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张雷洪  叶华龙 《包装工程》2019,40(5):244-249
目的在图像传输过程中存在信道噪声干扰、频谱资源紧张和误码率较高等问题,限制了图像传输质量和效率,降低了信道的可靠性,研究能够在降低图像传输信息量的同时提高传输图像的分辨率,进而提高信道的可靠性和安全性。方法通过在最有效地利用哈夫曼编码信道传输能力的前提下,尽可能多地降低信息传输中的误码率,综合信道编码的冗余信息和关联成像传输信道信息。结果提高了传输信号的可靠性,保证了数据的传输质量,实现了稳定快速通信。结论该研究基于信道编码关联成像的图像传输机理,充分利用了哈夫曼编码的无损耗数据压缩特性,在降低图像传输信息量的同时提高了传输图像的分辨率,进而提高了信道的可靠性和安全性。  相似文献   

基于图像自相似性及字典学习的超分辨率重建算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
图像超分辨率重建技术在重构图像细节,改善图像视觉效果等方面起着重要作用.为了提高超分辨率图像的重构质量,本文结合图像自身和自然图像库信息进行超分辨率重建.先利用图像在不同尺度的自相似性,形成图像金字塔,只用单幅低分辨率图像进行超分辨率重建;然后利用自然图像库进行字典学习并以初步得到的重建图像作为输入再次处理;在图像后处理时,利用图像非局部相似性和迭代反投影,进一步提高重建效果.实验结果表明,本文的方法与其它几种基于学习的超分辨率算法比较,无论主观视觉效果上还是峰值信噪比上都有明显提高.  相似文献   

本文研究了OFDM调制技术以及LDPC编码技术在图像传输中的应用,分别对OFDM和三种不同LDPC码对无线信道下图像传输质量的影响做了仿真研究.仿真结果表明,把高速LDPC编码和OFDM调制技术结合起来应用在图像传输当中可以实现图像的可靠和高质量传输,即说明LDPC码和OFDM调制技术可以解决由于图像数据量大带来的传输速率和效率的问题,实现高速的和高频谱利用率的图像传输.  相似文献   

舒忠  郑波儿 《包装工程》2024,45(7):222-233
目的 解决超分辨率图像重构模型中存在的功能单元之间关联性差,图像色度特征提取完整性不强、超分辨率重构失真控制和采样过程残差控制偏弱等问题。方法 通过在卷积神经网络模型引入双激活函数,提高模型中各功能单元之间的兼容连接性;引用密集连接卷积神经网络构建超分辨率失真控制单元,分别实现对4个色度分量进行卷积补偿运算;将残差插值函数应用于上采样单元中,使用深度反投影网络规则实现超分辨率色度特征插值运算。结果 设计的模型集联了内部多个卷积核,实现了超分辨率色度失真补偿,使用了统一的处理权值,确保了整个模型内部组成单元的有机融合。结论 相关实验结果验证了本文图像重构模型具有良好可靠性、稳定性和高效性。  相似文献   

杨燕 《测试技术学报》2002,16(5):1057-1062
本文从传输系统角度出发,根据数字图像传输中所面临的实际问题,运用通信理论对经压缩编码形成的PCM/FM数字图像信号的特征及其传输信道的相关问题进行了深入的分析.基于PCM/FM遥测传输信道原理给出了数字图像传输系统模型,并建立了相应的可用于图像制导武器系统的图像传输系统.  相似文献   

吴艳  安博文  叶洪涛  赵明 《光电工程》2012,39(11):60-66
为了获得尽可能高的空间分辨率的图像,超分辨率重构技术(SRR)成为了红外扫描成像的研究热点.本文以红外多线阵错位排列扫描成像系统为研究平台,通过分析SRR实现过程及待重构图像获取的方式,分析了红外多线阵错位排列扫描成像系统中SRR有效的关键.实验表明:对于固定错位量的多排传感器扫描成像系统,影响重构图像质量的主要因素是各通道所获得的待重构图像同位像素灰度不一致引入的噪声.本文提出的基于序列逐像素比较滤波法,可以大大提高重构图像质量.  相似文献   

杨任尔  陈恳  何加铭 《光电工程》2007,34(10):108-113
为了研究图像、视频在不可靠网络上传输的鲁棒性问题,系统采用多描述编码方法,该方法通过去除冗余信息以达到数据的压缩,同时保留一部分冗余信息使得编码后的数据流在网络上传输具有一定的鲁棒性.本文针对采用多相下抽样实现的多描述编码,提出了一种新的基于预测的预处理和后处理方案,该方案能对多描述编码产生的数据流中冗余信息进行灵活插入,以达到多描述编码中的中央解码器与边沿解码器的效率进行拆衷控制.仿真实验结果表明该方法计算复杂度降低,冗余控制的灵活性大,编码后的数据流更能适应各种网络传输状况.  相似文献   

多正则化形式的超分辨率图像重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了抑制超分辨图像重建过程中的振铃锯齿效应,本文提出一种多正则化形式的超分辨率重建算法。文章首先给出了图像降质模型并推导出了图像重构约束项。利用重构项直接对低分辨率图像进行重建,获得的高分辨图像会有锯齿和振铃效应。针对此问题,本文利用自回归模型和滤波器组先验来正则化重建过程。自回归模型用来恢复图像局部细节描述,与此同时本文利用自然图像块的聚类集来估计自适应自回归模型参数。滤波器组先验用来约束重建图像的边缘,使得获取的高分辨率的图像边缘更加锐利。最后通过实验定性与定量的分析,证实了本文算法优于其他具有竞争力的算法。  相似文献   

频谱编码超分辨率成像分析与仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着遥感图像分辨率需求的不断提高以及遥感卫星朝着小型化方向发展,超分辨率技术越来越受到重视。频谱编码超分辨率技术是近年来出现的新的超分辨率方法。它较传统的超分辨率方法而言,结构简单,且能实现较高的超分辨率倍数。频谱编码板是频谱编码超分辨率技术的关键部件。根据傅里叶光学理论展开分析,对频谱编码板进行了简单的设计,并对一维和二维频谱编码超分辨率方法进行仿真。根据仿真结果对影响因素进行了分析,并简要的提出了解决方案。  相似文献   

为改善强降质图像的分辨率水平,提出了一种正则化恢复联合稀疏表示的单帧图像超分辨率重构框架。为同时放大图像并抑制模糊及噪声,首先根据退化估计正则化平衡极小问题的逼近项和先验项,然后基于初步的锐利清晰图像和预先建立的图像超完备稀疏表示字典实现边缘保持的图像分辨率放大。正则化恢复的输出改善了传统学习法图像超分辨中低频分量的双立方插值版本,同时对降质的有效抑制降低了字典原子对退化信息的依赖性。实验结果表明,本方法可对模糊含噪的低分辨率图像实现有效的超分辨率重构。  相似文献   

Methods for single image dehazing have been widely studied based on the atmospheric scattering model and dark channel prior (DCP); they usually adopt an additional refinement procedure such as guide filtering to restrain the halo artefacts, but it easily induces undesirable textures in the final transmission map, and further leads to an overall contrast reduction and detail blur. In this paper, an efficient approach was proposed to enhance single hazy images without any refined post-process, which is based on the strategy of multiple transmission layers fusion. In order to estimate the final transmission map adapting to different scenes reasonably, the multiple transmission layers were derived based on DCP with different kinds of adaptive local watch windows. To make sure the atmospheric light is estimated in the most haze-opaque region, the corresponding region was searched hierarchically with the quadtree subdivision method in the top part of the minimal channel of the input image. Finally, the hazy image was restored through solving the scattering model. Comparison experiments verify that the proposed method is straightforward and efficient, which can reduce the halo artefacts significantly, yielding satisfactory contrast and colour for varied hazy images.  相似文献   

耦合腔行波管多级降压收集极的模拟设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文中较全面地讨论了多级降压收集极的物理模型.通过分析3个工作频率点高频输出端的电子注特性来设计多级降压收集极:借助电子注层流性参量,对带有再聚焦磁场的散群聚区进行优化,得到磁场参量的初始值;运用电子轨迹等效电位图,确定各电极的初步电位,通过收集极区结构和电极电位的优化得到较高的收集极效率;通过收集极的全面优化使收集极效率得到了进一步的提高;在考虑二次电子发射情况下,对收集极结构和电极电位进行优化,在保证收集极效率的情况下使二次电子回流率为零.模拟结果表明:借助电子注层流参量设计出带有再聚焦磁场的散群聚区使电子轨迹层流性得到较大改善;合理的结构和电极电位能得到较高的收集极效率;二次电子发射对收集极效率影响较大,合理的调节外凸锥形电极的倾角能避免二次电子回流.此设计运用于一耦合腔行波管收集极的模拟计算,达到了良好的效果.  相似文献   

This paper presents a control mechanism for video transmission that relies on transmitting nonuniform resolution images depending on the delay of the communication channel. These images are built in an active way to keep the areas of interest of the image at the highest resolution available. In order to shift the areas of high resolution over the image and to achieve a data structure that is easy to process by using conventional algorithms, a shifted foveal multiresolution geometry of adaptive size is used. If delays are too high, the resolution areas of the image can be transmitted at different rates. A functional system has been developed for corridor surveillance with static cameras. Tests with real video images have proven that the method allows an almost constant rate of images per second as long as the channel is not collapsed. A new method for determining the areas of interest is also proposed, based on hierarchical object tracking by means of adaptive stabilization of pyramidal structures. © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol 12, 27–34, 2002  相似文献   

To understand the relationship between molecular chirality and electrical properties of monolayers, Maxwell displacement current (MDC) behaviors and domain shapes of chiral DPPC monolayers composed of dextro- (d-) and levo- (l-) rotatory molecules at the air-water interface are investigated during monolayer compression using MDC measurement and the Brewster angle microscopy (BAM) system. The experimental results show that for DPPC monolayers of the two pure enantiomers, the π-A isotherms and the MDC behaviors are similar to each other, while the domain patterns of them are mirror shapes of different sizes. This reveals that MDC behaviors due to molecular spontaneous polarization have no relation to chirality but domain shapes closely depend on the molecular chirality. Moreover, the observed domain shapes verify the domain shape theory which was recently developed by Iwamoto et al. [M. Iwamoto, Z.C. Ou-Yang, Phy. Rev. Letts, 93 (2004) 206101].  相似文献   

A new secret image transmission scheme suitable for narrow communication channel is proposed in this article. A set of secret images can be simultaneously and efficiently delivered to the receiver via a small and meaningless data stream by the proposed scheme. To reduce the volume of secret images, a codebook is first generated and these secret images are encoded into binary indexes based on the vector quantization (VQ) technique. The compressed message is then embedded into the VQ codebook utilized in the encoding procedure by an adaptive least‐significant‐bits (LSB) modification technique. For the purpose of security, the slightly modified codebook is further encrypted into a meaningless data stream by the AES cryptosystem. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme provides an impressive improvement both in the visual quality of the extracted secret images at the receiver and in the hiding capacity of the cover medium. Experimental data also reveal the feasibility of the proposed secret image transmission scheme for limited‐bandwidth environment. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 17, 1–9, 2007  相似文献   

Kim  S. Cha  J. Ma  J. 《Communications, IET》2009,3(12):1934-1947
The IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function (DCF) employs a carrier sensing mechanism, a simple and effective mechanism to mitigate collisions in wireless networks. But the carrier sensing mechanism is inefficient in terms of shared channel use because an overcautious channel assessment approach is used to estimate interference at a receiver. A DCF node simply blocks its transmission when it senses that the channel is busy. However, in many cases this channel assessing node?s own transmission may not generate enough interference to disrupt the ongoing transmission at the receiver. This overcautious channel assessment unnecessarily blocks transmission attempts, and thus degrades the overall network throughput. To avoid this unnecessary blocking, the authors propose a spatial reuse DCF (SRDCF), which utilises location information and transmission parameters to make accurate channel assessments and to permit concurrent transmissions by adjusting the transmission power. SRDCF also resolves the contention between opportunistic concurrent transmissions with a secondary backoff counter. Consequently, the proposed scheme improves the overall network throughput because of more concurrent transmissions. The authors theoretically analyse the performance enhancement of SRDCF over the original IEEE 802.11 DCF by using a Markov chain model and verify it through simulations.  相似文献   

Haze degrades visual information of remotely sensed images. Therefore, haze removal is a demanding and significant task for visual multispectral information improvement. The existing haze removal techniques utilize different restrictions and before restoring hazy images in an efficient manner. The review of existing haze removal methods demonstrates that the haze-free images suffer from colour distortion and halo artefacts problems. To solve these issues, an improved restoration model based dark channel prior is proposed in this paper. The proposed technique has redefined transmission map, with the aim to reduce the colour distortion problem. The modified joint trilateral filter is also utilized to improve the coarse estimated atmospheric veil. The experimental results reveal that the proposed approach provides visually significant haze-free images and also preserves the significant detail.  相似文献   

Using lensfree holography we demonstrate optofluidic tomography on a chip. A partially coherent light source is utilized to illuminate the objects flowing within a microfluidic channel placed directly on a digital sensor array. The light source is rotated to record lensfree holograms of the objects at different viewing directions. By capturing multiple frames at each illumination angle, pixel super-resolution techniques are utilized to reconstruct high-resolution transmission images at each angle. Tomograms of flowing objects are then computed through filtered back-projection of these reconstructed lensfree images, thereby enabling optical sectioning on-a-chip. The proof-of-concept is demonstrated by lensfree tomographic imaging of C. elegans.  相似文献   

制备多孔壳聚糖膜的新方法:选择性酶解原位成孔   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用溶菌酶对中等脱乙酰度壳聚糖的选择性降解,将其与高脱乙酰度壳聚糖以不同比例混合浇铸成膜.考察了降解过程中材料的失重和溶液还原糖含量的变化,用傅立叶红外光谱分析了混合膜的成分改变和降解过程中膜的变化,并用扫描电镜观察了混合膜降解后的形态变化.结果表明,壳聚糖混合膜中的中等脱乙酰度壳聚糖被溶菌酶选择性的降解,而且当混合膜中该组分含量为0.5时,降解后膜表面及内部均产生了互相贯穿的纳米尺寸的孔,剩余的高脱乙酰度成分表现为纳米尺寸的纤维.该方法通过壳聚糖的选择性酶解原位成孔,为制备纳米结构的多孔壳聚糖膜提供了一个新颖的途径.  相似文献   

Lee  B.-H. Lai  H.-C. 《Communications, IET》2007,1(6):1201-1205
IEEE 802.lie provides guaranteed quality of service (QoS) by proving different transmission priorities. IEEE 802. lie improves the media access control layer of IEEE 802.11 to satisfy the different QoS requirements by introducing two new channel access functions: the enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA) and the hybrid coordination function-controlled channel access. The available bandwidth and transmission rate may be easily affected by the signal quality, because the communication channel in a wireless environment operates in a random time-variation manner. Generally, a station using a low transmission rate will occupy the communication channel for a long time and degrade system performance, which causes bandwidth waste and unfairness; thus the guaranteed QoS for stations with higher transmission rates cannot be provided. An enhancing EDCAF (E DCAF) is proposed that consolidates the cross-layer concept and the IEEE 802.1 le EDCAF protocol. After simulation experiments, E DCAF obviously improves performance, especially in throughput and fairness. E DCAF scheduling also allows the different QoS requirements to be processed efficiently and flexibly.  相似文献   

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