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蒋媛 《工业设计》2008,(12):13-14
航天、航空、船舶、兵器等国防军工领域中很多项目都离不开测试技术,与商用测试相比,国防电子装备的测试技术复杂性提高,其特殊性导致利用通用测量仪器很难达到测试指标。如何来满足国防军工自动化高精度、高速度和高  相似文献   

当前,全球科技创新进入空前密集活跃的时期,一些重大颠覆性技术不断涌现,推动新产业与新业态的迭代加速,深刻影响和改变国家力量对比,重塑世界经济结构和国际竞争格局,各国纷纷瞄准这一时代契机,积极对颠覆性技术进行早期识别与培育。本文对国内外各类颠覆性技术研究报告进行了广泛跟踪,对国内外颠覆性技术研究进展及主要采用的颠覆性技术评估与预测方法进行了归纳、分析和评价,并就促进我国颠覆性技术研究科学发展与快速成型提出集中优势资源设立专业智库群、建立科学的技术评估体系等相关建议。  相似文献   

正高温合金是国防武器装备和国民经济建设不可或缺的关键材料,广泛应用于航空、航天、能源、核工业、石化等领域。北京钢研高纳科技股份有限公司(以下简称"钢研高纳"),作为钢研集团下属控股的上市公司,在我国高温合金领域占有非常重要的地位,处于国内高温合金领域排头兵位置,多年来为满足国家重大战略需求、服务国防军工事业作出了卓越的成绩。在新的时代背景下,钢研高纳在秉承科学精神的同时,积极融入市  相似文献   

颠覆性技术已成为经济社会发展和军事变革的重要推动力量,加强颠覆性技术创新对我国实现转型发展,掌握未来战略主动尤为重要。"工程科技颠覆性技术战略研究"是中国工程院设立的重大咨询项目,旨在谋划我国工程科技颠覆性技术的发展。本文系统介绍了项目研究的目标、内容和思路方法,梳理了项目在颠覆性技术概念研究、预测识别方法研究、世界颠覆性技术发展态势跟踪预警、重大颠覆性技术方向识别评价等方面取得的进展,总结了项目研究中的经验与不足,为国家开展颠覆性技术相关的战略研究提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

通过文献研究和专家访谈等方法,提出机械与运载工程领域已有或潜在的颠覆性技术:仿生智能技术、无轴轮缘推进技术、智能无人飞行器技术、超回路列车技术和微机电系统,对这五项技术的创新性和颠覆性优势进行了分析,最后提出机械与运载领域颠覆性技术的发展建议。  相似文献   

历史上每次科技革命、工艺革命、能源革命,都伴随着颠覆性技术的出现,因此研究颠覆性技术对于各领域未来的发展方向具有重要的意义。本文分析了铁路、水利与建筑工程领域的发展方向和态势,认为铁路领域的发展方向为智能化发展和更高运行速度发展,水利领域的发展方向为人与自然和谐共生,建筑领域的发展方向为精益化、专业化、机械化、信息化、装配化、绿色化。在此基础上,研究总结了这三个领域的颠覆性技术,铁路领域的颠覆性技术包括智能高铁、低真空管道磁悬浮铁路;水利领域的颠覆性技术包括富自然功能协调流域建设技术、水利水电工程群多目标联合调度技术;建筑领域可能的颠覆性技术包括基于建筑信息模型(BIM)的智慧建造技术、工业化建造技术、3D打印技术、绿色建造技术。最后本文提出了未来发展的建议,以期为铁路、水利与建筑工程领域的研究与发展提供参考。  相似文献   

正"一代材料,一代装备!不储备材料,用的时候就可能捉襟见肘。"哈尔滨工业大学材料学院教授贾德昌委员呼吁,国家"十三五"规划应专门设立关于新材料的重大专项,根据国家航天国防和重要行业领域未来需要的各类关键基础新材料进行布局,开展长期持续的科研攻关。"航空发动机为啥咱上不去?关键就在所需热端叶片等  相似文献   

测控技术是二十一世纪信息化的产物,是一门高新技术密集型的综合学科。它是由电子、计算机与网络、光电、信息与控制技术等多门学科综合组成的,在农业、航天、电子、国防、计算机等领域发挥着重要作用。测控技术在现代科技领域发展越来越快,本文将对现代测控技术的特点、发展及其在电子技术方面的应用做探讨。  相似文献   

为了把握医药卫生和人口健康领域国内外技术发展趋势,适应国家重大战略需求,开展未来20年我国医药卫生和人口健康领域关键技术预见,旨在促进我国居民健康及经济、社会发展。以国内外现有技术预见成果、文献计量和专利分析等为基础,提出备选技术需求清单,向领域内科技专家和产业专家进行德尔菲问卷调查。根据问卷调查结果,结合专家研判,提出了面向2035年我国工程科技医药卫生和人口健康领域的前10项重要关键技术、重要共性技术和重要颠覆性技术,分析了关键技术的实现时间、发展水平和制约因素,为医药卫生和人口健康领域重大工程建设提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

化工、冶金与材料工业通过获取自然资源进行再加工,生产人类生活所必需的材料、化学品和二次能源,为人类社会发展和国民经济建设提供了重要的物质基础。本文梳理了化工、冶金与材料领域历史上曾产生过的、公认的具有颠覆性意义的技术,分析了这类技术对人们日常生活、人类社会文明进步的影响和对传统技术的颠覆。并根据愿景驱动、问题导向和世界技术发展趋势,对化工、冶金与材料领域未来高效、安全、节能环保的可持续性科学发展模式,以及有望产生的颠覆性技术对国计民生的影响进行了展望,提出了浆态床渣油加氢转化技术、冶金制造流程功能拓展技术、石墨烯等具有颠覆性意义的技术。最后针对颠覆性技术的培育、发展和所需营造的环境提出了相关政策与建议。  相似文献   

Technological evolutions are leveraged by organizations to assess and formulate their strategic goals for achieving market dominance. Disruptive technologies have challenged organizations to address and transform their technological infrastructure and operational processes anew based on the market dynamics. Blockchain is considered as the disruptive technology of the decade, which has led incumbents to reassess their business models. Various applications of Blockchain have been explored by previous researchers. However, fourth industrial revolution (IR 4.0) technologies have also paved way towards the disruptive technological landscape. The purpose of this research is to identify the convergence across Blockchain and IR 4.0 technologies. This research conducts the bibliometric analysis approach, including performance analysis and network analysis to identify the research trends and themes for the convergence of select technologies. The results indicate four major thematic clusters for the convergence trends with basic, established, niche, and emerging technologies. Furthermore, the citation analysis reveals four clusters based on basic Blockchain technology domain, Blockchain and IR 4.0 technology domains, supply chain management (SCM), and healthcare applications of the convergence of select technologies. This article provides a novel approach by identifying the bibliometric trends across the concept of technological convergence of Blockchain and IR 4.0 technologies.  相似文献   

Given the challenges facing the cyberspace of the nation, this paper presents the tripartite theory of cyberspace, based on the status quo of cyberspace. Corresponding strategies and a research architecture are proposed for common public networks (C space), secure classified networks (S space), and key infrastructure networks (K space), based on their individual characteristics. The features and security requirements of these networks are then discussed. Taking C space as an example, we introduce the SMCRC (which stands for “situation awareness, monitoring and management, cooperative defense, response and recovery, and countermeasures and traceback”) loop for constructing a cyberspace security ecosystem. Following a discussion on its characteristics and information exchange, our analysis focuses on the critical technologies of the SMCRC loop. To obtain more insight into national cyberspace security, special attention should be paid to global sensing and precise mapping, continuous detection and active management, cross-domain cooperation and systematic defense, autonomous response and rapid processing, and accurate traceback and countermeasure deterrence.  相似文献   

In the Industry 4.0 era, disruptive technologies such as big data analytics, blockchain, Internet-of-Things, and additive manufacturing have become major forces driving supply chain transformation. Under such circumstances, particular attention should be attached to balancing resilience and efficiency of the supply chain, especially in the presence of more turbulence. In this study, we first summarize the conflicts between supply chain efficiency and supply chain resilience regarding practices and objectives. Then, we discuss the positive effects of disruptive technologies in improving resilience and efficiency. Afterwards, we propose a research agenda that covers both the influence mechanism and trade-off mechanism of these technologies in terms of resilience and efficiency.  相似文献   

Scholarly discourse on “disruptive technologies” has been strongly influenced by disruptive innovation theory. This theory is tailored for analyzing disruptions in markets and business. It is of limited use, however, in analyzing the broader social, moral and existential dynamics of technosocial disruption. Yet these broader dynamics should be of great scholarly concern, both in coming to terms with technological disruptions of the past and those of our current age. Technologies can disrupt social relations, institutions, epistemic paradigms, foundational concepts, values, and even the nature of human cognition and experience – domains of disruption that are largely neglected in existing discourse on disruptive technologies. Accordingly, this paper seeks to reorient scholarly discussion around a broader notion of technosocial disruption. This broader notion raises three foundational questions. First, how can technosocial disruption be conceptualized in a way that clearly sets it apart from the disruptive innovation framework? Secondly, how does the notion of technosocial disruption relate to the concordant notions of “disruptor” and “disruptiveness”? Thirdly, can we advance criteria to assess the “degree of social disruptiveness” of different technologies? The paper clarifies these questions and proposes an answer to each of them. In doing so, it advances “technosocial disruption” as a key analysandum for future scholarship on the interactions between technology and society.  相似文献   

Complementary technologies are argued to be crucial elements for disruptive innovation. This is even truer in the consistent structure of ecosystems surrounding core disruptive innovations, where firms take interdependence as the premise to provide complementary technologies and create value jointly. Existing research at the disruptive innovation–ecosystem intersection spans a wide range of theoretical perspectives. However, it is still inconclusive about what types of complementary technology configurations might be most useful for the firms they collaborate with to create disruptive innovation. In an attempt to address these gaps, we consider diversity, quality, and novelty as distinguishing structural characteristics of complementary technologies. Empirical evidence from the Chinese electric vehicle listed firms from 2010 to 2019 reveals that the diversity, quality, and novelty of complementary technologies within ecosystems all contribute to subsequent disruptive innovation. Furthermore, we find an inverted U-shaped moderating effect of technological relatedness on the relationship between complementary technologies and disruptive innovation. At intermediate levels of technological relatedness, complementary technologies have greater benefits for disruptive innovation but are comparatively weaker when technological relatedness is low or high. Our findings crystallise a nuanced understanding of how firms orchestrate complementary activities within ecosystems in the disruptive innovation process, thus narrowing the gap with the technological frontier.  相似文献   

Disruptive technologies provide a new paradigm for supply chain risk management and bring opportunities and challenges for the improvement of supply chain resilience (SCRes). This study summarizes the application cases of some disruptive technologies in the SCRes and analyzes the benefits and damages brought by disruptive technologies to the SCRes. The results show that disruptive technologies can provide the supply chain with flexibility, visibility, agility, and other capabilities at various stages of risk management. Hence, technology advancements greatly increase the level of the SCRes. Although disruptive technologies undermine the construction of SCRes, these damages can be eliminated through technology iteration or other disruptive technologies. Furthermore, disruptive technologies will provide better stability for the SCRes. The study also makes several suggestions for the use of disruptive technologies in the construction of the SCRes.  相似文献   

Managerial Commitments and Technological Change in the US Tire Industry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper attempts to reconcile the anomaly between the assumptionthat inertial forces resist change among successful incumbentsto new technology and empirical evidence attesting to willingnessto change despite strong economic disincentives. It looks atmanagerial commitment to employees, customers and communitiesas influencing response to radical technologies and considersthe response by the largest US tire firms to the revolutionin radial technology. The paper introduces a theoiy linkingcommitments and firms' response to disruptive technologicalchanges, provides a brief history of the US tire industry priorto the radial revolution and considers the consequences of theradial revolution. It concludes that managerial commitmentsplayed an important role in tire makers' response to radialtechnology, thus supporting the claim that commitments shouldbe considered with competences and economic incentives in examininghow incumbents respond to technological discontinuities.  相似文献   

The growing importance of humanitarian operations has created an imperative to overcome the complications currently recorded in the field. Challenges such as delays, congestion, poor communication and lack of accountability may represent opportunities to test the reported advantages of emergent disruptive technologies. Meanwhile, the literature on humanitarian supply chains looks at isolated applications of technology and lacks a framework for understanding challenges and solutions, a gap that this article aims to fill. Using a case study based on the flood of Tabasco of 2007 in Mexico, this research identifies solutions based on the use of emergent disruptive technologies. Furthermore, this article argues that the integration of different technologies is essential to deliver real benefits to the humanitarian supply chain. As a result, it proposes a framework to improve the flow of information, products and financial resources in humanitarian supply chains integrating three emergent disruptive technologies; Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and 3D Printing. The analysis presented shows the potential of the framework to reduce congestion in the supply chain, enhance simultaneous collaboration of different stakeholders, decrease lead times, increase transparency, traceability and accountability of material and financial resources, and allow victims to get involved in the fulfilment of their own needs.  相似文献   

Technology innovation is recognized as one of the main enablers of sustainable development and the transition towards a low-carbon future. Anticipating innovation trajectories could help decision-makers develop new capabilities to take advantage of incremental and disruptive innovations. This paper maps the current innovation that is taking place in the electricity sector using a bottom-up approach by analyzing the value proposition pursued by startups worldwide.We compiled a database of 320 startups whose focus is the electricity sector. We classified these startups according to their business propositions in the context of megatrends disrupting the electricity sector. From analyzing this dataset, we find the following. Photovoltaic generation (PV) is the primary technology for decarbonization. Innovation within PV focuses on developing more resistant materials, panels that are easier to install, or maintain. These innovations do not need an updated regulatory-market structure of the industry to be deployed. Digitalization is the key disruptive/breakthrough innovation. It has the potential to reshape businesses and the regulatory-market structure. Storage technologies can be very disruptive for the power sector, but the innovation we observe in storage technology is incremental. This includes batteries that last longer, that charge in shorter periods of time, or that use other less expensive raw materials, or more energy density –more kilowatt-hours per kilogram.  相似文献   

New technologies have the potential to severely “challenge” or “disrupt” not only our established social practices but our most fundamental concepts and distinctions like person versus object, nature versus artificial or being dead versus being alive. But does this disruption also change these concepts? Or does it merely change our operationalizations and applications of the same concepts? In this paper, I argue that instead of focusing on individual conceptual change, philosophers of socially disruptive technologies (SDTs) should think about conceptual change as a change in a network of interrelated concepts. What really generates a potential social disruption are changes of inferential relations between concepts – whether or not this entails a change of the respective individual concepts. Philosophers of socially disruptive technologies are therefore in the privileged position of being able to avoid commitments regarding the individuation of individual concepts.  相似文献   

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