过对大量不同材料、不同应力比和不同缺口试样形式的高周疲劳极限的系统分析,发现大多数情况下K f与Kt的呈线性关系,但有些情况下二者不服从线性关系.Kf与Kt的关系除与材料类别有关外还与实验的应力比有关.  相似文献   

采用国产PQ-6型旋转弯曲疲劳试验机研究钻杆管体材料G105的弯曲疲劳性能以及H_2S腐蚀和缺口对试样弯曲疲劳性能的影响,利用金相显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对光滑试样断口、缺口试样断口以及H_2S腐蚀后试样断口进行微观形貌分析。结果表明:在光滑试样的疲劳极限载荷作用下,经过H_2S腐蚀后的光滑试样的疲劳寿命和缺口试样的疲劳寿命相当,材料的疲劳寿命都从106降低至104;缺口试样在缺口的高应力集中效应下,加快疲劳裂纹形核过程。H_2S腐蚀对钻杆疲劳性能影响的主要作用在于氢原子在材料内缺陷处聚集引起材料疲劳性能降低,缺口和H_2S腐蚀都会加快疲劳裂纹的扩展。材料疲劳断裂主要是因为试样在交变应力的作用下上产生滑移最后致使位错塞积而导致的。  相似文献   

一、前言 在航空工程中受力件往往存在着键槽、销孔、榫槽、螺纹、尖角等,材料本身也不可避免地存在各种裂纹、疏松、非金属夹杂等内部微观缺陷,以及压痕、划伤、磨坑等表面宏观缺陷。而这种缺口、缺陷的存在,引起了应力分布的不均匀,产生了应力集中。衡量应力集中的程度用“应力集中系数”K_t表示。 不同的材料对同样的缺口或同样材料对不同缺口,其应力集中敏感程度是不同的。材料对缺口应力集中敏感度的差异,将影响材料的使用和发挥其最大的效能。所以在零件设计中,只有材料光滑试样的强度、塑性指标是不够的,还需有带缺口的试样在应力集中状态下的强度和塑性的指标。 本文用不同的方法计算了英、美、苏、西德等国家缺口持久试样的应力集中系数K_t值,并用不同缺口持久试样,对缺口持久性能的影响  相似文献   

疲劳是涡轮叶片的一种主要失效模式.本文开展了DD11单晶合金在650℃中温条件下2种应力集中系数(K_t=1(光滑状态)、K_t=3(缺口状态))的旋转弯曲疲劳性能研究,对比了2种应力集中系数下的疲劳强度,并开展了相关断口分析.结果表明:应力集中系数由K_t=1增大到K_t=3时,疲劳极限由446 MPa降低为311 MPa,说明DD11单晶合金疲劳性能存在应力集中敏感性;疲劳寿命由10~5提高到10~7时,光滑状态由600 MPa降低为420 MPa,疲劳强度降低幅度为180 MPa,而缺口状态由370 MPa降低为290 MPa,降低幅度为80 MPa,说明应力集中条件下DD11单晶合金的疲劳寿命对于外载变化较敏感.断口分析表明,光滑试样断口(应力500 MPa/疲劳寿命9.7×10~5)由几个相交的光滑晶体学平面组成,疲劳源萌生在距表面100μm左右的铸造孔洞;缺口试样断口(应力340 MPa/疲劳寿命8.1×10~5试样)呈平面状,与应力轴垂直,为多源疲劳模式,疲劳源观察到小刻面,在加工刀痕不连续位置萌生.  相似文献   

通过拉伸、压缩和疲劳实验结合断口显微观察并与光滑试样进行对比,研究开孔对平纹编织C/SiC陶瓷基复合材料力学行为的影响.结果表明:开孔试样的拉伸行为和光滑试样一样表现为非线性,拉伸强度降低11.8%,拉伸破坏应变降低54.3%;开孔试样的压缩行为与光滑试样不同,低应力时表现为线性,应力增大到一定程度时由于裂纹闭合效应较为明显,开始表现出明显的非线性,压缩强度降低12.2%,压缩破坏应变降低54.9%;开孔试样的疲劳极限约为其极限拉伸强度的88%,与光滑试样相同;开孔试样在拉伸、压缩和疲劳载荷作用下都具有较小的应力集中系数,对开孔敏感性较小;开孔试样断口一般从孔中间穿过,破坏首先发生在试样孔边应力集中最严重的地方,断口方向与孔边初始缺陷有关.  相似文献   

开展了TC21研究合金光滑和缺口试样的315℃高周疲劳实验,并对疲劳断口进行详细观察,研究了缺口对TC21合金疲劳寿命的影响.结果表明,光滑和缺口试样的疲劳强度比值随循环寿命降低而降低;光滑试样的失稳疲劳裂纹长度随循环应力升高而降低;瞬断区所承受的断裂应力随循环应力升高而降低;这说明裂纹失稳决定试样的断裂,缺口试样断口有多个裂纹源,以缺口试样名义应力乘以应力集中因子与光滑试样的应力相等作为比较时,缺口试样主裂纹长度大于光滑试样的裂纹长度,缺口试样的裂纹扩展寿命更长.  相似文献   

2D-C/SiC缺口试样的拉-拉疲劳损伤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯军涛  乔生儒  韩栋  吴小军  李玫 《材料导报》2005,19(11):140-143
研究了二维正交编织C/SiC双边对称圆弧缺口试样室温和高温真空的拉拉疲劳行为,正弦波疲劳应力比R=0.1,频率60Hz,循环基数106次.循环到规定周次停机,测量试样的共振频率、电阻,并进行SEM观察.结果表明,2D-C/SiC复合材料缺口试样拉-拉疲劳的S-N曲线非常平坦,其疲劳极限是同温度下缺口试样拉伸强度的80%~90%,光滑试样和缺口试样的疲劳极限比值与理论应力集中系数基本相同.缺口试样在疲劳过程中,电阻表征损伤与模量表征损伤的规律基本一致.在疲劳试验初期阶段,缺口附近损伤发展很快,主要表现为产生大量与加载方向垂直的裂纹,随着疲劳次数的增加,损伤发展减缓,但损伤形式逐渐增多,缺口附近与加载方向垂直的裂纹数量明显多于平行加载方向的裂纹数.讨论了电阻表征损伤和模量表征损伤之间的关系.  相似文献   

20Cr钢在不同缺口尖锐度下滚压后疲劳试验结果表明,滚压强化明显提高缺口试样的疲劳极限,其作用高于光滑试样,缺口越尖锐强化效果越显著。在缺口滚压试样疲劳断口上出现裂纹扩展速率快—慢—快的变化。缺口试样滚压后在疲劳极限下运行出现非扩展裂纹。  相似文献   

本文介绍了由焊趾始裂的疲劳裂纹的弹-塑性断裂力学解,通过用应变项代替通常的应力项便可将该解用于解决塑性问题。由于引入了有效裂纹长度,该解可用来解释很短裂纹的传播问题。这里的有效裂纹长度是真实裂纹长度再加上l_o值,l_o是材料和材料状态的特征常数。本文也考虑了平均应力和裂纹前沿的形状对由该解得到的强度因子的影响。就焊接试样的弹性和塑性应变场里的裂纹而言,当用该强度因子来表达时,裂纹增长结果与弹性长裂纹的数据非常吻合。当结合包含裂纹增长的所有阶段的传播模型考虑时,用该强度因子对两种钢的对接焊和填角焊试样总寿命的预测也是成功的。对应于对接焊试样破坏时的界限应力等于光滑试样疲劳极限应力除以弹性应力集中系数。然而,填角焊试样的对应于破坏时的应力值却比疲劳极限应力除以弹性应力集中系数所得的值高一些。在这两种应力值之间的各应力下,裂纹将起始于填角焊趾区,但决不会传播至破坏。  相似文献   

采用三点弯曲疲劳法测得光滑试样和直缺口试样的S-N曲线以研究Stellite12钴基合金的疲劳性能,并通过断口形貌观察进一步探究该钴基合金的断裂过程。结果表明:光滑试样的疲劳极限为545 MPa,约为原始抗弯强度1552 MPa的25.4%;直缺口试样的疲劳极限约为101MPa,约为静态抗弯强度517.6MPa的19.1%。对于疲劳敏感性,光滑试样与直缺口试样的疲劳敏感性分别为397和31。此外发现疲劳裂纹多萌生于近表层聚集的碳化物处,同时表面缺陷也可诱发疲劳裂纹的萌生。疲劳裂纹的扩展主要表现为碳化物的穿晶断裂,钴基体在应力比R=0.1的疲劳加载条件下虽表现出一定的韧性且呈现出较多的撕裂脊,但也呈现出一定的脆性断裂模式,因此疲劳裂纹扩展模式为真疲劳与静态疲劳的混合模式。  相似文献   

Optimisation of Fatigue Properties by Surface-Rolling of Notched Specimens of Different Size The fatigue properties of notched specimens can be largely improved by surface-rolling. It is important to know the material strengthening in the rolling contact to improve the conditions of the surface-rolling process. A computer program is presented, which allows a determination of rolling pressures to any geometries of specimens. As a result of the fatigue investigations it is shown that surface-rolled notched specimens improve the fatigue limit above the fatigue strength of smooth specimens independed on the stress concentration. The improvement of endurance limit of notched specimens with non propagated cracks is based on the effect of constant compressive residual stresses.  相似文献   

Size Effect and Fatigue Properties with Respect to Optimized Surface-Treatment. A hyperbolic function describes the geometrical size effect of notched specimens made from heat treated steel. An estimation of fatigue properties of components under one level fatigue tests is possible, if there are comparable materials and surface properties. The fatigue properties of specimens are well described by standardized stress-N graphs. The slope of the stress-N graphs in the range of load cycle depends on the concentration factor and not on the size effect. The fatigue properties of components are largely increased by thermal and mechanical surface strengthening. For the determination of the improvement of fatigue properties it is important to known the initiation of cracking. The improved fatigue properties of inductive surface hardened smooth specimens can be explained by the initiation of cracking below the surface. Mechanically strengthened notched specimens start cracking on the surface. The increase of fatigue properties for these specimens is explained by compressive residual stresses. The fatigue properties of notched specimens can be improved by the optimisation of mechanical strengthening, to higher values than for smooth surface strengthened specimens. This is due to compressive residual stresses. They decrease the tensile stresses which are responsible for crack propagation. If the tensile stress is below fatigue limit for initiation of cracking the crack arrests immediately.  相似文献   

Combined low‐cycle fatigue/high‐cycle fatigue (LCF/HCF) loadings were investigated for smooth and circumferentially V‐notched cylindrical Ti–6Al–4V fatigue specimens. Smooth specimens were first cycled under LCF loading conditions for a fraction of the previously established fatigue life. The HCF 107 cycle fatigue limit stress after LCF cycling was established using a step loading technique. Specimens with two notch sizes, both having elastic stress concentration factors of Kt = 2.7, were cycled under LCF loading conditions at a nominal stress ratio of R = 0.1. The subsequent 106 cycle HCF fatigue limit stress at both R = 0.1 and 0.8 was determined. The combined loading LCF/HCF fatigue limit stresses for all specimens were compared to the baseline HCF fatigue limit stresses. After LCF cycling and prior to HCF cycling, the notched specimens were heat tinted, and final fracture surfaces examined for cracks formed during the initial LCF loading. Fatigue test results indicate that the LCF loading, applied for 75% of total LCF life for the smooth specimens and 25% for the notched specimens, resulted in only small reductions in the subsequent HCF fatigue limit stress. Under certain loading conditions, plasticity‐induced stress redistribution at the notch root during LCF cycling appears responsible for an observed increase in HCF fatigue limit stress, in terms of net section stress.  相似文献   

Metal matrix composites are increasingly utilized in engineering applications because of their favourable strength/weight ratio. However, their applications are still limited because of their relatively poor fatigue resistance, which could be improved by using some appropriate surface treatment. In this paper, an Al/Al2 O3 (20%) composite material is considered. In particular its fatigue strength is examined to verify if, how and when shot peening can be used to improve the performances of MMC components that are cyclically loaded. Fatigue tests allow one to evaluate the influence of shot peening on the fatigue limit of both smooth and notched specimens. Residual stress measurements, fracture surface analyses and metallographic examinations allow one to evaluate the role of residual stresses, hardening and grain distortion on the improvement that can be achieved with this treatment. On the basis of these results, some guidelines are drawn on how to optimize the choice of peening parameters.  相似文献   

Analysis of the effect of notches, mean and residual stresses on the fatigue strength of severely deformed material areas of linear flow split profiles The results of fatigue experiments on specimens extracted from the highly deformed area of linear flow split profiles are presented. The Focus is on the effect of mean stresses and notches, which is influenced by the previous forming process. The residual stress state inside a component as well as inside specimens is described. By numerical analyses considering residual stresses their effect on fatigue life can be analysed. Using Weibulls Weakest‐Link Appoach parameters, which were derived by testing smooth specimen are transferred to notched ones.  相似文献   

The subject of this paper is to investigate the capability of the relative stress gradient to properly represent the beneficial effect of residual stress states on the fatigue life of Ti‐6Al‐4V specimens, with notches of different severity. The research was developed considering notched and un‐notched specimens with different geometries and different shot‐peening treatments. The results were determined by running fatigue experimentation under rotating bending and by developing a novel predictive model based on the relationship between the local fatigue limit and a generalized form of the relative stress gradient, accounting for the peening‐induced residual stresses. The proposed tool for fatigue limit estimation was completed by a stochastic analysis, which considered the variability of the involved parameters, in particular the residual stress entity. This made it possible to finally determine the component failure probability in a general, efficient and accurate way.  相似文献   

Deep Rolling and Fatigue Strength The fatigue properties of specimens and components are largely increased by deep rolling. Depending on geometrical shape of components and material strength the compressive residual stresses and the increased surface hardness made by deep rolling have a different effect on the improvement of fatigue strength. The fatigue properties of smooth specimens and components with a sufficient toughness can be raised by increase of surface hardness, whereas in case of notched parts the influence of permanent compressive residual stresses is dominant. The application of deep rolling in case of crankshafts shows a clear superiority of mechanical strengthening procedure to thermal surface strengthening. If there are some reasons to improve the wear behaviour beside the fatigue strength it is commendable to combine thermal and mechanical surface strengthening.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic and conventional electromagnetic resonance fatigue tests were conducted on notched and smooth specimens of ultrafine-grained steels. The notched specimens developed no internal fractures but showed a fatigue limit. In this case, ultrasonic fatigue testing showed good agreement with the electromagnetic resonance. The smooth specimens showed internal fractures after ultrasonic fatigue testing, but not during electromagnetic resonance testing. In the smooth specimens, ultrasonic fatigue testing showed a longer fatigue life. These results show that the frequency effect is negligible in surface fractures of notched specimens but not in smooth specimens. The frequency effect causes a change in type of fracture from surface fracture to internal fracture. Concerning the gigacycle fatigue properties, the ultrafine-grained steel shows a fatigue limit with notched specimens, whereas the fatigue limit can disappear with smooth specimens because of the internal fracture.  相似文献   

Abstract— Several surface cold work procedures are developed to induce compressive residual stresses adjacent to a notch in a flat element. It would appear that they should all lead to fatigue life enhancement. For sharp notched specimens excellent fatigue life enhancement is observed. For moderately notched specimens only one of the procedures produces this enhancement. In order to shed light on the shortcomings of two of the procedures, the residual stress field is determined by means of finite element analyses in two and three dimensions. It is observed that the two-dimensional analyses predict a residual stress field which should lead to fatigue life enhancement. It is the three-dimensional analyses which help to explain why two of the cold work procedures fail.  相似文献   

An investigation was conducted on HY-80 steel to show how low-cycle fatigue life is influenced by imposition of various stresses prior to fatigue testing. One cycle of static prestress was imposed on each specimen at loads either above or below the yield strength of the material and fatigue testing was done at various levels of stresses. Tests were conducted on notched and tee-fillet welded beam specimens. The magnitude and type of residual stresses at the toe of tee-fillet welds were determined by a hole drilling technique. Experimental data show that residual stresses induced by prestressing can—according to their sign—influence fatigue life. It was observed in the notched beam tests that when stress cycling was performed at stress levels below the yield strength of the material, tensile prestress increased fatigue life and that the higher the prestress, the greater the increase in life. At stress levels above the yield strength, tensile prestress has little or no effect on fatigue life. Compressive prestresses were found to be detrimental to fatigue life regardless of the stress levels at which the fatigue tests were run. The effects of prestress on the tee-weldments were not delinated as clearly. Fatigue life was increased by tensile prestress but no adverse effects were observed for compressive prestress.  相似文献   

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