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陈毅  贾广慧  费腾  Isaev A E  Matveev A N 《计量学报》2020,41(10):1279-1283
利用VHS56、VHS90和KPG-10作为比对传递用矢量水听器,中国杭州应用声学研究所与俄罗斯VNIIFTRI开展了 5Hz~10kHz 频率范围矢量水听器校准国际比对。利用各自的自由场互易法和垂直驻波管比较法校准装置,校准了3只矢量水听器X、Y、Z通道的灵敏度。从校准结果看,一致性较好,174个频率点中,仅有一个频点的校准值与参考值的偏差略微超过参考扩展不确定度,绝大部分频率点的测量偏差都小于±0.5dB,检验和验证了中俄双方矢量水听器校准装置的准确性和可靠性。  相似文献   

介绍了以杭州应用声学研究所作为主导实验室与俄罗斯国立物理技术和无线电工程测量研究院开展COOMET.AUV.W-S1:250 Hz~8 kHz频率范围水听器自由场校准国际补充比对的结果。比对校准了两只标准水听器TC 4033和GI 55。互易法和比较法及其校准装置被用于评估中俄两国在水听器自由场低频校准方面的当前水平。结果显示,中俄两国得到的两只标准水听器的自由场灵敏度校准结果具有很好的一致性,绝大多数频率点的校准结果与参考值的差值小于0.40 dB,最大偏差为0.59 dB。结果证明,中俄两国的自由场水听器校准低限可扩展至250 Hz。  相似文献   

中频三轴向矢量水听器的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据实际工程需要,设计、制作三轴向中频矢量水听器,其声压通道和矢量通道在结构上结合为一体,外形为两端带半球帽的圆柱形结构。矢量水听器体积为Ф44×88(mm)、工作频带为5Hz—8kHz。在驻波管和消声水池中对研制的矢量水听器进行了测试,测试结果表明:矢量通道的声压灵敏度级为-184dB(测量频率1kHz,0dB参考值1V/μPa),具有余弦指向性;声压通道灵敏度级为-198dB(0dB参考值1V/μPa)。研制的矢量水听器具有体积小、通道灵敏度高、使用时悬挂方便等优点,适合构建矢量水听器线阵。  相似文献   

本文叙述了中国杭州应用声学研究所与俄罗斯全俄物理技术与无线电测量科学研究院的标准水听器在0.01Hz~1Hz频率范围内的双边比对校准.通过俄方水听器在中方实验室的比对校准、中方水听器在俄方实验室的比对校准以及中俄双方专家的讨论三个阶段的工作,比对达到了令人满意的结果.  相似文献   

行波管校准技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍静水压在0.1~10MPa,频率在20~4000Hz,温度在4℃~40℃范围内连续可变的水声换能器校准设备——行波管校准装置.校准装置利用有源消声原理在声波导管中产生平面行波.在500~2000Hz范围内可对标准水听器进行互易校准.校准精度优于±0.5dB;在整个频率范围内可对声呐换能器或测量水听器作比较校准,精度优于±0.7dB.  相似文献   

为了精确测量和分析低于1Hz频率的甚低频水声信号,建立了0.01~1Hz水声声压标准装置。装置由声压生成系统、正弦振动系统和电子测量与控制系统所组成,采用静水压激励法产生0.01~1Hz频率范围内变化的声压。在低频段的声压值为195.86Pa。在高频段的声压值由于受振动惯性力的影响,随频率的增高而减小,但通过对等效高度的精确求定也可精确已知。装置可直接校准甚低频水听器的开路电压灵敏度值,校准值的扩展不确定度为0.3dB(P=95%)。  相似文献   

2009年9月至2010年6月,利用B&K 8104和TC 4033水听器作为比对校准用标准水听器,杭州应用声学研究所和俄罗斯国立物理技术与无线电工程测量研究院之间开展了250 Hz~200 kHz频段水声声压的比对校准。尽管中俄双方所使用的测量方法、校准技术和测量装置不同,但双方的校准结果非常一致,最大的偏差只有0.36 dB。经中俄双方专家讨论和分析后一致认为,两个部门在该频段内校准水声声压所采用的测量方法和校准技术是正确的,测量装置给出的校准结果是精确、可靠的。  相似文献   

刘林仙  张国军  许姣  张文栋   《振动与冲击》2013,32(2):129-134
根据当前声纳系统的需求,以MEMS技术为依托,结合仿生原理、压阻原理,提出了一种双T型矢量水听器。在分析T型梁结构力学特性的基础上,详细介绍了两种不同尺寸微结构的设计、加工和测试。采用ANSYS软件仿真,得出两种微结构的谐振频率分别为1993.3Hz和10.17KHz;利用MEMS加工工艺加工出水听器微结构并对水听器进行了封装;采用振动台标定和水下驻波场测试相结合的方法完成了水听器的测试。测试结果表明两种结构的双“T”型矢量水听器灵敏度达到-180dB 和 -192dB (1kHz,0dB参考值1V/μPa),具有良好的“8”指向性,矢量特性明显,动态范围为90.48dB(315Hz)。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种用硫酸锂晶体作敏感元件的标准水听器,使用频率范围20HZ~15kHz. 电压灵敏度大于-181dB,频率响应不均匀性小于±1.5dB.本水听器的特点为宽频带.高灵敏度.特别是它具有高的压力、温度稳定性,在常压到4MPa的静水压力下.灵敏度基本无变化.在5℃~35℃温度范围内.灵敏度变化为0.3~0.7dB.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种内装宽带低噪声前置放大器的新型PVDF压电薄膜平面高频水听器。在100kHz~1MHz频率范围内,水听器灵敏度频率响应平坦,不均匀性小于±2dB;灵敏度级(包括前放增益)可达-205dB。  相似文献   

提出常规反向波束形成技术,构建了单向水听器,并探讨其应用于阵列波束形成的可能性。系统地构建单向水听器模型,导出常规反向波束形成技术,证明得到其空间响应单指向性的存在条件,其指向性指数在3~4.8 d B范围内。以单向水听器为基元构建标准线列阵进行常规波束形成,并与全向水听器比较,理论证明了使用单向水听器能够为线列阵提高3~4.8 d B的指向性指数。仿真实验结果验证了单向水听器自身具有心脏形空间响应、3~4.8 d B的指向性指数和空间响应的宽带一致性等三种特性,使用单向水听器能够在主瓣宽度不变的同时降低旁瓣级、提高指向性指数、保持良好的稳健性。因此,提出的常规反向波束形成技术是一种构建单向水听器的有效方法,在阵列波束形成中使用单向水听器是可行的、有利的。  相似文献   

针对缺少在变温条件下校准水听器灵敏度方法的问题,设计了一套基于动圈换能器声管的变温水听器灵敏度校准系统。建立模型分析声管内的声压分布,并计算了变温后对灵敏度校准结果的补偿量;利用Comsol仿真不同声管厚度对声场的影响,分析了底面非均匀振动和不同尺寸的水听器对校准结果的影响,确定了合适的声管尺寸和测量方法。分别在常温与变温条件下对不同尺寸的水听器进行校准并将校准结果与标准值比较。结果表明,此系统在常温下的校准结果与标准值的偏差低于0.5 dB,变温条件下的测量结果与标准值偏差低于0.6 dB,整体系统的扩展不确定度约为1.0 dB。  相似文献   

Time-delay spectrometry (TDS) is a swept-frequency technique that has proven useful in several ultrasonic applications. Commercial TDS systems are available, but only in the audio frequency range. Several ultrasonic research TDS systems have been constructed, and they have been used effectively for substitution calibration of hydrophones and for measurement of attenuation and sound velocity in materials. Unfortunately these systems depend on features of commercial equipment no longer manufactured, so a new system has been designed using modern equipment and straightforward signal processing. This system requires a frequency source with a reasonably linear sweep of frequency versus time, audio frequency filters, a standard double-balanced mixer, a power splitter, a waveform digitizer capable of handling audio frequency signals, and a personal computer. An optional implementation that shifts the signal to a lower frequency for more convenient digitization and easier velocity measurements additionally requires an audio frequency oscillator and an audio-range analog multiplier. The processing steps are performed with standard signal processing software. To demonstrate the operation of the system, substitution calibration measurements of hydrophones as well as attenuation measurements on a tissue mimicking material were obtained and compared to a custom TDS system previously described by the authors. The data from these two TDS systems agree to within +/- 0.5 dB in the 1-10 MHz frequency range used. Higher frequency source transducers could be used to extend this range.  相似文献   

The results of an interlaboratory comparison of hydrophone calibration techniques in the frequency range 1-10 MHz are reported. Two membrane hydrophones were calculated to six laboratories, and each laboratory determined the end-of-cable loaded sensitivities using their normal calibration methods; these included optical interferometry, planar scanning, reciprocity combined with time-delay spectrometry, and suspended-sphere radiometry. After converting the results to end-of-cable open-circuit sensitivities, in most cases agreement between the various values was within +/-10% at all frequencies.  相似文献   

An approach to estimation of the lower free-field calibration frequency as well as the required magnitude of the water tank for calibration of hydrophones in a specified frequency range from the cepstrum of a segment of the amplitude response of the electroacoustic system, projector – hydrophone – non-anechoic water tank – measurement path of standard facility, is proposed. Estimates of the lower calibration frequency of hydrophones in a water tank with minimal dimension of 6 m in the case of radiation of quadrature-added harmonic signals are presented.  相似文献   

我们研究了采用偶极子接收换能器的驻波场校准系统,通过调整该系统水小箱中的驻波形式,实现局部空间内的均匀声场,从而可以用来进行声压水听器的比较法校准,并与振动液柱法校准结果相比较,从20Hz~2000Hz范围内两种方法测得的接收灵敏度偏差小于1dB。  相似文献   

The transducer characteristics of hydrophones manufactured from porous 3–3 piezocomposites are compared with dense piezoceramic disc hydrophones using finite element modelling. Due to the complex porous structure of the 3–3 piezocomposites, a real-size 3-dimensional model was developed while a 2-dimensional axisymmetric model was constructed for the simple dense disc hydrophone. The electrical impedance and receiving sensitivity of the hydrophones in water were evaluated in the frequency range 10–100 kHz. The model results were compared with the experimental results. The sharp resonance peaks observed for the dense piezoceramic hydrophone were broadened to a large extent for porous piezocomposite hydrophones due to weaker coupling of the structure. The receiving sensitivity of piezocomposite hydrophones is found to be constant over the frequency range studied. The flat frequency response suggests that the 3–3 piezocomposites are useful for wide-band hydrophone applications.  相似文献   

Conclusions As indicated by these studies, the proposed symmetrical piston-type piezoelectric transducers provide an answer to the question of how to make standard quartz and reference piezoelectric ceramic hydrophones for the sonic and infrasonic frequency ranges.The quartz hydrophones can also be used to investigate the sensitivity of piezoelectric ceramic hydrophones as a function of temperature and static pressure.The piezoelectric ceramic transducers of the proposed design operate very effectively in the radiation mode.Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 5, pp. 66–68, May, 1973.  相似文献   

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