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宁廷州  葛美芹 《包装工程》2020,41(4):171-176
目的提高包装机械色彩意象评价的科学性和客观性。方法考虑到包装机械色彩意象评价中的用户认知模糊性和差异性问题,利用梯形模糊数表达用户感性偏好,建立包装机械色彩意象模糊评价矩阵,通过构建用户感性评价共识度模型,对用户评价结果进行共识度评判与处理,提高用户感性意象评价的一致性水平。结合逼近理想解排序法和灰关联分析法对包装机械色彩意象评价结果进行排序,实现包装机械色彩方案的模糊评价和优选。结果实例分析表明,用户的认知差异问题切实存在,评价共识度会影响包装机械色彩意象评价结果。结论通过将用户共识纳入包装机械色彩意象评价过程,可以减小用户认知差异带来的影响,提高包装机械色彩意象评价质量。  相似文献   

面向多维意象的产品设计方案评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
用户的感性诉求日益获得产品设计师和企业决策者的关注,为了使产品开发人员在开发新产品时能满足用户多维复合的感性诉求,提出一种结合熵处理、灰色关联分析和逼近理想解排序(technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution,TOPSIS)的方法,用于产品设计方案的评估。首先,在运用K-mean聚类分析和因子分析方法分别获得符合用户感性认知的典型样本和典型感性意象的基础上,运用语意差异法获得用户-意象初始评价值;其次,应用信息熵计算评估指标的权重;最后,采用灰色关联分析与TOPSIS相结合的方法实现用户多维意象特定要求下对备选设计方案的排序优选。以3D打印机设计方案优选为例,验证了方法的可行性。研究结果表明,该方法符合用户实际的复杂认知,能有效客观地对产品设计方案进行评估和优选,具有实际应用价值和指导作用。  相似文献   

目的 为了提高产品感性设计开发效率及意象匹配精度,采用定性和定量相结合的方法,提出一种基于层次分析法(AHP)与BP神经网络相结合的产品意象设计要素组合推导方法。方法 首先通过网络爬虫和亲和图法建立产品意象及造型数据库,以获得意象和设计要素;其次运用AHP构建产品层次结构模型及判断矩阵,计算意象及设计要素的权重系数;接着,基于形态拆解法与权重结果获得设计要素类型及优化组合编码,再运用语义差异法(SD)获取组合编码的用户感性意象均值;最后通过感性工学和AHP-BP神经网络构建KAB关键设计要素组合预测模型。结果 基于此模型预测四旋翼无人机设计方案,应用逼近理想解排序法(TOPSIS)对其进行验证评价,结果表明通过模型计算能够得到与目标感性意象高度匹配的设计要素组合编码。结论 基于此模型能够快速获得客观准确的产品意象造型设计要素组合,提高产品设计开发过程的效率。  相似文献   

为了给人机界面设计提供有效的评价手段,围绕用户对人机界面的感性需求,提出了基于感性工学的人机界面多意象评价方法。首先运用感性工学方法建立感性指标评价体系,在指标权重分配上,通过将灰色关联分析法引入群层次分析(analytic hierarchy process,AHP)法中,利用改进的群AHP法求取综合权重,解决了传统AHP法主观性过强的缺点;同时根据感性工学评价的模糊性,建立了一种直觉模糊集理论和TOPSIS(technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution)法相结合的综合评价模型。结合数控机床人机界面设计方案验证了该评价方法的有效性和可行性。该方法对人机界面感性设计与设计评价具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

钱皓  高洋  马东明  智伟 《包装工程》2019,40(14):144-149
目的 基于用户需求,结合意象仿生方法和模糊评价法,指导儿童遥控车的造型设计,实现造型创新。方法 以儿童遥控车为研究对象,从细化设计流程入手,合理选择被仿生物,建立被仿生物特征与产品造型元素的映射关系,以指导设计方案。并运用模糊综合评价法,对儿童遥控车的设计方案进行评估,构建评价模型,搜集感性意象词对,建立并计算评价矩阵,得出方案的综合评价值,并根据实验结果对方案进行改良和优化。结论 运用意象仿生对儿童遥控车的造型设计进行创新,并结合模糊综合评价法,对设计实例进行验证和修改,从而可以设计出符合用户感性需求的产品,提升产品造型形象,为儿童同类产品提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

目的 为满足用户对梳棉机的多维感性需求,多层次提升纺织机械的造型意象满意度和用户满意度,提出一种多目标意象驱动的梳棉机造型设计方法,并展开设计实践与实验研究。方法 首先,设计感性评价实验,通过焦点小组讨论和问卷调研获取用户对梳棉机的感性意象评价均值;其次,采用形态分析法,对梳棉机造型设计要素进行划分,并对代表性样本的造型类目特征进行编码;基于反向传播神经网络(Back Propagation Neural Network,BP-NN),建立梳棉机产品造型要素与用户感性意象评价均值之间的关联映射模型,建立用于造型推荐的样本库,获取单意象维度下的梳棉机造型设计策略;再次,应用层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)得到各目标意象维度的权重值,输出多目标意象下梳棉机造型设计策略;最后,结合梳棉机的造型设计实践及感性评价,进一步验证该方法的可靠性和有效性。结果 基于该方法展开设计实践,依据推荐的梳棉机造型设计策略得到的设计方案,在目标感性意象的整体评价得分优于对照样本。结论 该方法有较好的可靠性和有效性,能为企业的新产品开发及设计师的设计实践输出指向具体、操作性强的梳棉机多目标意象设计策略。  相似文献   

常瑜  唐琳  田园 《包装工程》2019,40(8):123-129
目的为进一步解决用户感性意象与造型设计要素的耦合问题,完善安保机器人造型设计方法。方法采用语义差分法获取安保机器人典型用户感性意象词汇;运用形态分析法分析安保机器人设计样本,得到关键造型设计要素及类目;通过层次分析法计算各用户感性意象词汇的权重和针对各感性意象词汇造型设计及类目的权重并排序,为安保机器人造型设计创新提供决策;最终,完成解耦并提出创新设计方案集,运用模糊综合评价法得出最优设计方案。结论以社区小型安保机器人造型设计为例,验证基于耦合特性分析的安保机器人造型研究流程的可行性,运用层次分析法分析造型设计的耦合特性,有助于增强安保机器人设计过程的科学性,为同类产品创新设计提供参考。  相似文献   

目的 构建产品造型意象设计与产品造型量化间的预测模型,将产品的设计元素与消费者的需求和感知相关联。方法 分析小轿车造型与感性意象之间的关系,基于用户对产品外观形态感受进行打分,采用感性工学方法进行量化;用双BP神经网络训练的思路,建立外观设计元素与感性意象间的对应关系,得到小轿车外观方案的感性意象预测模型。结论 获得产品造型设计方案的感性意象预测模型,能高效解决设计师的产品造型设计方案与消费者的目标达成趋同,通过高效的产品外观设计,为未来轿车及机电类产品的造型设计转向以消费者精神需求为导向提供了一种新的设计方法。  相似文献   

马钰焓  王瑾 《包装工程》2024,(8):280-289, 298
目的 实现向老年用户准确传达药品信息的目的,提高老年人安全、科学、规范用药的能力,满足老年人阅读药品信息时的功能需要及审美需求。增强视读体验,构建层次分析法(AHP)-逼近理想解排序法(TOPSIS)融合模型,对老年常用药品外包装信息可视化进行深入探讨。方法 利用AHP法搭建老年用户需求层级模型,并采用几何平均法进行计算,得到各指标的权重,依据权重的排序结果构思方案。基于TOPSIS 法对设计方案进行综合评价,得到最佳的设计方案。对设计方案进行深入优化,并完成设计方案的评估与验证。结果 融合AHP-TOPSIS构建的适老化药品包装可视化设计模型,能够更准确地分析用户的实际需求和权重,规范设计方案流程。对最佳设计方案进行了优化和验证,确保最终设计结果能够有效提高老年用户对药品包装信息的阅读准确度和速度。结论 使用AHP和TOPSIS组合模型,可避免因设计师个人主观因素及用户年龄差较大而忽略老年用户的实际需求,提升了设计方案的合理性。该方法可为同类适老化产品包装信息可视化设计提供参考。  相似文献   

杨冬梅  张从  张健楠 《包装工程》2022,43(14):122-128
目的 基于老年用户需求,结合用户多通道感知特征,分析老年人使用产品时具身的体验与感受,并得到用户偏好,促进老年产品设计,以满足用户生理、心理需求。方法 以老年康复辅具为设计载体,采用优序图法、行为地图法分析数据,构建用户需求与具身行为的关联模型,挖掘交互过程中的问题动作及相关接触点,以指导后续设计研究。基于感性工学的0阶感性概念法,构建0阶-PAD情绪词汇衍生模型。运用语义差分法得到用户对产品的感性意象数据,采用主成分分析、皮尔逊相关性分析等方法得到满足用户需求的问题动作、相关接触点偏好。结果 依据感性意象与喜爱程度评价结果衍生的设计要素进行老年流食杯设计实践,应用模糊综合评价法对设计方案进行验证。结论 从用户具身的知觉感知与需求出发,结合感性工学相关方法获得老年用户对使用产品的偏好,为设计实践提供客观的理论依据与实践验证,对老年产品设计提供一定的设计研究参考。  相似文献   

为了合理、高效地进行结构改进及优选设计,采用了模糊综合评价方法、TOPSIS法和灰关联法对多种备选方案进行综合分析.确定评价指标,建立原始数据矩阵;然后采用层次分析法得出各评价指标的权重系数,根据可适应设计原则建立多个评价目标基于上述3种方法的综合性能评价函数,总结3种方法的特点.以某大型立式磨床的横梁设计方案为例,将其12种变型作为评价目标,采用Ansys Workbench有限元分析,将其质量及动静热态特性作为评价指标,编程计算出前述3种方法下12种评价目标的评价结果向量并进行对比,并选出综合考虑3种方法评价结果下的最优方案.结果证明3种方法评选结果基本一致,并且与实际生产所选择方案吻合.比较研究得出,从对结果区分的明显程度来看,模糊综合法最优,其次是灰关联法,TOPSIS法最差.  相似文献   

Fuzzy TOPSIS approach for failure mode,effects and criticality analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, an alternative multi‐attribute decision‐making approach for prioritizing failures in failure mode, effects and criticality analysis (FMECA) is presented. The technique is specifically intended to overcome some of the limitations concerning the use of the conventional US MIL‐STD‐1629A method. The approach is based on a fuzzy version of the ‘technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution’ (TOPSIS).The use of fuzzy logic theory allows one to avoid the intrinsic difficulty encountered in assessing ‘crisp’ values in terms of the three FMECA parameters, namely chance of failure, chance of non‐detection, and severity. With the proposed approach, the definition of a knowledge base supported by several qualitative rule bases is no longer required. To solve the fundamental question of ranking the final fuzzy criticality value, a particular method of classification is adopted, allowing a fast and efficient sorting of the final outcome. An application to an important Italian domestic appliance manufacturer and a comparison with conventional FMECA are reported to demonstrate the characteristics of the proposed method. Finally, a sensitivity analysis of the fuzzy judgement weights has confirmed that the proposed approach gives a reasonable and robust final priority ranking of the different causes of failure. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

数控瓦楞纸板印刷模切机伺服配置设计与评价研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
在综合考虑数控瓦楞纸板印刷模切机生产、运行、服务过程中的特征参数基础上,研究了数控瓦楞纸板印刷模切机伺服配置评价体系结构,并采用了模糊集、层次分析法和区间分析法,实现了瓦楞纸板印刷模切机伺服配置评价指标分析与计算。构建了基于iSIGHT的瓦楞纸板印刷模切机伺服配置设计系统,实现了数控瓦楞纸板伺服配置需求与伺服配置候选方案的映射。最后,采用逼近于理想解法方法,进行了候选瓦楞纸板印刷模切机伺服配置方案的优选研究。实验结果表明,提出的方法可以有效、合理实现数控瓦楞纸板印刷模切机伺服配置评价。  相似文献   

Recently, in situ Al–Mg2Si composites have been introduced as a new group of particulate metal matrix composites which contain hard particles of Mg2Si in Al-matrix. Unfortunately, coarsening of Mg2Si particles deteriorates the mechanical properties so that it is an important obstacle for the wide application of this type of composites. Our previous investigations depicted that the addition of Na and Mn as alloying elements and solution treatment in the different range of temperature can refine Al–Mg2Si composite structure and improve tensile properties. Selection of the optimal refinement condition to achieve maximum tensile properties of Al–15%Mg2Si composite is a multiple attribute decision making (MADM) problem where some criteria must be considered in decision making. In present research, technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) and fuzzy TOPSIS methods were employed in solving the case study problem. Weights of each criterion were determined by using an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method in both TOPSIS and fuzzy TOPSIS methods. The obtained results showed that the employed methods were suitable approaches in solving case study problem. Empirical findings in this study represented that TOPSIS and fuzzy TOPSIS methods might lead to the choice of refined Al–15%Mg2Si via solution treatment at 450 °C as the preferred alternative.  相似文献   

王媚雪  翟洪磊 《包装工程》2021,42(16):85-93
目的 探究可提升自闭症儿童体感游戏用户体验的交互设计方法,提升自闭症儿童在利用体感游戏进行康复训练时的用户体验.方法 以沉浸理论为基础,通过用户研究总结出自闭症儿童体感游戏的设计策略.并将层次分析法(AHP)和逼近理想解排序法(TOPSIS)应用到体感游戏的设计中,以及时的反馈、愉悦的界面表现、有效的操作交互、清晰的目标任务设计策略建立了体感游戏沉浸感设计的量化评估模型,并对设计出的方案进行了评估,选择了最佳方案,并进行深入的设计.结论 总结出了一套自闭症儿童体感游戏的交互设计策略和评估方法,并将其应用到自闭症儿童的体感游戏的设计中,从而创造出科学有效的沉浸式游戏体验,提高游戏干预自闭症儿童康复训练的效果,并为同类产品的设计提供了参考.  相似文献   

Selection of proper phase change material (PCM) plays an important role towards the development of a latent heat thermal energy storage system. Selection of the phase change material is a difficult and restrained task due to the immense number of different available materials having different characteristics. One has to select such PCM which will give the desired thermal performance at minimum cost. This study deals with two Multiple Attribute Decision-Making (MADM) methods to solve PCM selection problem. These two methods are technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) method and fuzzy TOPSIS method that uses linguistic variable presentation and fuzzy operation. Both the methods use an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method to determine weights of the criteria. TOPSIS and fuzzy TOPSIS methods are used to obtain final ranking. A problem to evaluate the best choice of PCM used in solar domestic hot water system is considered here to demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed model. Empirical results showed that the proposed methods are viable approaches in solving PCM selection problem. TOPSIS is suitable for the use of precise performance ratings while the fuzzy TOPSIS is a preferred technique when the performance ratings are vague and inaccurate.  相似文献   

A maintenance planning framework is developed in this study to reduce and stabilize the maintenance costs of the manufacturing companies. The framework is based on fuzzy technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution(TOPSIS) and failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) techniques and supports maintenance planning decisions in a dynamic way. The proposed framework is general and can easily be adapted to a host of manufacturing environments in a variety of sectors. To determine the maintenance priorities of the machines, fuzzy TOPSIS technique is employed. In this regard, ‘risk priority number’ obtained by FMEA and ‘current technology’, ‘substitutability’, ‘capacity utilization’, and ‘contribution to profit’ are used as the criteria. Performance of the resulting maintenance plan is monitored, and maintenance priorities of the machines are updated by the framework. To confirm the viability of the proposed framework, a real‐world implementation in an international food company is presented. The results of the application reveal that the proposed maintenance planning framework can effectively and efficiently be used in practice. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Design architecture is the edifice that strengthens the functionalities as well as the security of web applications. In order to facilitate architectural security from the web application’s design phase itself, practitioners are now adopting the novel mechanism of security tactics. With the intent to conduct a research from the perspective of security tactics, the present study employs a hybrid multi-criteria decision-making approach named fuzzy analytic hierarchy process-technique for order preference by similarity ideal solution (AHP-TOPSIS) method for selecting and assessing multi-criteria decisions. The adopted methodology is a blend of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (fuzzy AHP) and fuzzy technique for order preference by similarity ideal solution (fuzzy TOPSIS). To establish the efficacy of this methodology, the results are obtained after the evaluation have been tested on fifteen different web application projects (Online Quiz competition, Entrance Test, and others) of the Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, India. The tabulated outcomes demonstrate that the methodology of the Multi-Level Fuzzy Hybrid system is highly effective in providing accurate estimation for strengthening the security of web applications. The proposed study will help experts and developers in developing and managing security from any web application design phase for better accuracy and higher security.  相似文献   

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