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按照平准化生产原理,探求了汽车平准化生产的多品种均衡性和排程复杂性。在此基础上,构建了基于时段特征的混流切换模型,并进一步研究了混流切换模型下的多品种混流排程方法,解析了生产中获得排程满意解的基本过程,通过实例验证了混流切换模型和生产比倒数法的有效性,降低了实际生产排程复杂性。  相似文献   

基于约束理论的造纸企业生产排程方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对造纸企业"集中制浆、多机台分散造纸"的生产模式,以浆纸平衡的抄纸系统加工方案为切入点,提出了一种生产排程模型.为了克服传统遗传算法早熟和收敛慢的特点,采用小生境遗传算法求解模型.实例表明,该方法求解造纸企业的排程问题效果好,有实用价值.  相似文献   

“精简—灵捷—柔性”生产系统的经济学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“精简-灵捷-柔性”(LAF)生产系统是为21世纪的中国制造业所提出的先进制造战略。对它的理论与应用,从不同学科的角度进行探讨是一项必须的基础工作。用经济学的观点来探讨是一项必须的基础工作。用经济学的观点来描述和理解LAF生产系统的基本特征和运作特点,具有重要的理论价值实践意义。本文从经济学观点出发阐述了LAF生产系统的一些特点。  相似文献   

科学合理的手术排程对医院和患者双方都具有重要意义。考虑手术室数量有限不确定因素造成手术时间波动及紧急病患随机到达的情况,以医院和患者双方利益最优为目标,建立多目标线性规划模型,利用蚁群算法对模型进行求解得到最优排程方案。并结合某医院手术数据进行仿真测试,实例验证了该排程方法的优越性及应对不确定因素干扰的动态调度优化效果,最后对模型中的相关因素进行灵敏度分析,证明提出的动态优化方法可应用于不同具体情境下的手术排程问题中。  相似文献   

制订生产系统重组战略的参与性方法   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
贾国柱 《工业工程》2002,5(6):13-18
本文探讨了生产系统重组战略的参与性制订方法,这种方法的核心是为企业员工提供一个展示、讨论和交流自己的见解和主张的平台,通过集思广益对企业生产系统的状况进行分析和提出解决方案,并最终形成各项方案整体协调的生产重组战略。在文章的最后还将介绍这个方法在一个丹麦企业的应用实例。  相似文献   

本文的基本目的是,提供实际的建议,使管理团队可以溶入包装工序中,以支持消费市场战略、可持续创议、供货链战略和简单生产计划。作为经营战略的包装:包装不仅关乎于性能利润的递增。[编者按]  相似文献   

我国高校战略管理的现实不足及未来发展浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对长期以来我国高等学校管理领域缺少战略管理的理论与实践的情况,在通过搜集整理和分析研究大量高校战略管理研究文献的基础上,指出了我国高校战略管理现在存在的问题并给出一些推动高校战略管理未来发展的建议。  相似文献   

生产运作战略实施和监控方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,大多数企业认识到战备的重要作用,对于企业战略的实施和监控却没有给予足够的重视,或没有找到合适的方法进行战略监控,针对制造企业的生产运作战略实施控进行探讨,提出了一种新的生产战备实施监控思想。  相似文献   

一种改进模糊神经网络及其在故障诊断中的应用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
构造了一种改进模糊神经网络模型,该网络由四层神经元构成,第二层为模糊化支,文中给出了该层的通用隶属函数表达式。计及否定规则的影响,提出了扩展通用隶属函数的概念,并结合汽轮发电机组振动故障的不同特征征兆,给出了其具体表达式。在该网络的第二层与第四层间建立了部分直接连接关系,根据不同征兆对故障诊断结果的重要度不同,赋予了部分连接的优先权值,阐述了建立部分连接的依据和优先权值的确定方法,给出了网络的具体学习算法,并从单故障和多故障识别两个角度,比较了该模型与某改进BP网络的诊断结果,证明了该模型具有较强的故障识别能力。  相似文献   

王志智  王斌 《工程力学》1995,(A01):284-290
本文建立了一种基于当量名义应力的新的结构耐久性分析的特征应力法。该方法首先给出了用结构细节特征应力表征的a-S-N曲线,然后利用Neuber法求得载荷谱中名义应力对应的结构应力集中部位的局部应力应变,再将其转换当量名义应力。并根据a-S-N曲线,等寿命曲线和累积损伤理论确定谱载下的(ak,tk)数据,最后利用(ak,tk)数据确定结构细节的当量初始缺陷分布,并给出裂纹超越娄级结构损伤度的估算。  相似文献   

Priority rules are widely used in jobshop scheduling to determine the sequence in which jobs are to be processed. The research in this area has been directed at developing generally applicable priority rules. This paper presents a method for determining an effective priority rule specific to the jobshop scheduling problem to be solved. First, a generalized objective function is formulated which is the sum of costs of tardiness, carrying in-process inventory and machine idleness. Second, a multifactor priority rule is developed which is a weighted average of four factors used in simple priority rules. Third, a method is presented for using a computer search technique to determine the best weights to use in the priority rule. Finally, a computer simulation for testing this approach versus using other priority rules is described and the experimental results are reported.  相似文献   

Competitively, cost- and time-based scheduling should provide a firm with a powerful market advantage. The cost- and time-based priority scheduling concept is driven by profit maximization and quick response in a competitive market. The literature on shop scheduling contains numerous studies reporting on the use of dispatching rules that are based only on the time criterion. Alternatively there have been only a few published articles that specifically consider a composite of cost and time. Aggarwal and McCarl and Scudder and Hoffmann have investigated the use of cost and time information for determining the job priority in random job shops. One result of this study is a reconciliation of the differences between the Aggarwal and McCarl and the Scudder and Hoffmann study. Moreover, a simplistic priority rule based on profit margin and due dates is introduced and tested. The results reported in this research are an attempt to reconcile the issue of time-based versus cost-based priority rule performance.  相似文献   

This paper studies a manufacturer’s optimal product variety, pricing and scheduling decisions in a single flexible production facility when customers have private information in their marginal valuations for product qualities. In addition to determining the product variety and price of each product, the manufacturer needs to optimise a detailed schedule of production (batch sizes and production sequences) to fully utilise the flexibility of this facility. To achieve the second-degree discrimination, the manufacturer provides multiple products and follows a priority rule in the production schedule. To obtain economies of scale, the manufacturer may offer a composite product targeting the whole population, or choose a dedicated product to serve a proportion of customers. Comparing these three production choices, we observe that the optimal product variety strategy is threshold controlled by the relative ratio of customer arrival rates, the relative difference between customers’ marginal valuations and the production technology.  相似文献   

This paper presents an Integrated approach for Material Planning and finite Operations Scheduling (IMPOS). The approach assumes the existence of a system that provides a relative priority measure for customer orders, based on a predetermined set of factors including--but not limited to--due dates. Orders are sequenced on descending order of the priority measures to form the Master Production Sequence (MPS) list. Starting from the top of the MPS list, orders are planned one at a time, by determining their respective quantity requirements first. The next phase schedules the requirements by time allocation of the available finite resources to their operational requirements. The IMPOS approach attempts to reduce production lead times during its finite scheduling procedure through analysis of the details of each operation in conjunction with other associated operations and the ordering policy applied. Generating finite schedules quickly enables IMPOS to handle effectively the dynamic behaviour of the manufacturing environment. The approach is detailed and exemplified.  相似文献   

This paper analyses production operations and scheduling constraints on a wafer probe centre in semiconductor manufacturing. Such actions as lot split and hot lot preemption are discussed. Due to the combinatorial difficulties of scheduling problems with sequence-dependent setup costs and multiple criteria, a humancomputer interactive scheduler named the 'interactive computer aided scheduling system' (ICASS) is proposed. This ICASS can search for schedules to achieve a specific performance level set by a human. An experiment was conducted on a wafer probe centre to compare the performance of ICASS with that of a manual approach and six priority rules. The results indicate that ICASS spent less scheduling time and provided better schedules than the manual approach. All the six priority rules yielded only poor schedules with unbalanced performance in three kinds of criteria, although they were beneficial in computation time.  相似文献   

车间调度问题是典型的NP难题,也是一种完全耦合的复杂系统.基于公理设计思想对车间调度系统进行了解耦设计,给出了相应的解耦思路及解耦矩阵,提出并实现了一种车间调度算法,并对算法的复杂性进行了分析.以实际车间生产调度作为研究对象,针对实际生产中零件紧急程度不一的情况,为待加工零件赋予不同的权值,并优先考虑调度加工工时较长的零件;采用以解耦设计为总目标,在满足约束条件的情况下,尽量优化压缩加工时间.对算法的复杂性进行了分析,该算法属于三次多项式复杂级,较优于一般的算法.通过2个实例计算和对比,验证了本算法的实用性和有效性.  相似文献   

赵东风  孙权 《高技术通讯》2000,10(11):57-59
采用嵌入马尔可夫链理论和概念母函数的分析方法,用完全服务规则和限定服务规则构造出双优先级控制的物流加工分析模型,分析研究了时间离散型双优先级控制的物流加工过程进行了研究,并给出两种双优先级调度规则控制下为物流加工件的平均逗留时间的计算公式。  相似文献   

以复杂型面智能生产单元为背景,针对多机器的任务?刀具联合动态调度问题展开研究。通过分析复杂型面智能生产单元的作业流程和特征,建立任务?刀具联合调度问题的数学模型。结合通过对问题进行过程分解的方式构建一种组合规则调度算法生产框架,并通过在框架中嵌入启发式规则的方式生成72种组合规则算法。设计大量的算例测试集,通过对比、分析72种算法在差异化环境配置下的仿真结果,对比不同系统指标下算法的表现情况,发现基于FNOP规则构建的算法在75%的场景中均能取得较优的求解质量。研究成果为车间生产管理人员制定任务?刀具调度策略提供一定指导作用。  相似文献   

A scheduling/rescheduling procedure is proposed for real-time control of a computerized manufacturing facility managed by a central manufacturing operating system. The procedure implies schedule revisions upon significant operational changes such as machine breakdowns. Experiments to evaluate the total production time of a computerized manufacturing system with breakdowns under scheduling/rescheduling have yielded advantages of between 25% to 7-0% compared to fixed sequencing and priority despatching procedures, respectively. Computation times required for the scheduling procedures on a CDC 65OO/66OO have also been studied. The scheduling/rescheduling procedure for an actual facility required less than two minutes, and the computation time can be regulated by the selection of parameters in an approximate method of scheduling.


This study addresses the problem of determining the allocation of operations and their tools to machines, the operation processing times and the allocation/sequence of the parts to be processed on each machine for flexible manufacturing systems with controllable processing times. Tool lives, tool copies and tool sharing are also considered. An integer programming model is developed for the objective of minimizing the sum of operation processing and tardiness costs. Then, iterative algorithms are proposed that solve the two subproblems iteratively, where the loading subproblem is solved by a modified bin packing algorithm under initial processing times and the resulting scheduling subproblem is solved by a priority scheduling method while modifying the loading plans and operation processing times iteratively. Computational experiments were carried out, and the results are reported.  相似文献   

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