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In view of the three-dimensional dynamic abutment pressure, the influence of the far-field hard stratum (FHS) in deep, thick coal seams is indeterminant. Based on elastic foundation theory, a three-dimensional dynamic prediction model of the abutment pressure was established. Using this model, the dynamic change in the coal seam abutment pressure caused by the movement of the FHS was studied, and a method for determining the dynamic change range of the abutment pressure was developed. The results of the new prediction model of the abutment pressure are slightly higher than the measured values, with an error of 0.51%, which avoids the shortcomings of the results because the Winkler foundation model results are lower than the measured values and have an error of 9.98%. As time progresses, the abutment pressure and its distribution range are affected by the FHS movement, which has the characteristics of gradually increasing dynamic change until the FHS fractures. The peak value of the abutment pressure increases linearly with time, and the influence range increases with time following a power function with an exponent of less than 1. The influence range of the FHS movement on the abutment pressure ahead of the working face, behind the working face, and along the working face is 10 times, 25 times, and 17 times the mining thickness, respectively. According to the actual geological parameters, the dynamic change range of the coal seam abutment pressure was determined by drawing an additional stress curve and by determining the threshold value. These research results are of great significance to the partition optimization of the roadway support design of deep, thick coal seams.  相似文献   

郑吉玉  王公忠 《爆破》2018,35(2):37-40,49
松动爆破是防治瓦斯突出的有效措施。针对煤层透气性差,突出危险预测指标高的问题,采用松动爆破技术对煤层进行卸压增透。结合某矿工作面煤体和爆破参数,理论计算了爆破后裂隙圈范围,主要包括应力波作用和静压破坏作用两部分,分别为0.41 m和1.47 m;通过布置钻孔并观测瓦斯流量变化,裂隙圈范围与理论计算较为接近,略小于应力波和静压破坏两部分理论计算之和;在理论计算和现场观测的基础上,确定合理的钻孔间距为3 m。采煤工作面经卸压爆破后,突出预测指标S(钻屑量)和q(瓦斯涌出初速度)分别下降了16.7%和57.1%,有效降低了工作面突出危险性。  相似文献   

海底层状地基极限承载力的预测是海上自升式钻井平台插桩作业设计的关键。目前,成层土地基极限承载能力的确定主要依靠经验公式,但其适用范围和限制条件并不明确。为了研究桩靴在硬软双层黏土地基中的极限承载力,将自升式平台的插桩过程视为桩靴在半无限弹塑性地基上逐渐贯入的准静态过程,将土体视为满足摩尔-库伦屈服准则的各向同性弹塑性体,桩土之间的接触定义为符合库伦摩擦定律的主从接触面接触,在ABAQUS平台上利用非线性有限元法对自升式钻井平台桩靴在硬软双层黏土地基中的极限承载力进行数值计算,分析上、下土层强度比和上层土相对厚度比对极限承载力的影响,并与现有经验公式的结果进行对比。结果表明,BrownMeyerhof公式和投影面积法只适用于硬软差别明显的双层土地基。当上层土相对厚度比H/B一定时,上、下层土强度比Sut/Sub越小,双层土地基的极限承载力越大。当H/B=1.0时,只有在Sut/Sub3.0的情况下才可用BrownMeyerhof公式计算其极限承载力,而投影面积法适用于4.0Sut/Sub6.0的情况。当上、下层土强度比一定时,上层土相对厚度比越大,下部软土层对双层地基极限承载力的影响越小。在Sut/Sub=3.0时,只有在H/B1.0的情况下,BrownMeyerhof公式和投影面积法计算的双层土地基的极限承载力才是合理的。上、下层土强度比越大,上层土相对厚度比越小,发生穿刺的可能性就越大。所得结论对于插桩作业的设计和施工具有一定的工程指导意义。  相似文献   

蒋斌松  冯强  张强 《工程力学》2013,30(7):270-275
在晋城矿区随着3#煤资源的逐步枯竭,许多矿井迫切希望能够开采15#煤层。但15#煤顶板为厚、硬的石灰岩顶板,开采可能形成顶板大面积悬露而突然断裂垮落、造成生产安全问题。该文针对卧庄煤矿15#煤层的赋存情况,根据关键层理论确定老顶岩梁,采用弹性地基梁模型解析计算其弯曲挠度;采用Fourier积分变换方法解析计算底板岩层的底鼓量;并计算直接顶的冒落高度。根据老顶弯曲挠度、底板底鼓量和煤层冒落高度三者之和充满采空区,来确定相对应的开采宽度,以判别其石灰岩顶板的稳定性。计算显示:当控制直接顶石灰岩-1、石灰岩-2随开采及时冒落、开采宽度达到22.55m时,老顶岩层可与冒落岩石相接触,表明卧庄矿15#煤层开采是安全的。这里所采用的分析方法对于晋城矿区及相类似坚硬顶板煤层的安全开采具有参考价值。  相似文献   

The three-dimensional damage constitutive relationship of coal is established and distribution law of the abutment pressure of the integrated coal beside the road-in packing for gob-side entry retaining in fully-mechanized caving face under the effect of given deformation of the main roof is analyzed by the damage mechanics theory. And the relationship between distribution of the abutment pressure and thickness of coal seam is explored. The presented result is of great theoretical significance and practical value to the study on stability control of the surrounding rock of road-in packing for gob-side entry retaining in fully-mechanized caving face.  相似文献   

In underground coal extraction of fully mechanized caving, the overlying hard–thick sandstone main roof could control the failure extent and the movement evolution of the entire overburden strata. The instantaneous failure of the hard–thick sandstone main roof possibly causes strata pressure behaviors, rock-bursts and abnormal gas emissions, which may result in equipment damages and casualties. Tashan coalmine was chosen as a field case study base because of its super great mining height (SGMH) and the overlying hard–thick sandstone roof (HTSR). This mine has experienced a great deal of damaging hydraulic support and abnormal gas emission accidents caused by strata pressure behavior. The fracture failure analysis was analyzed based on “Key Strata Theory” and numerical simulation results. The hard–thick sandstone main roof could perform as a very large double-sided embedded rock beam in the primary fracture and as a cantilever-articulated rock beam in periodic fracture, simultaneously generates a huge hanging space in the gob. The fracture failure of the hard–thick sandstone main roof causes a permeability enhancement in the adjacent rock-coal strata and near face coal seam. The substantial amounts of gas stored in the remaining coal, surrounding rock strata and adjacent coal seams rush out and aggregate in the caved and fissure zone of the gob, thereby forming a huge gas cloud. The disasters due to coupled strata pressure behavior and abnormal gas emissions, which primarily occurred after primary and periodic fracture failure, are predominantly caused by the instantly fracture of main roof. When the main roof reached the ultimate broken span and underwent, rotation and collapse, substantial amounts of gas accumulating in the gob escaped to the working face under the extrusion and impaction of the caving rock strata, which easily produced abnormal gas emissions, some of which exceeded the statutory limit. Shortening the length of the HTSR failure span using hydraulic presplitting and decreasing the gas content of the coal seam using gas drainage technology are recognized as two effective approaches to solve this issue.  相似文献   

为了保证边坡稳定性及减小爆破振动效应,对大宝山矿区889~877 m平台最终边坡采用了深孔台阶爆破、缓冲爆破与预裂爆破相结合的技术方案。根据边坡预裂爆破中预裂缝的形成是爆炸应力波和髙压气体联合作用的分析结果,和889~877 m平台最终边坡的主爆孔、缓冲孔、预裂孔相关的爆破参数,进行了现场实验。结果表明:爆破实施后,889~877 m平台最终边坡的半孔率高达85%,不平整度较低,较好地保证了最终边坡的稳定性,并将爆破振动的影响控制在安全范围之内。  相似文献   

为了降低沿空巷道上覆基本顶断裂、回转、下沉对人造帮稳定性的影响,采用预裂爆破技术提前预裂基本顶,减小基本顶在采空区的悬顶长度,降低人造帮载荷及其作用时间,提高人造帮的稳定性。预裂爆破的关键是确定合理的孔距,通过在集贤煤矿西二采区进行基本顶预裂爆破试验,采用钻孔窥视技术对孔距1、1.5、2m的爆破效果进行分析。结果表明:检验孔孔壁裂隙发育宽度、发育长度、发育密度及孔隙度都有随着孔距增大而减小的趋势。为了爆破后炮孔间形成相互贯通的裂隙、保证预裂爆破效果,确定预裂爆破孔合理间距为1.5m。  相似文献   

In the traditional mining technology, the coal resources trapped beneath surface buildings, railways, and water bodies cannot be mined massively, thereby causing the lower coal recovery and dynamic disasters. In order to solve the aforementioned problems, the roadway backfilling mining technology is developed and the joint bearing mechanism of coal pillar and backfilling body is presented in this paper. The mechanical model of bearing system of coal pillar and backfilling body is established, by analyzing the basic characteristics of overlying strata deformation in roadway backfilling mining technology. According to the Ritz method in energy variation principle, the elastic solution expression of coal pillar deformation is deduced in roadway backfilling mining technology. Based on elastic-viscoelastic correspondence principle, combining with the burgers rheological constitutive model and Laplace transform theory, the viscoelastic solution expression of coal pillar deformation is obtained in roadway backfilling mining technology. By analyzing the compressive mechanical property of backfilling body, the time formula required for coal pillar and backfilling body to play the joint bearing function in roadway backfilling mining technology is obtained. The example analysis indicates that the time is 140 days. The results can be treated as an important basis for theoretical research and process design in roadway backfilling mining technology.  相似文献   

Consideration is given to a mathematical model of water influx to a perfect well drilling in a homogeneous water-bearing stratum. The novelty of the problem is in the method of allowing for the additional water influx from the overlying swelling clay layer to the stratum. The model of water loss by a swelling clay layer, proposed by the authors earlier, is used for calculation of the water influx. This model is based on the generalization of filtration-consolidation theory to the case where the mass of the solid phase of a porous skeleton changes due to the fluid crossflow during the processes of swelling and shrinkage under the action of osmotic pressure. __________ Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 80, No. 3, pp. 81–85, May–June, 2007.  相似文献   

为研究多跨30 t轴重重载铁路简支梁桥-轨道系统地震响应规律,采用经过验证的梁轨相互作用模拟方法,建立了考虑桩-土共同作用、桥墩弹塑性变形、滑动支座摩阻力、线路非线性阻力的多跨重载铁路简支梁桥与双线有砟轨道相互作用仿真模型,揭示了一致激励和行波效应下重载铁路简支梁桥-轨道系统地震响应规律,探讨了路基段钢轨长度、简支梁跨数、跨度、线路纵向阻力形式、滑动支座摩阻系数等设计参数的影响,分析了温度、列车制动和地震耦合作用下系统的受力特征。研究表明:当地形地质条件相差不大时,简支梁跨数可简化为11跨、路基段钢轨长度可取为150 m;线路阻力减小时,梁体间、梁体与桥台间可能出现碰撞现象甚至发生落梁;纵向一致激励下,钢轨应力包络图呈"双菱形",其最大值出现在桥台附近,而梁缝附近梁轨相对位移较大,易发生动力失稳;行波效应下,系统受力和变形规律发生显著改变,即使对于跨度较小的简支梁桥,也应考虑行波效应的影响;温度和列车制动作用将进一步增大轨道结构在地震中发生动力失稳的可能性。  相似文献   

整体式桥的桥身与桥台之间没有设置支座和伸缩缝,而是刚性连接为一体,从而能极大地节省桥梁全寿命周期的维护与维修费用。但是由于季节性温度波动导致桥身长度变化,桥台后土体随之受到水平方向循环加载作用。桥台后土压力的发展变化,成为整体式桥研究的重点。另外,对整体式桥台在地震作用下的动力反应还缺乏认识。该文首先系统总结了关于整体式桥台后土压力的相关研究成果,包括现场监测、缩尺模型实验、土单元应力路径实验、以及数值模拟等,揭示出在这种特殊循环作用下桥台后土压力的变化规律,并对土压力累积机理进行了探讨。然后,该文总结了整体式桥台在地震作用下动力响应的相关研究成果,指出由于桥台与桥身的刚性连接,桥身惯性力对桥台与土动力相互作用产生很大影响。  相似文献   

Bedding separation in roof strata (BSRS) overlying roadways within thick coal seams (RTCS) is an important factor leading to surrounding instability in underground coal mines, and especially to roof failures such as convergence, and even caving-in. To prevent reason, and to protect the working miners, it is essential to understand the mechanism of underpinning BSRS overlying RTCS. In this research, combined with the theoretical analysis and test results of continuous, and discontinuous, beams and stratified rock strata load, a new approach to predict the locations at which BSRS occurred was proposed; additionally, the calculation equation for BSRS was deduced. Based on standard monitoring methods widely used in exploring roof behaviour in underground coal roadways, a typical roadway excavated within 12.87 m, in an average thickness coal seam, in Jinggonger coal mine, Pingshuo Coalfield, Shanxi Province, China, that was chosen to explore the mechanism underpinning BSRS, and a set of monitoring designs, mainly including five groups of stations and 16 instruments, is determined and applied to this research. Results showed that the predicted locations of BSRS overlying RTCS were in accordance with field monitoring results. This proved the validity of the theoretical model. Besides, the working face played an important role in BSRS and 75% of the BSRS events were generated within the 50 m between the monitoring station and the working face. When the distance was decreased to 5 m, the BSRS was up to 90.9 mm and 86 mm at depths of 6.8 m and 3.8 m, respectively. Meanwhile, three stages were considered, step-by-step, as opposed to mining activity dependent upon the extent of its influence on BSRS: a pink value (indicative of an alarm status) prevailed during the third stage.  相似文献   

目的 针对反应堆压力容器接管安全端焊接残余应力较大易导致应力腐蚀开裂的问题,探究焊接工艺参数对焊接残余应力的影响,并寻找最佳工艺参数。方法 利用有限元参数化建模方法建立反应堆压力容器接管安全端的三维热-力耦合模型,模拟其焊接过程,研究焊接残余应力的变化情况。采用正交试验设计法分析了焊接电流、焊接速度及层间冷却时间对焊后最大等效应力的影响,建立了焊后最大等效应力与焊接电流、焊接速度及层间冷却时间的二次回归模型,基于该模型利用遗传算法寻优焊接参数。结果 焊接残余应力峰值靠近熔合区位置,残余应力较高,超过了材料的屈服应力;各参数按对焊后等效残余应力峰值的影响由大到小的顺序依次为焊接速度、焊接电流、层间冷却时间。正交试验所得最佳工艺参数如下:焊接电流为610 A,焊接速度为20 mm/s,层间冷却时间为400 s,经遗传算法进一步优化后所得的最佳参数如下:焊接电流为610 A,焊接速度为23 mm/s,层间冷却时间为427 s。通过仿真验证遗传算法优化结果,得到焊接残余应力的峰值为373 MPa,比未优化前减小了44 MPa。结论 优化后的工艺参数有效降低了焊接残余应力,提高了反应堆压力容器接...  相似文献   

齐春  何川  封坤  彭祖昭  汤印  代聪 《工程力学》2019,36(4):62-71,99
深埋盾构隧道所受围岩压力主要为围岩挤压型大变形产生的形变压力,其主要特点是变形持续时间长且具有重复性,支护完成后围岩压力仍将持续增大,企图通过增加支护刚度来抑制围岩变形是不现实的,采用让压支护是解决问题的一个方向。同时,深部围岩赋存条件复杂,岩体结构复杂多变,盾构隧道穿越复合地层不可避免。以国内两座大埋深盾构煤矿斜井为背景,采用相似模型试验和有限元数值计算手段,对比分析不同复合地层条件下管片衬砌+可压缩层联合支护时管片衬砌的力学性能。研究结果表明:在模型正确建立且参数取值合理的前提下,有限元数值计算结果可以和相似模型试验结果很好的吻合。均一地层条件下可压缩层可使管片最大弯矩减小12.5%~19.9%,最大轴力减小14.2%。复合地层使管片弯矩量值和分布均产生明显变化,但对管片轴力的影响则不明显,管片弯矩对复合地层抗力更为敏感,而轴力对复合地层抗力不敏感。有可压缩层情况下,复合地层中管片内力分布更加均匀,轴力的变化不明显。复合地层相对厚度对管片最大正弯矩的影响较为稳定,对管片最大负弯矩影响显著,使其产生位置偏向相对较软一侧的地层,且相对厚度越大偏移越明显。"上硬下软"复合地层中管片弯矩更容易受地层相对刚度的影响。  相似文献   

Han  M. T.  Pu  B. Y.  Cheng  Z. H.  Fu  J. H.  Zhang  J.  Ma  T. S. 《Strength of Materials》2022,54(1):134-143
Strength of Materials - In order to clarify the stress variation law of casing in salt-paste stratum and provide theoretical basis for wellbore structure design, the model of salt-gypsum stratum...  相似文献   

针对当前双缓冲系统特性研究不足,严重制约凿岩机冲击功率提高的现状,考虑岩石动力学特性和应力波的透射与反射,建立以冲击为输入的应力波传递模型,获取了钎头凿入位移和缓冲活塞回弹速度。考虑油液压缩、油液泄漏、阀口压降等因素,建立了包含缓冲活塞、缓冲阀、缓冲蓄能器以及连接管路的双缓冲系统耦合模型。设计现场凿岩实验,同步测试了冲击系统和双缓冲系统腔内压力,验证了数值仿真模型的正确性。在此基础上,分析了双缓冲间隙对缓冲活塞运动规律和一、二级缓冲腔压力变化规律的影响。仿真结果表明,双缓冲间隙存在最优范围,如若设计不当,会影响系统的响应速度,引起极高的压力峰值,甚至造成系统空蚀的发生。  相似文献   

为探究浅埋煤层开采上覆含水松散层水砂两相流动规律,采用基于离散元软件PFC3D和有限元软件GID的耦合数值方法,模拟了上覆岩层中预制理想单裂隙在不同开度和倾角条件下突水溃砂全过程,分析了裂隙通道所受接触力、水流速度、水砂间拖曳力随时步的变化规律。结果表明:裂隙开度和倾角会改变突水溃砂过程中水砂突涌类型,对覆岩所受接触力、水流速度及其稳定所需时间产生较大影响,水砂间拖曳力主要受裂隙倾角的影响。裂隙通道入口处即上覆岩层的顶层在突水溃砂初期所受接触力最大,处于最危险状态;水流速度稳定值和流动稳定所需时间分别与裂隙倾角和开度成线性相关;对比裂隙通道底面侧,倾向侧水砂间拖曳力较大,水砂突涌更加剧烈。  相似文献   

在以往的工作中,利用弹性力学理论获得了地应力场中套管—水泥环—地层系统应力分布的解析表达式。在此基础之上,应用等效介质模型的速度—应力关系式,研究了地应力场中套管井周弹性波速的空间分布规律。分析结果表明,相对裸眼井,套管井应力集中的程度更加明显,由于套管和水泥环的存在,地层应力集中的范围明显缩小到井眼附近。应力集中将导致套管井周波速空间分布的各向异性,对应不同方位径向偏振的横波速度的交叉点明显向井孔附近移动,这意味着垂直偏振的两种弯曲波频散曲线的交点会向高频移动。这一结果表明,在高频情况下,在套管井中应用正交偶极子声测井检测应力导致的各向异性是可行的。  相似文献   

深井矿山开采条件下,地应力环境更加复杂,为研究高应力围压对爆破破岩效果的影响,采用ANSYS/LS-DYNA分析软件建立了三维数值计算模型,设定开采深度H分别为1000 m、2000 m和3000 m三种方案,开展三向围压下岩体爆破损伤范围数值分析。研究表明:在相同岩石和爆破参数条件下,随着开采深度的增加,围岩压力随之增大,围压总体上对爆破损伤范围起到抑制作用,使得装药区的爆破损伤体积由H=1000 m时的2.21 m3降低至H=3000 m时的0.52 m3,降低幅度达到76.5%;且对拉伸破坏的抑制效果更明显,岩体爆破损伤类型由拉伸破坏逐渐向剪切破坏转化。高围压条件下,岩体的围岩约束作用增大,一定程度上加大了爆破难度,但超过一定范围易于诱发岩爆事故。  相似文献   

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