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李永斌  陈婷 《包装工程》2017,38(22):212-216
目的随着互联网的飞速发展,传统家具制造业企业面临重大机遇和挑战,通过供给侧结构性改革对家具产品设计进行优化,寻找适合互联网平台的家具产品设计方法。方法运用系统分析的方法,对可拆装榫卯结构进行创新设计研究。从系统的着眼点去研究可拆装书桌的整个设计流程,通过将用户体验运用在可拆装书桌整个设计过程中,来提高产品的用户体验。结论通过将可拆装榫卯结构运用到家具产品设计中,可以提高产品与用户之间的交互性,带给用户良好的体验,同时也为家具产品创新设计提供了新的方向。  相似文献   

通过对"互联网+产品设计"的核心内容及设计流程的全面研究,发现"互联网+"背景下产品设计的新模式与新思路。重点分析了"互联网+"背景下,商业模式、用户、产品等属性发生变化的情况,发现传统产品设计理论正在不断受到"羊毛出在猪身上"、"网红经济"、"快速迭代"等互联网理论的冲击。深入研究了当下比较热门的"贴身定制"、"众筹模式"、"设计服务众包"等产品设计新模式,为"大众创业,万众创新"实现之路进行探索。  相似文献   

商振  刘昊  朱世范 《包装工程》2021,42(16):149-158
目的 对基于用户网络评价信息修改产品设计规范并开展产品改良设计的方法开展研究.方法 应用网络爬虫技术对用户网络评价信息的数据采集、分析和整理方法进行研究.基于用户评价信息数据,对快速修改产品设计规范实现产品设计定位的方法进行研究.应用产品设计程序与方法实现产品改良设计.结果 针对ONA品牌LED灯具产品,开展了基于用户网络评价的改良设计.在新产品方案满足基于用户评价修改的产品设计规范要求前提下,改良设计周期大幅缩短至3个月.结论 研究提出的方法应用网络技术手段实现了对产品设计规范面向大量用户评价的修改,为一定市场规模产品提供了替代传统调研方法的、快速的设计定位调整手段,为企业在信息时代对用户反馈做出准确、敏捷反应提供了理论和技术支撑.  相似文献   

互联网购物网站用户体验设计研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
吴江  黄晟青  蔡骏 《包装工程》2012,33(8):68-71
通过阐述用户体验设计的概念、内涵,分析了其与产品设计和互联网购物网站的关系,并对现有购物网站中的用户体验设计进行分析,论述了互联网购物中存在的问题和解决的方案,进而分析了用户体验设计在互联网购物网站中发挥重要作用的可行性。提出了用户体验设计应具备贯穿用户与购物网站交互的所有过程的特点,以及通过用户体验设计提高用户对购物网站的信任度和忠诚度,并提出了用户体验设计在购物网站中的方法和原则以及把其运用在购物网站中的合理性。  相似文献   

大数据时代互联网产品的迭代创新设计方法研究   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
目的构建大数据时代互联网产品迭代创新设计的方法。方法通过对现有互联网产品迭代设计的分析,论述了大数据思维在互联网产品设计中对其设计范围、设计理念与设计方法3个方面所产生的影响,并提出定向广告投递,定制用户潜在需求,动态优化市场推广营销策略的互联网产品迭代创新设计的方法。结论论述了运用大数据思维进行互联网产品迭代设计的优势与注意点,为互联网产品设计的发展提出了合理化的建议。  相似文献   

基于用户体验的交互产品情感化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
兰玉琪  刘湃 《包装工程》2019,40(12):23-28
目的 用户体验是现在十分热门的设计话题。用户体验是人机交互融合了人类学、心理学、营销管理学等诸多学科后发展而来的一个新的设计门类。用户体验设计与交互设计多用于以计算机为媒介的信息类产品中。通过研究用户体验的发展历程、结构等方面内容,总结出用户体验设计的特点,并将其运用到产品设计中。通过研究信息类产品的用户体验和交互设计,来构建产品设计的用户体验设计方法,希望可以为交互产品设计提供新的思路。方法 以查阅、分析文献为主。结论 在研究人的需求过程中,发现如今的交互产品设计的目的,不应该只是可用性和易用性,更应该关注人的情感方面的需求,情感交互设计成为现在交互产品的重点和卖点。将用户体验的设计理念运用到传统的产品设计中,关注用户的隐性需求,可以让交互产品的情感功能更加明确地与用户产生共鸣。  相似文献   

“互联网+”时代下健康理疗产品创新设计趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探索研究"互联网+"时代背景下,互联网思维和各种新技术对健康理疗产品创新设计的影响。方法通过文献综述和典型案例分析,从用户需求、产品进化、支撑技术和发展环境等方面,研究"互联网+"给健康理疗产品带来的影响,探讨新时代下该类产品的创新设计。结论 "互联网+"时代下,让用户参与创新、考虑模块化产品设计、共享健康大数据、进行个性化定制,是未来健康理疗产品创新设计的重要发展趋势。  相似文献   

陈振益 《包装工程》2011,32(20):105-107
从技术过剩的角度,着重研究了产品设计的新变化。首先传统设计生产模式被打破,产品的周期大大缩短;同时设计师和消费者的关系发生了根本改变,消费者开始全面参与到设计当中。在此基础上提出了未来产品设计之路,通过借鉴现代设计大师以及传统设计思想,重新思考设计的本质和定位,回到设计的原点,以适应新时代的新趋势。  相似文献   

刘旭 《包装工程》2020,41(2):237-242
目的针对传统文化在移动互联网平台上的传播现状与问题,研究传统文化类APP的设计策略,探讨提升传统文化类APP用户体验的方法。方法基于文化转译理念,分析传统文化层次与APP设计元素之间的映射关系,提出从传统文化的物质层、行为层、精神层中提取典型性文化要素,转译为APP的界面视觉,交互设计,场景设计元素的流程和方法。结论传统文化元素融入到移动端互联网产品的设计中是时代发展的必然需求,在产品设计过程中需要基于移动互联网平台的特性与APP设计规范,将传统文化由浅入深,由表及里、自然地转译到移动互联网产品中,设计出有民族情感、实用性以及艺术价值的APP,进而提升传统文化的传播体验效果。  相似文献   

柳杨  唐智川 《包装工程》2017,38(22):20-24
目的研究基于用户心智模型的运动健康管理APP设计流程。方法基于互联网+运动健康管理,在情感化设计和以用户为中心的产品设计思想的指导下,提出基于心智模型的"三维度、六步曲"设计策略。结论通过对用户在运动健身过程中心智模型的研究,从情感化设计的三维度(本能层、行为层、反思层)和以用户为中心设计的六步曲(用户研究、需求分析、系统模型、产品设计、评估测试、反馈优化)来进行运动健康管理APP设计,在引导用户进行合理规范的健身训练、进行健康档案的管理和健康知识的咨询外,还能够带给用户内心愉悦的心理体验,满足用户的情感需求。  相似文献   

Gender differences in publication productivity in psychology in India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An analysis of gender differences in psychology in India provides quantitative and qualitative assessment of R&D output contributed by psychologists with the indication of the trend of growth, skewness, relatedness, co-authorship pattern of productivity.  相似文献   

The system for Metrology in Chemistry in Germany is described. At the national standards level, a network of high-level chemistry institutes coordinated by the national metrology institute, PTB, provides the primary references for chemical measurements. A dissemination mechanism employs chemical calibration laboratories accredited within the framework of the German Calibration Service (DKD). They act as “multipliers” between the national standards level and the user level by providing the user with calibration means which are traceable to the SI via national standards. Traceability structures in clinical chemistry, electrochemistry, elemental analysis and gas analysis are described  相似文献   

Natural radioactivity in drinking water was determined in population-based random study of 472 private wells. The mean concentrations of (222)Rn, (226)Ra, (234)U, (238)U, (210)Pb and (210)Po in drilled wells were 460, 0.05, 0.35, 0.26, 0.04 and 0.05 Bq l(-1), and in wells dug in the soil were 50, 0.016, 0.02, 0.015, 0.013 and 0.007 Bq l(-1), respectively. Approximately 10% of the drilled wells exceeded a radon concentration of 1000 Bq l(-1) and 18% a uranium concentration of 15 microg l(-1). The mean annual effective dose from natural radionuclides for a drilled well user was 0.4 mSv and 0.05 mSv for a user of a well dug in the soil. The effective dose arising from (222)Rn was 75% of the total of all natural radionuclides for drilled well users. As regards long-lived radionuclides, (210)Po and (210)Pb caused the largest portion of the effective dose. The dose arising from (238)U, (234)U and (226)Ra was only 8% of the total of all natural radionuclides.  相似文献   

Optical film thickness monitoring is more precise than crystal monitoring. The optical measurement makes use of the fact that the intensity of a monochromatic light beam which is reflected on a film will change periodically with increasing film thickness. The measurement is performed at an exchangeable test glass that is positioned beside the substrates and is therefore coated in the same way as the substrates. The accuracy of cut‐off is achieved by a “fit” of a theoretical curve shape to the measured values. Order filters are used to ensure that, at a certain wavelength, higher deflection orders do not influence the measurement when a monochromator grating is used.  相似文献   

In most of its publications, the International Commission on Radiological Protection has highlighted the importance of education and training in radiation protection (RP) for medical exposures. Spain, like other Member States of the European Union, has implemented the Directive and the Guidelines in the medical area. The purpose of this paper is to present the Spanish experience in RP education and training in medicine, the different objectives established according to professional levels, existing regulations and feedback obtained from various RP actions.  相似文献   

Arteriovenous graft (AVG) thrombosis is a frequent cause of graft failure. We evaluated coagulation protein concentrations, platelet function, and viscoelasticity factors in 20 hemodialysis (HD) patients with AVGs. The goal was to determine whether significant differences in protein concentrations, platelet function, and viscoelasticity factors exist among dialysis patients requiring frequent AVG declot procedures vs. those who do not. Twenty HD patients were enrolled: 10 frequent clotters (>3 declots in the previous year) and 10 were nonclotters. Patients on antiplatelets or chronic anticoagulation were excluded. Laboratories were drawn pretreatment and heparinase was added to counteract any potential heparin effect. Coagulation protein concentrations including tissue factor (TF), thrombin/antithrombin III complex (TAT), and prothrombin fragment 1 + 2 (F1+2) were assayed. The time to clot onset was measured by force onset time (FOT). Platelet contractile force (PCF) measured the force produced by platelets during clot retraction, whereas clot rigidity was measured as clot elastic modulus (CEM). FOT, CEM, and PCF were measured by Hemodyne. Both groups had upregulation of the TF pathway, as TF, TAT, and F1+2 levels were similarly increased over baseline levels. Hemodialysis patients with frequent AVG clotting had higher levels of both PCF and CEM compared with nonclotters. Additionally, the frequent clotters had a lower FOT relative to nonclotters, although both were considered in the normal range. Our study suggests that HD patients with recurrent AVG thrombotic events form clots with higher tensile strength compared with HD patients without recurrent graft thrombosis.  相似文献   

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