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王霖 《包装工程》1992,(6):288-291
分析了钢桶七层卷边工艺的影响因素,指出压辊成形曲线沟槽的形状大小与钢桶身、桶底、桶顶半成品接合边缘的组合尺寸是七层卷边工艺成形质量的主要影响因素,并举例说明了这二大主要影响因素有关尺寸的确定及计算方法。  相似文献   

钢桶的工艺尺寸是保证钢桶结构及性能的关键。以常用的圆柱形钢桶为例。其主要工艺尺寸有:桶身翻边宽度、桶底顶边宽等。 一、钢桶卷边工艺尺寸的确定 如图1所示,典型圆柱钢桶的卷边,大至可分为矩形卷边(平卷边)和四卷边两种。要使卷边强度好、卷得牢,且密封性能好,就必须对卷边情况进行认真的分析。确定出正确的桶底(项)边宽和桶身翻过宽度(如图2所示)。 图1中可以看出,矩形卷边形状也并非是严格的矩形,而在矩形的棱角处有 圆弧过渡。为了简化 研究程序,我们设两 种理想状态,如图3 和图4所示为两种理 想状态的图形。我…  相似文献   

影响金属容器成装上底的因素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
彭小祥 《包装工程》1991,12(2):104-104
旋转体金属容器的成装上底是决定产品好坏的一道关键工艺。一个钢桶尽管桶身的焊接、扒边、底盖冲压成型等都达到组装的理想尺寸,但在成装上底工艺上稍有一点疏忽都会选成钢桶不符合国际危规海上危险品包装要求。轻者成装后底与桶身达不到卷边层数,桶身焊缝重合处与底包边时出现暴  相似文献   

中华人民共和国国家标准有许多是在数十年前制订的 ,随着形势的发展 ,这些标准显然已落伍 ,急待修正。以 2 0 0L闭口钢桶为例 ,1984年颁布 ,故编号为GB32 5 - 84 ,其中有许多处拟可作修正 ,现予以逐条分析。《》内的内容为 1984年的国家标准内容 ,以下均如此。《2 .基本规定中的 2 .2 .3桶身具有向外凸出的工道环筋、环筋至桶底之间具有向外凸出的 6 - 7道波纹 ,重型桶桶身不具有波纹》 ,鉴于目前我国钢桶行业的情况 ,基本上已不存在钢板厚度为 1.5 0mm的重型桶。所以“重型桶桶身可不具有波纹”应删去。《2 .2 .4桶身与桶顶、桶底的组…  相似文献   

钢桶两端的卷边,在钢桶中起着把桶身和桶盖及桶底卷合在一起的作用,并起着加强钢桶强度,以及防止卷边渗漏的作用.钢桶质量的优劣,除了焊缝质量的优质外,最主要就取决于钢桶卷边的质量.钢桶卷边的质量好,钢桶在贮藏和运输石油产品,染料及化工溶剂过程中,如产生碰撞与跌落时,只会使钢桶的卷边产生凹瘪,而不会产生断裂和渗漏等现象.  相似文献   

钢桶的桶身在经过缝焊后,必须要经过翻边工序。翻边工序多数采用回转滚压成型,有的也采用模具成型,其原理和过程都大致相同。桶身的翻边是为后面卷封装配工序作准备,属于制桶的中途过渡工序。翻边质量的好坏,直接影响到钢桶的卷封质量,是很重要的一道工序。国内有很多的制桶设备和不同的工艺尺寸,生产中经常会发生翻边裂或尺寸达不到要求等情况,大多数都是由于设备、工装、工艺设计不合理引起的。只有搞清楚桶身翻边的工艺过程,对设备、模具、工艺等进行科学的设计,才能够达到最佳的工艺效果。桶身翻边是伸长类曲面翻边的一种形式…  相似文献   

王霖 《中国包装》1992,12(4):72-76
在金属桶的制造过程中,金属坯料在经过下料、磨边、窝圆、点焊、缝焊、扳边、滚波纹、涨筋之后,就需进行金属桶成形的最后一道工序,也是较为关键的工序——卷边工序。卷边工序是用几个带曲线沟槽的压辊,靠滚压的办法,将加工合格的桶身、桶顶、桶底咬合连接在一起,使金属桶卷边达到所设计的结构和尺寸,并具有一定的强度、抗冲击能力和良好的密封性能,以经受金属桶成品在灌装、贮存、运输和搬运过程中所承受的重压、碰撞、跌落等恶劣条件下对金属桶各方面性能的考验。由于卷边不好而造成桶渗漏是制桶行业长期面临的一大难题,所以先进的卷边形式——“七层”卷边就应运而生了。这里的“七层”是指从金属桶卷边剖视图的横向来看,以桶身与桶底(桶顶)的钩接中心部位划横线,每一个板材厚  相似文献   

前德国在1970年代以前,闭口钢桶和开口钢桶共有12个标准和标准草案,这些标准和标准草案都是根据容器名称来进行分类的,但这些名称在容器制造方面已不符合当时的生产和需求情况,此外由于贸易和工业技术的发展,原来规定的钢桶标准容积和结构已部分淘汰,因此必须通过对这些包装容器重新分类,制定出适应市场需求,又方便选用的标准。当时他们认为按桶身与桶顶盖固定方式分类比较合理,桶身与桶顶盖永久固定联接,不可取下来,加料口直径小于钢桶内径定为带塞子桶,即闭口钢桶。  相似文献   

林陈彪 《包装工程》2015,36(5):86-89
目的探讨200 L规格钢桶中段生产设备的特点及预卷工艺的重要性,研究其中段生产设备的选用及技术工艺的确定。方法根据中段生产设备的构成及作用,对工序分散和集中等2种主要生产模式进行研究,对中段生产的3种典型工艺流程进行了比较分析。结果专业或大批量生产钢桶,其中段生产应选择现代型中段工艺流程,即桶身翻边+涨筋+波纹成形→顶底预卷→卷边;配套生产或小批量生产时,应选择传统型中段生产工艺流程,即桶身翻边→涨筋→波纹成形→顶底预卷→卷边。结论中段生产对保证加工质量及提高生产效率起着重要作用,工序集中与分散的程度应根据产能或配套及场所等因素确定。  相似文献   

彭小祥 《包装工程》1991,12(4):197-199
笔者以潜心十余年的制桶亲身经历和工作体会,观察和研究了自制与引进钢桶封口机在封口时影响钢桶卷边密封的现象,找出了十个方面影响封口密封因素,提出了解决钢桶密封质量的办法,其目的是想为制桶战线的同行们提供一些有益的参考。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the flexural performance of a sandwich panel made up of ultra high strength concrete (UHSC) as top and bottom skin and cold formed steel as sandwich. A novel sandwich panel has been designed such a way that bottom skin of UHSC is of precast in nature and top skin of UHSC is cast-insitu and cold formed steel (profiled sheet) as sandwich. The connection between top skin of UHSC and cold formed steel is made with self tapping screws. Flexural performance of UHSC sandwich panel has been tested under flexural loading and it is found that the post peak response of the panel is significant in terms of more energy absorption. It is observed that the final failure of the specimen is occurred by forming a dominant crack on the bottom face of the skin apart formation of many multiple cracks with increase of load. Numerical investigations have been carried out by simulating the experimental conditions and found that the response obtained through simulation is in good agreement with the corresponding experimental values. From the studies, it can be concluded that UHSC steel sandwich panels can be employed for structural and non structural applications.  相似文献   

目的 研究铝/钢薄板无铆连接过程中接头形貌的影响因素。方法 采用有限元模拟方法分析了铝/钢薄板在平底模具下接头形貌的成形过程。结合变形区域的金属流动情况,解释了互锁结构的形成机理,并分析了不同工艺参数对接头形貌的影响。结果 接头互锁结构主要是依靠铝板填充钢板的凹陷部位而形成的,抑制钢板与模具接触一侧的金属流动有助于接头底部和侧壁的钢板拉薄,进而形成内部凹陷,促进互锁结构的形成。摩擦因数对接头形貌参数影响较大,增大摩擦因数可显著提高接头的互锁量。结论 冲头半径、冲头圆角、凹模深度以及摩擦因数对颈厚值和互锁量均有显著影响。通过控制这些影响因素,可以得到良好的接头。此外,接头的失效形式以铝板颈厚较薄处的剪断失效为主,因此对于采用铝上钢下的无铆连接,保证颈厚值相对于互锁量更加重要。  相似文献   

Large cryogenic container for liquefied natural gas (LNG) should be joined to the inner hull of a ship. The minimum heat inflow, due to the large temperature difference between the LNG cargo container and inner hull, can induce considerable heat flux through the joined area.In this work, a hybrid composite anchor composed of two stainless steel caps and a glass fiber composite body was developed and optimized for strength, thermal stress and heat loss of the anchor. The stainless steel caps were adhesively bonded to the top and bottom areas of the glass composite body. The top stainless cap was then welded to the two stainless steel membranes, and the flange of the bottom stainless steel cap was bolt-fastened to the inner hull of a ship.The static adhesive strength and impact characteristics between the stainless steel caps and glass composite body of the hybrid glass composite anchor at the cryogenic temperature were investigated with respect to adhesive thickness. Finally, the optimal design for the hybrid glass composite anchor for the cryogenic containment systems of a LNG ship was suggested.  相似文献   

In the present investigation the microstructure and some mechanical properties of Ni–Cr alloy prepared by single roll strip casting (SRSC) were studied. The top surface (surface not in contact with the roll) of the as received sample was rough and lusterless. The grain size of the top surface was significantly larger compared to that of the bottom surface. Grain interior showed dendritic morphology. Etch-pits, formed by dislocation were observed on the top and bottom surfaces of the sample. Scanning electron microstructure revealed continuous corroded region along the grain boundaries. X-ray diffraction (XRD) study confirms the formation of chromium carbide at the grain boundary, which depletes Cr near the grain boundary. The hardness of the top surface is lower compared to the bottom surface. The cross-sectional surface shows much higher hardness compared to top and bottom surface, suggesting anisotropic nature of the alloy. The tensile properties of the sample were affected by chromium carbide precipitation at grain boundaries.  相似文献   

由于泄洪道区具有不定期的洪水流过,其钢制平台的腐蚀有特殊性,根据不同区域分别选取有较好外防腐蚀性能的十几种配套涂层体系进行现场和室内加速腐蚀性能筛选试验.结果表明:适合大气区涂层的有互穿网络聚合物(IPN)底漆和丙烯酸聚氨酯、氯化橡胶面漆以及环氧富锌底漆和高氯化聚乙烯面漆;适合水界面区的有IPN底漆和环氧煤沥青、IPN面漆以及环氧富锌底漆和丙烯酸聚氨酯面漆;适合水下的有IPN底漆和环氧煤沥青、IPN面漆以及环氧富锌底漆和环氧煤沥青、环氧聚氨酯面漆;适合土壤的有IPN底漆和IPN面漆以及环氧富锌底漆和环氧煤沥青面漆.  相似文献   

The design of 3-piece steel pressurized containers includes double seams that connect the bottom and top of the container to the container body. These seams have some inherent design features, such as crevices, that can lead to corrosion and other forms of failure. Since the 3-piece containers are pressurized with liquefied propellants, such as propane, failure can lead to catastrophic separation of the top or bottom from the body. This creates a “rocket” effect with the potential to cause serious personal injury and/or property damage. This paper presents the analysis of several such failures and demonstrates that corrosion, weld cracking, and stress concentrations act to cause sudden, unexpected, explosive failures. Several changes in construction that could minimize the tendency for explosion are also discussed.  相似文献   

Deep penetration laser welding of 12 mm thick stainless steel plates was conducted using a 10 kW high-power fiber laser. The effect of the processing parameters on the weld bead geometry was examined, and the microstructure and mechanical properties of the optimal joint were investigated. The results show that the focal position is a key parameter in high-power fiber laser welding of thick plates. There is a critical range of welding speed for achieving good full penetration joint. The type of top shielding gas influences the weld depth. The application of a bottom shielding gas improves the stability of the entire welding process and yields good weld appearances at both the top and bottom surfaces. The maximum tensile stress of the joint is 809 MPa. The joint fails at the base metal far from the weld seam with a typical cup–cone-shaped fracture surface. The excellent welding appearance and mechanical properties indicate that high-power fiber laser welding of a 304 stainless steel thick plate is feasible.  相似文献   

针对钢悬链式立管刚体摆动对横流向响应影响开展研究。在大挠度细长梁模型、波浪荷载、顶部运动及刚体摆动模型基础上,采用有限元方法求解结构响应。采用李萨如图形实现结构计算校核。计算表明运动响应从顶部悬挂点的YZ平面较窄幅度的振荡逐渐向底部触地点的ZX平面较宽幅度的八字形振荡发展。总体而言,随着水深增加,响应减小。顶部区域位移响应降低幅度较为剧烈。底部区域位移降低幅度较弱。刚体摆动响应表现为幅值的增大、减小甚至抵消,与矢径s线性相关。总之,刚体摆动对结构位移响应影响可通过一定的安全系数进行计算处理。希望上述研究对钢悬链式立管横流向计算提供一些合理建议。  相似文献   

该文通过对部分组合框架—薄钢板剪力墙结构的试验,发现其内嵌钢板破坏顺序为初始对角屈服、统一屈服和应变硬化三个阶段。引入部分组合柱后,有效改善了传统钢柱的弯扭失稳破坏模式,部分组合框架柱破坏模式为柱顶和柱底形成塑性铰的强度破坏。基于“强框架、弱墙板”的设计理念,该文根据叠加原理确定了统一屈服阶段和应变硬化阶段部分组合柱内力计算原则,提出了适用于部分组合框架-薄钢板剪力墙框架柱的设计方法。通过有限元验证表明:该设计方法能够有效地预测底层受压柱的破坏模式及其塑性铰出现的位置,能够为合理的钢板墙边框柱设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   

简述了炮管材料的发展历程,并根据炮管的工作条件总结出其基本性能要求。对传统炮管材料——炮钢的化学成分、力学性能进行了论述,重点归纳了现阶段炮钢发展思路和研究重点。对国外新型炮管材料技术——复合材料炮管技术及新型绿色炮管抗烧蚀涂层技术动态进行了跟踪介绍。  相似文献   

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