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能源材料是材料的一个重要组成部分,包括新能源技术材料、能量转换与储能材料和节能材料等。其中,新能源技术材料是核能、太阳能、氢能、风能、地热能和海洋潮汐能等新能源技术所使用的材料;能量转换与储能材料是各种能量转换与储能装置所使用的材料,是发展研制各种新型、高效能量转换与储能装置的关键,包括锂离子电池材料、镍氢电池材料、燃料电  相似文献   

环氧树脂基复合泡沫材料具有密度低、比强度高和热稳定性优异等优点,近年来受到越来越广泛的关注。目前研究领域内的核心问题是在提高材料强度的基础上降低其自身密度,而轻质材料的填充可有效降低密度和改善材料的性能。综述了不同轻质填充料类型复合泡沫材料的研究进展,介绍了复合泡沫材料在不同领域的应用,展望了复合泡沫材料的发展方向和前景。  相似文献   

进入现代社会,材料科学技术对社会的进步是至关重要的,材料和信息、能源以及生物技术并称为21世纪的支柱,其中材料更是这些支柱的基础。在过去的30年中,尤其是最近的十几年中,材料已经不再是人们所熟知的仅仅是简单用于制作成某种形状的物质,而是经过科技人员的创造,计算机辅助设计并采用复杂而周密的生产线甚至是机器人的加工制造而形成的具有特殊性能和功能的材料。本文拟对比利时材料科学技术  相似文献   

新一代(包括高超音速的)航空航天的创立,要求进一步提高铝合金零件的强度、热稳定性以及低温下工作的可靠性。为此,通过主要合金化元素含量及热处理和热机械处理制度的最佳化,研制了Al—Zn—Mg—Cu系高强度变形铝合金、Al—Cu—Mg系中等强度铝合金及Al—Mg—Si系高工艺性能的耐腐蚀铝合金。  相似文献   

1 概述。随着改革开放政策的实行和推进.我国的经济建设工作突飞猛进。在此期间,我国的钢铁产量继续快速增长,一跃成为世界第一位.我国钢产量1996年首次突破亿t大关,1998年已达1434万t,2000年为12849万t,2002年全国产钢18225万t,估计2004年钢产量会破记录达到2亿6000万t。随着城市现代化水平的提升和城镇扩大化趋势的加快,钢铁产量的稳步增长和品种的增多以及钢结构应用技术研究的深入,为我国在建设领域内广泛采用钢结构提供了发展平台,从1996年到2002年的6年间,钢材实际消费增长了102.3%.钢结构作为城市建设中一种主流结构形式,已经被越来越多的采用。本文拟结合我国钢材的消费现状、国内新型结构形式对钢材品种的要求等进行研讨.并介绍部分近年来国内外开发的建筑结构用高性能钢种。以供借鉴。  相似文献   

高性能永磁材料发展概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来高性能永磁材料发展很快,其特点是:新材料新品种不断出现,如稀土钻永磁材料、Fe-CrCo永磁、各向异性MnAlC合金、急冷永磁(非晶、微晶)、钕铁硼永磁材料等等;永磁材料的磁性能大幅度提高,Nd-FeB-的磁能积超过5/4πMTA/m;应用范围日益扩大,产量不断增加。  相似文献   

针对无人潜航器(UUV)的应用环境、使命任务和发展趋势,提出了UUV装备对材料的高耐蚀性、低磁或无磁、高强高刚、良好的制造工艺、轻量化、功能集成及低成本等7大需求,通过对UUV装备具体部位常用的典型材料进行对比分析,给出了选用原则,对UUV装备和其它水下无人系统的材料选用具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

空间太阳能电站(Space solar power station, SSPS)作为可再生空间能源系统,需要基于大型展开结构与控制技术、高效太阳能转化技术、超大功率电力传输与管理技术、远距离无线能量传输技术、在轨组装与维护技术等多种关键技术协同应用进行构建。材料技术作为上述各类关键技术中最基础的技术支撑,也将面临更大的挑战。本文通过分析空间太阳能电站建设难点,阐释了大尺寸桁架、柔性太阳能电池、超大功率导电旋转关节、在轨原位制造等关键技术对轻量化、柔性化、智能化新材料的发展需求。  相似文献   


Two responses to the challenge of developing superior structural materials for the aerospace industry, Weldalite Al–Li alloys and XD technology, are briefly described.

MST/1319  相似文献   

Composite materials for aerospace applications   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fibre-reinforced polymer composite materials are fast gaining ground as preferred materials for construction of aircraft and spacecraft. In particular, their use as primary structural materials in recent years in several technology-demonstrator front-line aerospace projects world-wide has provided confidence leading to their acceptance as prime materials for aerospace vehicles. This paper gives a review of some of these developments with a discussion of the problems with the present generation composites and prospects for further developments. Although several applications in the aerospace sector are mentioned, the emphasis of the review is on applications of composites as structural materials where they have seen a significant growth in usage. The focus of the paper is especially on the developments on the Indian aerospace scene. A brief review of composites usage in aerospace sector is first given. The nature of composite materials behaviour and special problems in designing and working with them are then highlighted. The issues discussed relate to the impact damage and damage tolerance in general, environmental degradation and long-term durability. Current solutions are briefly described and the scope for new developments is outlined. In the end, some directions for future work are given.  相似文献   

Adhesive bonding for high performance materials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adhesion as a joining technology assumes greater significance as attempts are made to join newer materials in increasingly exotic combinations and where conventional joining techniques are either less suitable or quite unsatisfactory. This paper describes work directed at the use of adhesives in the fabrication or repair of structures involving modern structural materials.This subject is discussed by reference to research involving fibre reinforced polyether ether ketone (PEEK) and particulate silicon carbide reinforced aluminium alloy as representatives of organic and metal matrix composites respectively.Adhesion is essentially a superficial phenomenon depending as it does upon interactions between the adhesive in its liquid state and the surface of the substrate. The surface preparation of the subject to be bonded is therefore of the greatest importance and this aspect is addressed at length. The success of an adhesive bonding operation is reflected in the strength of the joint generated and in its ability to retain useful joint strength for long periods in the operational environment. These aspects are also considered and in particular the effect of water on the integrity of joints is discussed.Both plasma and corona discharge treatments were found to be effective in the adhesive bonding of the organic matrix material (PEEK) whilst anodising and the use of coupling agents were both found to be useful in the bonding of the metal matrix composite (MMC).The versatility of the adhesion process as a joining technology is highlighted by reference to how the individual problems presented by these very different materials are dealt with.  相似文献   

Conventional ‘one by one’ synthesis approach has been a major rate limiting step in the systematic exploration of increasingly complex materials for the demanding new technologies. New concepts of ‘combinatorial chemistry’ are presented for the substantially efficient and cost-effective parallel synthesis and optimization of variety of multicomponent compounds as well as artificially designed lattices and devices. Effectiveness of variety of application areas developed by us is discussed with typical examples and brief review of the merits, challenges, current status and the future directions.  相似文献   

Modern helicopter design depends on the successful combination of materials to fulfil a very wide range of critical functions. In the past few years demands from the aerospace industry have caused considerable enhancement in the favourable properties of both polymer based materials and metals. These are discussed in connection with the progressive technical evolution of helicopters and other advanced technological products from the Westland Group.  相似文献   

Jian   《Technology in Society》2008,30(3-4):235
It was not until the latter part of the 19th century that the people of China acknowledged the importance of science and technology. The revolution in 1911, ensuing civil wars, and the war against the Japanese invasion took up another half century. Thus, a serious move to develop science and technological enterprises did not start until the founding of the People's Republic of China—200 years later than Europe and North America. The author argues that, although there has been notable progress during the past 30 years, it will take another 50 years to forge a prosperous society that enjoys the benefits of science and technology. As part of its efforts to develop its innovation capabilities, China today spares no effort to develop a science educational system that will ensure that future generations can make useful contributions to the world's science and technology resources.  相似文献   

Development of intermetallic materials for aerospace systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Certain intermetallic materials have undergone an evolutionary process whereby application of some of them could provide major benefits in aerospace systems. The realisation of the potential of intermetallic alloys based on Ti3Al has provided significant hope for making still greater advances in turbine performance through further developments in other intermetallic materials. However, examination of the past four years of progress toward this goal has highlighted the problem that much of the fundamental understanding of process–structure–property relationships in these materials, which is the technology base upon which their application relies, has simply not been developed and suggests that widespread implementation of these materials lies in the distant future. This paper briefly discusses the problems of employing intermetallics in aerospace systems, reviews recent research progress on selected intermetallic alloys currently under investigation as high temperature structural materials, and assesses the status of intermetallics as turbine engine materials. Specifically, advances and findings from studies carried out during the past few years on alloys of the titanium and nickel aluminides and on intermetallics that are intended for service at temperatures above 1000°C are discussed. Technical challenges and factors affecting the pace of development are highlighted throughout.

MST/1562  相似文献   

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