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电力客户的无功管理对供电企业和客户本身来说都至关重要,客户功率因素的高低直接关系到电网中的功率损耗和电能损耗,关系到节约电能和整个供电区域的供电质量,关系到客户的经济效益,做好电力客户的无功管理,可以提高供电企业和客户双方共赢。  相似文献   

陈骏 《硅谷》2010,(2):34-34
客户功率因素的高低直接关系到电网中的功率损耗和电能损耗,关系到节约电能和整个供电区域的供电质量,关系到客户的经济效益,做好电力客户的无功管理,可以提高供电企业和客户双方利益。  相似文献   

电力工程,即与电能的生产、输送、分配有关的工程,电力施工企业的管理,关键在于项目管理,质量关系到企业的生存,项目管理的好坏直接影响企业的信誉、效益。本文主通过对影响电力施工安全质量的各种因素进行分析,并提出了电力施工安全质量控制器措施。  相似文献   

质量是制药企业的生命,不仅关系到企业本身的发展,而且更是关系到人民群众的生命安全,本文主要从我国制药企业的质量管理现状及问题出发,分析了制药企业如何进行质量安全管理。  相似文献   

建筑工程质量关系到国民经济的长远利益,关系到人民群众的切身利益,关系到建筑企业的生死存亡。面对复杂多变的竞争环境,"权变"对建筑企业质量管理意义重大。阐述了权变理论、建筑企业全面质量管理以及权变理论在建筑企业全面质量管理中的运用。  相似文献   

陈卫锋  李明图 《工业计量》2010,(Z2):170-171
<正>电能计量的准确性、公正性涉及到广大电力用户的利益,关系到电力企业经济技术指标的考核和企业的形象。在我国的低压电网中,为了供用双方的电费结算,运行着大量的单相和三相电能计量装置。为了保证这些电能计量装置的准确性,除了注意环境温度的变化、周围环境电磁场的大小、供电电压的质量、电流大小、功率因数的变动、频率的波动因素外,在安装接线中应注意以下原则(现以经电流互  相似文献   

随着现代科学技术的发展,电能在现代工农业生产、科学实验及人民生活等各个领域中获得了极为广泛的应用。由于目前我国用电的管理技术还有待进一步发展,为了使供电企业适应市场经济的需要,精心培育用电市场,提高用电管理科学化水平,增强电能产品的竞争力,形成用电市场的良性循环,我们加大技术改造、技术革新的力度,提高供电质量和供电可靠性,以及电能计费的准确度,以满足用电客户不同的电能需求。本文对企业的用电管理技术作了一些分析研究。  相似文献   

电能表是计量电量的重要仪器,电能表的准确度关系到用户所缴纳的电费数量,也关系到企业的发展。本文对电能表的修校管理策略进行探讨,旨在加强电能计量装置的管理,防止电能表的计量显示出现差错。  相似文献   

在供电过程中,用户功率因数的高低,直接关系到电力网中的功率损耗和电能损耗,关系到供电线路的电压损失和电压波动,而且关系到节约电能和整个供电区域的供电质量。  相似文献   

时代在发展,社会在进步,我国电能计量自动化系统也在不断发展,有效地提升用电管理方法。然而用电管理的完善离不开电能计量自动化系统的有效应用,只有首先提高其对于用电管理的制度方法。才能进一步提升对电能计量自动化系统。现如今,我国电力行业的水平也在逐年提高,同时也在被社会各阶层给予高度重视。要知道,社会居民的生活离不开对电力的使用,电能计量自动化系统在用电管理中的科学合理地进行应用能够提高社会居民的生活便利程度,也与人们的生活密不可分,其相关电力管理也会直接关系到社会群众的人身安全以及财产安全。所以我国社会各阶层一定要加强其对电能计量自动化系统的用电管理的总体程度,只有对电能计量自动化系统在用电管理上更为严格地应用,才能有效保证我国用电安全以及社会稳定。  相似文献   

孙利辉  吕静  张磊  高鹏 《工业工程》2021,24(1):59-65
研究社区支持农业体系中投资型消费者的风险规避度对生鲜农产品公司收益和决策以及其合作机制的影响。构建了新鲜度和价格共同影响的需求函数和风险规避的投资型消费者效用函数,以及生鲜农产品公司和投资型消费者的收益共享函数,通过求解得到完全和不完全信息情况下最优的分红比例、投入的保鲜努力以及各参与者的利润,并对其进行了数值仿真。发现在完全信息情况下,存在帕累托最优结果;在不完全信息情况下,存在均衡解且随着投资型消费者风险规避度的增加,消费者的收益逐渐减少,公司的收益和投入的保鲜努力都增大。在面对风险规避的消费者时,其风险规避度越大公司应投入的保鲜努力也越大,以此来保证和消费者的长久合作,保障社区支持农业的发展。  相似文献   

张念  李诗杨  姜林  蹇洁 《工业工程》2019,22(5):32-42
为了研究消费者的预期后悔对产品创新换代供应链的影响,构建了制造商领导(M)、销售商领导(R)及无领导(N)3种供应链博弈模型。针对不同领导市场,采用了理论比较和数值仿真分析了预期后悔、状态概率、创新属性及价值贬值率与均衡价格和系统利润的关系。研究表明如下。1) 面对预期后悔的消费者时,创新品仍有吸引力,无领导结构仍然更加有利于消费者;面对高满足状态的消费者时,创新品可采用“撇脂定价策略”。2) 实施持续换代的产品计划时,企业为长期发展应采取“适度创新策略”,当创新属性超过阈值时,对创新品采取“撇脂定价策略”;当产品贬值快时,对现任品采取“撇脂定价策略”,创新品采取“渗透定价策略”。  相似文献   

The rapid evolution of mobile technologies and the increasing diffusion of smartphones have given significant opportunities for innovative companies to create new payment solutions and offer value-added services to their customers. Near Field Communication (NFC) mobile payment has been emerging as a noticeable phenomenon that can enable consumers to turn their smartphones into digital wallets. Although there has been a lot of coverage on consumer acceptance of mobile payments, there are only few researches providing guideline to interpret NFC-based mobile payments adoption.Taking into consideration of theoretical backgrounds of innovation diffusion and specific characteristics of NFC mobile payments, this study proposes a research framework to provide a profound understanding of factors facilitating or impeding the adoption of NFC-based mobile payments among Taiwanese consumers. The results revealed that intention to adopt NFC mobile payments is affected by most of product-related factors, personal-related factors and attractiveness of alternatives.This paper is able to advance literature on innovation adoption and facilitate technology marketers in NFC mobile payments. It provides a useful guideline to help researchers investigate issues related to NFC mobile payments. It also brings some managerial implications by assisting relevant parties in NFC mobile payments ecosystem such as mobile network operators, card issuers, payment processing institutions, bank decision makers and merchants when devising their business strategies and marketing campaigns to facilitate NFC mobile payments.  相似文献   

彭超 《包装工程》2012,33(10):122-124,136
分析了在商品销售竞争加剧的今天,商品包装应该以自身具备的销售能力帮助企业实现销售目的,以及当前包装销售力不能达到预期目标的3种原因,即,过度包装、结构同质化和滥用材料。并在此基础上,提出了以绿色包装设计适应消费者、以务实简约的设计思想引导消费者、以注重消费者体验沟通的设计满足消费者,以此3种设计思想来提升商品包装的销售力。  相似文献   

Remanufacturing can create opportunities for companies to become more sustainable while remaining profitable. However, not all companies will be able to profit from moving towards a closed-loop business model. This paper investigates the profitability of leasing and remanufacturing washing machines for a large white goods producer based on data provided by them. A simple analytical model is built to simultaneously estimate the costs for consumers and costs and profits for the manufacturer under the leasing system. The results are compared with the costs and profitability of the linear system where premium, economy, and budget washing machines are sold to consumers. A sensitivity analysis is conducted on important factors such as repair, administration and transport costs. Using the replacement chain method, we show that the consumer costs of budget washing machines in the sales system is significantly higher than the costs for premium washing machines. Consequently, those consumers would benefit most from a circular system in which premium washing machines are leased against acceptable fees. However, the additional costs for the manufacturer make it a challenge to generate the same level of profit as in the linear system. The research discusses important cost components companies will have to address when making a move towards a circular business model with leasing and remanufacturing.  相似文献   

石岩 《包装工程》2018,39(11):1-5
目的让消费者通过药品包装上的常用防伪标识就可以识别药品的真伪及药品质量的优劣,了解智能防伪技术在药品包装中的应用。方法介绍药品包装上的常用防伪标识,并结合药品防伪包装的实例及图片总结智能防伪技术在国内外药品防伪包装上的应用。结论药品防伪包装将成为一些药品生产企业,尤其是一些著名制药厂商预防不法分子仿冒其产品的有利保障。药品防伪包装的设计不仅便于消费者识别药品的真伪,而且对于提升药品企业品牌形象起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

将安全系统分析中事故树(FTA)分析方法引入到可行性研究质量控制中,从可行性研究质量控制系统中政策制度、建设单位和咨询单位3个方面的角度进行调查研究。用可行性研究质量影响因素及其逻辑关系建立事故树,并对事故树进行定性分析,确定关键因素和不利组合,以便采取措施,重点控制和防范,从而进一步提高项目可行性研究工作的水平,促进前期工作的有效开展。  相似文献   

This survey of the adoption of total quality control (TQC) in 98 companies in the Netherlands shows that few firms do set goals with respect to quality and quality control and that even fewer firms evaluate their own quality performance. The adoption of total quality control is a very time-consuming process, which may take about ten years. Furthermore the adoption process is often dominated by solving the quality problems by experts instead of improving the problem-solving capability of the organization. The adoption process of TQC and the actual application of TQC are related to each other and to company characteristics. In particular the size of the company is related to the formalization of the quality system.  相似文献   


Some methods of generating power such as power generation through coal, natural gas, oil result in inevitable emissions of greenhouse gases. While power generation is necessary due to its increasing demand, it is important for power companies to generate their power in an efficient manner to reduce its effect on the environment. One of the most effective ways of tackling inefficiency issues is through the implementation of efficiency standard. While there exist a lot of studies addressing the topic of energy efficiency standards, there are very few papers that deal specifically with efficiency standard for power generation plant. This paper presents methodology for the implementation of power plant efficiency standard; as mandatory or voluntary regulatory instrument, that may be implemented by the government to control greenhouse emissions from power plants. It is hoped that through its implementation, power companies shall become more conscious of their efficiency and emission quality, hereby encouraging the adoption of more efficient energy sources and latest available technologies. In this paper, methods of calculating greenhouse intensity value and its corresponding allowable ranges have been demonstrated. Case study on a 10-year-old base-load multi-fuel-fired power plant in Malaysia has shown that the power plant is in conformance to the power plant efficiency standard, with an actual greenhouse intensity of 859.4461 kgCO2/MWh sent-out, well within the allowable range of greenhouse intensities for that power plant which is between 760 and 890 kgCO2/MWh sent-out. It has also been demonstrated that older power plants are allowed to have higher values of greenhouse intensity. Benefits of utilising natural gas and operating the power plant at full load have also been shown.



By using sensors and analyzing data, smart manufacturing (SM) increases production efficiency in factories. Traditional research focuses on the use of SM in large companies. This study proposes a novel SM platform that can be used by small enterprises and startups. Instead of a sensor network, this platform is enabled by the Internet of makers (IoM). Five business cases about using platform are discussed. In the past three years, the progress of the five different products has been recorded. The results show that the SM platform enabled by IoM decreases costs by sharing design and manufacturing status between companies and makers. About 20~90% of the manpower cost for product development can be saved and the time to market is reduced by around 50%. Small companies can also grow their business using SM by demonstrating the product on social media. In terms of industrial applications, the IoM 4.0 that is developed in this study can be used as the core of cyber physical systems (CPS) to achieve SM. Smart goals that are achieved by the five case studies are discussed in detail and the profile of the development of IoM 4.0 for small business and start-up companies is outlined.  相似文献   

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