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介绍了一种机器人触觉识别系统。该系统具有智能抓握功能,能抓握各种机械零件及鸡蛋、玻璃器皿等易碎物体。在抓握物体的同时可自动获取、处理该物体的触觉图象,从而可以自动识别某些规则物体。该系统的建立将为智能机器人提供实用化技术。  相似文献   

七感觉智能机器人的视觉系统,由CCD摄象机,PC-VIDEO卡,计算机及处理软件构成。用于检测识别的物体的形状,位置和姿态。还用于配合力觉和热觉传感器进行物体材质的识别。  相似文献   

方世良  刘萍  贺今 《声学技术》2004,23(Z1):191-193
本文提出了一种对水声信号功率谱瀑布图(L0FAR谱图)的图象处理方法,采用半领域法和区域检测法来滤除因水声信号随机干扰引起的图象噪声,净化LOFAR谱图中的线谱迹.对实际水声信号的处理结果表明,本文方法有明显的去噪效果.  相似文献   

将Langevin型双稳态随机共振系统应用于水声时变线谱信号的检测,提出了设计水声线谱检测系统可以利用的外在参数。在水听器端建立了时变线谱模型,考查了随机共振系统对水声环境的适应能力。实验发现在信噪比变化、声压起伏、线谱漂移等情况下,系统都能较好的工作,为水声领域新型线谱检测系统的设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

随着水声技术和信息技术的发展,特别是信息技术飞速发展引起的在世界范围内军事变革,各国越来越重视和加强水声系统的研究.本文围绕“实现信息资源共享,努力增加信息来源”的思想,重点对水声系统体系结构进行了较深入讨论,提出和分析了一种新型的水声系统体系结构。文章还对水声系统的智能化问题进行了积极、有建设性的探讨,主张通过建立目标特征数据库和统一时空基准的声呐数据记录仪的手段促进目标识别的研究,通过建立远程故障诊断系统实现智能化的故障诊断。  相似文献   

以检验舰载水声系统信息融合性能为目标,提出一种在海洋声学环境、敌我战术机动过程和声纳处理结果仿真条件下的水声系统信息融合性能评估方法,通过某型水声系统的两种融合模块的实际评估应用,证明该方法有效可行.  相似文献   

多载波码分多址技术是第三代数字通信系统研究中重要课题之一,其主要特点是采用多载波并行传输,成为通信系统提高传输速率的一种有效方法。水声通信在远距离传输时通信速率通常比较低,本文将水声扩频通信与无线电通信中这一成熟技术加以结合,以提高水声通信的传输速率,给出了UW—MC—CDMA系统并进行了分析。  相似文献   

梁华庆  徐开辉 《声学技术》2004,23(1):8-10,28
在海洋石油的开发生产中,可以用水声数据传输系统对水下生产装置和设备进行遥测遥控。影响浅海、中距离水声数据传输系统可靠性的主要因素之一,是水声信号传播中的多径效应干扰。文章针对计算机模拟实现的多径传播的水声接收信号,采用判决反馈自适应均衡(DEF)技术,消除多径效应引起的码间串扰,提高了水声数据传输系统的可靠性。文中给出了DFE的结构,采用FTF算法实现了DFE,并分析了算法实施后的抗干扰性能。计算机模拟实验表明,采用DFE后,传输系统的误码率降低了1.4倍。  相似文献   

水声科学技术的飞速发展,必须培养和造就一大批的水声科技工作者。由于水声行业各单位许多从学校走上工作岗位的青年科技工作者,因所学专业、学科和经历的限制,对当前声纳技术的前沿学科和关键技术以及发展动态缺乏系统的认识与了解。为使水声青年科技工作者更快成材,挑起水声领域中科学研究和水声设备研制的重任,中国造船工程学会船舶仪器仪表学术委员、中国声学学会水声学分会、声纳技术国防科技重点实验室、中国造船工程学会电子技术学术委员会等学术团体和技术机构,于2008年9月6日至13日在西安市联合举办“水声技术学术.讲座”,  相似文献   

甘忠良  凌青 《声学技术》2016,35(1):24-28
水声通信系统性能主要受水声信道和通信体制影响,通常采取海洋水声试验的手段进行性能测试,但这需要进行多次不同信道条件下的试验才能得出正确的评估结论,难度较大且成本较高。因此,建立准确的水声通信系统性能评估模型和评估方法,对于通信系统设计及性能预测显得尤为重要。从水声信道模型开始分析,结合水声通信特点,讨论了典型水声通信接收机结构,提出了一种通用水声通信系统性能评估模型和方法,并针对采用QPSK调制的通信系统性能进行了评估,结果与海试数据较为接近。  相似文献   

邓步  李弘毅  顾亚平 《声学技术》2023,42(1):106-112
由于光在水中传输时的衰减和散射效应,使得光学成像细节丢失、对比度下降以及颜色偏移失真,导致水下图像雾化。因此在光线条件较为恶劣情况下,水下高性能相机对目标的有效捕捉范围较小,水下光学成像系统通常很难达到令人满意的成像效果。而声呐利用声波在水中传播衰减较小的特点可以进行更远距离的探测。因此,当水下目标距离光学探测设备较远而不能进行准确光学成像来捕捉目标时,可利用声呐采集得到的信息与光学图像进行融合,实现图像增强,提高成像效果。文章提出了一种基于声呐信息融合的水下图像增强方法,首先对水下光学图像分两步进行预处理,即基于暗通道先验模型的去雾增强和自适应图像增强,再使用声呐信息对水下图像进行局部增强,明显提高水下环境中所要探测目标的对比度与可识别度。  相似文献   

基于多波束系统的水下目标近程回波亮点声图像   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卜考英  范军 《声学技术》2007,26(4):570-573
模拟多波束系统,仿真得到了水下目标的二维回波亮点声图像。先采用小分置角双基地目标回波特性计算的近场板块元方法,计算得到水下目标的传递函数。再根据多波束系统的理论,建立了水下目标回波亮点二维声图像的基本框架,实现了水下目标回波亮点二维声图像仿真。最后得到了水下目标不同方位角情况下近程二维回波亮点的声图像。  相似文献   

In this paper, the gain and noise of underwater laser range-gated imaging systems based on intensified CCD (ICCD) are theoretically analyzed. Combined with experimental results, the quality of underwater images at different system parameters is objectively evaluated from the aspect of modulation degree and histogram of grayscale distribution. Comprehensive selection disciplines of micro-channel plate (MCP) gain in applications is generalized according to the coherence between theory and experiment, and a scheme of auto gain control (AGC) based on image analysis is proposed for underwater range-gated imaging systems.  相似文献   

It is a well-known phenomenon that when we look into the water with two aerial eyes, both the apparent position and the apparent shape of underwater objects are different from the real ones because of refraction at the water surface. Earlier studies of the refraction-distorted structure of the underwater binocular visual field of aerial observers were restricted to either vertically or horizontally oriented eyes. We investigate a generalized version of this problem: We calculate the position of the binocular image point of an underwater object point viewed by two arbitrarily positioned aerial eyes, including oblique orientations of the eyes relative to the flat water surface. Assuming that binocular image fusion is performed by appropriate vergent eye movements to bring the object's image onto the foveas, the structure of the underwater binocular visual field is computed and visualized in different ways as a function of the relative positions of the eyes. We show that a revision of certain earlier treatments of the aerial imaging of underwater objects is necessary. We analyze and correct some widespread erroneous or incomplete representations of this classical geometric optical problem that occur in different textbooks. Improving the theory of aerial binocular imaging of underwater objects, we demonstrate that the structure of the underwater binocular visual field of aerial observers distorted by refraction is more complex than has been thought previously.  相似文献   

Underwater imaging is widely used in ocean, river and lake exploration, but it is affected by properties of water and the optics. In order to solve the lower-resolution underwater image formed by the influence of water and light, the image super-resolution reconstruction technique is applied to the underwater image processing. This paper addresses the problem of generating super-resolution underwater images by convolutional neural network framework technology. We research the degradation model of underwater images, and analyze the lower-resolution factors of underwater images in different situations, and compare different traditional super-resolution image reconstruction algorithms. We further show that the algorithm of super-resolution using deep convolution networks (SRCNN) which applied to super-resolution underwater images achieves good results.  相似文献   

M. A. Haile  P. G. Ifju 《Strain》2012,48(2):136-142
Abstract: The refraction‐induced image distortion introduces large errors in the deformation measurement of fluid submerged specimens using digital image correlation (DIC). This study provides a review of the nature of the refraction‐induced image distortion, assesses experimental conditions that interact with refraction and proposes an elastic image registration technique to correct the refraction distortion of underwater images. In the elastic image registration technique, control points are selected on reference and refracted images of a template object and locally sensitive transformation functions that overlay the two images are obtained. The transformation functions so obtained are then used to reconstruct undistorted images from underwater images and the former are used as input to a DIC system. The proposed approach has shown to improve the refraction error in the order of 5–8% for typical material test samples undergoing deformation inside a water‐filled glass chamber.  相似文献   

The use of coherent optical processors for improving the quality of degraded underwater images is discussed, and a holographic filter suitable for the enhancement of contrast in underwater images is described. The filter is a modified matched spatial filter, and it performs a nonlinear local contrast enhancement. The theory of the operation of the coherent optical image processor with this new filter is presented and experimentally verified. The removal of the backscattered light from underwater images is demonstrated under laboratory conditions. The results show an improvement in the overall image contrast.  相似文献   

随着人们对海底油气资源的开发,在海底铺设的管道越来越多,海底管道泄漏风险日益增加,亟需高效、实时的检测方法。文章利用自主式水下航行器(Autonomous Underwater Vehicle,AUV)平台,搭载多波束测深声呐与基于VxWorks的嵌入式处理单元,设计了一套水下气体泄漏自动检测系统,将多波束测深声呐采集的水体图像数据传送给嵌入式处理单元,采用模板匹配方法对图像数据进行处理,完成对海底管道气体泄漏点的实时检测。湖试和海试都验证了该系统方案的有效性与先进性。  相似文献   

The major problem in underwater image processing involves light attenuation. In order to overcome such light incorporation and dispersion issues, this paper proposes a new underwater image enhancement model that includes certain phases like contrast correction and colour correction. Here, two processes are worked out in contrast correction namely (i) global contrast correction and (ii) local contrast correction. Furthermore, as the histogram evaluation is the major part of any image enhancement, it is very important to choose the optimal limits of the histogram. To solve this optimization problem, this paper introduces a new optimization model namely Distance Oriented Cuckoo Search (DOCS) algorithm that also satisfies the objective function defined in this paper. The major process of this model focusses on Integrated Global and Local Contrast Correction (IGLCC). Finally, the proposed model compares its performance over other methods.  相似文献   

石洋  胡长青  崔杰 《声学技术》2019,38(4):370-375
基于前视声呐图像序列,研究并实现了经免疫算法优化的粒子滤波水下目标跟踪。声呐图像分割成二值图后,提取目标的区域形状特征以构建观测模型,设计目标模板自适应更新方法;将免疫算法的克隆与变异思想引入到粒子滤波中以解决粒子退化问题。对两组水下运动物体的跟踪实验表明,即使目标存在一定形变与干扰,文中的免疫粒子滤波算法仍能以较高的精度跟踪到目标真实运动轨迹;相比于传统粒子滤波算法,稳定性也更强。  相似文献   

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