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本文通过2013年塑编行业国内供应情况、开工情况、利润情况、出口市场及原材料市场的分析,对2013年塑编行业整体运行情况进行了系统的梳理,同时展望并分析了2014年塑编行业发展趋势。  相似文献   

<正>(上接《塑料包装》2012年第三期)1、2006年塑编产量统计分析据塑编行业规模以上和规模以下企业不完全统计,2006年全国共生产各种塑编产品约370万吨,比2005年生产310万吨同比增长18.66%。据国家统计局的信息,全国规模以上塑编企业,2006年共生产301万吨,比2005年生产237万吨同比增长19.35%。据塑编行业不完全统计,2006年全国共生产各种塑编产品约370万吨中,使用新料最多约290万吨,再生料至少约80万吨。由于一些塑编企业把较好的再生料,生产产品质量能够达到国家标准的也列入新料范围,故此统计数据仅供参考。  相似文献   

中国包装联合会塑料制品包装委员会塑编行业协作中心(以下简称“塑编协作中心”)于2006年10月31日至11月3日在山东省烟台市东海宾馆召开了换届年会暨塑编生产与技术经验交流、塑编包装新产品、新材料、新设备产需衔接推介会。出席会议的烟台市政府秘书长李永乐代表市政府对全国塑编行业会议在烟台市的召开表示热烈的欢迎与祝贺;中国包装联合会行业部副部长郭杨代表中国包装联合会对会议的召开表示祝贺,并对“塑编协作中心”的工作给予了充分的肯定,同时希望“塑编协作中心”再接再厉把工作做得更好。参加会议的有“塑编协作中心”理事长、副…  相似文献   

王永仁 《塑料包装》2013,23(2):5-12
本年度报告在回顾塑编产业经过几年高速炽热发展后,到2012年已经下行回归理性发展。文中用数据论述了本年塑编行业平稳发展的产业全貌。同时论述了本年塑编产业的热点问题和面临的困境。最后预测了今年塑编产业发展趋势和热点问题。  相似文献   

七、“十一五”技术创新状态 1、“十一五”塑编产业技术创新概况不断开发、研制、创新自有塑编产品技术,促使塑编产品升级换代,才能保持塑编企业不衰落,才能创造利润空间。老产品守不得,越守市场越枯竭。你有一种塑编新产品,新技术,特别是自有塑编技术,你会在市场上兴盛几年,先拔头筹,  相似文献   

徐宏珍 《塑料包装》2005,15(1):42-43
中国包协塑料包装委员会塑料编织行业协作中心(以下简称“塑编中心”)于2004年12月21~24日在海南省三亚市召开了2004年“塑编中心”年会。会议中心议题是:研讨营造塑编行业良好市场环境。  相似文献   

2008年12月9日,中国包装联合会塑料包装委员会塑编中心第二届第三次年会在上海举行。中国包装联合会塑料包装委员副秘书长张春林、塑编中心副秘书长杨振铎、上海塑料协会领导及塑编企业的用户100多人出席了会议。  相似文献   

张耀顺 《塑料包装》2005,15(3):51-52,55
塑编行业经过二十几年的风风雨雨,已经发展到了一个新的历史时期。塑编制品从无到有,塑编设备自引进到消化,塑编销售由国内到国外,已经逐渐成为国际上的塑编大国,然而要成为塑编强国,摆在我们面前的任务仍然十分艰巨。随着市场竞争的日益加剧,我们必须寻找新的突破口,以提高我们的市场竞争力。实践使我们认识到降低成本,价格优势永远是我们参与市场竞争的法宝。  相似文献   

中国包装联合会塑料包装委员会于一月九日至十一日在广州召开了“塑编行业协作中心”年会。中国包装联合会副会长杨伟民出席会议并作重要讲话。他的发言充分肯定了“协作中心”几年来取得的成绩,指出塑编企业要贯彻中央提出的“又好又快”精神,以科学发展观统领各项工作,促进塑编行业稳定健康发展。塑料包装委员会秘书长蔡明池就2007年塑编行业的发展动向及趋势作了阐述,新的一年里要贯彻中央经济工作会议精神,  相似文献   

刘杰 《塑料包装》2013,(6):9-11
本文以中国塑编行业发展形势为主线,详尽的分析了卓创资讯对60家塑编企业的原料库存调研数据及中国塑编统计的部分产量和企业利润数据,并就塑编行业的发展史、国内发展现状、当前及未来发展存在的问题以及未来的行业发展机遇作了详尽分析与展望。最后在水泥、化工化肥、饲料、矿产与水产果类的包装、国际市场拓展等领域,对未来塑编行业的发展前景做了展望。  相似文献   

王金强 《塑料包装》2014,25(5):48-50
本文叙述了新标准GB/T 8946—2013《塑料编织袋通用技术要求》对袋的外观质量也进行了全面修订和增补主要原因和修改内容。并对袋的断丝、清洁、涂膜、粘合、褶皱、切断、缝合等外观要求修改内容作出了详细解读。  相似文献   

Carbon–phenolic woven composites are increasingly employed as the material for the heavy-duty journal bearings. Since the through thickness compressive strength (TTCS) is important for the heavy-duty bearing, in this paper, the effects of lay-up angles and specimen thickness of woven composites on TTCS were investigated for the efficient design of carbon–phenolic woven composite bearings. From the experiments and FEM analysis, it was found that the TTCS of the carbon–phenolic woven composite is much dependent on the stacking sequence rather than composite thickness because different stacking sequence produced much different interlaminar stresses.  相似文献   

于忠东 《塑料包装》2013,(1):23-26,31
本文研究了水泥复膜塑编袋的老化性能,通过对水泥复膜塑编袋经紫外线直接照射后的拉伸负荷和断裂强度伸长率进行了对比实验分析。结果表明,随着实验时间的不断增加,其中未填加防老化剂的水泥复膜塑编袋在夏季露天阳光直接照射30天后,断裂强度保持率14%;填加防老化剂的水泥复膜塑编袋在加速老化实验12小时后,相当于室外32天,断裂强度保持率65%。说明添加一定数量的抗老化剂比不加抗老化剂的复膜塑编袋基布断裂强度保持率明显提高,使用寿命明显改善,可以满足冬季水泥包装的需要。  相似文献   

于忠东 《塑料包装》2013,23(4):21-25
本文研究了宽纬纱水泥复膜塑编袋的编织工艺与设备,通过采用塑料编织新技术原理、新产品设计构思研制生产,在设备、工艺等方面对原产品有明显改进,从而显著提高了产品性能,并对企业提高生产效率和降低生产成本具有一定作用,在水泥包装行业范围内具有先进性、新颖性和适用性的产品。  相似文献   

本文叙述了几种塑料编织制品生产的国家标准要求,从塑料编织制品的外观尺寸、密度、质量和物理性能等方面的要求做出了详细说明。便于塑料编织制品加工企业在推展其他产品领域中得到准确清晰的国家标准要求。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of localised blast tests on fully clamped square fibre–metal laminate panels, manufactured using sheets of 2024-O aluminium alloy, woven glass–fibre reinforced polyamide and a polypropylene adhesive. The fracture properties of the composite–metal interface were determined using the single cantilever beam geometry and the measured interfacial fracture toughness was between values in the literature for thermosetting composites and aluminium/glass fibre polypropylene. Observations from blast experiments performed on panels with different stacking configurations are reported. Diamond and circular back face damage were observed, along with pitting, global displacement and tearing of the front face. Examinations of sectioned panels are presented and multiple debonding, plastic deformation and fibre fracture were identified within the panels.  相似文献   

The effect of different fiber arrangements on mechanical behavior was investigated by using both experimental study and finite elements analyses. In particular, this study examined resultant residual stresses and plastic strains of steel-fiber reinforced thermoplastic composite discs under constant convective air cooling conditions. Three composite discs were manufactured with an identical concentration of woven, circular and radial arrays. The thermal and mechanical properties of the composite discs were measured. The numerical and experimental cooling curves were converged to correctly describe the convective cooling condition of the finite element analyses. After the cooling, the residual stresses and plastic strains in each disc were compared with one another and the results were analyzed. No thermal residual stress or plastic strain was observed for the woven fiber array. Residual stress and plastic strain found in the circular fiber array was twice as high as those in the radial fiber array. It is concluded that the reinforcement fiber array of thermoplastic composites is an effective parameter to describe their thermo-mechanical properties for the formation of thermal residual stresses and plastic deformation.  相似文献   

The mechanical and three-body abrasive wear behaviour of two- and three-dimensional E-glass woven fabric reinforced vinyl ester composites were studied in this article. The mechanical properties were evaluated using universal testing machine as per ASTM D-638. Three-body abrasive wear tests were conducted using rubber wheel abrasion tester (RWAT) under different abrading distances at two loads, wherein the wear volume loss were found to increase and that of specific wear rate decrease. The results indicate that the three-dimensional glass woven fabrics in vinyl ester (G3D–V) have significant influence on wear under varied abrading distance/loads. Further, it was found that G3D–V composite exhibited lower wear rate compared to two-dimensional glass woven fabric reinforced vinyl ester (G2D–V) composite. The worn surface features, as examined through scanning electron microscope (SEM), show ruptured glass fiber in G2D–V composite compared to G3D–V composites.  相似文献   

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