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1.引言 在超声驻波的作用下,在除气水中可以实现单个气泡的超声悬浮,同时气泡也将会以驱动频率做膨胀塌缩运动,塌缩的剧烈程度随着声压的增加而变剧烈,当声压大到一定值时,在气泡的塌缩过程中就会发出光脉冲,这就是单泡声致发光(SBSL).既然SBSL是由于气泡的运动所产生的,那么研究气泡具体是如何运动的就变得十分重要,这将有助于了解声致发光的发光机理和过程.当然,影响声致发光的因素有很多,如声压、含气量、环境温度和压力、以及一些液体参数等等,其中激励声压是最根本的一个相关量.本文我们研究激励声压对气泡运动的影响.  相似文献   

钱梦騄  程茜 《声学技术》2003,22(3):203-206,208
单泡声致发光现象中,气泡动力学特性的研究是十分重要的。文章由简单的振子模型及能量守恒定律,导出了不可压缩、弱粘滞流体中纯径向振动气泡的Rayleigh—Plesset方程,利用龙格-库塔法计算了不同驱动声压下的R(t)曲线,并对崩溃相气泡的聚能效应做了讨论。  相似文献   

单泡声致发光现象——气泡的稳定性   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
钱梦騄  彭若龙 《声学技术》2003,22(2):130-135
被水中驻波声压捕获在声压波腹的单个气泡,能周期地发出宽度50ps~140ps的光脉冲,这种现象称为单泡声致发光。稳定的单泡声致发光的参数主要由振荡形状稳定性、质量扩散平衡、组分的化学平衡和高的能量集聚等条件确定。文章将根据上述四条件对气泡的动力学稳定性作简单讨论。  相似文献   

单泡声致发光中化学反应的处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李朝辉  路涛  安宇 《声学技术》2008,27(4):481-485
化学反应在声致发光中扮演了重要的角色。文章比较了两种处理化学反应的方式在声致发光数值计算中的应用,即采用反应速率的方式以及利用平衡常数的方式,讨论了它们各自的优缺点。计算表明两者所得结果比较一致.初步判断这两种处理方式的计算结果是可以接受的。  相似文献   

梁越  陈伟中 《声学技术》2005,24(Z1):21-22
1引言 声致发光是一种将声能转化为光能的复杂的物理化学过程.大量在空间和时间都随机、不稳定的声致发光是多泡声致发光.而空间上固定,时间上具有周期性的是单泡声致发光.一直以来,只在多泡声致发光中发现了明显的谱线,所以认为多泡声致发光和单泡声致发光出于不同的机制.但是D.J.Flannigan和K.S.Suslick[1]以85%的浓硫酸为单泡声致发光的工作液体,观测到了明显的Ar原子谱线.根据原子发光理论可以很好地解释Ar原子谱线.本文试图对不同温度下Ne,Kr,Xe原子气泡的单泡声致发光特征谱线进行了理论计算,期待实验的验证.  相似文献   

单泡声致发光现象 - 气泡运动的Mie散射测量   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
钱梦騄  安兆亮  葛曹燕 《声学技术》2003,22(4):292-296,299
单泡声致发光现象时间和空间的高重复性,为实验研究气泡动力学特性提供了可能。文章利用Dave倒推算法,计算气泡Mie散射光强随散射角和气泡半径的变化,并选择了散射角80°为实验测量位置。利用R P方程理论计算的R(t)曲线与Mie散射实测结果相拟合,定量研究了气泡平衡半径、压缩比及崩溃阶段气泡的能量转换,结果表明,随激励声压的增大,气泡所吸收的声能可能绝大部分转换成激波及热能,使泡内温度上升。  相似文献   

液体中的含气量是单泡声致发光相空间的重要参数,对声致发光气泡的运动及发光有重要影响本文给出了一种使用插入式荧光光谱含氧量计测量稳态单泡声致发光的液体中气体含量参数的方法,并对这父键性参数与气泡平衡半径R0和声压Pa的关系进行了具体的研究,再次验证了扩散平衡、化学分解假设理论。  相似文献   

梁金福  陈伟中 《声学技术》2013,(Z1):149-150
0引言Gaitan等人在1992年首次实现了单个气泡的声致发光,即单泡声致发光[1](Single bubble sonoluminescence,缩写为SBSL)。而之前的气泡群声致发光现象称为多泡声致发光[2](Multi-bubble sonoluminescence,缩写为MBSL)。光谱测量一直是研究声致发光的有效手段之一。1995年,Matula等人[3]根据MBSL和SBSL的光谱,分析认为两者的区别是SBSL只有连续谱,而MBSL除了有连续  相似文献   

安宇  谢崇国 《声学技术》2001,20(2):87-88
文章导出一种由两个中性的惰性气体原子之间的碰撞引起的电四极辐射几率,对于热平衡的惰性气体系统,推导出由碰撞引起的总辐射能量的公式(单位体积,在给定波长的每单位波长),考虑到气体的吸收和周围环境水的折射,用此公式拟合纯氙和纯氨的单气泡声致发光的实验光谱,拟合温度大约为5,000K,结果令人满意。  相似文献   

1引言: 在适当除气的液体中,单一气泡可以悬浮在超声驻波场的波腹处,并随声场的频率作周期性的膨胀和收缩,在收缩时将声能量高度集中,会产生发光的现象,称为单泡声致发光(Single Bubble Sonoluminecence)[1].这个现象的发现距今才十几年,还有许多地方需要探索和改进.  相似文献   

A phenomenological rule establishing a relationship between the cavitation threshold and the maximum intensity of sonoluminescence (SL) induced by ultrasound is formulated on the basis of experimental data for various liquid media. According to this, the maximum SL intensity attained by varying the intensity of ultrasound within broad limits is always greater in a medium characterized by a higher cavitation threshold.  相似文献   

A single bubble trapped at an antinode of an acoustic standing wave field in water can emit 50ps-140ps light pulses, called "single bubble sonoluminescence" (SBSL). It arouses much interest in physical acoustics because of its highly non-linear characteristics, high concentration of energy, and stable cavitation behavior. In this paper, bubble stability, the dynamic behavior of bubbles, non-invasive measurement of driving acoustic pressure and Mie scattering method are introduced.  相似文献   

Calculations which are relevant to the determination of the maximum collapse pressure generated inside a microbubble as a function of peak pressure in the driving ultrasonic pulse are presented. It is found that above the threshold for transient cavitation, the maximum collapse pressure has a nonmonotonic variation. This result is explained on the basis of phase differences between the external applied acoustic pulse and the resulting bubble response.  相似文献   

On the basis of the solution to the equation of motion of a variable mass, a formula is derived for analytically calculating the critical radius of a vapor bubble in a boiling liquid during free flow of the latter.Translated from Ihzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 831–835, May, 1973.  相似文献   

Lubrication oil used in refrigerant compressors forms oil mist in the compressor shell. Some of the oil mist is discharged into a refrigeration cycle with refrigerant and causes degradation of heat transfer in heat exchangers. Since the generation of the oil mist is related to the Weber number, it is necessary to measure the surface tension of the oil/refrigerant mixture before discussing the oil mist generation in the compressor. In this study, the maximum bubble pressure method was adapted to measure the surface tension of PAG (polyalkylene glycol) oil/CO2 mixture. The density of the mixture needed for the measurement was also carried out. It was found that the surface tension of PAG/CO2 mixture sharply decreases with an increase in the concentration of the refrigerant in the mixture. The surface tension of the mixture under 10 MPa and 100 °C is estimated to be 14.6 mN m−1 by an extrapolation.  相似文献   



Relationship between pressure units  相似文献   

Huifang Kang  Qing Li  Gang Zhou 《低温学》2009,49(3-4):112-119
It is well known that the acoustic field and the hydraulic radius of the regenerator play key roles in thermoacoustic processes. The optimization of hydraulic radius strongly depends on the acoustic field in the regenerator. This paper investigates the synthetical optimization of the hydraulic radius and the acoustic field which is characterized by the ratio of the traveling wave component over the standing wave component. In this paper, the normalized expressions of acoustic power gain and second law efficiency are derived and calculated, and then some useful calculated results are discussed. Some conclusions have been obtained, which are of significance to explain the optimum work conditions of existing engines and to guide the designs of new thermoacoustic devices. Finally, the operation factor of regenerator is discussed, which is a dimensionless parameter defined in this paper and highly relates to the working condition of the regenerator.  相似文献   

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