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宝钢大型空分设备回顾与空分行业展望   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
汇列了宝钢引进的两套 2 60 0 0、两套 30 0 0 0、一套 72 0 0 0、一套 60 0 0 0m3/h空分设备的技术参数、流程与设备特点 ,列述了大型空分设备的发展轨迹、安全事项及发展方向。图 6表 1参 4。  相似文献   

吉林长山化肥集团利用原两套 6 0 0 0m3/h空分设备的空压机 ,新建一套 16 30 0m3/h空分设备及一套 136t/d气体液化设备。该项目已经国家经贸委立项批准 ,2 0 0 1年 12月 2 9日与四川空分设备有限公司签定订货合同 ,该装置采用第六代无氢制氩、规整填料技术 ,其中液化设备是东北最大的。主要技术指标如下 :氧气 16 10 0m3/h ,≥ 99 6 %O2 ;液氧 30 0m3/h (气态 ) ,≥ 99 6 %O2 ;氮气 180 0 0m3/h ,≤ 10×10 6 O2 ;液氮 10 0m3/h ,≤ 10× 10 6 O2 ;液氩 6 0 0m3/h ,≤ 2×10 6 O2 、≤ 3× 10 6 N2 。该设备预计…  相似文献   

在集团公司领导的统一指挥和工程部等相关部门的努力和密切配合下 ,四川空分设备 (集团 )有限责任公司在短短的两个星期之内 ,连续在三个中大套项目中中标。 2 0 0 1年 6月 2 9日签订了山东莱芜钢铁集团有限公司 2套 32 0 0m3/h空分设备改造合同 ;2 0 0 1年 7月 6日签订了四川西昌新钢业有限公司 6 0 0 0m3/h空分设备成套装置合同 ;2 0 0 1年 7月 12日中标四川威远钢铁集团有限责任公司 45 0 0m3/h空分设备提氩装置改造项目。川空集团公司两周内连续中标三个中大套项目!641400四川简阳建设中路239号$四川空分设备(集团)公司技术中心@…  相似文献   

杭氧科技公司在承接了云铜“16 0 0 0”、金川“15 0 0 0”、印度“12 0 0 0”、莱钢“12 0 0 0”等内压缩流程空分设备后 ,分别于 2 0 0 2年 8月 31日、 9月 12日签订了北大荒农业股份有限公司浩良河分公司的“180 0 0”、马鞍山钢铁有限公司“2 0 0 0 0”两套内压缩流程的空分设备的供货合同。这两套空分设备用户是在比较了五家国内外公司的业绩、技术性能、商务等综合指标后 ,最终选择杭氧作为其设备供货商。合同规定由杭氧承担成套空分设备的总体流程设计及空分设备的设备供货 ,并对空分设备的整体技术性能和质量负责。这两套空分设备的…  相似文献   

简介了武钢氧气有限责任公司两套 30 0 0 0m3 /h空分设备氩气系统的生产流程 ;从操作因素、计控仪表等方面具体分析了氩气系统冷开车时间长的原因 ,以理论分析为基础 ,提出了具体的改进措施 ,缩短了在冷开车过程中氩气系统恢复的时间 ,达到了预期效果 ,获得了一定的经济效益。  相似文献   

山西光华玻璃有限公司 1995年投资建成KDN 80 0 / 4 0Y型高纯氮设备三套 ,两用一备。主导产品为含氧量低于 10× 10 - 6 的氮气 ,连续不断地供气 ,以确保浮法玻璃生产工艺的要求。自 1996年 10月以来至今已运行三年多 ,现就该设备装置运行的流程 ,设备运行中的一些问题及改  相似文献   

林德工艺装置有限公司 (下称LPP)向本溪钢铁 (集团 )有限责任公司 (下称本钢 )提供两套 35 0 0 0m3 h (O2 )空分装置的合同 ,于 2 0 0 3年 8月 7日在本钢签字生效。这是LPP于 1995年成立以来 ,第一个由LPP技术总负责、设备总成套的项目。本钢两套空分装置的产品参数是完全一样的 ,保证工况如下 :产品 产量 (m3/h) 纯度 出冷箱压力 〔MPa (G)〕氧气 3 5 0 0 0≥ 99 6%O2 2 5液氧 2 0 0 0≥ 99 6%O2 能进入贮槽氮气 5 0 0 0 0≤ 10× 10 - 6 O2 ~ 0 0 0 6液氮 10 0 0≤ 10× 10 - 6 O2 能进入贮槽精液氩或精气氩 15 0 0 ≤ 1× 10 -…  相似文献   

20 0 0年度 ,气体分离设备行业的生产、利润和经济效益稳步发展 ,新订合同额同比增长 7成 ,订货形势喜人。全行业完成不变价工业总产值 10 5 6 86万元 ,现价工业总产值 94976万元 ,同比分别下降 4 4%和 7 5 9%。工业增加值 31739 3万元 ,同比增长 18 30 %。全行业共生产成套空气分离及液化设备 12 2套 ,其中 ,大中型空分设备 19套 ,氧容量 16 70 45m3/h ,同比增长110 6 5 % ;小型空分设备 5 2套 ,氧容量 10 930m3/h ,同比增长 10 6 42 % ;制氮设备 17套 ,氮容量 192 80m3/h ,同比增长15 38% ;氩提取设备 6套 ,氩容量 172 4m3/h ,…  相似文献   

在2006年,苏氧公司在国内化工项目和出口项目上有了新的突破,相继和中石化、中石油集团进行多个空分项目的合作。其中提供给中石化上海高桥石化项目两套空分设备(KDN-3000/100Y型高纯氮设备1套、KDN-4500/100Y型高纯氮设备1套)都是一次开车成功,氮气主要指标:压力≥0.8MPa,氧含量≤1×10^-6。两套空分设备为上海高桥石化区提供各种化工厂用氮,空分设备的性能和稳定性受到用户的表扬。同时苏氧公司在出口项目上扩大了在俄罗斯、越南和印度等国家的市场,  相似文献   

●四川空分设备 (集团 )有限责任公司开发的LNG顶装球阀、LNG高压截止阀于 2 0 0 1年 4月 3日通过评审。该阀门性能稳定 ,能满足LNG设备防火、防爆及部分管路在线维护的要求。● 2 0 0 1年 1~ 4月 ,开封空分集团有限公司共订大中小型空分及液化设备共 11套 ,空分设备改造 2套。●开封空分集团有限公司于 2 0 0 1年 4月 7日顺利通过ASME换证联检。● 2 0 0 0年度 ,气体分离设备行业产品出口创汇共 75 8 7万美元 ,出口的设备主要有 :空分设备 7套 ;低温液体设备 7套 ;氩提取设备 1套 ;水电解制氢设备 4套 ;其他设备12套。● 2 0…  相似文献   

论文讨论了居里叶集与曼德尔布罗特集的反演变换问题,通过扩充复平面上关于任意定点的反演变换,获得了两类共轭函数。使得这两类共轭函数的居里叶集与曼德尔布罗特集,恰好是原居里叶集与曼德尔布罗特集关于定点的反演变换,并运用逃逸时间算法绘制居里叶集和曼德尔布罗特集的反演图。  相似文献   

为准确掌握目前流行的两种车辆制动性能检测方法的特点,分析了平板式制动检测台和滚筒反力式制动检测台的结构和工作原理差别,比较了两种测试方法的不同之处;利用6辆桑塔纳SVW7180车型的检测数据,比较分析了两种检测台的实际检测结果和效果差别。根据对比分析结果可知,平板式制动检测台检测结果更接近于制动器真实制动水平。  相似文献   

Wavefront expansion basis functions are important in representing ocular aberrations and phase perturbations due to atmospheric turbulence. A general discussion is presented for the conversions of the coefficients between any two sets of basis functions. Several popular sets of basis functions, namely, Zernike polynomials, Fourier series, and Taylor monomials, are discussed and the conversion matrices between any two of these basis functions are derived. Some analytical and numerical examples are given to demonstrate conversion of coefficients of different basis function sets.  相似文献   

Ameer  Madiha  Afzal  Muhammad Tanvir 《Scientometrics》2019,118(2):653-671
Scientometrics - Often we need to compare two sets of data, say X and Y, and often via comparing their means $$\mu _{X}$$ and $$\mu _{Y}$$ . However, when two sets are highly overlapped (say for...  相似文献   

In this article, the transmission characteristics of a composite birefringent filter have been studied. The filter consists of a combination of two sets of cascaded systems of retarders with a polarizer in between the two sets, and a linear polarizer at each end. Each of the sets of retarders is essentially a cascaded fan-type Solc filter. The retardation introduced by retarders of the first set is different from the retardation introduced by the retarders forming the second set. Our theoretical study reveals that the system proposed has better filtering characteristics compared to that of a standard Solc filter.  相似文献   

Lokan  C. Mendes  E. 《Software, IET》2009,3(5):422-434
In previous studies, the authors investigated separately the use of two different types of chronological splits (project-by-project split and date-based split) for assigning projects to training sets and testing sets. The aim of this study is to compare the two types of chronological splits against each other, to see whether either leads to better prediction accuracy. Estimation models were built and evaluated using training and testing sets formed using project-by-project chronological splitting and date-based splitting using two different splitting dates. The authors used 906 projects from the ISBSG Release 10 repository. The authors found no significant differences between the accuracy of models built and evaluated with either of the different splitting methods. However, models built using later splitting dates were more accurate than models built using earlier splitting dates. Different accuracy with different splitting dates suggests that chronological splitting is useful. Therefore the authors recommend that training and testing sets should be formed with regard to chronology, and a date-based split appears sensible for researchers in this field.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method for identification of minimal cut sets in a fault tree. The (non-minimal) cut sets are found by a modification of the well-known MOCUS algorithm. These cut sets are stored in a virtual tree structure which requires far less core space than the MOCUS cut set matrix. The minimal cut sets are found by traversing this virtual tree a number of times. In the first cycle, all cut sets of order one are identified. In the next cycle, all cut sets of order two are identified and compared with the cut sets of order one to exclude non-minimal stes. This procedure is continued until all minimal cut sets are identified. The procedure is very fast. Compared to the standard MOCUS program the computer time is reduced by at least a factor of ten.  相似文献   

武钢氧气公司为实现2套60000 m3/h空分设备与配套的2台氧压机之间的交叉作业,完善和优化了氧压机原有入口管线互连的设计方案和运行控制方案,达到了操作简便和氧压机交叉作业控制可靠的目的。  相似文献   

We present a level set method for treating the growth of non‐planar three‐dimensional cracks.The crack is defined by two almost‐orthogonal level sets (signed distance functions). One of them describes the crack as a two‐dimensional surface in a three‐dimensional space, and the second is used to describe the one‐dimensional crack front, which is the intersection of the two level sets. A Hamilton–Jacobi equation is used to update the level sets. A velocity extension is developed that preserves the old crack surface and can accurately generate the growing surface. The technique is coupled with the extended finite element method which approximates the displacement field with a discontinuous partition of unity. This displacement field is constructed directly in terms of the level sets, so the discretization by finite elements requires no explicit representation of the crack surface. Numerical experiments show the robustness of the method, both in accuracy and in treating cracks with significant changes in topology. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A digital image processing method to analyze the fringes of a modified caustic is described. The experiment is easy to perform and simple, and the image processing technique and detecting system can operate automatically, precisely, and quickly. Recording with two video cameras two sets of caustic images during crack growth, the computers process data with a specified fringe counting algorithm. We obtained two complete sets of data, one providing a full field view of the distribution of stress and the other providing the stress intensity factor.  相似文献   

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