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真空开关电弧形态几何特性量化实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
真空电弧在燃烧过程中的形态变化特性及其发生发展在图像上所表现出来的趋势特征对真空开关的开断能力有着重要影响,为了研究真空开关电弧形态特性,针对真空开关电弧特点和电弧特性,设计并建立了一套以可拆卸真空灭弧室的真空开关电弧实验系统.利用图像处理技术对真空间隙长度为6mm,电压60V为条件下真空开关电弧几何特性(面积、周长)进行了诊断.实验结果表明运用该技术可实现真空开关电弧在真空间隙几何特征的量化测量,可应用于真空开关电弧形态特征实时在线诊断,为真空开关电弧形态调控规律研究提供了新的技术手段.  相似文献   

基于图像序列短间隙真空开关电弧形态研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究短间隙真空开关电弧扩散运动特性对促进真空开关向高电压等级、大容量及智能化发展具有重要的意义。本文利用高速摄像机CMOS对真空开关电弧图像进行了采集并获得了序列电弧图像;分析了真空电弧燃烧过程扩散运动的机理及特征。综合数字图像处理技术,提出了基于二值背景差分法电弧图像燃烧扩散运动识别算法。实验结果表明:运用图像系列背景差分法可实现对真空开关电弧图像面积扩散区域进行检测,且通过计算可得到真空开关电弧在燃烧过程中不同时刻的扩散速度。  相似文献   

为了解决传统对接式真空负荷开关在大容量发电机出口负荷开关开发过程中存在无法满足大负荷电流的瓶颈问题,基于插接式触头结构的真空灭弧室具有承载大负荷电流的优势,使其成为发电机出口端真空负荷开关设计的一种优选方案.同时,通过引入横向磁场对插接式触头结构进行了改进,改进后的真空灭弧室经过试验验证也具有了开断大负荷电流的能力.在小电流情况下(I<2 kA),插接式电极结构真空电弧特性的试验研究发现阴极斑点或者仅在单一触指上分布,或者在各个触指之间跨越同时并联存在.当阴极斑点在单一触指上分布时,一部分阴极斑点在触指开槽处成群聚集静止不动,另一部分阴极斑点沿着S型轨迹在该触指表面边缘运动;当阴极斑点从一个触指向相邻触指跨越过程中,原来触指上的阴极斑点并不熄灭而是同时并联存在.  相似文献   

简述了我所50年来在真空冶金设备研制方面获得的一些研究成果,重点对大容量真空电弧熔炼的短网压降设计的重要性进行了剖析.对电弧凝壳炉熔炼的水冷坩埚及其水冷结构、离心浇铸机构的设计进行了总结.对1~3t真空感应炉研发过程中的一些共性问题进行了探讨.为技术创新提供参考.  相似文献   


The metallurgical structure of an ingot produced by vacuum arc remelting (VAR) depends critically on the temperature distribution within the liquid portion of the partially solidified ingot. This, in turn, depends on the fluid motion in the pool, since the dominant mechanism for transporting heat is convection. There are three primary sources of motion: buoyancy; Lorentz forces arising from the passage of current through the pool; and Lorentz forces arising from the presence of external inductors. These forces are constantly in competition with each other, and each tends to induce a quite different distribution of velocity and temperature. We examine the transition between these different flow regimes and derive dimensionless criteria which determine which regime is dominant. We show that the structure of an ingot produced by VAR depends critically on the temperature distribution within the liquid portion of the partially solidified ingot. This, in turn, depends on the fluid motion in the pool, since the dominant mechanism for transporting heat is convection. There are three primary sources of motion: buoyancy; Lorentz forces arising from the passage of current through the pool; and Lorentz forces arising from the presence of external inductors. These forces are constantly in competition with each other, and each tends to induce a quite different distribution of velocity and temperature. We examine the transition between these different flow regimes and derive dimensionless criteria which determine which regime is dominant. We show that modest changes in ingot current can produce radical changes in temperature distribution, and that weak, steady magnetic fields, of only ~1 Gs, can induce a powerful swirling motion which suppresses the normal flow.  相似文献   

脉冲真空放电离子密度的测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弥谦  蔡长龙  马卫红  严一心 《真空》2006,43(1):43-46
由于采用脉冲放电沉积技术能够克服连续电弧离子镀沉积时产生的液滴及负偏压放电的缺点,特别是它在镀制类金刚石薄膜中显示出来的独特性能:不含氢和硬度高,使其在薄膜沉积技术中越来越受到广大研究者的重视。为了更深入地研究薄膜的沉积工艺和薄膜性能之间的关系,迫切需要对脉冲真空放电等离子体的微观参数进行深入透彻的研究,如离子密度及其空间分布等。本文介绍了测量脉冲真空电弧离子源离子密度的方法,并采用该方法测量了脉冲真空电弧离子源离子密度及其空间分布,分析和研究了影响离子空间分布的各种参数。  相似文献   

李军仁  付宝全  李强  周涛  葛正福 《真空》2008,45(3):37-39
主要论述了用于生产钛及钛合金铸锭的真空自耗电弧炉真空系统的组成与特点,针对钛、钛合金的冶金特点及生产实际,阐述真空系统漏率对于生产钛、钛合金的意义;应用最新技术的莱宝300型检漏仪,对真空系统进行了测漏,总结了检漏方法,此法对真空白耗电弧炉真空系统或类似的真空设备测点的设计、检漏具有指导意义.  相似文献   

The experimental data on the processes at the electrodes and in the interelectrode gap of a high-current vacuum arc discharge that were accumulated by different researchers are systematized. A critical analysis is conducted on the essentially static discharge models proposed earlier. A dynamic model of a two-component plasma is described and substantiated, which, in the opinion of the authors, better explains the current results of experimental studies into this type of electric discharge than the static models.Translated from Inzhernerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 62, No. 5, pp. 733–738, May, 1992.  相似文献   


The main features which determine the vacuum design of a vacuum web coater are reviewed. Measurements on the outgassing of polymer and paper web rolls as well as on the conductance of the slit configurations usually employed in production roll coaters are presented. On this basis the vacuum design of an advanced web coater concept for coating video type is discussed in some detail. The discussion includes the concept of additional buffer chambers between the deposition chamber and the winding chamber to minimize the gas flow into the deposition chamber.  相似文献   

A vacuum‐arc plasma source having an extended design, operating in pulse regime and generating directed conveyer‐type flow was created and investigated. The identified regularity of development of arc discharge allowed controlling generation modes of the plasma source, providing the secure fixation of the cathode spots on the working surface and accelerated conversion of the cathode in the working mode. In this case each stage of development of arc discharge is determined by the conditions of existence of the cathode spots on the working surface of the cathode.  相似文献   

真空电弧镀沉积高温防护涂层技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李建平  陆峰  蔡妍  张鹏飞 《真空》2008,45(1):34-36
介绍了弧光放电型离子镀A1000设备,研究了沉积MCrAlY高温涂层工艺,沉积参数对涂层质量、涂层成分及涂层性能的影响。研究结果表明,采用该工艺制备MCrAlY多元包覆型涂层,工艺参数易于控制,沉积效率高,零件装载量大,制备的涂层具有优良的抗高温氧化性能。  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the issues of applying protective coatings on the copper anodes of powerful generator tubes. As a synthesized material due to its high operational properties was chosen titanium carbide obtained by sputtering a titanium cathode in benzene vapors. Scheme of a vacuum arc device used in this work and also the technological processes for the plasmachemical synthesis of coatings on complex shape anodes are described. For a correct choice of the technological parameters it was considered a model of penetration of the plasma flux into the hollow copper anode that was verified by experiments using a setup with a variable cavity diameter. On the emission spectrum of the discharge in the process of coating deposition shown in this work were recorded spectral lines corresponding to the atoms and ions of titanium and carbon ions. We investigated the distribution of elements across the thickness of the formed coating immediately after deposition and after annealing in vacuum, also the X‐ray diffraction pattern and a microsection for the obtained titanium carbide coating are presented. As a result of the work it can be noted that the described sequence of technological processes, subject to the control of plasma flux parameters, allows obtaining a high quality protective coating on parts of complex shape.  相似文献   

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