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我国水能资源开发利用及环境与生态保护问题探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水能是清洁可再生能源,是实现可持续发展战略的优质能源。我国水能资源丰富,优先开发利用水能是我国能源发展的重要方针。开发利用水能资源,可减少开采煤炭和燃煤发电对环境的污染,有利于保护环境与生态。但修建大坝截断河道,使河流水沙情势发生变化,对环境与生态产生不利影响,应研究采取对策措施,处理好开发利用水能和保护环境与生态的关系。开发利用水能应按流域综合规划要求,科学合理和适度有序地进行,把开发水能与流域水资源综合利用、保护环境与生态和推动地区经济社会发展有机结合起来,切实做好移民安置工作,改善移民生活和生产条件,促进库区经济建设与环境保护协调发展。  相似文献   

<正>实施船型标准化是国家水运发展战略的重要部分和我省沿江经济快速发展的重要支撑,也是我省加快水路运输发展方式转变、充分发挥内河水运的优势与潜能,建设畅通高效安全绿色综合交通运输体系的重要举措。  相似文献   

水资源是基础性的自然资源和战略性的经济资源,是经济社会发展的重要支撑,是生态与环境的重要控制性要素,是一个国家综合国力的重要组成部分。20世纪80年代以来,可持续发展战略已成为世界各国经济与环境协调发展的共同准则。水资源稀缺和昂贵的特性也越发突出。为了满足经济社会可持续发展的需求,保障水的安全供给,水资源可持续发展战略已日益深入人心。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,可持续发展战略已成为世界各国经济与环境协调发展的共同准则。水资源稀缺和昂贵的特性也越发突出。为了满足经济社会可持续发展的需求,保障水的安全供给,水资源可持续发展战略已日益深入人心。  相似文献   

在现阶段城市水资源建设模块中,进行可持续发展战略的应用是必要的,从而进行水资源的积极利用,保证社会的可持续发展,通过对水资源的合理利用,保证社会的可持续发展的需要,这就需要针对我国水资源的现状及其水资源问题展开分析,进行可行性建议的应用,提升城市水资源的综合利用效益。  相似文献   

水运在中国的交通运输历史长河中一直占据着重要的位置,随着我国水运工程的迅速发展,水运在我国交通中的地位日益突出。文章阐述了当前水运工程发展现状,分析了水运工程存在的相关问题,基于可持续、信息化以及相关技术,理性探讨了我国内河水运发展趋势。  相似文献   

水资源既是基础自然资源,又是战略性经济资源。我国是个水资源贫乏的国家,水资源可持续发展是我国社会可持续发展的一个重要保障。文章运用可持续发展理论和系统科学思想,以水资源的可持续利用支持城市的可持续发展,实现人与水资源利用的和谐发展。  相似文献   

叶尔羌河灌区是新疆最大一片绿洲。也是我国四大灌区之一。灌区农业完全依赖于灌溉,没有灌溉就没有农业,所以灌溉是绿洲经济的生命线。由于自然地理条件所限,该流域地表水资源的时空分布不均,春旱夏洪。地表水作为农业和生态的主要灌溉用水外,在枯水期地下水是弥补地表水不足的可靠水源。在保持灌区经济可持续发展中,流域管理局坚持科学发展观.在长期的水资源优化配置中,结合流域自然地理、水资源量与质的客观属性,就地表水与地下水的优化调度进行有效的探索。  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展,我国加强了对内河资源的治理和养护,努力实现内河开发的可持续发展和科学的管理。  相似文献   

推进秸秆综合利用对于提高农业综合生产能力、促进农业和农村经济可持续发展、减少污染、建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会具有十分重要的现实与深远意义。秸秆综合利用标准体系是秸秆综合利用技术推广的保障基础。本文拟通过对秸秆综合利用标准进行梳理,分析现有标准体系存在的问题,并对进一步完善秸秆综合利用标准体系提出相关建议。  相似文献   

产业集群综合一体化物流模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚冠新  代永立 《工业工程》2012,15(2):54-58,114
产业集群作为我国经济的重要基石得到了空前发展,但是其物流支持体系的发展相对缓慢,其中一个重要的原因是产业集群的物流服务企业的功能单一,服务质量跟不上产业集群发展的步伐,无法提供综合一体化的物流服务。本文从我国物流企业的历史以及发展现状出发,提出了产业集群发展综合一体化物流的3种组织模式,并运用威廉姆森的交易成本理论,从资产专用性、不确定性和交易频率这3个交易维度角度对产业集群综合物流组织模式进行了分析。本文的研究对产业集群的综合一体化物流服务网络的构建具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

李魁梅  郑波 《工业工程》2020,23(5):67-74
基于客户满意度和企业社会责任视角,考虑运输工具的排放、在途、不准时和货物价值衰变等因素造成的损失,结合运输工具成本,建立以综合运输成本最低为目标的多式联运路径优化模型,设计混合蝙蝠算法(HBA)对模型进行求解。采用随机算例进行仿真实验,并与和声算法(HSA)和混合算法(HA)进行对比。研究结果表明,模型及算法均可行有效,且HBA算法的全局寻优能力、稳定性和运行速度均优于HSA算法和HA算法。  相似文献   

Urbanization is a potential factor in economic development, which is a main route to social development. As the scale of urbanization expands, the quality of the urban water environment may deteriorate, which can have a negative impact on sustainable urbanization. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the functions of the urban water environment is necessary, including its security, resources, ecology, landscape, culture, and economy. Furthermore, a deep analysis is required of the theoretical basis of the urban water environment, which is associated with geographical location, landscape ecology, and a low-carbon economy. In this paper, we expound the main principles for constructing a system for the urban water environment (including sustainable development, ecological priority, and regional differences), and suggest the content of an urban water environmental system. Such a system contains a natural water environment, an economic water environment, and a social water environment. The natural water environment is the base, an effective economic water environment is the focus, and a healthy social water environment is the essence of such a system. The construction of an urban water environment should rely on a comprehensive security system, complete scientific theory, and advanced technology.  相似文献   

陈朝杰  钟慧娴  贺奕 《包装工程》2020,41(6):162-168
目的从可持续视角研究社区家庭的闲置玩具,以闲置玩具高效利用和社区可持续发展为目标,对社区资源管理系统进行创新设计,探讨促进社区可持续消费的设计策略。方法将共享经济思维融入社区生活可持续发展中为,研究共享经济发展的理论背景,调研儿童玩具在社区存在过剩闲置、处理不佳等问题,分析市场上玩具共享租赁平台的案例,探索用户参与玩具共享的动机和影响因素,以闲置物品再流通的共享消费模式为解决闲置玩具问题的方法。结论提出了以社区为中心的儿童闲置玩具共享的可持续消费设计策略,创建儿童玩具共享服务系统和玩具共享服务中心,从社区层面推广可持续消费模式,对带动公众践行可持续消费具有重要意义,为社区的可持续生活方式提供新的思考和启示。  相似文献   

This research intends to investigate the patent activity on water pollution and treatment in China (1985–2007), and then compares the results with patents data about Triadic patents, South Korea, Brazil and India over the same periods, patents data were collected from Derwent World Patents Index between 1985 and May 2008. For this study, 169,312 patents were chosen and examined. Total volume of patents, technology focus, assignee sector, priority date and the comparison with other countries are analyzed. It is found that patents on water pollution and treatment filed at China have experienced a remarkable increase and the increase rate of patents filed at China change simultaneous with the percentage of domestic applications. However, the number of high quality Triadic patents with priority country as China remains small. Furthermore, in addition to individual patent assignees, both Chinese universities and enterprises also play important roles in patent activity of water pollution and treatment. In addition, the pattern of South Korea’s development can provide short-term implications for China and the regularity in Triadic patents’ development can provide some guidance to China’s long-term development. In contrast, the development pattern of Brazil and India is less influential to China’s development. Furthermore, China’s technology focuses on water pollution and treatment seem to parallel global and triadic patent trends. This research provides a comprehensive picture of China’s innovation capability in the area of water pollution and treatment. It will help China’s local governments to improve their regional S&T capability and will provide support the National Water Pollution Control and Treatment Project in China.  相似文献   

对我国水利水电可持续发展和抽水蓄能发展做了阐述,着重从国内外已建抽水蓄能电站的经验,提出了修建多种类型抽水蓄能作为常规水电的补充,这种融水利,水电,抽水蓄能于一体,并结合当是电力系统的综合开发模式,给水利和水电带来了新的活力,建议今后视各地区各河段水利和水电发展情况,按上述模式对新建及改扩建工程进行动态规划和设计,这将为我国水利水电的可持续发展提出新的开发前景。  相似文献   

根据我国农村地区可持续发展的能源战略和建设方针,文章总结、分析了农村能源建设的经验。按照市场经济体制改革的形势,分阶段提出了农村地区能源资源节约、开发和综合利用等方面的战略重点和对策建议。并系统地探讨了县级农村能源综合建设的成功模式,指出了农村能源建设的发展方向。  相似文献   

Clean energy generated from total water splitting is expected to be an affordable, sustainable, and reliable resource but it remains a challenge to gain pure fuel with a controllable pathway. Here, a simple and economical strategy that enables in situ separation of H2/O2 product by manipulating the generated gas phases with the aid of multi-bioinspired electrodes is proposed. This versatile electrode is based on a Janus asymmetric foam with dual gradients, i.e., the wettability gradient promotes the one-way gas penetration and the geometry gradient boosts the spontaneous on-surface transport in the horizontal direction, which cooperatively facilitates self-driven 3D bubble transport in an aqueous environment. Benefitting from the 3D bionic electrode, the limited distance between the cathode and the anode can be reduced to 1 mm, and the corresponding current density is enhanced 1.5 times as compared with the common condition. This Janus triangular electrode with dual directionality elucidates 3D smart bubble manipulation during overall water splitting and should offer a great opportunity to develop advanced electrochemical processes toward complicated environments such as confined space and zero gravity.  相似文献   

Traditional electromagnetic generators used in hydraulic power generation are heavy, bulky, and immovable, and are thus unsuitable for low water supply. A portable miniature electromagnetic system that can harvest energy from rainwater is critical for developing a sustainable energy strategy. In this study, a superhydrophobic droplet-based magnetoelectric hybrid system is fabricated, that can generate electricity from tiny water droplets. The magnetoelectric system (MS) comprises three parts: a superhydrophobic surface containing a conductive coil, liquid droplets, and a superhydrophobic magnetic powders/Ecoflex base. The mechanical impact of a falling water droplet onto the assembled system is transformed into electricity. Maxwell numerical simulation is used to analyze the related mechanism; the magnetoelectric performance is further improved by modifying the process parameters such as droplet falling velocity and magnetic powder contents. Furthermore, a model is developed, comprising the MS and a cactus-like superhydrophobic patterned plate that can generate electricity and collect water from fog, simultaneously. The described magnetoelectric strategy is believed to enhance and extend functions in energy harvesting and provide a generalized method to exploit new systems toward sustainable energy development.  相似文献   

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