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The transverse damage initiation and extension of a unidirectional laminated composite under transverse tensile/compressive loading are evaluated by means of Representative Volume Element (RVE) presented in this paper based on an advanced homogenization model called finite-volume direct averaging micromechanics (FVDAM) theory. Fiber, fiber-matrix interface and matrix phases are considered within the RVE in determining fiber-matrix interface debonding and matrix cracking. The simulated fracture patterns are shown to be in good agreement with experimental observations.  相似文献   

Damage detection in holed composite laminates using an embedded FBG sensor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses damage detection in a holed CFRP laminate under static and cyclic loading using an embedded fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor. In order to detect the damage extension in the laminate, the change in the spectrum shape was measured using an embedded FBG sensor and was compared with that obtained by numerical simulation. The shape of the reflection spectrum did not change during the cyclic load test; however, it did change with increased strain in the static load test, due to damage around the hole. To clarify this difference, the polished surface of the cross section of the specimen was analyzed. Debonding was observed between the optical fiber and matrix during the cyclic load test. These results lead us to conclude that fatigue damage around a hole in a composite laminate may not be detected with an FBG sensor due to the debondings.  相似文献   

This work is concerned with the conditions for formation of the first (initial) cracks in composite laminates with cutouts or ply drop-offs subjected to in-plane loading. We study here the crack formation on the free edge of CFRP cross-ply laminates experimentally and by numerical stress and failure analysis. The free-edge surface strains are measured by the digital image correlation (DIC) technique. The numerical analysis consists of a two-scale approach, where the macro-level analysis is performed with a three-dimensional finite-element method (3D FEM) and the micro-level analysis uses a periodic unit-cell (PUC) in the transverse plies. The constitutive assumption made for the macro-level analysis is an orthotropic linear thermo-elastic solid for the unidirectional plies with a thin isotropic viscoplastic layer between the longitudinal and transverse plies. In the PUC, the fibers are assumed linear elastic, while the matrix is modeled as an elastic–viscoplastic solid. Crack formation is assumed to occur in the matrix by the dilatation induced brittle failure mechanism for which the dilatation energy density criterion is used.  相似文献   

Fracture characterization under mode II loading of a hybrid laminate composed by a unidirectional carbon fiber-epoxy composite and cork was performed using the End Notched Flexure test. A data reduction scheme based on equivalent crack length concept, specimen compliance and Timoshenko beam theory was applied to evaluate fracture toughness under mode II loading of a composed beam (cork and carbon-epoxy composite). The adopted procedure depends exclusively on the data issuing from load–displacement (P–δ) curve and does not require crack length monitoring during the test which is a difficult task to be accomplished with the necessary accuracy in the ENF test. A numerical analysis using cohesive zone modeling and an inverse procedure was performed to assess the mode II cohesive law that simulates the material fracture under shear loading. It was concluded that hybridization is advantageous relative to monolithic carbon-epoxy laminate in which concerns the observed failure mode, which altered from typically brittle to very ductile thus contributing to avoid sudden shear failures in real applications.  相似文献   

In this work a study about the adaption of the classical laminate theory for fatigue loads is presented. Cycle dependent stiffnesses of single UD 0°, UD 45° and UD 90° plies are implemented in order to calculate the fatigue-induced stiffness decrease of a multidirectional lay-up with the stacking sequence [0°/+45°/−45°/90°/90°/−45°/+45°/0°]. As second input alternative, UD 0°, UD 90° and ±45° plies are used. The calculated cycle-dependent stiffness parameters are compared to experimentally measured fatigue data of the multidirectional lay-up. The experimental test procedure used for the measurement of cycle-dependent stiffness parameters has been published previously. Results show that the experimentally measured stiffness decreases of the multidirectional lay-up can be estimated accurately based on the cyclic unidirectional input parameters.  相似文献   

The onset and evolution of the damage in three dimensions was studied by X-ray computed micro-tomography (XCT) in a notched glass fiber/epoxy cross-ply laminate subjected to three-point bending. It was found that damage began by formation of intraply cracks in the 90° plies followed by intraply cracking the 0° plies. Fiber fracture in front of the notch tip occurred at 65% of the maximum load and finally fiber kinking and interply delamination took place under the loading point. Finite element (FE) simulations were carried out to understand crack initiation and the redistribution of stresses upon crack propagation. The crack area corresponding to each damage mechanism was quantified from the XCT images, and this information was used to determine the effective fracture resistance curve of the cross-ply laminate.  相似文献   

Degradations initiated near the edges of a laminate can have a significant effect on its state of degradation, even at the core. Indeed, results from the literature show that laminates which have the same stress state at the core can have completely different states of degradation, even far away from the edges. The paper discusses the influence of the edge effect on damage initiation and propagation for a specific example. A computational micromechanical approach to the degradation of laminated composites was developed recently at LMT-Cachan. This is a hybrid approach in which, depending on the scale, the mechanisms are described using continuous damage mechanics or finite fracture mechanics. Initially developed for static loading, this technique is being extended to fatigue and environmental effects. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the capability of such an approach to take into account major observations during cyclic loading in an oxidizing atmosphere, even when edge effects are significant.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of current research on the fatigue life prediction of carbon/epoxy laminate composites involving twelve balanced woven bidirectional layers of carbon fibres and epoxy resin manufactured by a vacuum moulding method. The plates were produced with 3 mm thickness and 0.66 fibre weight fraction. The dog bone shape specimens were cut from these plates with the load line aligned with one of the fibre directions. The fatigue tests were performed using load control with a frequency of 10 Hz and at room temperature. The fatigue behaviour was studied for different stress ratios and for variable amplitude block loadings. The damage process was monitored in terms of the stiffness loss. The fatigue life of specimens submitted to block loading tests was modelled using Palmgren–Miner’s law and taking in to account the stress ratio effect. The estimated and experimental fatigue lives were compared and good agreement was observed.  相似文献   

A new, partially discontinuous architecture is proposed to improve the mechanical performance of pseudo-ductile, unidirectional (UD) interlayer carbon/glass hybrid composites. The concept was successfully demonstrated in different laminates with high strength and high modulus carbon and S-glass epoxy UD prepregs. The novel hybrid architecture provided pseudo-ductile tensile stress–strain responses with a linear initial part followed by a wide plateau and a second linear part, all connected by smooth transitions. The best hybrid configuration showed 60% improvement in modulus compared to pure glass, 860 MPa plateau stress and 2% pseudo-ductile strain. The initial modulus, the plateau stress and the overall tensile stress–strain response of each specimen configuration were predicted accurately.  相似文献   

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