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杨海东  白书华 《声学技术》2017,36(6):539-544
多普勒测速仪是水面或水下平台速度测量的主要设备。提出了利用随机样本一致(Random Sample Consensus,RANSAC)算法来估计多普勒频移,从而使速度测量具有更高的稳定性。多普勒测速仪信号处理的核心是测量多普勒频移,该方法利用回波复相关相位是多普勒频移的一次函数来估计多普勒频移,进而计算得到平台速度,在估计频移时采用RANSAC算法以提高测频精度。为了验证方法有效性,对信号形式为连续波(Continuous Wave,CW)脉冲对的情形进行了仿真。结果表明,提出方法的稳定性得到明显提高。  相似文献   

黄雄飞  苑秉成  陈喜 《声学技术》2008,27(3):323-327
宽带声学多普勒海流剖面仪采用重复相位编码信号和复协方差方法进行频移量的估计.具有较高的测速精度,但是在测速上具有速度模糊,在不改变原有的系统结构的基础上对宽带多普勒海流剖面仪的信号处理方法进行改进,提出采用回波自相关的第一个旁瓣的位置解决测速模糊的方法,并推导了计算公式。最后进行了数字计算和仿真。结果证明了这种方法的正确性和可行性。  相似文献   

声学多普勒测速设备常采用复协方差算法测量多普勒频移,当回波信号出现限幅时会产生频移测量偏差,进而导致测速偏差。文章基于复协方差算法分析了回波信号限幅引起多普勒测速偏差问题的原因,得出限幅后频移测量偏差随真实频移变化而呈现正弦振荡变化的规律,分别使用窄带和宽带发射信号完成回波限幅仿真计算。基于声学多普勒测速仿真器和海上试验完成了对声学多普勒测速设备回波限幅数据的采集,仿真和试验数据结果与理论分析结果一致。  相似文献   

薛敬宏  金铭  乔晓林 《声学技术》2006,25(5):397-400
声相关海流剖面仪(ACCP)利用“波形不变性原理”进行测速,能够测得相对海底的绝对速度。相对于多脉冲发射体制,文章采用脉宽足够长的单脉冲进行发射,既增加了发射能量,提高了海底探测的深度,又保证了系统带宽的要求。单脉冲脉内采用相位编码,减少了测速噪声的影响,通过一个满足相关寻优准则的编码搜寻程序进行伪随机编码,编码长度与声相关延迟时间相一致,所产生编码的自相关函数具有双相关峰特性,这与双脉冲发射的测速体制相对应,解决了双脉冲发射体制测速中脉冲宽度和脉冲间隔时间之间的矛盾。  相似文献   

张卉  邓锴  王长红 《声学技术》2022,41(6):917-922
声学多普勒测速技术采用宽带编码信号进行多普勒频移估计时会产生测频误差,该误差来源主要分为两种:(1)宽带信号频谱不对称;(2)相关时延存在估计误差。文章主要讨论相关时延估计误差对测频误差的影响,分析了其产生的原因以及该误差对测频误差的影响。忽略相关函数简化误差以及滤波后频点不对称,推导得到由相关时延估计误差导致的测频误差的解析式。进行了仿真和湖试数据分析,不同频移下的测频误差与理论测频误差一致,不同填充系数下的实际测速误差与理论测频误差变化趋势相同。该对比结果验证了相关时延估计误差会对测频误差产生影响,证明了由相关时延估计误差导致的测频误差的解析式可信。  相似文献   

针对低速水流场速度测量中要求更高测速精度难题,提出了满足测流环境约束使得测速精度最优的声呐波形参数动态设置方法。基于模糊函数和参量估计理论,研究了相干脉冲串信号测速精度与其波形参数的关系,详细分析了流速范围、探测距离和流场分布等环境因素对波形参数取值的约束,利用非线性规划方法得到测速精度最优的波形参数计算方法。实验结果证明了所提波形设计方法的正确性和实用性。  相似文献   

激光自混合测速实验装置精度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对所研制的半导体激光自混合测速系统在4.06~475.3 mm/s的速度范围内获得了1%左右的速度精度进行了报道.同时,我们针对激光自混合测速系统的试验装置对速度测量精度进行系统研究,重点讨论了激光光谱谱宽、速度分布、散斑、电子学线路对多普勒信号展宽的影响.分析结果表明,散斑信号在待测速度较小时所造成的多普勒信号展宽是激光自混合测速系统测速精度下降的主要原因.采用提高采样时间以及改进电子学处理系统的方式,是提高激光自混合测速系统精度的一个较好途径.  相似文献   

杨永寿  方世良 《声学技术》2019,38(6):605-610
针对相位编码声学多普勒测流中发射信号参数固定引起的适应性不强的问题,在基于信号模糊函数及其模的二阶导数的基础上,提出了两种根据测量需求和环境条件调整发射信号波形参数的优化方法,它们是分层精度约束下取得最佳速度估计精度的波形参数优化方法以及测速精度约束下实现最细分层厚度的波形参数优化方法,分别给出了参数优化的原理和具体的操作步骤。理论分析和实验数据分析结果均表明,相对于缺省参数信号,优化参数方法得到的信号具有明显的性能优势,且优化程度与理论预测基本相符。  相似文献   

声发射测粒方法是通过测量分析粉体颗粒碰撞某个平面产生的声发射信号脉冲波形来荻取粒径分布信息的,为了获知颗粒的碰撞速度和粉体材料的声学参数,本文中尝试将光学互相关测速与声发射测量相结合,设计了同时测量自由落体颗粒碰撞平板的瞬时速度和声发射信号脉宽的实验。初步实验结果表明:光学互相关测速可以为声发射信号分析提供必要的信息。  相似文献   

富钴结壳作为一种重要的海底矿产资源,在工业生产中有着重要应用,具有潜在的开采价值,富钴结壳的厚度是评估开采矿区资源量的重要指标。论文基于原位参量探测器测量富钴结壳厚度,探测器向结壳垂直发射调制信号,并接收返回的原频、差频双通道回波信号,分别提取两个回波信号的包络,然后提取回波信号峰值点的到达时刻,采用时延差法测量结壳厚度。回波到达时刻的提取是影响测厚精度的关键因素,传统的包络提取方法如希尔伯特变换,可以准确地提取出原频信号的包络,但对差频信号的提取精度较差。因此,通过希尔伯特变换与自相关算法分别提取原频信号与差频信号包络,提高了测厚的精度。通过水池试验分析了该算法的测厚性能,随后将该算法应用于中国大洋某航次的富钴结壳海试数据,验证了该算法的可行性。  相似文献   

一种新的相位编码信号多普勒补偿算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
相位编码信号是一种多普勒频率敏感信号,而且码长越大,对多普勒频率越敏感,严重影响了雷达对高径向速度目标和远距离目标探测的能力。该文在分析伪码序列与多普勒容限关系的基础上,提出一种新的伪码调相准连续波雷达的多普勒补偿算法。该算法将回波信号取平方后送到动目标检测(MTD)滤波器中,通过提取回波信号中的多普勒频率信息,进行多普勒补偿。从仿真结果可以看出,该算法能够有效地降低多普勒频率对脉冲压缩结果的影响,验证了方法的可行性。  相似文献   

Limitations on accuracy of Doppler estimation in continuous-wave noise radar with correlation processing are studied. Second-order properties of output of the correlation receiver are evaluated and an approximate Cramer-Rao bound on errors of Doppler measurement is derived. The accuracy of Doppler measurements is found to be affected by the following factors: power spectral density of noise signal, frequency response of the low-pass filter in correlator, observation time, velocity of the target and signal to noise ratio. It is shown that the random nature of the transmitted signal induces additional fluctuations at the output of correlator which limit the accuracy even in the infinite signal to noise case. Qualitative extension of the results to a case covering multiple targets and clutter is made. It is argued that the performance will decrease and that increasing transmitted power may not provide significant improvement when clutter is present.  相似文献   

传统的脉冲式医用超声成像系统的模糊函数由于存在周期性的速度模糊和距离模糊,影响了图像的质量和分辨力。本文借鉴噪声雷达理论,证明了随机调相连续波信号具有最优的模糊函数特性,并据此提出了随机调相医用超声成像系统的设计思想。这一思想的提出为克服速度模糊和距离模糊,提高图像质量和分辨力,设计新一代医用超声成像系统提供理论依据。  相似文献   

A significant improvement in blood velocity estimation accuracy can be achieved by simultaneously processing both temporal and spatial information obtained from a sample volume. Use of the spatial information becomes especially important when the temporal resolution is limited. By using a two-dimensional sequence of spatially sampled Doppler signal "snapshots" an improved estimate of the Doppler correlation matrix can be formed. Processing Doppler data in this fashion addresses the range-velocity spread nature of the distributed red blood cell target, leading to a significant reduction in spectral speckle. Principal component spectral analysis of the "snapshot" correlation matrix is shown to lead to a new and robust Doppler mode frequency estimator. By processing only the dominant subspace of the Doppler correlation matrix, the Cramer-Rao bounds on the estimation error of target velocity is significantly reduced in comparison to traditional narrowband blood velocity estimation methods and achieves almost the same local accuracy as a wideband estimator. A time-domain solution is given for the velocity estimate using the root-MUSIC algorithm, which makes the new estimator attractive for real-time implementation.  相似文献   

Traditional Doppler methods measure only the axial component of the velocity vector. The lack of information on the beam-flow angle creates an ambiguity that can lead to large errors in velocity magnitude estimates. Different triangulation techniques so far have been proposed, which basically perform multiple measurements of the Doppler frequency shift originating from the same region. In this work, an original approach is introduced, in which two ultrasound beams with known relative orientation are directed toward the same vessel, but only one of them is committed to perform a Doppler measurement; the second (reference) beam has the specific task of detecting the beam-flow angle. The latter goal is obtained by accurately identifying the achievement of the target 900 reference-beam-to-flow angle through the inspection of the backscattered Doppler signal spectrum. In transverse flow conditions, in fact, such spectrum is expected to be centered on the zero frequency, and even small deviations from the desired 900 orientation cause noticeable losses of spectral symmetry. Validation of the new method has been performed through experimental tests, which show that the beam-flow angle can be estimated with high accuracy (rms errors lower than 1 degree), and repeatable velocity magnitude measurements are possible. A procedure for automatically tracking the desired orientation by the reference beam is also introduced and shown suitable for implementation in steerable linear array transducers.  相似文献   

We investigated the velocity measurements of leaky surface acoustic waves (LSAW) by line-focus-beam (LFB) acoustic microscopy of thin specimens for which the waves reflected from the back surface of the specimen (back reflection) must be included in the measurement model. The influence of back reflection resulted in a serious problem in measurement accuracy of the apparent changes of measured velocities. Using several samples of thin synthetic silica glasses, the determination of LSAW velocity affected by the reflected waves and the relationship between the specimen thickness and the apparent velocity change with a periodic frequency interval in the frequency dependence of measured LSAW velocities are discussed in detail. Three useful methods for eliminating that influence are proposed and demonstrated: first, separating the radio frequency (RF) pulsed wave signal from the specimen surface and the pulses reflected from the back surface by reducing the RF pulse width; second, scattering acoustic waves from the roughened back surface; and third, taking the moving average of measured frequency characteristics of LSAW velocities. It is shown that, among these methods, the moving average method is the most useful and effective as a general means to eliminate the influence and to determine intrinsic velocity values because this method needs no specimen process and no system change, and the same conventional V(z) curve measurement and analysis can be employed.  相似文献   

针对目前国内激光测振系统价格昂贵、使用不便的问题,采用1 550 nm波段成熟的窄线宽光源和光纤元器件研制了一套低成本的全光纤激光测振系统原理样机。此原理样机光路部分采用马赫?泽德干涉仪结构,搭建了外差式激光干涉光路,参考光被40 MHz的声光调制器调制,与测量光在光电探测器表面发生干涉,产生原始的激光多普勒信号;信号解调部分采用相位解调法对原始激光多普勒信号进行解调,得到振动目标的运动特性,包括位移、速度和加速度信息。采用本单位的振动标准装置对其性能进行了测试,实验结果表明:在10 ~ 2 000 Hz的中低频振动范围内,1 550 nm全光纤激光多普勒测振系统峰值位移、速度和加速度的测量误差在-0.6% ~ 0.7%内。该系统在中低频段具有较高的测量准确度,且成本相对较低、操作便捷,具有技术借鉴价值。  相似文献   

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