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目的:了解1~14岁儿童非致死性意外伤害造成经济损失情况。方法:2001年8—12月对合肥地区(包括城乡)的1~14岁儿童进行整群随机抽样,用统一的调查表进行调查。结果:(1)儿童非致死性意外伤害直接经济损失主要是门诊费和住院费,占经济损失总额的63.9%;(2)经济损失的高低与父母职业、父母化程度、母亲生育年龄有关。结论:儿童非致死性意外伤害经济损失大小受父母因素影响,在一定程度上是可以控制的。  相似文献   

驾驶员与儿童事故倾性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章通过对全国部分城市驾驶员交通事故和儿童意外伤害事故的流行病学研究结果发现:(1)驾驶员交通事故和儿童意外伤害事故检出率不存在地区性差异;(2)驾驶员交通事故和儿童意外伤害事故的检出率无显著性的年龄差异;(3)不同年龄段驾驶员和儿童,男性事故检出率均高于女性事故检出率;(4)极少数的事故人群具有事故倾向性:在驾驶人群中有6%~8%的事故倾性驾驶员,其引起的交通事故数占总事故数的30%~40%,在1~14岁儿童中有1%~2%的事故倾性儿童,其发生的意外伤害数占意外伤害总数的25%~35%;(5)事故倾性驾驶员和事故倾性儿童再发事故的比率均比对照组高。文章从流行病学角度证实了事故倾性人群的存在,并对事故倾性的本质作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

文章通过对全国部分城市驾驶员交通事故和儿童意外伤害事故的流行病学研究结果发现 :(1 )驾驶员交通事故和儿童意外伤害事故检出率不存在地区性差异 ;(2 )驾驶员交通事故和儿童意外伤害事故的检出率无显著性的年龄差异 ;(3 )不同年龄段驾驶员和儿童 ,男性事故检出率均高于女性事故检出率 ;(4 )极少数的事故人群具有事故倾向性 :在驾驶人群中有 6%~ 8%的事故倾性驾驶员 ,其引起的交通事故数占总事故数的 3 0 %~ 40 % ,在 1~ 1 4岁儿童中有 1 %~ 2 %的事故倾性儿童 ,其发生的意外伤害数占意外伤害总数的2 5 %~ 3 5 % ;(5 )事故倾性驾驶员和事故倾性儿童再发事故的比率均比对照组高。文章从流行病学角度证实了事故倾性人群的存在 ,并对事故倾性的本质作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

商度 《质量探索》2010,(10):28-29
<正>在很多人的惯性思维中,购买长途客车意外伤害保险的同时即已投保。但经常出差的李先生前两天却意外地发现,购买的保险卡上提示旅客必须激活保险。对此李先生非常诧异,难道以往购买的保险都因没被激活而无效?  相似文献   

近因原则是判断保险事故与保险标的损失之间的因果关系,从而确定保险赔偿责任的一项基本原则基本原则。在意外伤害保险案件理赔的过程中其作用是非常明显而重要的。本文旨在研究近因与近因原则的适用,分别从近因原则的概念、判断标准和认定方法入手,结合具体意外伤害保险实例对近因原则的在实务中的具体运用进行分析。  相似文献   

电磁辐射除了对孕妇、白领有伤害外,其实对孩子的伤害更大,尤其是家用电器带来的辐射。国内外医学专家研究表明:长期、过量的电磁辐射会对儿童的生殖系统、神经系统和免疫系统造成直接伤害。  相似文献   

儿童玩具的质量安全一直是社会关注的热点,其中玩具的误吞风险是目前玩具安全的最大隐患之一。为了全面、立体地发现产品潜在风险,我国正逐步推动产品伤害监测工作,通过产品伤害的调查和分析,支撑产品风险的控制与管理。本文基于广东省2017~2019年产品伤害监测数据,从人群、环境、产品3个因素出发,分析玩具误吞伤害的发生特征,并结合相关标准的规定和要求对各个因素分别进行风险分析,并有针对性地分别提出了干预建议,以预防和减少产品伤害的发生,为今后基于产品伤害监测的产品风险管理与质量安全防控工作提供有益参考。  相似文献   

随着我国汽车工业的发展和汽车保有量的增加,儿童乘车安全问题日益凸显。儿童虽然不是交通事故的主体,但他们是道路交通安全中的弱势群体。我国即将颁布儿童约束系统强制测试法规,国内工业界也广泛开展了儿童约束系统的安全性研究。儿童乘坐在汽车后座并使用合适的儿童约束系统可以有效降低致命和损伤风险。  相似文献   

正玩具是"儿童最亲密的伙伴",对于宝贝的智力发育和身心健康都具有极其重要的意义,是宝贝成长过程中不可缺少的消费品。然而,一些存在着安全隐患的危险玩具,则会成为导致宝贝意外伤害、威胁宝贝健康的"杀手"。世界上每年都有成千上万的儿童因不安全的玩具而受到不同程度的伤害,甚至不幸死亡。所以,关注玩具安全性是为了避免因玩具自身的某些缺陷给儿童造成伤害。我们要时刻警惕玩具的潜在危害,在意外发生之前就发现问题,防患于未然。  相似文献   

刘德军 《硅谷》2009,(10):32-33
针对Windows服务在运行过程中出现的意外停止的情况下实现无人值守定时检测服务状态,在服务停止后能自动启动服务。  相似文献   

A prospective study was used to: (1) quantify potential risk factors for whiplash associated disorder following a rear-end motor vehicle collision; and (2) develop a simple clinical decision rule for the early identification of patients at risk for long-term whiplash associated disorder. Between 1 October 1995 and 31 March 1998, 446 adults involved in rear-end collisions presented to the only two emergency departments serving Kingston, Ontario. Eligible and consenting subjects (n = 353) were contacted by telephone soon after the collisions then at multiple occasions up to 2 years post-collision. Bivariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were used to identify potential risk factors for persistent symptoms. A software package that uses Chi-squared automatic interaction detection and classification and regression trees was used to develop a simple clinical decision rule for the identification of patients at high and low risk for persistent whiplash associated disorder. Risk factors identified by regression analyses included: increased age, number of initial physical symptoms, and early development of the following symptoms: upper back pain, upper extremity numbness or weakness, or disturbances in vision. A simple clinical decision rule that requires asking up to three basic questions of each patient was derived and would have identified the 118 cases of persistent whiplash associated disorder with a sensitivity of 91.5% (95% confidence interval: 86.5, 96.6) and a specificity of 51.4% (44.7, 58.1). This study confirmed the importance of several risk factors for whiplash associated disorder following rear-end motor vehicle collisions.  相似文献   

郭翀 《包装工程》2012,33(10):5-7,16
针对国内药用PTP包装误服情况,分析预防药物PTP包装误服标识设计的必要性,结合国外设计经验论述了图形标识与药品包装的关系,利用标识设计实际案例及相关问卷调查分析,验证国内药用PTP包装标识设计的可行性。提出了利用标识设计可以改善药物识别性,通过药用包装标识来加强消费者自我药疗及呼吁制药方改善对药品制造等安全策略。  相似文献   

分析了幼儿的生理、心理特征,调研了目前市场幼儿产品的现状,从产品材料方面分析了幼儿产品的特性,并总结幼儿产品设计中材料设计的原则,提出在幼儿产品的设计过程中关注并运用这些原则来指导产品设计.  相似文献   

目的 儿童手部精细动作的训练对其认知能力的发展起着重要作用。本文选取儿童剪刀产品作为研究对象,通过对适龄儿童使用剪刀的行为进行研究,总结出面向适龄儿童生理认知特点和行为习惯的产品设计方法与流程,旨在改善儿童使用剪刀产品的操作体验,并促进儿童手部精细动作和认知能力的发展。方法 首先,分年龄段分析儿童的认知与手部精细动作发展特征;其次,通过非参与式观察法,记录6~8岁儿童使用剪刀的行为过程,并运用SAPAD模型进行“行为-物-意义”三个维度的映射,对用户行为背后的意义开展聚类分析,构建意义模型并转化为设计核心要素以指导剪刀设计;最后,结合模糊综合评价法开展产品可用性测试,确定最优设计方案。结果 通过对6~8岁儿童用户使用剪刀的行为进行分析,构建了意义模型,并得到了四个设计核心要素及两个核心部件。通过产品可用性测试,优选出最符合儿童生理认知发展和行为特征的设计方案。结论 基于SAPAD用户行为研究,并融入适龄儿童认知和生理发展特征的产品设计研究方法,能有效提升儿童的剪刀产品操作体验,从而促进其生理和认知发展。该研究也能为其他同类产品的设计开发提供新的理论路径和实践参考。  相似文献   

儿童网页版式设计特点研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
唐磊  饶简元  吴震瑞 《包装工程》2012,33(18):19-22
以儿童用户在阅读网页时表现的认知能力的特点为启示,分析了儿童网页中版式设计与其他网站的异同。论述了儿童网页设计中应该考虑的细节。在此基础上,提出了儿童网页版式设计的字体、字体样式、文字易读性与标题和导航等4个方面的原则,并结合美国美泰公司网站女孩频道案例进行了分析。  相似文献   

何钰  熊兴福 《包装工程》2006,27(6):341-342
通过了解儿童心理特征,并结合儿童的心理特征来分析药品包装所存在的问题,找出解决的问题方案.目的在于设计儿童安全包装,使这药品包装在儿童使用的过程中减少误食药品中毒事件发生.  相似文献   



The American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration currently recommend that, unless they are under 57 in. in height, 8–12-year-old children use seat belts and all should ride in the rear seats of vehicles. These recommendations assume that the vehicle seat belt should provide adequate protection for these older children in the event of a crash.


To describe characteristics of older children in the rear seat using seat belts in crashes, to estimate their risk and body region distribution of injury, and to identify risk factors for injury.


A representative sample of 6680 seat belt-restrained occupants, 8–12 years of age, seated in the rear seat during crashes involving insured vehicles in 16 US states between December 1998 and December 2007. A telephone interview was conducted with the driver of each vehicle. The main outcome was the parent-reported injury defined as Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) 2 or greater injuries.


The risk of injury for belted 8–12 year olds in the rear seat was 1.3%. Head injury was the most common injury (60%), followed by injuries to the face (9%), upper extremity (9%) and abdomen (9%). One out of five (21%) 8–12 year olds either did not use the shoulder portion of the vehicle seat belt or placed it incorrectly behind their back or under their arm. Bivariate analyses indicated a higher risk of injury for these children (1.8%) as compared to children using both the lap and shoulder portions of the seat belt (1.1%). However, this difference was not statistically significant when other risk factors such as crash severity and characteristics of the driver were considered.


Injuries to the head, face, abdomen and upper extremity are the most common injuries to target for improved protection among 8–12 year olds in seat belts. Driver and crash characteristics are important risk factors for injury. A recent federal motor vehicle safety standard requiring lap and shoulder belts in all rear seat positions has the potential to further decrease the risk of injury to older children using seat belts.  相似文献   

为探讨儿童图形识别绩效及时空特性,以小学三、六年级学生各24名为被试,刺激材料为20个不规则几何图形,以眼动仪为主要设备进行实验研究。结果发现:六年级学生的非旋转不规则几何图形识别绩效显著高于三年级,儿童在非旋转显示方式下的图形识别绩效显著高于旋转显示方式;六年级学生图形识别中平均注视时间、首视点注视时间显著减少,注视比率、注视点数目和扫视距离显著增加;在图形识别的正确率、扫视总距离和扫视平均距离方面,学生年级和显示方式的交互影响显著。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the sorts and the external causes of hospitalized unintentional injuries among children aged 0-14 so as to learn the status of children's unintentional injuries in northwest China and then to give some references for the prevention. As many as 6215 abstracts of the discharged medical records of hospitalized children for unintentional injuries from 31 hospitals in northwest China from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2003 were analyzed, especially for the different external causes and sorts of injuries according to ages, genders and locations. We identified 2081 (33.5%) fractures, 1279 (20.6%) scald/burns, 1125 (18.1%) internal organ injuries and 611 (9.8%) open injuries among the 6215 hospitalized children for unintentional injuries. Boy's cases were 2.2 times as many as those of girl's. The age characteristics of each injury was as follows: scald/burns occurred mostly in children under 3 (53.8%), especially in children under 1 year (58.5%); fractures occurred mostly in children above 4 (38.2%), especially in children aged 7-14 years (41.0%). The proportion of traffic accidents and falls were the highest among children aged 7-14, with 28.5% for traffic accidents and 34.4% for falls, respectively. The total cost of hospitalization was US $1 033 876.0, with a mean cost of US $166.3 per case. The total length of stay in hospital was 106 915.2 days, with a mean of 17.2 days per case. A large proportion of fall, traffic accident, and fire/explosion induced fractures, scald/burns, internal organ and encephalic injuries characterize the childhood unintentional injuries in northwest China. From the analyses of external causes, prevention strategies for different external causes should be correspondingly specific.  相似文献   

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