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封面图片出自论文“工艺参数对7075铝合金板材时效成形性的影响”。为了从微观上探索工艺参数对7075铝合金时效成形后室温拉伸性能的影响情况,对不同时效制度下成形后试件的拉伸断口进行断裂刃口形貌观察。这幅图片为7075铝合金板材在时效制度为180℃/12 h下时效成形后试样的拉伸断口微观扫描形貌,可以看出,断口形貌主要由韧窝组成,并存在高低不一的剪切台阶,韧窝是等轴的,大小不均匀,在高倍扫描下可观察到尺寸较大的韧窝底部残存一些破碎的第二相颗粒,这些说明粗大第二相引发的韧窝断裂是过时效后期的主要断裂方式。该图片反映了过时效后期粗大第二相颗粒析出诱发的韧窝断裂。  相似文献   

目的 研究7075航空高强度铝合金带筋壁板时效成形过程中工艺参数对零件回弹的影响,以提高筋板类零件的产品质量。方法 利用正交试验开展不同工艺参数组合下的带筋壁板时效成形试验,并对带筋壁板时效成形后的回弹率进行极差分析和规律曲线分析。结果 带筋壁板时效成形后的回弹同时受到时效参数和筋板结构参数的影响,各因素按对回弹的影响程度由大到小的顺序依次为时效时间、筋条厚度、筋条高度和时效温度,筋条结构参数对调节构件回弹有重要作用,并且回弹率实测值基本处于回弹率随工艺参数变化的拟合曲线附近。结论 回弹率随时效时间和筋条高度的增加表现为非线性下降趋势,随筋条厚度的增加呈现线性上升趋势。7075铝合金带筋壁板时效成形后的回弹行为可以用回弹率回归方程进行较为合理的描述。  相似文献   

为评价搅拌摩擦焊(FSW)构件的可时效成形性,对7075铝合金FSW构件固溶处理后进行时效成形工艺,试验研究了固溶处理影响下FSW构件时效成形后构件性能的变化规律.试验结果表明,固溶处理后时效成形工艺有助于提高FSW构件的抗拉强度、延伸率和电导率.固溶处理后180℃时效成形时,FSW试样抗拉强度峰值显著提高,达到449.4 MPa,是仅时效成形工件抗拉强度的139.5%,为原始焊接试样抗拉强度的1.4倍,此时焊件延伸率达到峰值4.2%,固溶处理对试样延伸率有一定的提升作用.微观结构观察结果表明,固溶处理的引入对FSW构件时效成形过程焊缝区特征组织产生显著影响,有助于消除焊缝的不均匀组织特征的影响,从而有利于成形试样的性能均匀化和提高.  相似文献   

通过在热处理参数选择过程中引入正交试验,确定了固溶温度、冷却方式、时效温度和时效时间4个影响因素,并采用L16(44)正交表4因素、4水平的16组热处理工艺进行试验对工艺进行优化。结果表明:在该试验条件下,各因素对板材横、纵向室温强度影响从大到小的顺序为冷却方式、时效温度、时效时间、固溶温度,对室温塑性基本没有影响;固溶后的冷却方式对板材室温拉伸性能的影响最大,随着冷却速率的增大,板材的横、纵向抗拉强度和屈服强度都大幅度提高,断后伸长率和断面收缩率的波动较小;时效温度对板材室温拉伸性能的影响次之,随着时效温度的升高,板材横、纵向抗拉强度均呈下降趋势,断后伸长率基本保持不变,而屈服强度和断面收缩率呈先略微上升后基本保持不变的趋势,并在时效温度为550℃左右达到最大值。在该试验条件下,Ti-6Al-4V合金热轧厚板最优的固溶时效热处理工艺为900~960℃/1.5 h,水冷+550℃/4~6 h,空冷。  相似文献   

一、前言 7475合金是Al-Zn-Mg-Cu系合金,是为生产板材而发展的,该合金板材的强度和断裂韧度的结合是现有铝合金从未达到的。其强度类似于7075合金在相同状态下的性能,而断裂韧度却远高于强度与之相等的现有铝合金。由于飞机的发展,损伤容限设计的应用,使选材时把断裂力学性能置于首要地位,因此,该合金在宇航工业的应用越来越广泛。虽然7475-T_(651)状态(峰值时效)的强度和断裂韧度都很高,但应力腐蚀抗力较低限制了其应用范围,为此,发展了过时效的T_(7651)和T_(7351)状态,降低了一些强度却提高了抗应力腐蚀性能和断裂韧度,现就峰值时效和过时效对合金的组织性能影响分述如下: 二、试验用料 试验采用由北京航空材料研究所与东北轻合金厂联合研制的7475-T_(651)和T_(7351)状态38mm厚板,固溶处理温度为470℃保温时间90min,预拉伸量为2%,T_(651)状态的人工时效制度为120℃保温24h;T_(7351)状态为两阶段时  相似文献   

时效制度对B95лч锻件断裂韧性和抗应力腐蚀性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了双级时效工艺和回归再时效(RRA)工艺对B95лч铝合金锻件的断裂韧性和应力腐蚀性能的影响.测定了9种双级时效工艺和3种RRA工艺状态下的断裂韧度,同时测定了各时效工艺状态下的电导率和强度指标.通过对试样组织性能的分析研究发现:当一级时效条件相同时,随着二级时效温度的升高和时效时间的延长,断裂韧度和抗应力腐蚀性能提高,其中以115℃×7h 185℃×13h为最佳时效工艺.RRA工艺能使合金获得最高的强度,经回归20min的RRA试样的抗应力腐蚀性能也能达到115℃×7h 185℃×13h的水平,但断裂韧度不如采用较高二级时效温度的试样.  相似文献   

目的 研究不同固溶温度和固溶保温时间对航空某锻件7050铝合金组织和性能演变规律的影响,优化7050铝合金锻件的固溶热处理工艺参数.方法 通过采用金相组织观察、SEM分析、EBSD测试、导电率测试、室温拉伸性能测试等方法,对比研究合金组织变化如何影响力学性能.结果 随着固溶温度的升高(474~483℃),合金再结晶分数逐渐升高,峰值时效处理后,合金抗拉强度先升高后降低;固溶保温时间(2~5 h)对合金组织与拉伸性能的影响不明显;最优热处理工艺为477℃×4 h固溶处理,而后进行121℃×6 h+177℃×5 h双级时效.热处理后的力学性能:屈服强度为510 MPa,抗拉强度为558 MPa,伸长率为13.6%,电导率为22.7 MS/m.结论 与固溶时间相比,固溶温度对7050铝合金组织和拉伸性能的影响较大,对合理选择航空用7050铝合金锻件的热处理工艺具有指导意义.  相似文献   

目的 针对7075高强铝合金构件在固溶-淬火-时效处理过程中成形精度低的问题,提出了7075高强铝合金预强化冷成形工艺,研究7075高强铝合金构件冷成形强化机制。方法 基于高强铝合金短流程高性能成形技术,经过固溶-时效处理,获得预强化处理的7075铝合金板料,使用预强化处理的7075铝合金板料冷成形试制帽形梁。通过拉伸试验、杯突试验测试预强化处理的7075铝合金板料及帽形梁力学性能,并通过透射电子显微镜试验解释7075高强铝合金构件冷成形强化机制。结果 预强化处理的7075铝合金板料抗拉强度为540 MPa,延伸率为19.3%,强度接近7075铝合金T6态强度水平,塑性接近7075铝合金O态塑性水平。杯突值为16.6 mm,达到7075铝合金O态的87%。使用预强化处理的7075铝合金板料冷成形试制的帽形梁表面质量良好,无破裂等情况。经过烤漆工艺后,帽形梁抗拉强度为(560±5)MPa,屈服强度为(480±5)MPa,与7075高强铝合金T6态强度相当。结论 预强化处理的7075铝合金板料基体内部存在大量GP Ⅱ区组织,这有助于提高7075高强铝合金的强度和塑性。使用预强化处理的7075铝合金板料冷成形试制的帽形梁在烤漆工艺处理时,基体中部分GP Ⅱ区会转变为η''相,析出相的转变和加工硬化的结合提高了成形构件的强度,使其强度可以达到7075高强铝合金T6态强度水平。  相似文献   

通过拉伸试验、硬度测试、金相组织及扫描电镜分析 ,研究了不同时效热处理工艺对铸造Ni Be合金性能的影响。试验结果表明 ,时效温度和时效时间对该合金的力学性能的影响存在交互作用 ;断口具有细小的韧窝特征。获得了 3种热处理状态、综合性能优异的Ni Be合金 ,硬度分别为HRB87、HRC3 2、HRC51。  相似文献   

研究了温度对ZK60镁合金细晶板材成形性能的影响。通过单向拉伸试验研究了ZK60细晶板材在25~300℃下的拉伸成形性和力学性能各向异性,进而通过杯突试验和热拉深试验研究了温度对板材成形性能的影响。研究结果表明:随着温度的升高,板材的各向异性逐渐降低,在300℃下的断裂伸长率在341%以上。ZK60细晶板材的成形性能随着温度的升高显著提高,在本实验条件下,当温度为250℃时获得最大的Erichsen值(IE=18. 7 mm)和最大的极限拉深比(LDR=1. 8),ZK60镁合金细晶板材的最佳杯突成形温度范围为200~250℃,最佳热拉深成形温度范围为250~300℃。  相似文献   

Cryorolling is a severe plastic deformation (SPD) process used to obtain ultrafine-grained aluminum alloy sheets along with higher strength and hardness than in conventional cold rolling, but it results in poor formability. An alternative method to improve both strength and formability of cryorolled sheets by warm forming after cryorolling without any post-heat treatment is proposed in this work. The formability of cryorolled AA6061 Al alloy sheets in the warm working temperature range is characterized in terms of forming limit diagrams (FLDs) and limiting dome height (LDH). Strain distributions and thinning in biaxially stretched samples are studied. Hardness of the formed samples is correlated with ultimate tensile strength to estimate post-forming mechanical properties. The limit strains and LDH have been found to be higher than in the case of the conventional processing route (cold rolled, annealed and formed at room temperature), making this hybrid route capable of producing sheet metal parts of aluminum alloys with high strength and formability. In order to combine the advantages of enhanced formability and better post-forming strength than the conventional cold rolled and annealed sheets, warm forming at 250°C has been found to be suitable for this alloy in the temperature range that has been studied.  相似文献   

This study examined the mechanical property and formability of the cold-rolled Mg–Li–Zn alloy sheets with two different Li contents. Uniaxial tension and press-forming tests were carried out at room temperature. The tensile properties and formability parameters were correlated with the forming limit diagrams. The test results indicated that the Mg–Li–Zn alloy with a Li content of 6 wt% exhibited reasonable strength levels with moderate fracture elongation and that it did not show good stretchability and drawability at room temperature. The alloy with a Li content of 9 wt% presented excellent ductility even at room temperature and the strength levels were somewhat inferior. From the analysis, it was found that formability of the alloy with a higher Li content of 9 wt% was superior compared to that of the alloy with a Li content of 6wt%. Moreover, the fracture surfaces of the press-formed samples were considered and studied under a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results showed that the partly ductile and partly brittle fracture pattern was observed in the tension–tension strain condition for both the alloys.  相似文献   

In this work, the suitability of interstitial free steel sheets of thickness 0.6 and 1.6 mm for press forming operations were examined by obtaining the forming limit diagram. The microstructural aspects, tensile properties and formability parameters were studied. Forming limit diagrams (FLD) were evaluated for the above sheet metals of two different thicknesses and they were compared. Strain distribution profiles were obtained from the forming experiment. The fracture surfaces of the formed samples were observed using scanning electron microscope. Using the fractography, the fracture behaviour and formability were analyzed. The tensile properties and formability parameters were correlated with the FLD. It was found that the formability of both sheets is good and the sheet with 1.6 mm thickness was superior.  相似文献   

In this work, a combined forming, fracture and wrinkling limit diagram have been experimentally evaluated for Aluminium 5086 alloy sheet annealed at three different temperatures namely 200, 250 and 300°C. With the help of the above diagrams, the safe range which avoids necking, fracture and wrinkles during forming of Aluminium 5086 alloy sheets were examined and the effect of annealing temperature on this range and other parameters namely microstructure, tensile properties and formability parameters were studied.  相似文献   

The forming limit diagram (FLD) is a useful concept for characterizing the formability of sheet metal. In this work, the formability, fracture mode and strain distribution during forming of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy and Al6061-T6 aluminum alloy sheets has been investigated experimentally using a special process of hydroforming deep drawing assisted by floating disc. The selected sheet material has been photo-girded for strain measurements. The effects of process parameters on FLD have been evaluated and simulated using ABAQUS/Standard. Hill-swift and NADDRG theoretical forming limit diagram models are used to specify fracture initiation in the finite element model (FEM) and it is shown that the Hill-swift model gives a better prediction. The simulated results are in good agreement with the experiment.  相似文献   

The effects of prior cold work on hardness, tensile properties, electrical conductivity and microstructure of an aged Cu–1.5 wt% Ti alloy have been studied by employing hardness and resistivity measurements, tensile tests and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The hardness increased from 80 VHN in the solution-treated condition, to 210 VHN on peak ageing and 280 VHN with prior cold work followed by ageing. While a similar trend has been observed in yield and tensile strengths, the ductility (percentage elongation) decreased from 45% to 9%. The electrical conductivity of the alloy also increased up to 26% International annealed copper standard upon ageing the cold-worked alloy. Maximum strengthening of the alloy was associated with the precipitation of metastable, coherent and ordered Cu4 Ti, phase having body-centred tetragonal structure. The differences in the properties and microstructural evolution between low and high titanium alloys (for example, the absence of composition modulations and deformation twins in Cu–1.5 Ti alloy, while they are present in Cu–4.5 Ti alloy) have been discussed. Prior cold work did not change the fracture mode of microvoid coalescence.  相似文献   

In this paper, the hardness, ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, elongation E100, S−N curves, and fatigue performance of 7075 aluminum alloy were obtained after aged at 170 °C for different times (10 h, 15 h, and 20 h). Additionally, the microstructure and fatigue fracture of the alloy were observed. The investigation results show that as the forming time increased, the hardness, ultimate tensile strength, and yield strength decreased, the elongation first decreased, then increased, and the fatigue limit increased. As the forming time increased, the metastable phase gradually transformed into a steady phase and coarsened, the width of precipitate free zone increased, and the width of the fatigue strip decreased. After creep age forming for 20 h, the precipitate free zone was the widest, approximately 100 nm.  相似文献   


The suitability of two recently developed aluminium alloys (an Al–Mg–Mn alloy and an Al–Li–Cu alloy) for press forming applications has been examined. The characterisation involved the experimental determination of microstructural aspects, tensile properties, and formability parameters such as average plastic strain ratio and planar anisotropy. The forming limit diagram has been experimentally evaluated. A detailed analysis of the strain distribution profiles obtained from punch stretching experiments has been attempted. An attempt has been made to correlate the crystallographic texture with the formability parameters. The fracture surfaces of the punch stretched samples were observed using scanning electron microscopy with a view to obtaining a correlation between fracture behaviour and formability. The alloys, in particular the Al–Mg–Mn alloy, have been found to possess good stretchability but both show very limited drawability. Texture analysis indicated negligible earing during deep drawing. These alloys are suitable for stamping applications where stretching constitutes the major proportion of the deformation.  相似文献   

目的 研究不同热处理状态下多种铝合金在准静态拉伸和电磁单向拉伸条件下的成形性能,并探究其中机理.方法 选择不同牌号(1060,3003,5052)和不同热处理状态(加工硬化态和完全退火态)的铝合金材料,获得材料在准静态和电磁成形条件下材料的成形性能,并通过扫描电镜(SEM)和透射电镜(TEM)对1060铝合金试样进行显微断口和微观组织分析.采用数值仿真方法,获取板料和线圈的最佳相对位置.结果 与退火态材料相比,在电磁成形条件下加工硬化态材料的成形性能提高得更多,特别是在1060铝合金中,退火态试样准静态拉伸的伸长率和动态拉伸的伸长率几乎一致,而H24态试样的动态拉伸伸长率(20.2%)为准静态拉伸(5.1%)的3.96倍.扫描断口发现电磁成形断裂面更窄,韧窝大小更均匀.1060-O试样电磁成形后,晶粒内部位错密度低,微观结构主要为亚晶.1060-H24试样电磁成形后的组织中位错密度较高,出现位错胞.结论 加工硬化态材料中存在的初始缺陷有利于电磁成形过程中位错的产生和交滑移的发生,从而提高合金成形性.  相似文献   

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