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信息化农业科技前沿与发展战略   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
人类进入21世纪的信息社会,信息科学与技术已成为改造传统农业最有效的技术手段之一,以信息化推动我国农业的现代化是必然的趋势,在这样的背景下,信息化农业将成为农业的发展方向。文章论述了信息化农业的基本概念,科学支撑体系,技术体系,科技前沿和我国的发展战略。  相似文献   

On the basis of the results of quantum-chemical calculations according to the method of complete neglect of differential overlap, we substantiate the choice of aluminum, iron, nickel, and copper clusters used in the investigation of the chemisorption of atoms and molecules of simple gases on metal surfaces. By using the modified method of incomplete neglect of differential overlap, we discovered the effect of a significant increase in the heats of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon monoxide chemisorption on strained Al, Fe, Ni, and Cu clusters.Karpenko Physicomechanical Institute, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, L'viv. Translated from Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Mekhanika Materialov, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 7–15, November–December, 1993.  相似文献   

The determination of a wide spectrum of microelements in four oil samples from the Arlanskoye, Labaganskoye, Priobskoye, and Romashkinskoye oil fields of the Russian Federation by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is described. The following two techniques have been used for the sample preparation: microwave decomposition of oil for determination of Be, Na, Mg, Al, S, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Se, Rb, Sr, Zr, Mo, Cs, Ba, W, Re, and U; and extraction concentrating with rotating helix columns (RHC) for determination of Nb, Ru, Rh, Ag, Cd, Sb, Te, Hf, Ir, Pt, Te, and rare earth elements. Concentrating of the oil microelements with RHC has been shown to result in significant improvement of the ICP-MS detection limits.  相似文献   

Extraction of microamounts of Am, Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu nitrates from aqueous HNO3 with solutions of (diphenylphosphinylmethyl)phenylphosphinic acid in dichloroethane was studied. The stoichiometry of the extractable complexes was determined. Synergistic enhancement of the extraction of rare-earth elements in the presence of tetraphenylmethylenediphosphine dioxide was revealed.  相似文献   

Differences and similarities between LiF-based LiF:Mg,Ti and LiF:Mg,Cu,P are discussed, with respect to their dosimetric properties--sensitivity, non-linearity of dose response and heavy charged particle efficiency, as related to the concentration and the individual role of the Mg, Ti, Cu and P dopants. To study further the role of these dopants, the properties of some new, 'hybrid' phosphors: LiF:Mg,Cu,Ti and LiF:Mg,P, specially developed for this purpose, are also discussed. In the glow curve of LiF:Mg,Cu,P with a low concentration of Mg a new peak was found, which appears to be an analogue of peak 4 in LiF:Mg,Ti, Magnesium apparently controls most of the dosimetric properties of LiF-based phosphors. For instance, charged-particle efficiency appears to be anti-correlated with the concentration of Mg, being much less dependent on the content of other dopants. On the other hand, some properties of LiF-based systems seem to be correlated with changes in the emission spectra. It is suggested that Ti hampers the acceptance of any increased amount of Mg into more traps in LiF:MgTi. The absence of Ti, not the presence of P or Cu, is therefore a key to the high sensitivity of LiF:MgCuP.  相似文献   

文章基于PDCA循环的基本思路,遵循科学性、全面性、可行性的原则,从方案制定、贯彻实施、效果评价、分析总结4个方面,建立农业标准实施评价指标体系,运用专家咨询法和层次分析法,确定各指标权重,建立综合评价模型,并通过实例应用证实了该评价指标体系是科学、合理和可行的。  相似文献   

半导体制冷研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
半导体制冷主要是帕尔帖效应在制冷方面的应用,半导体制冷的主要优点是:制冷迅速,操作简单,可靠性强,容易实现高精度的温度控制,无污染等.尤其适用于制冷量不大,又要求装置小型化的场合.目前,广泛应用于国防、科研、工农业、气象、医疗卫生等领域,实现对仪器仪表、电子元件、药品、疫苗等的冷却、加热和恒温.本文通过半导体制冷与机械制冷比较说明半导体制冷的优点和特点.针对半导体制冷的特点和应用现状,通过研究国内外的相关文献,从影响半导体制冷效率的主要方面:理论、材料、结构方式、传热方式四个方面进行综述,从中总结了半导体制冷研究的热点和成就,归纳出当前半导体制冷研究存在的问题,提出影响半导体制冷的主要因素即:高优值系数材料,复杂的多参数工况以及冷热端散热方式与设计.为今后进行深入研究半导体制冷提供了可供借鉴的研究方向和方法.  相似文献   

Review: Improving cement-based materials by using silica fume   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of silica fume as an admixture in cement-based materials are reviewed in terms of the mechanical properties, vibration damping capacity, freeze-thaw durability, abrasion resistance, shrinkage, air void content, density, permeability, steel rebar corrosion resistance, alkali-silica reactivity reduction, chemical attack resistance, bond strength to steel rebar, creep rate, coefficient of thermal expansion, specific heat, thermal conductivity, fiber dispersion, defect dynamics, dielectric constant and workability. The effects of silane treatment of the silica fume and of the use of silane as an additional admixture are also addressed.  相似文献   

Overview of automotive sensors   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
An up-to-date review paper on automotive sensors is presented. Attention is focused on sensors used in production automotive systems. The primary sensor technologies in use today are reviewed and are classified according to their three major areas of automotive systems application-powertrain, chassis, and body. This subject is extensive. As described in this paper, for use in automotive systems, there are six types of rotational motion sensors, four types of pressure sensors, five types of position sensors, and three types of temperature sensors. Additionally, two types of mass air flow sensors, five types of exhaust gas oxygen sensors, one type of engine knock sensor, four types of linear acceleration sensors, four types of angular-rate sensors, four types of occupant comfort/convenience sensors, two types of near-distance obstacle detection sensors, four types of far-distance obstacle detection sensors, and and ten types of emerging, state-of the-art, sensor technologies are identified  相似文献   

EDI膜堆的调试运行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过电去离子(EDI)装置的试验和多次的现场调试,根据影响EDI运行的主要因素:进水电导率、进水流量(包括淡水流量、极水流量、浓水流量)、运行电压、运行电流、水的pH、温度、压力(包括入水、产水、极水、浓水的压力),总结出现场调节较多的参数是进水流量、极水流量、浓水流量、运行电压和运行电流、运行压力,并且提出了上述参数的调节方法、调节范围和调节时的注意事项.  相似文献   

在零件自顶向下的设计过程中,随着领域知识的不断引入,其设计状态不断递进转换。为构建零件从功能到结构规范化的演化过程,分析了零件功能和结构约束的映射关系,完整表达了零件设计状态的转换过程,定义了从功能到结构语义、零件约简结构至详细结构的渐进式的零件多域视图模型。通过对零件模型的功能约束、拓扑结构及作用关系的分析,以及对零件构成单元的功能时序、功能单元、几何结构、形位、装配与进化序列的分析,建立了基于功能约束和结构约束的零件关联约束模型,并将抽象语义知识进行结构化处理,构建了由功能视图模型、功能结构过渡语义描述模型、结构约简视图模型和结构视图模型组成的自顶向下的、渐进式零件多域视图模型。根据零件特征信息的表达层次和表达需求对上述各视图模型进行表述,体现零件在不同形态、不同阶段的设计知识,形成一个具有过程性、动态性、层次性和递进演化特性的零件对象定义模型。基于多域视图模型,可形成零件结构的多重解释,从而实现功能驱动的零件结构系列化设计,拓展狭义的零件结构设计的范畴,有助于实现基于模型的计算机辅助零件设计,推进产品设计过程的自动化和智能化。  相似文献   

目的 为建构设计市场学与产业化战略设计体系,揭示设计学促进生产力发展的创新本质,提升设计在产业链中的战略级价值与地位,破解企业产品打造、品牌塑造、业绩增长、融资上市等核心难题,驱动“政.企.学”融合创新升级。方法 基于设计学与金融科技、经济管理等学科以及“农.工.商”等产业融合进行研究,凝练28年“产.学.研”实践探索与学术理论研究成果,通过调研提炼与应用验证,建构设计产业化核心体系。结论 基于设计市场学原理、设计产业化战略理论,提出并阐明了“上市产业链、上市沸腾器、产业.企业IPO战略设计、产业战略标准‘芯片’、星云战略设计与资源系统”的核心概念与内涵,总结了“以终为始、领域细分、科技聚核、文化铸魂、集群创孵”战略设计原理,升级了“顶层战略标准制定、科技产品创新打造、文化品牌设计塑造、产业创孵平台建构”战略设计方法,构建了“设计市场学-产业化-上市链-IPO战略-标准”理论与实践体系,对探索“政产学研科教文”全域融合创新发展具有导向性意义与战略级价值。  相似文献   

We theoretically substantiate the advisability of application of metal compounds as a source of diffusants with the aim of increasing the efficiency of formation of diffusion coatings in fusible metal melts. We propose the use of chromium, niobium, tungsten, palladium, nickel oxides, and molybdenum carbide for application of proper coatings in sodium as well as niobium, molybdenum, chromium, tungsten, cobalt, nickel, and vanadium oxides and molybdenum carbide for coatings in lithium. Translated from Fizyko-Khimichna Mekhanika Materialiv, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 108–111, May-June, 2000.  相似文献   

Boosted by the success of high-entropy alloys (HEAs) manufactured by conventional processes in various applications, the development of HEAs for 3D printing has been advancing rapidly in recent years. 3D printing of HEAs gives rise to a great potential for manufacturing geometrically complex HEA products with desirable performances, thereby inspiring their increased appearance in industrial applications. Herein, a comprehensive review of the recent achievements of 3D printing of HEAs is provided, in the aspects of their powder development, printing processes, microstructures, properties, and potential applications. It begins with the introduction of the fundamentals of 3D printing and HEAs, as well as the unique properties of 3D-printed HEA products. The processes for the development of HEA powders, including atomization and mechanical alloying, and the powder properties, are then presented. Thereafter, typical processes for printing HEA products from powders, namely, directed energy deposition, selective laser melting, and electron beam melting, are discussed with regard to the phases, crystal features, mechanical properties, functionalities, and potential applications of these products (particularly in the aerospace, energy, molding, and tooling industries). Finally, perspectives are outlined to provide guidance for future research.  相似文献   

《Technology in Society》1999,21(3):217-231
Seeing solutions for them, I do not much worry about climate change and loss of biodiversity. Unsure of solutions, I worry deeply about behavioral poisons, loss of libido, implosion of population, diminution of working time, rejection of science, and, finally, the decline of the West.  相似文献   

Twelve elements (Ag, Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) were analyzed in 120 composite samples of influent and effluent wastewater; the results revealed that domestic wastewater influent contains considerable amounts of heavy metals and the partially functional treatment plants of Gaza are able to remove 40–70% of most metals during the treatment process. Heavy metals in 31 industrial wastewater effluents are within the ranges of international standards. All industries of Gaza are light; although they have no treatment facilities, their effluents are being discharged to municipal sewerage system and the existing treatment plants are capable of absorbing the industrial effluents with no significant impact on treatment bioprocesses.Thirty parameters were determined in 35 sludge samples: P, AOX, C, S, CaCO3, Mg, Ca, Na, K, Li, Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, Mn, Fe, Cr, Co, Cd, As, Hg, Ti, Se, Br, Rb, Th, Sr, Y, U, and Zr. Although there are no treatment facilities for sludge within the treatment plants, the results indicated that sludge in general is clean of heavy metals. Only Zinc and AOX showed anomalous concentrations; more than 85% of sludge samples showed that averages of zinc and AOX are 2,000 mg/kg and 550 mg Cl/kg, respectively, which exceed the standards of all industrial countries for sludge to be used in land application.  相似文献   

杨子莹  周睿 《包装工程》2021,42(2):143-149, 166
目的从包容性设计角度出发,对老年人餐具产品的适老性问题进行研究,提出老年人餐具产品包容性设计研究的重要性,强调产品设计中包容性需更加完善,以促进设计中包容性的发展。方法运用案例分析法,分析成人餐具适老性问题及包容性设计与适老性餐具产品的能力包容、用户包容及心理包容三个维度包容范围,基于需求理论的基本逻辑从平衡记忆能力、符合认知水平、契合操作机能、协助障碍克服及顺应习惯共情五个方面探索老年人餐具产品的包容性设计路径。结论提出包容性视角下,老年人餐具产品设计应更具普及性,从包容性的角度涵盖多样化的用户群体,引导设计更具包容性以满足更多用户的需求,关注良好的体验感,展现设计中包容性的灵活度,尊重用户的差异,体现关怀与共情心理,提高老年用户的生活质量,促进社会公平的发展,保证不同用户对美好生活的追求。  相似文献   

Results of investigations of the kinetic laws and the mechanism of carbonizing Ti, Zr, Nb, Ta, Mo, and W over a wide temperature range and for different schemes of metal-carbon interaction (Me+carbon-containing gas, Me+graphite) are given. Much attention has also been given to establishing the interrelation between the microstructure of carbide phases and the kinetics and mechanism of their formation.Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Erevan. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 65, No. 4, pp. 423–427, October, 1993.  相似文献   

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