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生物监测是对淡水水体理化监测的配合.在对生物监测概述的基础上提出了淡水水体生物监测的主要方法.综述了当前淡水生物监测的研究进展,探究了淡水生物监测存在的问题及展望.  相似文献   

生物传感器具有高选择性、响应快、操作简单、携带方便、适合于现场检测等优点,使得其在食品成分分析、生产在线监测、添加剂分析、微生物和生物毒素的检测、食品鲜度分析等方面得到了广泛应用。  相似文献   

论述以曝气生物滤池为核心工艺建设的大连马栏河污水处理厂二期工程的工艺流程、主要构筑物及设备的功能和设计参数,并根据半年的监测结果对污水的处理效果进行评价。  相似文献   

生物气溶胶监测仪基于生物分子激光诱导荧光的原理监测生物性颗粒物的存在和数量,其发展对公共卫生安全以及国防安全的早期预警具有重要意义。通过设计并搭建一套生物气溶胶监测仪的校准装置,雾化菌液后,利用菌落计数法评价生物气溶胶监测仪的关键技术指标,研究了菌种,菌液浓度,荧光强度等因素对监测结果的影响。结果表明:搭建的装置产生的生物气溶胶足够均匀稳定,通过采样菌落计数法对气溶胶浓度进行定值,初步实现对生物气溶胶监测仪的校准。  相似文献   

本文介绍了常见的生物恐怖因子的类型及其可能的释放方式,以期为加强对生物恐怖事件的监测、识别、防护处置工作提供参考。  相似文献   

环境监测是建立在环境保护工作基础上开展的监测工作,其监测目的就是为了全面、及时、准确的反映出被监测环境状态与发展趋势,该种监测工作可以为环境污染与环境管理工作提供相关的依据。生物监测法在环境监测中有着良好的应用前景,会继续为各个领域的环境监测提供科学的信息支持,但是,就我国的实际情况来看,生物监测在环境监测中的应用还处于一个起步状态,本文主要分析生物监测在环境监测中的应用。  相似文献   

一、2004年质检工作的回顾过去的2004年,是质检事业发展不平凡的一年。加强了对入境交通工具、集装箱和货物等传入性媒介生物监测工作,有效杀灭传入性媒介生物,提高对捕获的媒介生物的病原体检测能力。出境卫生检疫查验工作的重点转移到为出境人员服务方面,牢固树立“预防为主”的观念,加大宣传教育力度,提高口岸防病服务水平。加大对艾滋病易感高危人群的监测力度,配备专业卫生检疫人员,添置必要的检验设备和仪器;加强与相关部门的合作,完善出入境人员艾滋病监测管理规定。继续保持和加强与系统内外的区域性联防,提高口岸传染病及其他突发…  相似文献   

本文主要讨论了发生环境监测安全事故的原因及分类,并对已知毒物、不明毒物、辐射、生物等监测安全防范措施进行了总结。  相似文献   

刘加 《中国科技博览》2011,(11):306-306
本文简单阐述了生物监测的基本原理、方法和步骤,用生物临测法对生物的环境污染症状进行观察与研究,举例介绍一些常见大气污染物的动植物受害症状和鉴别方法。  相似文献   

继去年产值跨越400亿元后,光谷生物产业即将大手笔扩容,在现有4大核心园区基础上,再添两园,举"6大园区"之力,打造生物全产业链。生物城除现有的生物创新园、医药园、农业园和医疗器械园等"4大园区"外,近期将启动建设医学健康园、规划建设生物制造园。一个集研发、孵化、生产、物流、行政、居住为一体的生物产业新城呼之欲出。据悉,医学健康园总面积约1.39平方公里,重点打造健康医疗服务、医学成果转化及产品推广应用。武汉大学中法医  相似文献   

凝固科学技术与材料   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从凝固科学与实践发展的角度介绍了当前凝固材料体系的基本框架和凝固科学主要发展阶段的基本理论。作为材料科学与工程的基本组成,凝固科学技术正在现代科学理论的基础上针对传统材料的改性提高和新材料的发展需求,以控形、控构、控性为目标开展优质铸件的定向、晶体生长、快凝、深过冷及各种新型和超常领域凝固过程的研究,并介绍了其中某些方面和展望了可能的发展趋势。  相似文献   

By making a step on one surface ( ) of a rectangular small paralellepiped copper crystal, dislocations could be created by the molecular dynamic method. The dislocation created was not a complete edge dislocation but a pair of Heidenreich-Shockley partial dislocations. Each time a dislocation was created, the stress on the surface was released. Small copper crystals having a notch were pulled (until fracture), compressed and buckled by use of the molecular dynamic method. An embedded atom potential was used to represent the interaction between atoms. Dislocations were created near the tip of the notch. A very sharp yield stress was observed. The results of high speed deformations of pure silicon small crystals using the molecular dynamics are presented. The results suggest that plastic deformation may be possible for the silicon with a high speed deformation even at room temperature. Another small size single crystal, the same size and the same surfaces, was compressed using molecular dynamic method. The surfaces are {110}, {112} and {111}. The compressed direction was [111]. It was found that silicon crystals are possible to be compressed with a high speed deformation. This may suggest that silicon may be plastically deformed with high speed deformation.  相似文献   

The national measurement system for photometric and radiometric quantities is presently based upon techniques that make these quantities traceable to a high-accuracy cryogenic radiometer. The redefinition of the candela in 1979 provided the opportunity for national measurement laboratories to base their photometric measurements on optical detector technology rather than on the emission from high-temperature blackbody optical sources. The ensuing technical developments of the past 20 years, including the significant improvements in cryogenic radiometer performance, have provided the opportunity to place the fundamental maintenance of photometric quantities upon absolute detector based technology as was allowed by the 1979 redefinition. Additionally, the development of improved photodetectors has had a significant impact on the methodology in most of the radiometric measurement areas. This paper will review the status of the NIST implementation of the technical changes mandated by the 1979 redefinition of the candela and its effect upon the maintenance and dissemination of optical radiation measurements.  相似文献   

PSD和PWELCH函数的分析改进及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对MATLAB中两个内建功率谱密度计算函数psd()和pwelch()计算结果迥异的现象,在功率谱密度估计理论的基础上,根据经典的周期图理论和Welch平均周期图方法,通过详细分析源程序,解析计算方法,发现psd()计算的并不是工程单边功率谱密度,而是采样信号双边谱,故与pwelch()结果迥异,另外pwelch()不能对分段信号数据进行预处理。就上述不足提出了相应的改进措施,比较验证表明改进措施行之有效。  相似文献   

Production planning and scheduling are becoming the core of production management, which support the decision of a petrochemical company. The optimization of production planning and scheduling is attempted by every refinery because it gains additional profit and stabilizes the daily production. The optimization problem considered in industry and academic research is of different levels of realism and complexity, thus increasing the gap. Operation research with mathematical programming is a conventional approach used to address the planning and scheduling problem. Additionally, modeling the processes, objectives, and constraints and developing the optimization algorithms are significant for industry and research. This paper introduces the perspective of production planning and scheduling from the development viewpoint.  相似文献   

Miniature and MEMS-type vacuum sensors and pumps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Anna Grecka-Drzazga 《Vacuum》2009,83(12):1419-1426
In the paper, the observable trends of the actual research and development of selected types of miniature and MEMS-type vacuum sensors are presented. Some information about the new types of active vacuum gauges, which are offered by the leading manufacturers of the vacuum measurement instruments, is given. Next, the list of MEMS devices that need vacuum for proper operation is presented. Some aspects of vacuum-encapsulation of MEMS devices, on wafer level and package level are shown. The new conceptions of obtaining and maintenance of high and ultra-high vacuum in MEMS devices are described. They concern the conception of integration of a miniature orbitron pump on-chip with MEMS-type device or with vacuum part of the portable advanced instruments such as electron microscope, ion mass spectrometer, and free electron laser.  相似文献   

甲壳素与壳聚糖的改性及应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
谢长志  王井  刘俊龙 《材料导报》2006,20(Z1):369-371
甲壳素、壳聚糖及其衍生物是一种天然高分子,随着对其研究的深入发展,涉及的内容和应用范围越来越广泛.概述了甲壳素、壳聚糖的结构、性质及其化学改性和共混改性的方法,简单介绍了它们的应用领域.  相似文献   

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a central metabolite that plays an indispensable role in various cellular processes, from energy supply to cell-to-cell signaling. Nature has developed sophisticated strategies to use the energy stored in ATP for many metabolic and non-equilibrium processes, and to sense and bind ATP for biological signaling. The variations in the ATP concentrations from one organelle to another, from extracellular to intracellular environments, and from normal cells to cancer cells are one motivation for designing ATP-triggered and ATP-fueled systems and materials, because they show great potential for applications in biological systems by using ATP as a trigger or chemical fuel. Over the last decade, ATP has been emerging as an attractive co-assembling component for man-made stimuli-responsive as well as for fuel-driven active systems and materials. Herein, current advances and emerging concepts for ATP-triggered and ATP-fueled self-assemblies and materials are discussed, shedding light on applications and highlighting future developments. By bringing together concepts of different domains, that is from supramolecular chemistry to DNA nanoscience, from equilibrium to non-equilibrium self-assembly, and from fundamental sciences to applications, the aim is to cross-fertilize current approaches with the ultimate aim to bring synthetic ATP-dependent systems closer to living systems.  相似文献   

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