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1-IntroductionPGisanimportantindustrialby-productderivedfromphosphoricacidandphosphatefertilizerman-ufacturesbydihydrateprocess.Theamountofthiswasteexceedsconsiderablythanthemassoftheprod-uct,becausetheamountofthewastePGbeingpro-ducedintheacidrangesfrom4.5to5.5tpertonofPzOsintermsofdrymatter.ThePGissepa-ratedfromthemediumofdissolvedphosphateoreinsulphuricacidbyfiltration.WhereasthemajorpartofthepureP2O5isobtainedfromthesedimentbymeansofacountercurrentwashingwithwater[1'2l.Theobtainedfilter…  相似文献   

廉政对许多人来说是个裹得很紧的"黑箱",而黄永玉把黑箱里的人脱得干干净净:画中的主人公,并不是面目可憎之徒,从他的神采和背影,让我们看出是"熟人".这个认真减肥的人,把一身的"配套装备"减得连短裤都不剩了,决心真大,但效果看来甚微.减肥的人着急,旁观的人也着急,只有黄永玉幽默说:"别急,再称称看".你瞧那个胖胖的官员脱光了衣服,仍在体重计上面站着发愣:"我把能减的都减了,短裤也都脱掉了呀!"  相似文献   

在市场的需求拉动下,中国的钢铁生产5亿多吨可能都不够,但是发展太快太多,带来的后遗症太多。那么什么是钢铁工业的科学发展观?科学发展和可持续发展最关键的问题是什么?  相似文献   

As Nadar shifted his attention from caricature to photography in the 1850s, he produced several fascinating hybrid images. Among these are experiments in photomontage and uncommon portraits that combine graphic, photographic, and autographic elements. The author shows how Nadar cultivated a number of recognisable signatures, which he reiterated and adapted for different image-types, products, and advertisements. Nadar’s investment in self-portraiture, his penchant for publicity, and his ability to work across platforms and to balance artistic ambition and commercial enterprise are explored in depth.  相似文献   

正千禧一代们寻求健康、天然的产品,而乳制品通常被视为具有强劲吸引力的品类。最近的研究表明,无论是低脂还是全脂乳制品,都可以提供诸多的健康益处,如防治糖尿病、增强骨密度、改善记忆力和整体精神健康等。由Euromonitor International完成的2017年全球包装趋势报告显示,乳制品的日益普及成为一个全球性的现象,在中国,人均乳制品摄入量增长了  相似文献   

Sampath S  Lev O 《Analytical chemistry》1996,68(13):2015-2021
A new type of sol-gel-derived, inert metal-modified, composite, amperometric biosensor is developed. The electrodes are comprised of a dispersion of biochemically and chemically modified graphite powder in a porous, organically modified silicate (Ormosil) network. The percolating carbon dispersion provides electrical conductivity, oxidoreductase enzymes (e.g., glucose oxidase, lactate oxidase, or l-amino acid oxidase) are used for biocatalysis, metallic palladium is used for electrocatalysis of the biochemical reaction product, and the porous organically modified silica provides a rigid skeleton. The hydrophobicity of this composite material guarantees that only a limited section of the electrode is wetted by the aqueous analyte, thus providing a controlled-thickness reactive layer. The thickness of the reaction layer can be tuned by the addition of hydrophilic components. The electrode can be reproducibly renewed by removing its upper layer and exposing a new, thin, porous bioreactive section. The same technology is applicable for the production of thick-film, low-leaching, disposable sensors. In this configuration, the analysis is conducted using a single drop of the analyte applied on the hydrophobic film. The sensors are found to be stable over long periods.  相似文献   

文森斯诺科技(北京)有限公司是一家专业的非接触射频识别电子标签供货商与射频自动识别技术(RFID)整体解决方案提供商。其主要从事无源电子标签的研发、生产与销售,面向全球用户提供高性能的产品及解决方案,并以强大的技术和价格优势与业内很多知名的系统集成公司结成了战略合作伙伴,共同致力于RFID产品在中国的推广。文森斯诺的产品囊括  相似文献   

Engineering education research has experienced a notable scale‐up in recent years through the development of departments and degree programs, high‐profile publication outlets, research agendas, and meetings. We begin by reviewing these developments, contextualizing them historically, and clarifying some relevant terminology. We then use observational data collected at the 2007 inaugural International Conference on Research in Engineering Education (ICREE) to examine how engineering education is variously conceptualized as a discipline, community of practice, and/or field. We also examine how ICREE participants engaged with questions about the infrastructure and major goals of engineering education research. Our data reveals both an overall lack of clarity and continued sense of ambiguity about the identity and status of engineering education research. We conclude by recommending that participants and stakeholders work to clarify the goals and objectives of engineering education research, especially to inform the continued development of the field's identity and supporting infrastructures.  相似文献   

正王利兵,男,1967年出生,江苏南通人,博士,研究员。湖南省出入境检验检疫局党组成员、副局长。天津大学、中南大学、江南大学等国内多所著名大学兼职教授和博士生导师,国家质检总局首席研究员,国际标准化组织ISO/TC264主席,国家质检总局科学技术委员会委员,进出口商品检验专业技术委员会主任,中国标准化专家委员会委员,"十二五"国家863计划主题专家,国家国家高层次人才特殊支持计划(万人计划)专家,科技部科技创新领军人  相似文献   

时间悄然地跨进了2009年。在新的阳光四季里,我们即将进行新一轮的春种,夏耕,秋收,冬藏。回想中国纸包装行业发展的历程,有的企业越做越强,而有的却已消失并逐渐被人淡忘,再也没人去提起他们曾经的贡献和神勇。  相似文献   

Schneck P 《NTM》2004,12(4):213-232
Paul Konitzer was one of the outstanding and well-known physicians in the years after the World War II in East-Germany. THe paper describes his professional way as hygienist, social medical, municipal physician and last but not least as health politician in the times of four different political regimes: the imperial era in Germany till 1918, the time of "Weimarer Republic" till 1933, the Nazi dictatorship till 1945 and the early years in the Soviet occupation zone of Germany. The life of Konitzer is a typical example of the fate of a German doctor in the first half of the 20th century. Konitzer was arrested in February 1947 by the Soviet Military Government in Berlin in connection with some political troubles and reproach with a typhus epidemic in a German camp for Russian Prisoners of War in the Nazi era. On April 22nd 1947 he died in prison of Dresden by suicide without condemnation.  相似文献   

Hollow structures have demonstrated great potential in drug delivery owing to their privileged structure,such as high surface-to-volume ratio,low density,large cavities,and hierarchical pores.In this review,we provide a comprehensive overview of hollow structured materials applied in targeting recognition,smart response,and drug release,and we have addressed the possible chemical factors and reactions in these three processes.The advantages of hollow nanostructures are summarized as follows:hollow cavity contributes to large loading capacity;a tailored structure helps controllable drug release;variable compounds adapt to flexible application;surface modification facilitates smart responsive release.Especially,because the multiple physical barriers and chemical interactions can be induced by multishells,hollow multishelled structure is considered as a promising material with unique loading and releasing properties.Finally,we conclude this review with some perspectives on the future research and development of the hollow structures as drug carriers.  相似文献   

【颁奖词】关键时刻,挺身而出,是警察职责的召唤。拯救生命,义无反顾,是青春成长的典范。最美学警李博亚——失去的是双腿,留下的是90后阳光之子大爱的足迹。  相似文献   

<正>2009年,我国瓦楞工业包装领域为全球同业、同行提供了亠个容量最大的平台。2010年,瓦楞工业又站在了新的起点上,在追求创新的时代,让我们每一步都倾注创业的冲动,每个包装人都满怀创新的激情,朝着国际化的目标,迅跑!迅跑!  相似文献   

<正> 前言在2010年北京国际包装博览会(CHIPF)上主办方首次设立了金属包装展馆,其中有100家中外企业参展。展馆内金属包装产品琳琅满目、金属包装机械大放异彩。.参观者每天都是络绎不绝,让参展企业的工作人员应接不暇,而参观者也纷纷表示不虚此行。  相似文献   

如果要吸引身边的朋友一起玩宝丽来,那最好的方式就是对着他"咔嚓"一张。路摇正是这样被引诱进宝丽来的梦幻世界。采访路摇,是通过编辑部玩宝丽来的同事推荐。上海人,在宝丽来圈子很有名。如果追溯到宝丽来在国内的兴起,称路摇为  相似文献   

2009年,我国瓦楞工业包装领域为全球同业、同行提供了亠个容量最大的平台。2010年,瓦楞工业又站在了新的起点上,在追求创新的时代,让我们每一步都倾注创业的冲动,每个包装人都满怀创新的激情,朝着国际化的目标,迅跑!迅跑!  相似文献   

<正>"从贵的就是对的"到"理性选择、理性消费",国内厨卫消费者的购物理念与行为已然发生了巨大转变,今天的消费者追求更多的是产品的高性价比。质量是消费者评判产品的终极标准。国内绝大多数产品商所生产的厨卫产品质量都已达到了国际领先水平,有些质量指标比国外一些知名品牌还要好,但价格却是大多普通消费者能够接受的,所以不要盲目追求国外品牌;而国内品牌价格低,并不代表质量低。  相似文献   

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