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超细SiC片晶由于其高强度、高弹性模量和高导热系数已成为替代价值昂贵、制备技术复杂的SiC晶须的理想的增韧材料SiC片晶的制备方法有化学制备法和机械制备法。本文中详细介绍了用机械方法制备SiC片晶的设备与工艺过程,阐述了各种制备方法的工作原理及其优缺点,通过对各种制备方法的比较得出采用气流磨与分级机结合工艺是目前制备系列超细SiC片晶有效的和最经济的生产工艺。  相似文献   

引言气流磨作为超细粉碎的一种重要设备,广泛应用于非金属矿物及化工原料的超细粉碎,产品粒度上限取决于混合气流中的固体含量,与单位能耗成反比。气流粉碎产品除粒度细以外,还具有粒度分布窄,颗粒表面光滑、颗粒形状规则,纯度高、活性大、分散性好等特点。由于粉碎过程中压缩气体绝热膨胀产生焦耳-汤姆逊降温效应,因而还适用于低熔点、热敏性物料的超细粉碎。下面就气流磨分类及粉碎原理作一介绍。1气流磨分类工业型气流粉碎自40年代问世以来发展很快,目前工业上应用的气流磨有以下五种类型:1.水平圆盘式(扁平式)气流磨2.循环管式气流磨3.靶式气流磨4.对喷式气流磨5.流化床对喷式气流磨2气流磨粉碎原理气流磨的一般原理:将干燥无油的压缩空气或过热蒸汽通过喷嘴高速喷出,高速射流带动物料作高速运动,使物料碰撞,摩擦而粉碎。被粉碎的物料随气流到达分级区,达到细度要求的物料,最终由收集器收集。没有达到要求的物料,再返回粉碎室继续粉碎,直到达到所需细度并被捕集为止。由于喷嘴附近速度梯度很高,因此绝大多数的粉碎作用发生在喷嘴附近。在粉碎室中,颗粒与颗粒间碰撞的频率远远高于颗粒与器壁的碰撞。也即气流磨中的主要粉碎作用是颗粒之间的冲击或摩擦。虽然气流...  相似文献   

流化床对撞式气流磨对三七的超细粉碎   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用流化床对撞式气流磨对中药三七进行超细粉碎 ,然后分析粉体颗粒的微观形貌、粒度分布及表面积 ,结果表明 ;粉碎效果良好 ,达到了超细粉碎的目的 ,且粒度分布比较均匀  相似文献   

为提高循环流化床燃煤锅炉脱硫灰在工程上的利用率,利用气流磨对循环流化床脱硫灰进行超细粉碎,通过调节分级机频率大小进行分组实验。结果表明:CaO和SO3组分含量在循环流化床脱硫灰中所占比例大,质量分数分别达26.84%和12.25%;采用气流磨粉碎循环流化床脱硫灰,有效地增大了CaO的比表面积,通过调节分级机的频率可获得窄粒度段分布的超细脱硫灰,获得的超细脱硫灰颗粒表面粗糙,凹凸不平,呈不规则形状。  相似文献   

扁平式气流磨制备超细粉料的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对I0型扁平式气流磨粉碎性能进行了研究 ,以α Al2 O3 为粉碎物料 ,探讨了加料速度、工质压强对粉碎效果的影响 ,并优化了气流磨的工艺操作条件 ,在最优工况下确定极限粒径  相似文献   

气流磨粉碎颗粒分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为了分析超细粉体颗粒冲击破碎时颗粒破碎与颗粒材料性质之间的关系,运用应力波理论及颗粒材料结构特性对气流磨粉碎进行了定性分析。采用JFC-5气流磨对8种晶体及非晶体材料进行超细粉碎,并用SSX-550电子扫描显微镜分别对8种超细粉体颗粒进行形貌观察。分析发现晶体颗粒的破碎与其晶格构造特点密切相关,被粉碎颗粒形状具有相应明显的晶体特点;非晶体颗粒的破碎则具有很大的随机性,颗粒形状无明显几何特点,无晶界可循。  相似文献   

非金属矿深加工是指对原料或其产品进行超细、超高纯、改性、复合等工艺的处理。深加工的非金属矿物除大大拓宽产品本身的应用领域外,还给国家和企业带来可观的经济效益,因此发展非金属矿加工技术得到了世界各国的重视。上海化工机械三厂是化工部粉碎中心、上海市粉体工程中试基地,十多年来长期致力于粉体设备的研制与开发。除了现有扁平式、靶式、对冲式、循环管式等系列气流磨外,近年来成功地开发了流化床式气流磨。气流磨是利用高压气体通过喷嘴产生的高速气流所孕育的巨大的动能,使物料颗粒发生互相冲击碰撞达到粉碎目的。由气体动…  相似文献   

HL型流化床式超细粉碎气流磨研制论证报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对HL型流化床式气流磨结构与性能的分析论证和与ALPINE型气流磨相关方面的比较 ,系统而全面地介绍了新型HL型流化床式气流磨 ,该机由于采用了简支梁式分级轮系统 ,采用高效喷嘴 ,合理地选定相对两喷嘴的距离 ,合理地确定喷嘴前工作压力 ,合理变化磨腔高度 ,以及在分级轮上加装反射弧形板和努力改善磨腔中气固两相一体化流的流场等措施 ,使分级轮加大直径和加大长度成为可能 ,使分级轮线速度得以增加 ,产品细度得以提高 ,分级轮受力及变形状态变好 ,使能耗降低和使用寿命提高。HL型气流磨将全面优于ALPINE型气流磨 ,将在 2 1世纪初成为气流磨市场的姣姣者  相似文献   

流化床式气流磨关键技术及其进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了流化床式气流磨的工作原理及特点,对喷嘴、粉碎、分级等关键部分相关的技术研究进展分别进行了阐述,表明改进和提高喷嘴、粉碎宝、分级机等核心部件的性能和协调各个部分最优化工作能够使流化床式气流粉碎系统达到最佳工作状态,从而提高产品产量和质量。  相似文献   

煤炭、粉煤灰及矿渣是用于水泥生产的原料或混凝土的掺合料,而细度是影响粉体材料性能的因素之一。本文以矿渣为材料,利用JFC-5对撞式流态化床气流磨制备了超细矿渣粉,对超细矿渣粉的粉体性能和微观形貌进行了研究。研究表明,气流磨粉磨超细矿渣粉存在粉磨平衡,超细矿渣粉颗粒分布集中,分选机转速过大,得到的矿渣粉体出现团聚现象。  相似文献   

一般致密SiC材料的制备需要极高的温度,而降低制备温度一直是SiC制备领域的重要研究方向。采用流化床化学气相沉积法,在球形二氧化锆陶瓷颗粒上制备了厚度为几十微米的SiC包覆层。通过对不同温度SiC包覆层的显微形貌及微观结构变化规律研究,给出了沉积效率变化规律,发现低温产物富硅,而高温产物富碳。对不同氩气含量的实验研究发现,氩气的加入可以促进沉积反应向富碳方向移动,从而可以在显著降低温度的条件下制备出致密SiC包覆层。综合实验结果给出了流化床化学气相沉积方法在不同温度及氩气浓度条件下制备SiC的物相分布图。   相似文献   


Aluminium based metal matrix composite powder was prepared using a stone mill. Elemental powders of pure aluminium and SiC particle reinforcement were milled in a horizontal stone mill at a constant rotation. Two different mill gaps were employed to investigate the distribution of SiC particles embedded in the aluminium matrix. In each case, 1 ton h-1 of Alp/SiCp composite powder was produced. The shape of the aluminium particles changed from ligamental to spherical and the angular faceted SiC particles became more spherical in form. Morphological and microstructural observations revealed that the advantages of using a stone mill to produce composite powder were that it provided well distributed SiC particles and good bonding between matrix and reinforcement. The mixing mechanism of the stone mill can be described as follows: shear deformation of aluminium particles and embedding of the SiC into the aluminium flakes, rolling and cold welding of the Al/SiC composite flakes to form rolls, and fracture of the composite rolls into spherical particles. Hot extrusion improved the distribution of the SiC particles in the matrix.  相似文献   

This study investigated the batch grinding kinetics of silicon carbide (SiC) particles in a fluidized bed opposed jet mill by population balance modeling. The selection and breakage functions were obtained by the first Kapur function method. The breakage behaviors for various SiC particles obtained under different experimental conditions (such as inlet air pressure, feed load, and distance between nozzle outlet and jet meeting point) in the jet mill were discussed. In addition, a polynomial model was proposed to predict the relation between the Kapur function and the particle size in the jet mill. The product size distributions obtained under various operating conditions from the jet mill could be simulated by modeling.  相似文献   

采用预置粉末法在45钢表面进行激光熔覆镍基Ni60A+x%(SiC+Ti)(质量分数,下同)复合粉末涂层的实验研究。使用往复式磨损试验机对不同涂层材料的熔覆层进行干摩擦磨损实验,利用金相显微镜、扫描电镜(SEM)观察和分析熔覆层的显微组织与磨损形貌。结果表明:复合粉末通过原位反应生成弥散分布的TiC颗粒增强复合涂层,随着(SiC+Ti)含量的增加,颗粒状TiC的尺寸和数目逐渐增加;复合粉(SiC+Ti)含量达到60%时,微观组织有气孔和夹杂缺陷;复合粉(SiC+Ti)含量为48%时,熔覆层耐磨性最佳;复合涂层的磨损主要为磨粒磨损,机理为微观切削和挤压剥落。  相似文献   


A composite of copper powder and SiC particle reinforcement was prepared by mechanical ball milling and subsequent sintering. Proper choice of processing parameters ensured a homogenous distribution of SiC particles in the copper matrix. Microstructure, powder morphology and mechanical properties of the composite were investigated as a function of milling time. With increasing milling time, the dentritic copper powder became flattened, which subsequently became spherical shaped. Mechanical properties of the composites change with the distribution of SiC.  相似文献   

There are a number of process parameters which affect the characteristics of metal powders produced by free fall gas atomization. In the following work effects of various process parameters like apex angle of atomizer, focal length of atomizer, number of nozzles, diameter of nozzles, diameter of liquid metal delivery tube, superheat of liquid metal and type of metal etc. were studied on their surface morphology. It was observed that shape of powder particles depends on apex angle, superheat of liquid metal, type of metal and particle size range within a powder collective. Other parameters like focal length of atomizer, number of nozzles, diameter of nozzles and diameter of liquid metal delivery tube were found to have no effect on the shape of powder particles. However, Surface porosity and solidification shrinkage were observed on almost all types of metal powders.  相似文献   

多层喷射共沉积制备 SiCP/Al-8.5Fe-1.3V-1.7Si复合材料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用多层喷射沉积工艺制备SiCP/Al-8.5Fe-1.3V-1.7Si复合材料, 研究了雾化及沉积工艺参数对沉积坯状态及SiC颗粒捕获的影响。结果表明, 液流直径大、雾化气体压力小、喷射高度小会导致沉积坯组织恶化, 反之则造成收得率低、致密度低。雾化器扫描不均匀则会造成沉积坯形状不均匀, 而且会由于热量集中导致显微组织恶化。SiC颗粒输送压力的提高有利于SiC颗粒的捕获以及颗粒的均匀分布。多层喷射沉积制备SiCP/Al-8.5Fe-1.3V-1.7Si的优化工艺参数为: 液流直径3.6 mm, 雾化气体压力0.8 MPa, 喷射高度200 mm, SiC 颗粒输送压力0.5 MPa。 沉积坯存在两种SiC-Al界面: 晶态Si界面层与非晶态SiO2界面层。  相似文献   

Dry grinding of particles to sizes below 10 µm can be realized in fluidized bed opposed jet mills. In these mills the energy for comminution is supplied by pressurized gas, which is introduced through focused nozzles. The gas transports the material towards an internal classifier, which separates the fines from the coarse material. The fines are discharged whereas the coarse material is recycled. Within this study special attention is paid to separation at the classifying wheel. Limestone batch grinding experiments were performed in a fluidized bed opposed jet mill equipped with on-line and in-line probes: The particle size distributions (PSDs) of the product flow and the solid concentration below the classifier were determined on-line. The flow field around the classifier was recorded by a high-speed camera and off-line measurements of the mill inventory and its PSD were performed. Our measurements reveal that the solid transport from the milling zone to the classifier and the classifier performance strongly depend on solid concentration. Increasing the solid feed concentration or the classifier wheel speed leads to unwanted accumulation of product-sized particles inside the mill. In particular, we find high solid loadings of up to 1.05 g?g?1 and strong cluster formation (local zones of high solid concentration) in the vicinity of the classifier blades. Estimated separation efficiency curves of the classifier show a strong “fish-hook effect” which increases with the solid concentration. Our findings are relevant for future process optimization by careful tuning of grinding performance, holdup and classifier speed.  相似文献   

High mechanical properties of a tungsten carbide micro-end-mill tool was achieved by extending its tool life by electroplating nano-sized SiC particles (< 100 nm) that had a hardness similar to diamond in a nickel-based material. The co-electroplating method on the surface of the micro-end-mill tool was applied using SiC particles and Ni particles. Organic additives (saccharin and ammonium chloride) were added in a Watts bath to improve the nickel matrix density in the electroplating bath and to smooth the surface of the co-electroplating. The morphology of the coated nano-sized SiC particles and the composition were measured using Scanning Electron Microscope and Energy Dispersive Spectrometer. As the Ni/SiC co-electroplating layer was applied, the hardness and friction coefficient improved by 50%. Nano-sized SiC particles with 7 wt% were deposited on the surface of the micro-end mill while the Ni matrix was smoothed by adding organic additives. The tool life of the Ni/SiC co-electroplating coating on the micro-end mill was at least 25% longer than that of the existing micro-end mills without Ni/SiC co-electroplating. Thus, nano-sized SiC/Ni coating by electroplating significantly improves the mechanical properties of tungsten carbide micro-end mills.  相似文献   

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