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位于加拿大AIberta省的Athabasca油砂项目是世界上规模最大的工程项目之一。本文介绍的是英维思如何在这个宏大项目中帮助壳牌加拿大有效利用自动化技术。  相似文献   

杨锋 《认证技术》2011,(9):83-84
加拿大标准委员会(Standards Council of Canada,简称SCC)是加拿大标准体系的核心。SCC成立于1970年,依据《加拿大标准委员会法案》运作,其宗旨是提高标准化的效率。SCC的职能包括:对标准制定机构、合格评定机构进行认可;将标准制定机构制定的标准批准为加拿大国家标准;  相似文献   

柳励和 《中国包装》2002,22(2):46-47
历经百年路程,包装工业已成为世界 经济发展过程的“朝阳产业”之一。伴随其经济地位的提升,经济发达国家都十分重视包装设计的立法及其研究工作。美国、英国、法国、瑞士、加拿大、日本等都依国际包装法规与标准制定了本国的包装法;在大学的包装专业开设“包装法规”课程,在媒体  相似文献   

加强用水计量,创建节水型社会是缓解水资源紧缺的举措之一,水表产业与水资源的综台利用密切相关。文章对水表在计量准确、卫生安全、生活安全等方面存在的隐患进行研究,发现问题,查找原因。对防控水表安全隐患制定对策,做好水表安全隐患的防控工作。  相似文献   

正阿兰·约翰斯顿国际法制计量组织(OIML)原主席/加拿大计量局局长●加拿大计量局如何促进产业成功为了提高加拿大产业在全球市场上的竞争能力,加拿大计量局采取了:参与OIML和美国相互认可系统;代表加拿大产业的意见参与OIML技术委员会;将OIML典型规程融入加拿大本地要求内(如果适用的话)等措施。在国内,加拿大计量局通过:创建公平竞争环境(制定所有企业都必须满足的法律和要求;批准在加拿大境内使用相关设备;进行市场监督并采取强制措施来解决  相似文献   

高血压病是我国目前患病率最高,人群患者最普遍的病种之一,根据有关报道我国高血压病人2亿,但高血压知晓率只有30%,治疗率24%,控制率则仅为60%我国多数老人散居于社区家庭,对社区卫生服务来说更是挑战。由于当前人们生活中的高盐饮食、凶酒、高热量食物摄人及持续高度精神紧张等不健康生活方式,导致高血压患者逐年增多,并呈现日益年轻化的趋势,于此同时我们的高血压防控措施明显滞后。社区卫生服务是一种第一线医疗照顾,是国家卫生服务体系的基础,是居民寻求卫生服务的门户,不仅可为居民提供首诊服务,还能便捷、经济而有效地解决社区居民80%-90%的健康问题。它不仅以健康为中心为病人个体和社区人群提供基本的医疗和公共卫生服务,并将基层卫生服务和公共卫生服务有机的结合起来,并协调社区内外资源共同完成“六位一体”的服务内容,通过综合防治预防控制高血压及其并发症,提高社区高血压患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

这是世界出版业两大巨头间的合作。一个是企鹅出版集团,世界最著名的图书出版商之一,在美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚4个国家出版大量英语书籍。尤其是对古典音乐爱好者来说,企鹅出版的《企鹅古典音乐唱片指南》更是购买唱片时最具参考价值的读物之一。只要是被企鹅评...  相似文献   

包装工业已成为世界经济发展的"朝阳产业"之一.随其经济地位的提升,经济发达国家都十分重视包装的立法及其研究工作.美国、英国、德国、加拿大、日本等都依据国际包装法规与标准制定了本国的包装法,在大学的包装专业开设"包装法规"课程,在媒体上热烈研讨包装中的法律问题,促进包装产业的健康发展.  相似文献   

正4月2日,公安部食品药品犯罪侦查局局长吕武钦就推出依法打击食药环和知识产权领域犯罪保障疫情防控期间复工复产十项措施初衷和重要内容进行了详细解答。问:公安部此次制定出台"十项措施",主要有哪些考虑?答:当前,全国疫情防控取得阶段性重要成效,经济社会秩序加快恢复,有序推进复工复产,对于  相似文献   

一、关于建立国外技术壁垒预警机制的探讨技术壁垒的主要表现形式之一是信息壁垒,因此,我国应尽快建立国外技术壁垒的预警机制,以负责收集、跟踪国外的技术壁垒和绿色壁垒措施,建立我国技术壁垒信息中心和数据库。同时,应认真研究主要贸易对象国技术壁垒对我国主要出口产品的影响,采取积极措施,突破国外技术壁垒,为扩大出口服务。随着世界经济联系的日益密切,在各国关税税率逐步下调的同时,非关税措施造成的壁垒受到世界各国的重视,尤其西方欧美国家,竭立推行和制定所谓先进的标准,在国际贸易中设置各种贸易障碍,以达到构筑非关税壁垒的目的…  相似文献   

This paper describes recent initiatives in Canada that lead to a new regulation on environmental emergencies under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act of 1999. The regulation includes a list of hazardous substances with threshold quantities. It has requirements for prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. The regulation is based on voluntary guidelines developed by industry, public authorities, municipalities and representatives of the public. The guidelines are a reference for industry and municipalities to help them manage risk related to major industrial accidents. The guidelines released in July 2002 are innovative in the sense that municipalities are strongly involved in the risk management process through the creation of Local Emergency Planning Committees (Joint Committees) with representatives from industry, municipalities and public. This work appears as a relevant approach to involve the public in the decision-making process and makes people aware of the hazards and the measures taken to control risk.  相似文献   

This article explores the diversity of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) practice in Canada and lessons for improving the effectiveness of SEA. There are multiple dimensions to effectiveness, but core to SEA effectiveness is its strategic nature. SEA under the Canadian federal Cabinet directive is approached largely as an impact assessment tool, and effectiveness evaluated based on compliance. Practice is entrenched in project-based assessment principles, but with no mandatory provision for public engagement, which limits the potential effectiveness of SEA. External to the Cabinet directive, across Canada’s provinces and territories, SEA and SEA-like practices are occurring in diverse forms and represent the more advanced and exemplary cases. A common challenge to SEA effectiveness, however, is that applications are often limited by their ad hoc nature and disconnected from any larger and formal system of participatory and integrated policy, planning and development decision making.  相似文献   


The first recorded acquisition of photographs by the National Archives of Canada occurred in 1897, but it was not until 1906, when the second Dominion Archivist, Arthur Doughty, was authorized to expend money on acquiring paintings, drawings, prints and other visual documents of historical interest, that systematic acquisition of all these media began and the separate Picture Division was established. The Archives began in 1872 as a branch within the Department of Agriculture with a mandate to collect documents of national significance. Government documents were the responsibility of the Keeper of the Records under the Department of the Secretary of State until 1903 when the two branches were merged. Then, in 1912, an Act of Parliament established the Public Archives of Canada with a mandate to collect official records and historical documents; in 1987, the name was changed to the National Archives of Canada. The uniquely Canadian ‘total archives’ approach combines the traditional concept of an archives as a public records office with the function of historical societies and special libraries as repositories for historical material from private sector sources. The National Archives' collection of photographs, now approaching 20 million, is the nation's largest collection and represents virtually every aspect of Canadian photography. It is a vital resource documenting many facets of Canadian society and history from the 1840s to the present day (figure 1).  相似文献   

A 1970 report of the Organization for Economic Corporation and Development indicated that Canada ranked last on a list of about 10 industrialized counties in terms of innovations. This ranking has been used to support frequently held contention that Canada is technologically uninnovative. However, the OECD list had no criteria for the inclusion or exclusion of a particular innovation. The OECD data has areas of difference with other independent measures of innovation. A comparison is made to a related study by Gellman Associates. This latter study shows that the Canadian position is not as poor as indicated by the OECD list.  相似文献   

计鉴洋  王征 《包装工程》2023,44(12):264-272
目的 为进一步化解当前疫情防控中人们易于产生的焦虑情绪及遏制谣言传播,进行面向疫情防控科普宣传的交互装置设计,以此增强防疫科普的多维度体验感和情感交互性,提高受众学习的内驱力和对疫情防控的正向关注。方法 以“装置”为表达媒介作为防疫科普宣传的重要手段,探索了影像装置艺术与科普教育相融合的发展趋势,并分析了超声波测距传感器在触控交互界面设计中的应用,实现了“病.口”为题的新冠疫情防控科普装置设计探索,据此开展了疫情防控科普教育影像的交互展示。结论 建立了防疫科普影像装置系统,为大众开展防疫科学教育提供交互式学习手段,使受众感受到防疫科普宣传的新颖性,构建起防疫、科普、艺术的有机联系,为宣传防疫知识和开展防疫科普教育提供借鉴。  相似文献   

C. Sylvain 《Scientometrics》1993,27(3):295-316
Analysis of the Canadian publications in the field of aquaculture reveals that Canada is one of the word's major contributors in this area. This confirms that Canada's expertise in science and technology often finds its stimulus in its resource-based industries. Several bibliometric indicators were used to enlighten the peculiar features of the Canadian research system. These include the channels of communication used by scientists, the authorship pattern, the level of collaboration, the identification of the institutions in which the research is performed and the uneven research effort distribution inside the country. The relevance of such quantitative measures for science policy-making is emphasized. The present study shows how bibliometric analysis, by describing the actual strengths and weaknesses of Canadian research and identifying the agents of this research activity, might foster a better understanding of the Canadian research enterprise as a whole.  相似文献   

Summary The aims of this paper are to summarize Canadian government programs pertaining to research and development (R&D) and R&D support programs, and to propose a method for analyzing their socio-economic impact. The programs under investigation include: • Canada Research Chairs • Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation • Canada Foundation for Innovation • Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC) • Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) • Canada Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) • Canadian Institute of Advanced Research (CIAR) • Pre-Competitive Advanced Research Networks (PRECARN) • Networks of Centres of Excellence  相似文献   

Recently, two coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine products have been authorized in Canada. It is of crucial importance to model an integrated/combined package of non-pharmaceutical (physical/social distancing) and pharmaceutical (immunization) public health control measures. A modified epidemiological, compartmental SIR model was used and fit to the cumulative COVID-19 case data for the province of Ontario, Canada, from 8 September 2020 to 8 December 2020. Different vaccine roll-out strategies were simulated until 75% of the population was vaccinated, including a no-vaccination scenario. We compete these vaccination strategies with relaxation of non-pharmaceutical interventions. Non-pharmaceutical interventions were supposed to remain enforced and began to be relaxed on 31 January, 31 March or 1 May 2021. Based on projections from the data and long-term extrapolation of scenarios, relaxing the public health measures implemented by re-opening too early would cause any benefits of vaccination to be lost by increasing case numbers, increasing the effective reproduction number above 1 and thus increasing the risk of localized outbreaks. If relaxation is, instead, delayed and 75% of the Ontarian population gets vaccinated by the end of the year, re-opening can occur with very little risk. Relaxing non-pharmaceutical interventions by re-opening and vaccine deployment is a careful balancing act. Our combination of model projections from data and simulation of different strategies and scenarios, can equip local public health decision- and policy-makers with projections concerning the COVID-19 epidemiological trend, helping them in the decision-making process.  相似文献   

海军装备是装备体系中腐蚀防护与控制难度最大、要求最高的,其腐蚀预防与控制水平代表着一个国家在海洋装备材料及腐蚀控制技术方面的发展水平。从美军战略转变对海军装备维护和腐蚀控制需求的影响的角度出发,重点剖析了美国海军腐蚀预防与控制战略的发展历程、机制改革以及主要措施等,指出了美国海军已将装备腐蚀预防与控制作为一项战略工程进行实施。从适应海军与海军装备战略转型、适应新体制以及适应海军装备转型3个方面提出了开展我国海军装备腐蚀预防与控制工作的意见建议,对我国海军装备腐蚀预防与控制技术领域的发展有重要启示。  相似文献   

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