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硫化物电化学氧化过程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用电化学方法研究了碱性溶液中硫化物在Pt电极上的氧化过程。结果表明,硫离子在-600-+750mV(vs.SCE)存在两个电化学氧化过程。经热力学、动力学和化学分析证实,在约-400mV时硫离子首先氧化为单质硫及多硫化物,沉积在电极表面;约250mV处,单质硫及多硫化物进一步氧化为硫酸根离子而进入溶液,低电位下的氧化反应是可逆反应,硫离子扩散为控制步骤;高电位下,单质硫进一步氧化为硫酸根离子的反应是不可逆反应,而两反应过程密切相关。  相似文献   

电化学氧化对炭纤维界面性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对粘胶基炭纤维进行电化学氧化表面处理,对表面处理前后的炭纤维进行强力测试,分析表面处理条件对炭纤维强度的影响,通过测定炭纤维与几种浸润液的接触角,分析了电化学氧化表面处理对炭纤维浸润特性的影响,在电镜下观察表面处理前后炭纤维表面形貌的变化,并测其比表面积的变化,分析处理条件对其表面粗糙度的影响,通过炭纤维的拉曼散射,分析表面处理前后炭纤维表面微晶大小的变化,最后,对处理前后炭纤维的相关性能指标进行比较,分析其性能变化的机理及其性能变化对炭纤维复合材料界面粘结性能的影响。  相似文献   

不锈钢的电化学黑色氧化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高巧明 《材料保护》2001,34(3):37-37
1 概 述不锈钢是一种抗蚀性能高的银白色合金钢 ,主要含铬、镍、钼、钛等金属元素 ,其金相组织紧密 ,表面能形成很薄的钝化膜 ,可抵抗一般酸、碱、盐的侵蚀。不锈钢主要用于工业设备、仪器仪表、医疗器械、高级工业品、军工产品等。随着不锈钢应用的普及 ,不锈钢着色工艺也得到进一步发展 ,不锈钢着黑色主要用于光学仪器的消光处理[1] 。不锈钢氧化着色可分为化学法和电化学法 ,其中化学法分为铬酸氧化法、铬酸盐黑色氧化法和硫化法等 ,但由于其操作温度高 ,危险性大 ,着色最佳点难以掌握 ,槽液易分解 ,使用受到限制。因此作者着重探讨电…  相似文献   

为考察氧化膜状态对其电化学性能的影响,采用电化学方法研究了高纯铝阳极氧化膜在磷酸二氢钠缓冲溶液中的电化学性能.测试结果表明,高纯铝氧化膜的阴极极化过程分为3个阶段:1)电流密度变化较小而电位迅速负移,系克服氧化膜阻挡层电阻阶段;2)电流密度迅速增大而电位变化较小的析氢阶段;3)电流密度变化较小而电位迅速负移的氢离子扩散...  相似文献   

采用简单的电化学阳极氧化法在金属Ti表面制备了TiO2纳米管阵列薄膜,研究薄膜的表面形貌、晶相结构以及光吸收性质,考察其光电极的光电化学特性,结果表明,所制备的纳米管阵列膜结构高度有序,平均管径约90nm,管长约700nm。经过不同温度热处理后,薄膜结晶性质的重要性得到证实,600℃处理的光电极具有最优的光吸收和光电化学性质,最高光转化效率约1.07%。  相似文献   

采用电化学方法表面处理用CVD法制备的高强度SiO纤维。研究了SiC纤维的阳极极化曲线,提出了新的阳极反应机制。吸附在阳极表面的OH^-离子通过前置反应生成中间产物O^-,这个中间产物破坏C原子与Si之间的化学键,形成Si-O键后再相互连接构成表面膜。如果反应时间过长,则一些表面的Si原子与基体上的碳原子Cb之间的化学键会被破坏,表面层会因膨胀而脱落。  相似文献   

在铝酸钠溶液中,利用直流等离子体电解氧化电源在钛合金表面制备了陶瓷膜,将所制备的膜层在原铝酸钠溶液里进行电化学阻抗谱测试,并利用扫描电镜(SEM)及其附带的能谱仪以及X射线衍射仪(XRD)对膜层的形貌以及组成进行了分析,从而探讨了膜层生长过程中的结构变化特点.结果表明,膜层主要由钛、铝以及氧元素组成.在火花阶段,膜层内未形成结晶相,电流密度对PEO陶瓷膜的生长过程影响较小;在微弧阶段,膜层内形成了Ti2AlO5结晶相,电流密度对PEO陶瓷膜的生长过程,特别是疏松层的生长过程影响显著,而对致密层生长过程的影响相对较小.微弧阶段长时间的击穿放电会对PEO陶瓷膜造成破坏,随电流密度的增大破坏程度增强.  相似文献   

用电化学处理方法,获得铝质线材表面良好的钝化和抛光综合效果。通过和实验的研究。分析,提出了电解液的配方原则和处理工艺参数的合理范围。  相似文献   

王浩  邹安蓉 《工业计量》2013,(6):65-66,77
文章探讨了如何对镁合金的电化学氧化膜膜层质量的好坏进行检验,并针对其膜层外观出现的各种不正常现象,给出了相对应产生的原因,以及如何消除的方法。从而对整个工艺过程进行有效的检查、监督和控制,保证膜层质量。  相似文献   

研究了微氧化处理对球形石墨的晶体结构、表面形貌和电化学行为的影响. 采用XRD、Raman光谱和SEM等手段分析了样品的结构和形貌, 并采用恒电流充放电测试、粉末微电极技术和慢速扫描循环伏安法(SSCV)研究了微氧化前后石墨负极的电化学行为. 结果表明, 微氧化后石墨颗粒中的结构缺陷增多, 近表面区域的无序度增大, 面内平均晶粒尺寸La减小, 且菱形相含量降低, 石墨呈不规则的鳞片状, 部分层面的边缘有卷曲与刻蚀现象. 微氧化后石墨负极的第三次脱锂容量从345.5 mAh/g增加至381.4 mAh/g, 且其循环性能得到有效改善. 同时, 微氧化后锂离子较容易从石墨中脱出, 脱锂过程中一阶Li-GICs(lithium-graphite intercalation compounds, 简称Li-GICs)向二阶Li-GICs的阶转变可在较低的电位下发生.  相似文献   

In this work, the electrochemical oxidation of an actual industrial wastewater with conductive-diamond anodes has been studied. The wastewater is the effluent of a fine chemicals plant. This effluent consists of an aqueous solution of solvents (ketones and alcohols) with a high concentration of aromatic compounds coming from the raw materials, intermediates and products of the different processes of the plant and its COD is around 6000 mg dm(-3). The electrolyses were carried out in a discontinuous operation mode under galvanostatic conditions, using a bench-scale plant equipped with a single compartment electrochemical flow cell. The conductive-diamond electrochemical oxidation (CDEO) allowed achieving the complete mineralization of the waste with high current efficiencies. These efficiencies seem to strongly depend on the concentration, pH and temperature but not on the current density (in the range studied). This confirms that besides the hydroxyl radicals mediated oxidation, CDEO combines other important oxidation processes such as the direct electrooxidation on the diamond surface and the oxidation mediated by other electrochemically formed compounds generated on this electrode. Other two advanced oxidation processes (ozonation and Fenton oxidation) have been also studied in this work for comparison purposes. Both technologies were able to treat the wastes, but they obtained very different results in terms of efficiency and mineralization. The efficiency of ozonation and electrochemical oxidation were very similar (especially during the first stages), although the energy consumption required by the electrochemical process to remove at fixed percentage of COD or TOC was significantly smaller than that of ozonation. The possible accumulation of carboxylic acid as final products excludes the use of Fenton oxidation as a sole treatment technology.  相似文献   

In this study, electrochemical oxidation of phenol was carried out in a parallel plate reactor using ruthenium mixed metal oxide electrode. The effects of initial pH, temperature, supporting electrolyte concentration, current density, flow rate and initial phenol concentration on the removal efficiency were investigated. Model wastewater prepared with distilled water and phenol, was recirculated to the electrochemical reactor by a peristaltic pump. Sodium sulfate was used as supporting electrolyte. The Microtox bioassay was also used to measure the toxicity of the model wastewater during the study. As a result of the study, removal efficiency of 99.7% and 88.9% were achieved for the initial phenol concentration of 200 mg/L and chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 480 mg/L, respectively. In the same study, specific energy consumption of 1.88 k Wh/g phenol removed and, mass transfer coefficient of 8.62 x 10(-6)m/s were reached at the current density of 15 mA/cm(2). Electrochemical oxygen demand (EOD), which can be defined as the amount of electrochemically formed oxygen used for the oxidation of organic pollutants, was 2.13 g O(2)/g phenol. Electrochemical oxidation of petroleum refinery wastewater was also studied at the optimum experimental conditions obtained. Phenol removal of 94.5% and COD removal of 70.1% were reached at the current density of 20 mA/cm(2) for the petroleum refinery wastewater.  相似文献   

郭凯  于海龙  唐恩凌  王猛  贺丽萍  刘淑华 《材料导报》2017,31(14):61-66, 71
采用等离子体电解氧化法在钛表面制备Ca-P-Si生物活性陶瓷氧化膜。将纯钛及等离子体电解氧化后纯钛两种样品分别浸在37℃的Hank模拟体液中,用电化学实验分析其电化学性能。动电位极化曲线和交流阻抗结果表明,经过等离子体电解氧化处理后纯钛的自腐蚀电位升高了0.7V,经过28d的浸泡,微弧氧化处理后钛的阻抗值仍接近未处理时的1.5倍。微孤氧化陶瓷膜提高钛基体耐腐蚀性能归因于外层的羟基磷灰石层及微弧氧化的致密内层形成隔离层将基体与溶液隔离,起到了抗腐蚀作用。  相似文献   

The continuous electrochemical treatment of industrial textile wastewater in a tubular reactor was investigated. The synthetic wastewater was based on the real process information of pretreatment and dyeing stages of the industrial mercerized and non-mercerized cotton and viscon production. The effects of residence time on chemical oxygen demand (COD), color and turbidity removals and pH change were studied under response surface optimized conditions of 30 °C, 25 g/L electrolyte concentration and 3505 mg/L COD feed concentration with 123.97 mA/cm2 current density. Increasing residence time resulted in steady profiles of COD and color removals with higher treatment performances. The best column performance was realized at 3 h of residence time as 53.5% and 99.3% for COD and color removals, respectively, at the expense of 193.1 kWh/kg COD with a mass transfer coefficient of 9.47 × 10−6 m/s.  相似文献   

电化学改性PAN基碳纤维表面及其机理探析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
表面处理是高性能碳纤维制备的重要环节之一. 采用原子力显微镜(AFM)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)和X射线衍射(XRD)等表征方法, 研究了改性聚丙烯腈(PAN)基碳纤维的表面状态, 探讨了电化学氧化法对碳纤维表面的改性机理. 研究结果表明, 在电化学的化学刻蚀作用下, 碳纤维表面薄弱外层被去除, 表面原有沟槽加宽加深, 表面粗糙度增大了1倍多;在电化学的化学氧化作用下, 碳纤维表面的活性官能团增多, (O1s+N1s)/C1s提高了9.7%. 并提出了电化学氧化同时改善了碳纤维的表面物理状态和表面化学状态的 “物化双效”机理.  相似文献   

通过调整电解液中硅酸钠的浓度, 利用等离子体电解氧化(PEO)技术在铝合金LY12表面制备了各种陶瓷涂层, 利用光学显微镜、XRD、电化学阻抗谱(EIS)对涂层的形貌、成分和涂层在NaCl溶液中耐腐蚀性能进行了研究. 结果表明: 提高电解液中硅酸钠的浓度可以使得涂层的总厚度增加, 但过高或过低的浓度都会导致致密层厚度的减薄. 当浓度为20g/L时, 所制备的涂层的成分以氧化铝为主; 当浓度为40g/L时, 涂层的成分主要是莫来石和氧化铝; 当浓度超过60g/L 时, 涂层的成分主要为非晶相. EIS的研究表明, 涂层耐腐蚀性取决于涂层中的致密层, 增加致密层的厚度可以提高PEO涂层的耐腐蚀性, 在中性、酸性、碱性腐蚀介质中, PEO涂层都显示出对基体良好的保护作用.  相似文献   

Constructing wrinkled structures on the surface of materials to obtain new functions has broad application prospects. Here a generalized method is reported to fabricate multi-scale and diverse-dimensional oxide wrinkles on liquid metal surfaces by an electrochemical anodization method. The oxide film on the surface of the liquid metal is successfully thickened to hundreds of nanometers by electrochemical anodization, and then the micro-wrinkles with height differences of several hundred nanometers are obtained by the growth stress. It is succeeded in altering the distribution of growth stress by changing the substrate geometry to induce different wrinkle morphologies, such as one-dimensional striped wrinkles and two-dimensional labyrinth wrinkles. Further, radial wrinkles are obtained under the hoop stress induced by the difference in surface tensions. These hierarchical wrinkles of different scales can exist on the liquid metal surface simultaneously. Surface wrinkles of liquid metal may have potential applications in the future for flexible electronics, sensors, displays, and so on.  相似文献   

利用电化学阳极氧化法改性碳纤维表面,开发了在连续碳纤维表面简单、高效、均匀地加载催化剂涂层的工艺。通过系统研究电化学改性强度对碳纤维表面物理与化学特性、催化剂颗粒与CNTs形貌、多尺度增强体拉伸强度及其增强复合材料层间剪切强度的影响,优化了碳纤维表面电化学改性工艺。结果表明:催化剂颗粒的形貌与分布不仅影响碳纤维表面沉积的CNTs的形貌,而且影响最终碳纤维表面生长CNTs多尺度增强体及其复合材料的力学性能。  相似文献   

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