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The radiance and irradiance calibration of large field-of-view scanning and imaging radiometers for remote sensing and surveillance applications has resulted in the development of novel calibration techniques. One of these techniques is the employment of large-area integrating sphere sources as radiance or irradiance secondary standards. To assist the National Aeronautical and Space Administration’s space based ozone measurement program, a commercially available large-area internally illuminated integrating sphere source’s spectral radiance was characterized in the wavelength region from 230 nm to 400 nm at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Spectral radiance determinations and spatial mappings of the source indicate that carefully designed large-area integrating sphere sources can be measured with a 1 % to 2 % expanded uncertainty (two standard deviation estimate) in the near ultraviolet with spatial nonuniformities of 0.6 % or smaller across a 20 cm diameter exit aperture. A method is proposed for the calculation of the final radiance uncertainties of the source which includes the field of view of the instrument being calibrated.  相似文献   

低温辐射计是迄今为止国际上公认最精确的光辐射功率测量系统,基于探测器的光辐射量值是可溯源的基本量。低温辐射计是目前国际上公认最准确的光辐射功率测量方法,是基于探测器的光辐射量值溯源源头。为验证不同实验室间的低温辐射计测量量值的一致性,由中国计量科学研究院作为主导实验室组织了此次低温辐射计比对,参比实验室包括中国电子科技集团第四十一研究所与西安应用光学研究所。介绍了比对的基本情况与技术方案,分析了比对结果。比对结果表明,各参比实验室相对于比对参考值的测量偏差在±0.02%之内;尽管各实验室使用的低温辐射计的类型不同以及装置存在差异,比对结果证明了各实验室低温辐射计测量的量值具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

Two cryogenic radiometers from NIST, one from the Optical Technology Division and the other from the Optoelectronics Division, were compared at three visible laser wavelengths. For this comparison, each radiometer calibrated two photodiode trap detectors for spectral responsivity. The calibration values for the two trap detectors agreed within the expanded (k = 2) uncertainties. This paper describes the measurement and results of this comparison.  相似文献   

经典亮度温度和有效波长理论忽略了环境辐射的影响,且实际测温理论偏离了亮度温度的定义.考虑了环境辐射影响,提出新的有效亮度温度概念,使有效亮度温度适用于存在环境辐射的任意温度测量;进一步提出了基于带通辐射温度计测量的积分有效亮度温度和等效波长理论,使辐射温度计的"主观"测量结果与物体的客观辐射特性相联系,避免了实际测量理论偏离被测量定义.  相似文献   

The Low Background Infrared calibration (LBIR) facility at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) presently maintains four absolute cryogenic radiometers (ACRs) which serve as standard reference detectors for infrared calibrations performed by the facility. The primary standard for optical power measurements at NIST-Gaithersburg has been the High Accuracy Cryogenic Radiometer (HACR). Recently, an improved radiometer, the Primary Optical Watt Radiometer (POWR), has replaced the HACR as the primary standard. In this paper, we present the results of comparisons between the radiometric powers measured by the four ACRs presently maintained by the LBIR facility to that measured by the HACR and POWR. This was done by using a Si photodiode light-trapping detector as a secondary transfer standard to compare the primary national standards to the ACRs maintained by the LBIR facility. The technique used to compare an ACR to the trap detector is described in detail. The absolute optical power measurements are found to be within 0.1 % of the primary standard for all the ACRs examined in this study.  相似文献   

经典的短波高温修正模型不适用于中长波红外温度计的发射率修正和不确定度评定。采用有效亮度温度概念,得到了对于温度范围和测温波长具有广泛适用性的发射率影响模型以及具有简明物理含义的微差近似形式,包含了经典亮度温度理论中的发射率影响修正和环境辐射误差修正。定量分析了经典的短波高温修正模型的误差。针对黑体辐射源的不同溯源方法,讨论了辐射温度计校准中的发射率影响修正方法,并给出修正实例。所用方法可用于辐射测温应用、辐射温度计校准和黑体辐射源校准中的发射率和环境影响修正以及辐射源发射率不确定度对校准结果不确定度贡献的计算。  相似文献   

The radiance temperature (at 653 nm) of tungsten at its melting point was measured using a subsecond-duration pulse-heating technique. Specimens in the form of strips with initially different surface roughnesses were used. The results do not indicate any dependence of radiance temperature (at the melting point) on initial surface or system operational conditions. The average radiance temperature (at 653 nm) at the melting point for 23 tungsten specimens is 3208 K on IPTS-68, with a standard deviation of 0.8 K and a maximum absolute deviation of 1.9 K. The total error in the radiance temperature is estimated to be not more than ± 10 K.  相似文献   

论述对SPMR、SMSR海洋多通道水色测量仪器的光谱辐射照度、光谱辐射亮度进行定标的原理及方法,并通过实际定标测试,论证了该方法的可行性,同时检验了仪器的性能。最后对此次测试结果及其不确定度进行了综合分析。  相似文献   

Standard instruments for measuring brightness temperature, developed at the All-Russia Research Institute of Physicotechnical and Radio Measurements during the last 10–15 years, are considered. It is shown that, using these instruments and equipment of the highest accuracy for measuring the parameters of highly directional antennas in the microwave band, one can produce State Standards with metrological characteristics which satisfy modern requirements. Translated from Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika, No. 1, pp. 51–56, January, 2009.  相似文献   

基于高温黑体辐射源BB3500M,中国计量科学研究院(NIM)自主研制了第四代光谱辐射亮度国家基准装置,波长范围覆盖220~2550nm,以稳定的钨带灯作为传递标准,改善了测量不确定度。黑体辐射源的温度测量溯源至Pt-C和Re-C固定点黑体,在3021 K采用WC-C固定点黑体进行验证,NIM和全俄光学物理计量院(VNIIOFI)之间的测量偏差小于70 mK。采用新基准装置,NIM参加了光谱辐射亮度国际APMP-PR.S6比对。NIM研制了两套入射光学系统,成像倍率分别为0.58和1.00,立体角为0.006sr和0.008sr,采用两套系统复现光谱辐射亮度量值的差异小于±0.40%。APMP-PR.S6比对结果表明:在紫外、可见和近红外波长范围,NIM与参考值的平均相对偏差分别为0.59%、0.44%和0.34%。全部波长范围的平均相对偏差0.46%。在250nm、400nm、800nm、2500nm波长,光谱辐射亮度的测量标准不确定度分别为0.95%、0.50%、0.41%和0.80%。从而验证了第四代光谱辐射亮度国家基准装置的准确性和可靠性。  相似文献   

Measurements made with a pyrometer are vulnerable to errors if the pyrometer is misaligned, inaccurately characterized, or malfunctioning. In this work, thermodynamic temperatures between 1,373 and 1,773 K were studied by measuring a variable-temperature blackbody with a linear pyrometer and four absolutely characterized filter radiometers. The filter radiometer measurements were done in the irradiance mode. In the first set of measurements, there was a 3–5 K difference between the pyrometer and the filter radiometer data. The cause was tracked to malfunctioning of the pyrometer, which was afterwards sent for repair on the basis of these results. In the second set of measurements, with the repaired pyrometer, the agreement of the temperature results was good, the mean difference being −0.41 K with a standard deviation of 0.52 K. The differences between the pyrometer and the filter radiometer temperature measurement results showed no temperature dependence. It was concluded that the filter radiometers used in the irradiance mode provided a straightforward method for the quality assurance of pyrometers.  相似文献   

Radiance temperatures at 1500 nm of niobium and molybdenum at their melting points were measured by a pulse-heating technique. The method is based on rapid resistive self-heating of the strip-shaped specimen from room temperature to its melting point in less than I s and measuring the specimen radiance temperature every 0.5 ms with a high-speed infrared pyrometer. Melting of the specimen was manifested by a plateau in the radiance temperature-versus-time function. The melting-point radiance temperature for a given specimen was determined by averaging the measured values along the plateau. A total of 12 to 13 experiments was performed for each metal under investigation. The melting point radiance temperatures for each metal were determined by averaging the results of the individual specimens. The results for radiance temperatures at 1500 nm are as follows: 1983 K for niobium and 2050 K for molybdenum. Based on the estimates of the uncertainties arising from the use of pyrometry and specimen conditions, the combined uncertainty (two standard-deviation level) in the reported values is ± 8 K.Paper presented at the Fourth International Workshop on Subsecond Thermophysics, June 27–29, 1995, Köln, Germany.  相似文献   

As a part of the pre-flight calibration and validation activities for the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) and the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) ocean color satellite instruments, a radiometric measurement comparison was held in February 1995 at the NEC Corporation in Yokohama, Japan. Researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration/Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA/GSFC), the University of Arizona Optical Sciences Center (UA), and the National Research Laboratory of Metrology (NRLM) in Tsukuba, Japan used their portable radiometers to measure the spectral radiance of the OCTS visible and near-infrared integrating sphere at four radiance levels. These four levels corresponded to the configuration of the OCTS integrating sphere when the calibration coefficients for five of the eight spectral channels, or bands, of the OCTS instrument were determined. The measurements of the four radiometers differed by −2.7 % to 3.9 % when compared to the NEC calibration of the sphere and the overall agreement was within the combined measurement uncertainties. A comparison of the measurements from the participating radiometers also resulted in agreement within the combined measurement uncertainties. These results are encouraging and demonstrate the utility of comparisons using laboratory calibration integrating sphere sources. Other comparisons will focus on instruments that are scheduled for spacecraft in the NASA study of climate change, the Earth Observing System (EOS).  相似文献   

The radiance temperatures (at six wavelengths in the range 525 to 906 nm) of vanadium at its melting point were measured by a pulse-heating technique. The method is based on rapid resistive self-heating of the specimen from room temperature to its melting point in less than 1 s and on simultaneously measuring the specimen radiance temperatures every 0.5 ms with a high-speed six-wavelength pyrometer. Melting was manifested by a plateau in the radiance temperature-vs-time function for each wavelength. The melting-point radiance temperatures for a given specimen were determined by averaging the measured temperatures along the plateau at each wavelength. The melting-point radiance temperatures for vanadium as determined by averaging the results at each wavelength for 16 specimens (standard deviation in the range 0.3 to 0.4 K. depending on the wavelength) are 2030 K at 525 nm, 1998 K at 622 nm, 1988 K at 652 nm, 1968 K at 714 nm, 1935 K at 809 nm, and 1900 K at 906 nm. Based on estimates of the random and systematic errors that arise from pyrometry and specimen conditions, the resultant uncertainty (2 SD level) in the reported values is about ±7 K at each wavelength.  相似文献   

We report the results of an intercomparison of monochromatic radiant power measurement capabilities recently completed by 11 national laboratories. The intercomparison radiometers, distributed in pairs, included an amplifier with six decades of precision gain and one of two types of silicon photodiode (pn or np-type construction). Eleven of the laboratories measured the absolute responsivity of the radiometers at 633 nm and nine at 488 nm. The standard deviation of the overall difference was 0.36% at both wavelengths. The agreement between the various participating laboratories and NIST was within the measurement accuracy stated by the participants.  相似文献   

Following an absolute NIST measurement of the freezing temperature of gold and the adoption of the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90), NIST has adopted new measurement scales for the calibration services based on thermal radiometry. In this paper, the new scales are defined and compared to the ITS-90, and the effects of the scale changes on NIST measurement services in optical pyrometry, radiometry, and photometry are assessed quantitatively. The changes in reported calibration values are within quoted uncertainties, and have resulted in small improvements in accuracy and better consistency with other radiometric scales.  相似文献   

The melting-point radiance temperatures (at seven wavelengths in the range 521 to 1500 nm) of rhenium and iridium were measured by a pulse-heating technique. The method is based on rapid resistive self-heating of the specimen from room temperature to its melting point in less than 1 s and on simultaneously measuring the specimen radiance temperature every 0.5 ms with two high-speed pyrometers. Melting was manifested by a plateau in the radiance temperature-versus-time function for each wavelength. The melting-point radiance temperatures for a given specimen were determined by averaging the measured temperatures along the plateau at each wavelength. The melting-point radiance temperatures for each metal were determined by averaging results for several specimens at each wavelength. The results are as follows. Based on estimates of the random and systematic errors arising from pyrometry and specimen conditions, the expanded uncertainty (two standard-deviation level) in the reported values is ±8K.  相似文献   

叙述了通过测量辐射温度计波长函数和一个温度点的输出信号,从而得到辐射温度计全量程标定方法估计了各项误差源对温度标定误差的影响,给出了重要结论。进一步以某多波长高温计为例,在黑体炉标定实验基础,进行了一点标定法的验证,结果证明该方法可以得到较高精度的标定。  相似文献   

The radiance temperatures (at seven wavelengths in the range 527 to 1500 nm) of palladium and platinum at their respective melting points were measured by a pulse-heating technique. The method, based on rapid resistive self-heating of a specimen from room temperature to its melting point in less than 1 s, used two high-speed pyrometers to measure specimen radiance temperatures every 0.5 ms during the heating and melting period. Melting was manifested by a plateau in the radiance temperature-versus-time function for each wavelength. The melting-point radiance temperatures for a given specimen were determined by averaging the measured temperatures along the plateau at each wavelength. The melting-point radiance temperatures for each metal as determined by averaging the results for several specimens at each wavelength are as follows. Based on uncertainties arising from pyrometry and specimen conditions, the expanded uncertainty (two-standard deviation level) is about ±7 K for the reported values in the range 527 to 900 nm and about ±8 K for the reported values at 1500 nm.  相似文献   

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