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为实现海洋环境中微弱被动鱼声信号的检测,针对单频正弦信号稀疏分解用于微弱信号检测的局限性,采用正弦函数基拟合被动鱼声信号,构建不同幅值、频率和初相位的正弦波信号作为过完备原子库,通过稀疏分解,检测出淹没在强噪声环境中的微弱正弦信号的幅度、频率和初相位参数,从而恢复出待检测的被动鱼声信号。实验表明:该项技术在-40 d B条件下可以实现任意形式的鱼声信号检测。  相似文献   

李伟  黄焱 《振动与冲击》2021,(7):179-187,290
为了确保海洋平台安全作业,及时辨识损伤以及进行损伤定位,海洋平台结构健康监测技术已成为学者研究关注的重要问题。针对某在役导管架平台,对平台在不同随机波浪激励下的动力响应分别进行了健康状态和损伤状态的数值模拟。在损伤辨识过程中,对结构不同位置的动力响应进行互相关分析,提取损伤敏感特征;利用主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)方法从复杂的数据中提取主成分;定义损伤指标并进行损伤辨识。针对传统PCA方法对某些杆件的损伤辨识精度不高等问题,提出了一种新的主成分选取方式,并在此基础上对传统PCA方法进行了改进。结果表明,改进后的PCA方法有效提高了损伤辨识的精度,可以对随机波浪条件下的结构损伤进行准确辨识。  相似文献   

采用声模拟理论预测非紧致结构与非定常流动相互作用诱发的气动噪声时,为考虑边界对声场的散射影响,需要应用非紧致格林函数。为此,发展了一种基于边界元思想的非紧致格林函数数值计算方法,该方法适用于任意外形结构,能直接计算非紧致格林函数及其偏导数。以二维圆柱边界为算例,采用理论解析方法推导了非紧致格林函数及其偏导数的正确表达式,并将数值计算方法结果与理论解析方法结果相比较,验证了数值方法的正确性。  相似文献   

闪烁噪声是一种非平稳随机过程,其功率谱密度函数在频率低端(f=0)发散,无法直接利用Wiener-Khintchine关系得到它的自相关函数,本文采用“降阶-积分”方法,得到了频率源中闪烁调频噪声的自相关函数的解析表达式。根据这一结果,分析了频率稳定度的表征原理,指出了频率稳定度表征的实质是将非平稳过程转化为平稳过程并求取时间平均。最后,通过时域分析得到了闪烁噪声的Allan方差表达式。  相似文献   

刘彬  董世运  徐滨士  何鹏 《材料工程》2011,(4):54-57,70
以声弹效应理论为基础,结合力学拉伸实验,采用表面超声波法对涂层应力进行评价,并在互相关函数法的基础上计算应力引起的信号间时间延迟.结果表明:当涂层试样处于弹性变形范围内时,随着应力的增加,表面超声波在涂层中的传播速度逐渐变大,而当拉伸应力达到一定值使得涂层内部出现微裂纹时,随着应力的增加,伴随着裂纹的扩展超声波波速会出...  相似文献   

张济淳  宋汉文 《振动与冲击》2020,39(10):220-227
在白噪声激励下,结构响应的相关函数作为脉冲响应函数的近似可以进行模态参数辨识,但其物理意义始终缺乏明确解释;相比于脉冲响应函数,基于相关函数的辨识缺少了模态参与因子或者说质量信息,这也是工况模态分析(OMA)方法的主要缺陷。简要回顾了复模态下的自然激励技术原理,证明了白噪声激励下位移响应的相关函数等价于系统在特定初始条件下的自由响应,给出相应初始条件的计算方法;进一步提出了一种系统质量分布的辨识方法,并藉此重构得到系统脉冲响应函数。讨论了相关函数误差与信号时长及激励带宽之间的关系。通过仿真和试验验证了所得结论。  相似文献   

基于互相关函数幅值向量的结构损伤定位方法研究   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
于哲峰  杨智春 《振动与冲击》2006,25(3):77-80,120
在利用互相关函数幅值向量(Correlation Function Amplitude Vector,CorV)进行结构损伤检测的方法基础上,进一步提出了利用互相关函数幅值向量来确定受损结构的损伤位置的方法。通过在随机激励下不同测点的时域响应求得结构互相关函数幅值向量后,对损伤前后结构的互相关函数幅值向量进行二阶差分处理,根据差分处理后的互相关函数幅值向量分布图可以直观地判别出结构损伤的位置。用一个四边固支板和一个四层楼房基准模型的损伤定位为算例,验证了所提出方法的有效性和准确性。算例表明,用所提出的方法只需要测量结构受随机激励的时域响应,就可同时确定多处结构损伤的位置,且具有较好的抗测量噪声能力。因此,所提出的方法可应用于环境随机激励下的结构健康监测技术。  相似文献   

王慧  王乐  田鑫海 《工程力学》2023,40(5):217-227
环境激励下利用时域振动响应构建的内积矩阵是结构健康监测中一种较好的结构特征参数。为了提升结构健康监测方法的识别准确率,构建内积矩阵时往往需要较多的振动响应测点,这将直接影响方法的工程实用性。该文基于时域振动响应的相关性分析理论,将内积矩阵扩展到了相关函数矩阵,实现从少量的振动响应测点中获取更多的结构健康特征信息,以降低结构健康监测方法对测点数量的需求。进一步结合卷积神经网络优异的数据特征提取能力,以相关函数矩阵为输入、结构健康状态为输出,提出了基于相关函数矩阵及卷积神经网络的结构健康监测方法。典型航空加筋壁板螺栓松动监测的实验研究结果表明,仅采用结构上任意2个测点的时域振动响应,该文方法针对螺栓松动位置的识别准确率可达99%以上。  相似文献   

研究了传统相关向量机(RVM)的性能,分析了传统RVM的性能完全取决于先验假设的连接权值和参数的平滑性,因而其稀疏性实际上仍受核函数或核参数选择的控制,这在某些情况下可能会导致严重的欠拟合或过拟合现象的问题,在此基础上,提出了明确地给出基函数优化过程中的目标数量,并通过最小化训练阶段前向“假定”概率分布和测试阶段反向“真实”概率分布间的交叉熵来构建RVM的方法.实验结果表明,这种方法不但可以构建最小复杂度的基于最小交叉熵的RVM结构,而且构建的RVM能很好地对数据进行拟合,提高预测的准确性,增强其稀疏性.  相似文献   

Effective formulas for computing Green's function of an exponentially graded three‐dimensional material have been derived in previous work. The expansion approach for evaluating Green's function has been extended to develop corresponding algorithms for its first‐ and second‐order derivatives. The resulting formulas are again obtained as a relatively simple analytic term plus a single double integral, the integrand involving only elementary functions. A primary benefit of the expansion procedure is the ability to compute the second‐order derivatives needed for fracture analysis. Moreover, as all singular terms in this hypersingular kernel are contained in the analytic expression, these expressions are readily implemented in a boundary integral equation calculation. The computational formulas for the first derivative are tested by comparing with results of finite difference approximations involving Green's function. In turn, the second derivatives are then validated by comparing with finite difference quotients using the first derivatives. Published in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

New computational forms are derived for Green's function of an exponentially graded elastic material in three dimensions. By suitably expanding a term in the defining inverse Fourier integral, the displacement tensor can be written as a relatively simple analytic term, plus a single double integral that must be evaluated numerically. The integration is over a fixed finite domain, the integrand involves only elementary functions, and only low‐order Gauss quadrature is required for an accurate answer. Moreover, it is expected that this approach will allow a far simpler procedure for obtaining the first and second‐order derivatives needed in a boundary integral analysis. The new Green's function expressions have been tested by comparing with results from an earlier algorithm. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

汪恺  李风华  杨习山 《声学技术》2022,41(5):637-641
针对被动海洋声层析,提出了一种利用字典学习从海洋环境噪声反演浅海声速剖面的方法。首先,通过海洋噪声互相关函数提取出两个水平阵列间的经验格林函数;其次,通过字典学习从数据生成字典矩阵来稀疏表征声速剖面;最后通过搜索稀疏的系数来实现对浅海声速剖面的反演。通过南海实验数据对本方法进行了验证,相对于传统被动海洋声层析方法实际反演结果的均方根误差降低为0.53 m·s-1。而且搜索参数更少,同时具有较高的准确性。  相似文献   

The transient Green's function of the 2‐D Lamb's problem for the general case where point source and receiver are situated beneath the traction‐free surface is derived. The derivations are based on Laplace‐transform methods, utilizing the Cagniard–de Hoop inversion. The Green's function is purely algebraic without any integrals and is presented in a numerically applicable form for the first time. It is used to develop a Green's function BEM in which surface discretizations on the traction‐free boundary can be saved. The time convolution is performed numerically in an abstract complex plane. Hence, the respective integrals are regularized and only a few evaluations of the Green's function are required. This fast procedure has been applied for the first time. The Green's function BEM developed proved to be very accurate and efficient in comparison with analogue BEMs that employ the fundamental solution. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop an alternative boundary element method (BEM) formulation for the analysis of anisotropic three‐dimensional (3D) elastic solids. Our implementation is based on the derivation of explicit expressions for the fundamental solution displacements and tractions, of general validity for any class of anisotropic materials, by means of Stroh formalism and Cauchy's residue theory. The resulting fundamental solution remains valid for mathematical degenerate cases when Stroh's eigenvalues are coincident, meanwhile it does not exhibit numerical instabilities for quasi‐degenerate cases when Stroh's eigenvalues are nearly equal. A multiple pole residue approach is followed, leading to general explicit expressions to evaluate the traction fundamental solution for poles of m‐multiplicity. Despite the existence of general displacement solutions in the literature, and for the sake of completeness, the same approach as for the traction solution is considered to derive the displacement fundamental solution as well. Based on these solutions, an explicit BEM approach for the numerical solution of 3D linear elastic problems for solids with general anisotropic behavior is presented. The analysis of cracked anisotropic solids is also considered. Details on the numerical implementation and its validation for degenerate cases are discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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