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研究了超声辐照对聚丙烯/三元乙丙橡胶(PP/EPDM)共混物挤出过程及二次加工中微相结构的影响.结果表明随超声功率的增加EPDM相的比表面积增大,界面作用增强.超声辐照使EPDM在PP中形成的良好的分散效果在经过热压二次成型后仍大部分得以保持.动态流变分析显示超声振动使PP/EPDM共混物的内部结构变得更加均匀.Palierne乳液模型计算结果表明,超声辐照使共混物中两相的界面张力降低,这说明超声辐照使两相间形成了良好的界面结构和牢固的界面作用,有效地阻止了EPDM液滴在共混过程以及随后的热压成型加工过程中的合并.  相似文献   

用旋转流变仪测试了三元共混物PP EPS 30RA/HDPE 8916/EPDM和PP T30S/HDPE 5306/EPDM的动态流变行为,采用广义Maxwell模型对损耗模量-角频率曲线进行了拟合。结果表明,低频下,随着PP/HDPE质量比的增加,2种共混物的复数黏度逐渐增加,而储能模量值先增加后下降,最大值对应的PP/HDPE质量比为70/30。当PP EPS 30RA/HDPE 8916/EPDM三元共混物各组分质量比分别为30/70/3、50/50/3和70/30/3时,储能模量在低频下均出现第二平台,而PP T30S/HDPE 5306/EPDM共混物未出现该现象。在PP/HDPE/EPDM质量比达到50/50/3后,2种PP/HDPE/EPDM共混物的特征松弛时间逐渐变长。2种共混物的松弛模量-松弛时间曲线呈"扫把"状,模量高时松弛时间聚集,模量较低时松弛时间发散。  相似文献   

运用动态硫化法制备EPDM/PP橡胶,研究了其流变行为、结晶及动态力学性能。利用扫描电镜观察了硫化EPDM/PP橡胶熔融共混后EPDM颗粒在PP基体中的分散情况。动态力学性能(DMA)和拉伸性能测试的结果显示橡塑比为40/60时,EPDM/PP橡胶的综合性能最为优异。研究了硫化EPDM/PP橡胶在黏性弹性区域的振荡剪切行为。DMA结果显示橡塑比提高导致储能模量与tanδ下降。流变行为表明,复合黏度随交联密度的增加而增加,弹性变形优于黏性流动。硫化过程使EPDM颗粒细化导致PP分子链结晶受阻。  相似文献   

利用以拉伸流场为主的叶片挤出机(VE)和以剪切流场为主的双螺杆挤出机(TSE)分别制备了不同组分比的动态硫化三元乙丙橡胶/聚丙烯(EPDM/PP)热塑性弹性体。通过对2种流场作用下共混物的力学性能、结晶熔融行为以及晶体形貌和晶体结构的对比分析,研究了拉伸流场对动态硫化EPDM/PP结构与性能的影响。结果表明,与双螺杆挤出机相比,由于拉伸流场更好的分散混合效果,EPDM/PP热塑性弹性体中的PP相能在较低温度结晶,共混物中PP相的晶体尺寸更小,分布更均匀,EPDM相与PP相界面结合更好,共混物的力学性能得到了显著提高;拉伸流场对EPDM/PP热塑性弹性体中PP相的晶格结构无影响,但对PP的结晶度影响较大。  相似文献   

动态硫化EPDM/PP热塑性弹性体应力松弛的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从相态结构角度讨论动态硫化EPDM/PP共混物的应力松弛行为,并与纯PP以及静态硫化EPDM的应力松弛相比较,研究了制备工艺对动态硫化EPDM/PP共混物应力松弛的影响,结果表明,动态硫化EPDM/PP应力松弛主要由PP连续相决定的,EPDM分散相对共混物应力松弛有一定的影响。随橡塑化和软化剂用量的增加,EPDM/PP应力松弛明显降低,增大硫化剂用量,EPDM/PP应力松弛相对较小。  相似文献   

以乙丙橡胶(EPDM)、胶粉和聚丙烯(PP)等为主要原料,采用共混的方法制备了改性胶粉/EPDM/PP热塑性弹性体,研究了胶粉的改性剂、充油EPDM用量和胶粉用量等对改性胶粉/EPDM/PP热塑性弹性体性能的影响。结果表明:橡胶再生剂RV2和酚醛树脂并用改性胶粉所制得的改性胶粉/EPDM/PP热塑性弹性体综合性能最优;使用7.5份充油EPDM所制得的弹性体综合性能最优;随着胶粉用量的增加,热塑性弹性体的综合性能下降,使用15份改性胶粉时性价比最高,同时满足国标GB/T 27789—2011要求。对微观结构进行分析,经过橡胶再生剂RV2和酚醛树脂改性后的胶粉与橡胶基体和PP间形成了良好的结合。  相似文献   

动态硫化EPDM/PP热塑性弹性体动态力学性能的研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
应用动态热力学分析仪测定了动态硫化EPDM/PP共混物的动态力不宪为,Tg峰的变化,表明P的非晶部分与EPDM具有部分互溶性,同时讨论了共混物动态模量的特点,研究了不同橡塑比,硫化剂和软化剂用量对动态硫化EPDM/PP共混物动态力学性能的影响。  相似文献   

通过动态流变学方法研究了不同配比下聚丙烯/乙烯-丙烯-二烯三元共聚物(PP/EPDM)共混体系相分离行为。结果表明,EPDM与PP相容性不佳,当EPDM质量分数达到20%即已发生相分离,在质量分数为50%时形成双连续相结构,在质量分数50%~60%时发生相反转。采用Cole-Cole曲线、Han曲线、van Gurp曲线等方法表征了PP/EPDM体系相分离行为,其中van Gurp曲线最为敏感。  相似文献   

PP/EPDM共混物的X射线衍射研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
用WAXD研究PP/EPDM共混物的结果表明,PP晶相中除了主要含有α-单斜晶型PP之外,还存在β-六方晶型PP结构特征,这归结于试样的冷却速度以及EPDM充当了β-晶型PP的非均相成核剂。β-晶型含量(K)取决于共混物组成,在10%EPDM时,K有极大值(19.53%)。本文还研究了β-晶型的形成对α-晶型结构的影响,共混物中EPDM含量为10%时,α-晶型的表观晶体尺寸、峰强度以及共混物的总结晶度均有极小值。  相似文献   

以丙烯酸(AA)为纽带,将聚丙烯蜡(PPW)原位固相接枝在碳酸钙(CaCO3)表面,将得到的改性CaCO3与聚丙烯(PP)、三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)通过2种不同的加工混合工艺制备了PP/EPDM/CaCO3三元复合材料。研究了改性CaCO3的表面性能,并通过热力学、动力学参数预测了复合材料中可能形成的分散形态,以阐明复合材料宏观性能与微观形态的关系。结果表明,改性CaCO3表面极性降低,与PP、EPDM的相容性变好,界面张力明显降低;从热力学因素考虑,改性CaCO3更容易分散在PP相中,和EPDM形成单独分散结构;动力学因素表明,将改性CaCO3先与EPDM复合再与PP复合的"两步法"工艺可以减缓CaCO3从EPDM中迁出而有利于形成以CaCO3为核、EPDM为壳的核-壳结构,这一结果通过电镜得到证实;核-壳结构使复合材料的各项力学性能均得到提高,尤其是在复合材料韧性方面,并且随着核-壳结构的增加,复合材料的韧性也随之增加,但这种核-壳结构不利于提高复合材料的熔体流动速率。  相似文献   

在三螺杆动态混炼挤出机上,研究了不同橡塑比的(三元乙丙橡胶)EPDM/(聚丙烯)PP共混物经动态混炼和稳态混炼挤出后的拉伸性能.振动频率和振幅对共混物的拉伸强度均有很好的强化作用,并分析了振动力场对EPDM/PP共混物影响的规律和振动强化效果.  相似文献   

PP三元共混合金的力学性能及结晶行为研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了不同乙烯含量的EPDM对PP/UHMWPE合金的增容作用,并讨论了共混体系结晶行为的变化情况。发现EPDM中乙烯含量的增加可提高增容效果;在PP/UHMWPE/EPDM为100/10/6时,共混物缺口冲击强度可达91.1kJ/m^2,为PP的3.5倍,此时拉伸强度仍比纯PP高4.3MPa。  相似文献   

In this research, vetiver grass was used as a filler in polypropylene (PP) composite. Chemical treatment was done to modify fiber surface. Natural rubber (NR) and Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) rubber at various contents were used as an impact modifier for the composites. The composites were prepared by using an injection molding. Rheological, morphological and mechanical properties of PP and PP composites with and without NR or EPDM were studied. Adding NR or EPDM to PP composites, a significant increase in the impact strength and elongation at break is observed in the PP composite with rubber content more than 20% by weight. However, the tensile strength and Young’s modulus of the PP composites decrease with increasing rubber contents. Nevertheless, the tensile strength and Young’s modulus of the composites with rubber contents up to 10% are still higher than those of PP. Moreover, comparisons between NR and EPDM rubber on the mechanical properties of the PP composites were elucidated. The PP composites with EPDM rubber show slightly higher tensile strength and impact strength than the PP composites with NR.  相似文献   

PP/EPDM/CaCO_3三元共混体系的脆韧转变研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用扫描电镜和材料力学性能试验方法研究了PP/EPDM/CaCO3三元体系中CaCO3的表面处理与其材料的缺口冲击韧性及产生脆韧转变现象之间的关系。实验结果及分析表明:体系中分散相颗粒周围向PP基体扩散、渗透或与之共结晶的EPDM部分是增韧PP的有效成分;较好的表面处理条件下,体系中加入较少量的EPDM即可使材料缺口冲击韧性和拉伸模量值同时达到较好水平。  相似文献   

Polypropylene (PP)/ethylene–propylene-diene monomer (EPDM)/zinc dimethacrylate (ZDMA) blends with remarkable toughness and extensibility were successfully prepared via peroxide dynamical vulcanization. A unique structure with the EPDM particles surrounded by a transition zone containing numerous polymerized ZDMA (PZDMA) nano-particles was observed for the first time by using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) examination, which contributed to the dramatically increase of Izod impact strength. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) confirmed that the possible PZDMA graft products resulted from peroxide dynamical vulcanization improved the compatibility between EPDM and PP phases. The specific morphology of the PP/EPDM/ZDMA blends indicated that ZDMA can lead to size reduction and good distribution uniformity of the crosslinked rubber particles and the increase of adhesion between PP matrix and EPDM phases during deformation. The synergic effect of the increase in the effective volume of the EPDM phase, the improved compatibility and adhesion between EPDM and PP phases and the deformation of those fine rubber particles is believed to result in the remarkable high toughness and extensibility of the PP/EPDM/ZDMA blends. Particularly for the PP/EPDM ratio of 70/30, the PP/EPDM/ZDMA (70/30/9, w/w/w) ternary blends with the Izod impact strength nearly 2 times higher than PP/EPDM (70/30, w/w) binary blends and 15–20 times higher than PP are achieved; besides, the elongation at break of PP/EPDM/ZDMA ternary blends is 4–5 times higher than that of PP/EPDM binary blends.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of cross-linking on morphology and phase inversion of EPDM/PP blends. Several EPDM/PP blends without and with cross-linking agent were prepared in a Haake batch mixer under constant conditions. The morphology was studied by electronic microscopy (SEM and TEM), and cross-linking was followed by EPDM gel content and swelling. The results showed that the position of the phase inversion region is essentially governed by composition, being independent of the viscosity ratio of the EPDM/PP blend. The TPVs’ morphology of the EPDM/PP blend, with 70 and 50 wt% of PP, consists of EPDM cross-linked particles dispersed in the PP matrix. For EPDM-rich composition (30 wt% of PP), the TPVs’ morphology appears to be co-continuous. Even though dynamic vulcanisation of the rubber phase always improves the dispersion of the EPDM phase, complete phase inversion (from fully dispersed PP in the EPDM matrix to EPDM fully dispersed in the PP matrix) was achieved only with low viscosity EPDM.  相似文献   

用FT-IR方法研究了PP/EPDM共混物表面与本体的结晶形态,结果表明,随着EPDM含的增加,997cm^-1吸收峰的位置不变,但峰宽变小,测算PP的结晶度的A998/A972比值随着变化,从表面与本体比较来看,一是表面PP结晶状态吸收峰是在997.0cm^-1,而本体系在997.8cm^-1即向低波数方向移动;二是表面非结晶状态吸收峰972cm^-1增加较多,这都都共混物表面与本体PP结晶度及  相似文献   

Polypropylene/Ethylene–Propylene–Diene–Monomer (PP/EPDM) blends are well known for having a combination of favourable mechanical properties. In this paper, addition of organoclay to PP/EPDM to make PP/EPDM nanocomposites with enhanced mechanical properties is studied. PP/EPDM/organoclay nanocomposites were prepared using a lab scale twin-screw extruder. Maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene (PP-g-MA) was used to enhance the intercalation/exfoliation process and to create good adhesion at the polymer/polymer and polymer/filler interfaces. Taguchi method was employed to deign the experiments and optimize material and processing parameters for optimized mechanical properties. Organoclay (NC) and compatibilizer content were selected as material parameters and the main processing variables were feeding rate and average shear rate (RPM). X-ray diffraction (XRD), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) were used to study the microstructure of the nanocomposites samples. It was observed that NC content and shear rate in extruder improved the tensile strength and modulus. Another important result was the insignificant effect of NC content on impact strength while increasing shear rate first increased and then decreased the impact strength.  相似文献   

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