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为研究光纤光栅应变传感器在混凝土结构中的长期监测性能,需考虑混凝土基体的长期蠕变效应对传感器应变传递率的影响。以玻璃纤维增强塑料(GFRP)封装的埋入式光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)应变传感器为研究对象,引入混凝土蠕变本构,进行应变传递分析,并通过有限元计算对理论分析结果加以验证。研究表明传感器的平均应变传递率随着混凝土基体的蠕变发展而逐渐降低,蠕变的影响不可忽略,需进行误差修正。在此基础上,利用平均应变传递率公式,可对光纤光栅传感器的选型提供一定参考。  相似文献   

粘贴于结构物表面测量应变,是光纤布拉格光栅(fiber Bragg grating,FBG)的一种重要应用形式。在前人研究基础上,研究去除涂覆层的FBG的应变传递规律,并通过实验验证了理论分析结果。通过理论分析建立了纤芯层-粘结层-基体层的3层应变传递模型,运用仿真分析研究了粘结层剪切模量、光纤与基体之间的胶层厚度、光纤粘贴长度和宽度以及光纤上部胶层厚度对平均应变传递率的影响,分析了影响应变传递的主要因素,提出了增大应变传递率的方法,为表面粘贴式裸光纤光栅的应用提供了重要参考。实验中选用LOCTITE 401胶粘剂将裸光纤光栅粘贴于等强度梁上,通过应变测量实验验证了模型的准确性和有效性,实验中去除涂覆层的裸光纤光栅的平均应变传递率高达96%以上,与理论模型计算值相比误差在1%左右,很好地证明了裸光纤光栅用于应变测量的准确性和可行性。  相似文献   

为推进光纤光栅(FBG)传感器在飞行试验应变测量中的应用,对其进行地面验证试验,并分析传感器封装结构、测试粘接工艺对应变测量的影响。FBG在飞行试验应用中具有体积小、质量轻的优势,但光纤易受损,需用不锈钢基片将光纤封装后使用AB胶与被测基体粘接。该文通过FBG与电阻应变计对比实验,验证其应变测量可行性,结果表明,FBG传感器响应趋势与电阻应变计一致,但封装后的FBG在胶结层存在较大应变损失;进一步建立应变传递模型进行仿真分析,定量计算测量误差,提出在满足飞行试验工艺可行性的前提下,胶结层厚度应尽量小,弹性模量应尽量大,即可有效提升FBG应变测量精度。  相似文献   

FBG智能传感器及其在土木工程中的应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周智  欧进萍 《功能材料》2004,35(Z1):152-156
光纤光栅传感器已经越来越得到土木工程界的认可,并应用到了实际工程.针对大型土木工程结构长期健康监测的变形监测需要,在光纤光栅传输理论的基础上,分析了光纤光栅应变与温度传感特性以及光纤光栅应变传感的温度补偿原理和方法;研制开发出满足工程应用的光纤光栅封装传感器、FRP-OFBG复合智能筋、光纤光栅智能拉索;此外,考虑传感器开发和工程应用的需要,研究了光纤光栅应变传感的界面传递机理和误差修正.最后,建立了光纤光栅智能监测系统,并成功地将光纤光栅传感器应用到实际桥梁结构的施工与运营监测.  相似文献   

电阻应变片作为电阻应变式传感器的重要组成部分,其结构参数对传感器的测量精度影响较大。基于正交试验法设计试验方案,建立等强度梁、基底、敏感栅的三维模型,采用ANSYS有限元软件进行模拟分析,研究电阻应变片敏感栅结构参数对传感器应变传递误差的影响。结果表明:应变片敏感栅的弹性模量和栅丝厚度越小,栅丝长度越长,误差越小,栅丝间距存在最优值;栅丝长度对应变传递误差的影响最大,栅丝间距最小;当敏感栅材料为康铜,栅丝厚度0.003 mm,栅丝长度4 mm,栅丝间距0.28 mm,应变传递误差达到最小为0.19%,研究结果对传感器和电阻应变片的设计具有理论指导意义。  相似文献   

利用光纤光栅(FBG)传感器对基体表面应变进行测量,通常利用胶粘剂将光纤光栅传感器粘贴在基体表面,使其与基体协调变形。但胶粘剂在不同表面的粘接性能不同,对应变测量所造成的影响也就存在差异。针对这一问题,本文通过实验,简化应变传递模型,对比FBG传感器粘贴在等强度梁以及标准树脂试件的应变测量结果。结果表明:胶粘剂在基体表面的剪切强度越大,表面粘贴式FBG传感器的应变传递系数也越大。   相似文献   

针对光纤光栅应变测量系统应用测试问题,基于悬臂等强度梁应变实验,对比理论计算、光纤光栅应变传感器及电阻应变片的三种应变测量方法,得出光纤光栅应变测量系统具有较好的可靠性和准确性。以国外可靠光纤光栅应变测量系统为参照,提出了简易测量光纤光栅应变传感器和光纤光栅传感分析仪性能的方法。针对准分布式监测问题,主要分析了光分路器对光纤光栅传感应变测量的影响。上述分析为光纤光栅应变测量系统在工程中的应用提供充分依据。  相似文献   

余尚江  陈显  杨吉祥 《振动与冲击》2011,30(11):112-116
为实现冲击荷载下混凝土材料内动态应变的直接测量,研制了基于光纤Bragg光栅的混凝土光纤光栅应变传感器。将光纤光栅传感器埋入混凝土试件在SHPB装置上进行了冲击试验,由光纤传感器和粘贴于试件表面的电阻应变计分别测量了试件内和表面的动态应变。利用测量结果分析了混凝土在冲击荷载下的动态应力应变响应。对测量结果的分析和比较表明,采用埋入光纤传感器来实现混凝土结构内应变直接测量的方法可行、合理,研制的光纤光栅传感器适合于混凝土内动态应变测量,可更广泛地应用于混凝土、岩石等介质的动态性能试验及结构的动态响应测试中。  相似文献   

刘立  陈伟民  章鹏  吴俊  刘浩 《光电工程》2012,39(6):57-61
在光纤光栅传感器测量缆索索力的应用中,为了保证传感器的存活率以及解决超量程测量的问题,设计了一种桥梁缆索锚固区植入式光纤光栅应变传感器。通过对桥梁缆索特性分析,对该传感器的封装结构、封装材料的弹性模量提出设计要求,并选择环氧树脂添加微细硅粉作为传感器封装层材料。利用拉力试验机对植入式应变传感器进行力学传感器性能实验,其线性度R2为0.99974,灵敏度为2.74pm/N,重复性好。把植入式传感器植入缆索锚固区,进行缆索张力实验。实验数据具有良好的线性度和重复性。  相似文献   

埋入碳纤维复合材料(CFRP)的光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)传感器应变测量值与基体实际应变存在误差,用光纤、保护层、粘贴层和基体材料的界面传递特性来表征应变测量值可提高精度.根据弹性力学和边界条件,得出FBG应变测量值与基体材料实际应变值的关系方程,通过裸光栅直埋基体材料界面传递的特征系数,可表征和计算FBG检测应变与测点实际应变的误差及修正系数.试验结果表明:对埋入裸光栅的碳纤维复合材料同时进行电阻应变与FBG—IS波长解调试验对比,试验测量FBG应变传感灵敏系数与理论值十分接近;对埋入CFRP的FBG裸光栅,由于不存在粘贴层界面传递的影响,其应变测量值可无需修正.  相似文献   


The present paper deals with the mathematical–physical expression of Young’s modulus and Poisson ratio of foamed metals. As it is known that, Young’s modulus and Poisson ratio are two basic mechanical parameters of engineering materials. Foamed metal is a class of excellent engineering materials with dual attributes of structural and functional characteristics; therefore, these two parameters are investigated for these materials, and the relevant mathematical–physical expressions are derived from the ‘octahedron model’ of porous materials in the present paper. The results show that the apparent Young’s modulus displays a quite complicated mathematical relationship to porosity of the porous body, and the apparent Poisson ratio is just a characteristic of the material constant almost not relative to porosity of the foamed metal.  相似文献   

We propose a stochastic multiscale method to quantify the correlated key-input parameters influencing the mechanical properties of polymer nanocomposites (PNCs). The variations of parameters at nano-, micro-, meso- and macro-scales are connected by a hierarchical multiscale approach. The first-order and total-effect sensitivity indices are determined first. The input parameters include the single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) length, the SWNT waviness, the agglomeration and volume fraction of SWNTs. Stochastic methods consistently predict that the key parameters for the Young’s modulus of the composite are the volume fraction followed by the averaged longitudinal modulus of equivalent fiber (EF), the SWNT length, and the averaged transverse modulus of the EF, respectively. The averaged longitudinal modulus of the EF is estimated to be the most important parameter with respect to the Poisson’s ratio followed by the volume fraction, the SWNT length, and the averaged transverse modulus of the EF, respectively. On the other hand, the agglomeration parameters have insignificant effect on both Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio compared to other parameters. The sensitivity analysis (SA) also reveals the correlation between the input parameters and its effect on the mechanical properties.  相似文献   

含孔隙混凝土复合材料有效力学性能研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
杜修力  金浏 《工程力学》2012,29(6):70-77
混凝土、岩石等工程材料是典型的多孔介质材料,孔隙或微裂纹的存在对材料的弹性模量及强度等力学参数产生很大影响。该文基于三相球模型确定了含孔隙复合材料的有效体积模量,提出采用空心圆柱形杆模型推导得到了含孔隙复合材料有效剪切模量的理论公式,并在各向同性材料的假设条件下确定了材料的有效弹性模量及泊松比;推导并得到了含孔隙材料的有效抗拉、抗压强度及有效抗剪强度与孔隙率之间的定量关系公式,并进一步得到了含孔基质在达到有效强度时的临界应变与孔隙率之间的定量关系。结果表明该文方法能较好的预测含孔混凝土材料的有效力学性能,且公式简单,易于应用。  相似文献   

为了探究黄麻纤维束的尺寸效应和应变率敏感性,利用C43电子式万能试验机和CEAST 9340落锤试验冲击系统分别在静动载条件下对黄麻纤维束进行测试,获得了杨氏模量、强度、峰值应变和韧性随标距和应变率的变化关系静载试验在1/600s-1应变率条件下进行,测试了6组不同标距(25、50、100、150、200和300mm)的试件;动载试验以应变率为变量,在4组不同的应变率(40、80、120和160s-1)条件下进行了测试,试件标距均为25mm。测试结果表明:随着试件标距增大,杨氏模量初始增大,当标距大于100mm时趋于稳定;强度、峰值应变和韧性均减小。随着应变率增大,杨氏模量和强度均增大;峰值应变初始减小后趋于稳定;韧性先减小后增大。鉴于植物纤维束材料较大的性能离散性,采用Weibull分布对试验数据进行拟合,获得了黄麻纤维束强度在不同试验条件(标距和应变率)下的分布规律。  相似文献   

The prediction of the response of infilled frames through the simplified approach of substituting the infill with an equivalent pin-jointed strut is treated. In this framework the results of an experimental study for the mechanical characterization of different types of masonry infills having the aim of estimating strength, Young modulus and Poisson’s ratio are presented. Four types of masonry were investigated and subjected to ordinary compressive tests orthogonally to the mortar beds and along the directions of the mortar beds. The experimental campaign confirmed the possibility of using an orthotropic plate model for prediction of the Poisson’s ratio and Young modulus along the diagonal direction of infills (these parameters are requested by a model already known in the literature for the identification of struts equivalent to masonry infills). The experimental campaign made it possible to recognise a correlation between the Poisson’s ratios and the strengths of masonries investigated along the orthotropic axes and to obtain the diagonal Poisson’s ratio without specific experimental tests. Finally, the experimental responses of some infilled frames were used to test the reliability of the model proposed here.  相似文献   

Creep and high strain rate mechanical properties, shrinkage strain, and thermal properties of a bismaleimide neat resin after exposure to a high temperature in air were evaluated and compared with the corresponding properties for a pristine resin. Under tension at a strain rate of 6×10?4 s?1, the Young’s modulus decreases and Poisson’s ratio increases with temperature, measured up to 310 °C. The tensile creep behavior was determined at stress levels of 12, 24, and 33 MPa at elevated temperatures. At each stress level, the creep compliance curves at different temperatures were shifted horizontally to form a master curve. These creep compliance master curves are nearly identical, indicating a linearly viscoelastic behavior up to 33 MPa. The bismaleimide resin was also exposed to air at other temperatures of 245, 260, and 280 °C for 1500 hours. After exposure to a high temperature, three regimes were observed in the resin through optical micrographs: an outer layer showing darker color, an interior that nearly maintained its original color, and a transition (or reacting) region in between. The average shrinkage on surface was determined as 3.4 % strain after 1500 hours of exposure to 260 °C in air. Compression at a high strain rate using a long split Hopkinson pressure bar shows that the bulk bismaleimide resin is rather insensitive to the exposure to a high temperature, exhibiting only a slight reduction in mechanical properties after 1500 hours of exposure to 245 °C. The uniaxial creep compliance of the neat resin was converted into the Young’s relaxation modulus, which was then used to calculate the Young’s modulus under tension at the strain rate and temperatures involved, and a good agreement was achieved between the calculated results and the experimental data, indicating that the rate-dependent Young’s modulus is the representation of viscoelastic properties.  相似文献   


Using ab initio density functional theory, the effect of hydrogen arrangement on the elastic properties of silicene–graphene hybrid is studied. Mechanical stability, elastic constants and sound velocities of pure and five configurations of hydrogenated SiC sheet, namely, chair, table, boat, zigzag and armchair, are explicitly examined. To reveal the anisotropic properties of the six structures, the polar plots of Young’s modulus, Poisson ratio and acoustic waves speed are given. Compared to graphene, it is shown that all the isotropic systems are less stiffer with lower in-plane Young’s modulus and stronger with their larger Poisson ratio, moreover, their compressional and shear waves propagate faster. The analysis of linear elastic behavior shows that the armchair configuration has an auxetic structure. The result of this work could be used for the design of future silicane–graphane based nanodevices with potentially large technological impact in nanomechanics.  相似文献   

基于Hsueh模型的应力场分布,采用代表性体积单元(RVE)平均近似方法,推导出可以退化成Halpin-Tsai模型的泊松比ν12的显性表达式,与桥联模型基本重合。结合Fu模型和Giner模型,引入与纤维长径比(l/a)相关的指数衰减函数得到横向模量E22修正的Halpin-Tsai模型,与自洽模型重合。基于泊松比各向同性假设而推导出的泊松比ν23与有限元结果逼近,远优于Halpin-Tsai模型;基于逆向工程,修正了被Halpin-Tsai模型低估的剪切模量G23。基于经典的层合板分析方法(LAA),引入纤维长度分布(FLD)及纤维取向广义分布函数,对两种注塑成型短玻璃纤维增强热塑性树脂(FRT)复合材料的弹性常数进行预测。结果表明:4个微观力学组合模型均很好地预测了复合材料的弹性常数,但纤维长度质量分布的预测结果比纤维长度数量分布的结果更为合理,特别是对于纵向杨氏模量EL的改进效果大于5%。   相似文献   

The effects of plane strain plasticity induced crack closure on fatigue cracks located at the interface of dissimilar steel materials are presented using finite element modelling. Based on the study, it has been observed that bimaterial cracks produced unsymmetrical residual plastic strains and crack profiles in the crack wakes. It is seen that Young’s modulus and yield stress mismatch have profound effects on the development of unsymmetrical residual plastic strain and crack profiles, whereas the effect of Poisson’s ratio is insignificant. However, it has been found that for the material properties considered, low value of crack closure levels have been identified.  相似文献   

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