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鉴于泡沫铝材料良好的吸能特性和三明治型组合构件在强度、刚度上的优势,通过有限元分析软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA对钢板-泡沫铝-钢板三明治型组合板进行了装药量为10.0kgTNT的非接触爆炸数值模拟,考察组合板在爆炸荷载作用下的动力响应。研究表明:钢板夹泡沫铝组合板承受爆炸冲击波荷载时,响应方式主要为组合板整体弯曲变形和泡沫铝芯层局部压缩变形,芯层压缩变形是组合板吸收耗散能量的主要途径;适当地增加泡沫铝芯层厚度和面板厚度能够提高组合板的抗爆性能,同时使组合板充分发挥耗能作用。  相似文献   

泡沫铝夹芯梁抗爆性能的数值模拟分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
康建功  石少卿  刘颖芳  汪敏 《爆破》2009,26(3):10-13
运用有限元软件LS-DYNA分析重量相同的2种材料梁在爆炸荷载作用下的动力响应,其中一种由304#不锈钢面板与泡沫铝芯材复合而成的夹芯梁,另一种由304#不锈钢单一材料制成的实体梁.对比了相同重量2种梁在跨中位移的变化情况,并将泡沫铝夹芯梁的计算结果与文献实验数据作了对比分析.结果显示,在冲量分别为1.83 kNs/m2、3.77 kNs/m2、6.08 kNs/m2及7.0 kNs/m2动荷载作用下,304#不锈钢实体梁的跨中位移分别是304#不锈钢面板泡沫铝夹芯梁跨中位移的1.1倍、1.35倍、1.26倍及1.14倍.由此可知,相同重量304#不锈钢面板泡沫铝夹芯梁较304#不锈钢实体梁具有更好抵抗爆炸荷载作用的能力.  相似文献   

泡沫铝夹芯圆筒抗爆性能研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在验证了所用方法有效性的基础上,采用有限元软件LS-DYNA分析了重量相同、由A3钢和闭孔泡沫铝制成的夹芯圆筒与由A3钢制成的实体圆筒在3种不同爆炸载荷作用下的动力响应,同时分析了5种不同夹芯圆筒的抗爆性能。结果表明,在相同爆炸载荷的条件下,无论是在变形还是在能量吸收方面,夹芯圆筒都优于相同重量的实体圆筒;对于夹芯圆筒,内面板厚度应不大于外面板厚度,这样能在降低夹芯圆筒整体变形的同时发挥泡沫铝芯层的吸能优势。  相似文献   

鉴于泡沫铝材料优异的吸能特性和夹层结构在强度、刚度上的优势,提出了分层结构为钢板-泡沫铝芯层-钢板的抗爆组合板。对厚度为10 cm、7 cm和5 cm的组合板进行了5组不同装药量的爆炸试验,考察了各板在不同装药量爆炸条件下的变形及破坏情况,并对变形破坏过程进行了理论分析。研究表明:组合板承受爆炸冲击荷载时,通过局部压缩变形和整体弯曲变形吸收能量。钢板相同时,适当增大泡沫铝芯层厚度,增强面板与芯层间连接,可提高该组合板的抗爆性能,防止组合板发生剥离,减小其承受爆炸冲击荷载时产生的变形。  相似文献   

为了研究钢筋混凝土隔离墙在爆炸荷载作用下的动态响应和抗爆性能,采用LS-DYNA有限元软件建立9 m跨度隔离墙结构简化模型,模拟了不同药量和爆炸距离下隔离墙的动态响应。将模拟结果与经验超压公式计算结果和已有试验结果对比,验证了爆炸荷载和材料参数选取的合理性,分析了结构的破坏过程、冲击波作用规律、墙面荷载分布规律和结构变形情况。结果表明:建立的数值模拟可以较好地模拟爆炸冲击波与结构的相互作用;墙面冲击波压力衰减速率与药量和爆炸距离密切相关,墙面压力衰减幅度可达97.8%。在相同药量时,随着爆炸距离增加,墙体底部压力减小,顶部冲量增加;墙体结构由小变形转变为结构整体的较大变形;比例距离小于0.376■时,墙体底部容易发生剪切破坏。模拟结果可以为抗爆隔离墙的设计提供依据。  相似文献   

隧道内爆炸作用可能导致其衬砌结构的破坏和坍塌,造成车辆通行受阻和生命财产损失。本文利用AUTODXN软件对含泡沫铝防护层隧道衬砌结构的抗爆性能进行数值模拟,分析了不同厚度防护层的抗爆效果。结果表明:泡沫铝对爆炸冲击波有良好的吸能作用和衰减特性,对隧道衬砌的损伤有明显的防护效果。  相似文献   

为了提升钢板夹薄壁钢管组合板抗爆性能,有效减轻接触爆炸对防护结构的破坏,对钢板夹薄壁圆钢管组合板和钢板夹薄壁方钢管组合板,采用ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件进行接触爆炸数值模拟。取1kgTNT炸药,选择t=400μs时,分析该2种钢管组合板在接触爆炸作用下的抗爆吸能效果。结果表明:钢板夹薄壁方钢管组合板整体弯曲强于圆钢管组合板,但局部变形能力弱于圆钢管组合板;方钢管组合板变形输出的内能值小于圆钢管组合板,且不受钢管壁厚和数量变化影响,防护效果弱于圆钢管组合板;随着方钢管截面尺寸的减小,整体跨中挠度增加,破口直径增大,吸能减小,输出内能值增大,且不受壁厚和数量变化的影响,抗爆性能增强。同时,通过3组钢板夹薄壁钢管组合板参数对比分析后得知,在钢管数量为3,钢管壁厚2mm时,抗爆能力相对于其他工况下增大的较多,此结果可为工程实践提供参考。  相似文献   

试验设计了6块钢板夹泡沫铝组合板,其中无侧板组合板与有侧板组合板各为3块,侧板材料与面板相同,泡沫铝芯层厚度分别为40 mm、60 mm和90 mm。对组合板进行抗弯试验,绘制了组合板跨中荷载-位移(P-δ)曲线,记录了组合板变形失效过程。基于Gibson模型最大承载力公式建立了无侧板组合板的失效模式图。推导了有侧板组合板最大承载力计算公式,建立了失效模式图。结果表明:泡沫铝芯层厚度越大,组合板承载力越高,加载刚度越大。建立的失效模式图可以较好预测组合板的失效模式。与无侧板组合板相比,仅增加侧板,可以显著提高组合板的承载能力和加载刚度,有效限制泡沫铝开裂后裂缝的进一步开展。通常无侧板组合板每种失效模式仅独立对应失效模式图中一块区域,而有侧板组合板失效模式图被划分为四块区域,且表皮屈服失效模式独立对应两块区域。  相似文献   

为探讨通过结构几何参数优化提高点阵金属复合夹芯结构抗爆炸冲击性能的可能性,本文以填充泡沫铝的金字塔形点阵金属材料夹芯方板作为新型抗爆结构研究对象,在质量、材料类型、加载和约束条件限定的情况下,建立了夹芯结构多个关键结构因素之间内在的关联函数,分析了相互关联几何参数的改变对抗爆性能的影响。研究结果证明了某限定条件下从结构几何参数角度优化复合结构抗爆性能是可行的,并指出了优化的初步方法。研究可为新型轻质装甲抗爆性能优化设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

We have utilized a combination of experimental and modeling methods to investigate the mechanical response of edge-clamped sandwich panels subject to the impact of explosively driven wet sand. A porthole extrusion process followed by friction stir welding was utilized to fabricate 6061-T6 aluminum sandwich panels with corrugated cores. The panels were edge clamped and subjected to localized high intensity dynamic loading by the detonation of spherical explosive charges encased by a concentric shell of wet sand placed at different standoff distances. Monolithic plates of the same alloy and mass per unit area were also tested in an identical manner and found to suffer 15-20% larger permanent deflections. A decoupled wet sand loading model was developed and incorporated into a parallel finite-element simulation capability. The loading model was calibrated to one of the experiments. The model predictions for the remaining tests were found to be in close agreement with experimental observations for both sandwich panels and monolithic plates. The simulation tool was then utilized to explore sandwich panel designs with improved performance. It was found that the performance of the sandwich panel to wet sand blast loading can be varied by redistributing the mass among the core webs and the face sheets. Sandwich panel designs that suffer 30% smaller deflections than equivalent solid plates have been identified.  相似文献   

Finite element simulation is employed to analyse the behaviour of clamped sandwich panels comprising equal thicknesses mild steel plates sandwiching an aluminium honeycomb core when subject to blast loadings. Pressure-time histories representative of blast loadings are applied to the front plate of the sandwich panel. The FE model is verified using the experimental test results for uniform and localised blast loading in the presence of a honeycomb core and with only an air gap between the sandwich plates. It is observed that for the particular core material, the load transfer to the back plate of the panel depends on the load intensity, core thickness and flexibility of the sandwich panels.  相似文献   

Sandwich panels constructed from metallic face sheets with the core composed of an energy absorbing material, have shown potential as an effective blast resistant structure. In the present study, air-blast tests are conducted on sandwich panels composed steel face sheets with unbonded aluminium foam (Alporas, Cymat) or hexagonal honeycomb cores. Honeycomb cores with small and large aspect ratios are investigated. For all core materials, tests are conducted using two different face sheet thicknesses. The results show that face sheet thickness has a significant effect on the performance of the panels relative to an equivalent monolithic plate. The Alporas and honeycomb cores are found to give higher relative performance with a thicker face sheet. Under the majority of the loading conditions investigated, the thick core honeycomb panels show the greatest increase in blast resistance of the core materials. The Cymat core panels do not show any significant increase in performance over monolithic plates.  相似文献   

Metallic sandwich structures with aluminium foam core are good energy absorbers for impact protection. To study their ballistic performance, quasi-static and impact perforation tests were carried out and the results are reported and analysed in this paper. In the experiments, effects of several key parameters, i.e. impact velocity, skin thickness, thickness and density of foam core and projectile shapes, on the ballistic limit and energy absorption of the panels during perforation are identified and discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The foundation of the non-linear theory of asymmetric anisotropic sandwich plates with a first order compressible weak orthotropic core under a Friedlander-type explosive blast is presented. The equations of motion are developed by means of Hamilton’s Principle. Within the theory, the face sheets are asymmetric while adopting the Love-Kirchoff model. In addition, the core layer is assumed to be compressible (extensible) in the transverse direction thereby capturing any wrinkling or global instabilities. The theory is then simplified and applied for the case of sandwich plates with symmetric unidirectional fiber reinforced laminated composite facings with the axes of orthotropy not necessarily coincident with the geometrical axes. The governing solution is developed using the Extended-Galerkin method resulting in two coupled non-linear second order ordinary differential equations which are then solved using the 4th-order Runge–Kutta method for a system of differential equations.  相似文献   

This paper studies the four-point bending response and failure mechanisms of sandwich panels with corrugated steel faces and either plain or fibre-reinforced foamed concrete core. Mechanical properties of both plain and polyvinyl alcohol fibre-reinforced foamed concrete were obtained, which are needed for the design of sandwich panel and numerical modelling. It is found that the fibre-reinforcement largely enhances the mechanical behaviour of foamed concrete and composite sandwich panels. Finite element code Abaqus/Standard was employed to investigate the influence of face/core bonding and fastening on the four-point bending response of the sandwich panels. It was found that face/core bonding plays a crucial role in the structural performance while the influence of fastening is negligible.  相似文献   

A combined boundary element method and finite element method (BEM/FEM) is employed to investigate the fatigue crack growth behavior of cracked aluminum panels repaired with an adhesively bonded fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite patch. Numerical simulation of crack growth process of a cracked aluminum panel repaired with a FRP composite patch under uniaxial cyclic loading has been carried out. The curve of crack length on unpatched side of the cracked panel versus the number of cyclic loading is determined by the numerical simulation, and it agrees well with experimental data. Furthermore, the crack front profiles of the cracked panel during fatigue crack growth and the distributions of stress intensity factors along crack fronts are also numerically simulated.  相似文献   

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