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基于制度理论和社会网络理论,构建了制度环境和网络能力对大学生新创企业绩效影响的理论模型.通过对大学生创业者的问卷调查,运用层次回归模型验证了理论假设.研究发现,规制环境与认知环境对大学生综合绩效有显著正向影响,规制环境对大学生创新绩效有显著正向影响;网络能力对大学生创业综合绩效与创新绩效均有显著影响,并对规范环境与综合绩效之间关系起正向调节作用,对认知环境与创新绩效之间关系起正向调节作用.讨论了研究结果对大学生创业者、创业教育者与转型经济背景下创业政策制定者的指导意义.  相似文献   

基于公平理论和关系治理理论,分析了不确定环境下分配公平和信任对战略联盟绩效的作用机理.采用实证研究方法,对217家有联盟经验的企业问卷数据进行统计分析.实证结果表明:分配公平对信任有促进作用,而分配公平和信任均能提高联盟绩效;信任在分配公平和联盟绩效之间起部分中介作用;随着环境动荡性的增加,分配公平和信任对联盟绩效的正向影响增强;而随着环境复杂性的增加,分配公平和信任对联盟绩效的正向影响减弱.以上研究结论丰富了相关的理论并对战略联盟管理实践具有一定的启示.  相似文献   

目的探讨创业团队的不同异质性对新创企业成长绩效的影响和团队整合在创业团队异质性与新创企业成长绩效关系的中介作用。方法采用问卷调查法获得制造业和服务业共202份有效问卷数据。结果(1)创业团队的一般异质性与专长异质性都对新创企业成长绩效具有显著正向影响;(2)团队整合对创业团队专长异质性与企业绩效之间的关系具有完全中介作用。结论创业团队异质性越高,新创企业成长绩效越好,创业团队专长异质性通过影响团队整合进而影响新创企业成长绩效。  相似文献   

供应链伙伴关系、信息共享与企业运营绩效关系   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文以广东省珠三角地区制造企业为调查对象,对供应链伙伴关系、信息共享与企业运营绩效之间关系进行研究.研究结果表明,供应链伙伴关系对信息共享存在显著的正向影响,即增强供应链伙伴关系将有助于提高企业之间信息共享水平;信息共享对企业运营绩效存在显著的正向影响;供应链伙伴关系不仅直接影响企业运营绩效,而且通过信息共享间接地影响到企业运营绩效.另外,我们还发现在供应链伙伴关系中的信任对信息共享与企业运营绩效均有非常显著的影响.本文研究结论可为我国制造企业实施供应链管理策略提供理论指导.  相似文献   

采用194份合伙人-CEO配对数据,探讨了新创企业CEO包容型领导风格对创业绩效的影响,尤其是考察了地位冲突的中介作用以及目标一致性的调节作用。结果发现:(1)CEO包容型领导对创业绩效具有显著正向影响;(2)创业团队内部地位冲突在CEO包容型领导与创业绩效之间起部分中介作用;(3)合伙人-CEO目标一致性调节了地位冲突对创业绩效的负面影响;(4)合伙人-CEO目标一致性对地位冲突在CEO包容型领导与企业绩效之间的中介作用具有显著调节作用。合伙人-CEO目标一致性越弱,以地位冲突为中介的CEO包容型领导对创业绩效的影响越强,反之亦然。  相似文献   

赵斌  李艺 《中国科技博览》2012,(10):299-299
本文首先对“黑白合同”的概念进行界定,在总结“黑白合同”法律规制中存在的问题后,对其法律效力认定标准与途径进行了分析,之后提出规制“黑白合同”的措施。  相似文献   

构建了制造商与供应商间信任关系、IT匹配、信息共享、制造商运营绩效之间关系的理论模型。通过对广东省珠三角地区272家制造企业进行问卷调查,运用结构方程模型对提出的假设及概念模型进行检验。研究结果显示,能力信任对善意信任有着显著的正向影响;善意信任对信息共享、IT匹配有着显著的正向影响,但能力信任对信息共享、IT匹配的影响并不显著;IT匹配对信息共享和制造商运营绩效都有着显著的正向影响;信息共享对制造商运营绩效有着显著的正向影响。研究表明,企业不仅要通过加强对IT匹配的投资来改善信息共享及运营绩效,还要善于建立供应链伙伴间信任关系来提高信息共享及运营绩效水平。  相似文献   

目的基于目标导向理论和社会交换理论,探讨团队层面的学习目标导向、团队成员交换对团队创新绩效的影响机制。方法以90个"挑战杯"创业计划大赛参赛团队为研究对象,采用配套成组的问卷进行现场研究。结果团队学习目标导向、团队成员交换均与团队创新绩效正相关,团队成员交换在团队学习目标导向与团队创新绩效之间起部分中介作用。结论该研究加深了对创业团队学习目标导向的认识,同时表明了高学习目标导向的创业团队可以通过提高团队成员交换质量来提高团队创新绩效。  相似文献   

严玲  王美京  宁延 《工业工程与管理》2019,24(4):181-188,196
设计一个详尽且清晰的合同对减少建设工程交易风险提高项目绩效有重要作用,而承包人履约行为是实现项目绩效的关键路径,但是三者之间缺乏实证研究。采用结构方程模型的方法检验承包人履约行为在合同清晰程度与项目绩效之间的中介传导效应。研究结果表明:①承包人字面履约行为在合同确定性条款清晰度与项目绩效之间发挥着中介作用,尤其对实现项目基本绩效至关重要;②合同清晰程度对承包人尽善履约行为的促进有重要作用。③承包人尽善履约行为是合同清晰度促进项目增值绩效实现的不可或缺的中介路径;研究结论明确了合同清晰度对承包人字面和尽善履约行为的不同影响,为发包人在特定项目绩效目标之下拟定合同条款提供了参考。  相似文献   

本文主要分析了环境管理与环境绩效之间的相互作用,其中环境管理通过企业的环境行为作用于环境绩效,与环境绩效正相关;环境绩效通过经济绩效反作用于环境管理,起到了激励企业实行环境管理的作用。  相似文献   

如何将多年努力积累的线下消费者信任转移为对在线产品的良好感知是推动线下企业拓展线上渠道的关键问题。基于线上线下消费者感知风险不同,研究了渠道间信任传递及其定价问题。以渠道拓展的线上消费者信任为对象,构造了感知风险、线上信任程度影响下的消费者效用函数,建立了Stackelberg博弈模型,讨论了渠道定价与线上信任程度的关系以及渠道间信任传递的主要决定因素。研究结果表明,线上信任程度增加导致线下定价降低,线下需求减少且线上需求增加,制造商利润增加而零售商利润下降。此外,制造商对线上渠道信任传递的努力随线下产品绩效波动的增加而减少,随信任传递成本系数的增加而减少,随线下线上成本差的增加而增加。  相似文献   

李奕洁  张玲  黄琪璋  马舒 《包装工程》2023,44(20):25-33
目的 以信号检测论为切入点,探究将系统可靠性信息进行透明化设计后,其在不同系统可靠性和风险情境下对操作者的信任水平和对人机协同绩效的影响。方法 采用2(透明度)×2(风险)×3(可靠性)被试内设计,通过TNO信任任务收集了32位被试的数据,记录各条件下对自动化系统的信任水平、判断标准倾向和人机协同绩效,并对数据进行重复测量方差分析。结果 在不同可靠性水平和风险情境下,透明化设计产生的效果不同。相对于低透明化设计,当自动化系统可靠性较高时,高透明化设计可显著提升操作者对系统的主观信任评分、屈从率,更接近最优判断标准,带来更高的正确率增益、更小的人机最优绩效差异。风险水平影响人机协同绩效,高风险下的人机协同绩效显著低于低风险下人机协同绩效,并且当系统可靠性高时,操作者在高风险下对系统的屈从率、正确率增益较低风险下均显著下降。透明化设计可以改变不同风险下操作者的信任行为和绩效。高风险下,高透明度可显著提升操作者对系统的屈从率,减小与人机最优绩效的差异。结论 透明化设计有利于提高操作者的人机信任适配水平、优化决策判断标准、促进人机协同绩效的提升,尤其在系统高可靠性和高风险情境下,透明化设计的优...  相似文献   

We build on the exploratory and exploitative learning literature that suggests that venture capital and governmental research grants may impact regional employment in a different manner. Using a regional employment dataset in the U.S. (United States) medical device sector, our analysis reveals that research grants contribute to create a greater level of regional employment compared with venture capital funding. Furthermore, the positive effects of both funding sources are more salient when intellectual capital is abundant in the region. More specifically, the interaction effect of research grants and intellectual capital is gradually increased in the long term and eventually becomes greater than that of venture capital and intellectual capital, which is relatively constant. These findings highlight the heterogeneous motivations and consequences of two funding sources that should be considered in the future resource allocation policy accordingly.  相似文献   

黄羽翔  李琦玮  杨振 《包装工程》2023,44(20):34-41
目的 在有条件自动驾驶中,驾驶员会根据系统发出的接管提示而选择进入手动驾驶模式。由于技术限制,自动驾驶系统有时会发出错误的接管提示,这可能会影响驾驶员的人机信任及后续的接管决策。此外,不同类型的接管提示音类型也会影响驾驶者对接管的响应。因此,探究不同声音类型下接管提示错误类型对人机信任和接管绩效的潜在影响,对自动驾驶系统的接管提示设计具有重要意义。方法 以行人预警为例,通过模拟驾驶实验,从绩效、主观评价两方面探究提示音类型(语音和耳标)和接管提示错误类型(漏报和虚报)对驾驶员人机信任和驾驶行为的影响。结论 相较于语音提示,驾驶员在耳标提示下的接管反应时间更短,可用性和满意度更高。在经历漏报提示后,驾驶员的人机信任水平降低并对随后正确接管提示的反应变快。  相似文献   

The current article reports the results of three different studies which explored the relationship between the Perfect Automation Schema (PAS) and trust in a human–machine context. It was expected that PAS would be related to higher trust and higher performance expectations for automation. Studies 1 and 2 used a human-robot interaction simulator as the context for human-machine interaction and study 3 used an applied sample of F-16 pilots and their views of the Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System (Auto-GCAS) which is an advanced automated safety system. Results from all three studies demonstrated that the high expectations facet of PAS had a positive relationship with trust, but not the all-or-none facet. These results suggest that the PAS as measured by high expectations may be a fruitful construct for researchers in the domain of trust in automation.  相似文献   

The increase in quantity and complexity of advanced automated systems has generated new concerns surrounding automation-induced complacency, or the difficulties operators have monitoring the status of automated systems. The present investigation consists of two studies that assessed the impact of system reliability, monitoring complexity, operator trust, and system experience on automation-induced complacency. In both studies, participants operated a manually controlled flight task while monitoring several simulated aircraft displays for failures. The ability of operators to detect a single automation failure over three experimental sessions was also assessed. Results indicated that realistic levels of system reliability severely impaired an operator's ability to monitor effectively. Further, as system experience increased, operator monitoring performance declined. The results also indicated that the complexity of the monitoring task heavily influenced operator monitoring, with poorer performance associated with more cognitively demanding tasks. Finally, results from both studies indicated that operator trust increased and monitoring performance decreased as a function of increasing system reliability. These results suggest that for highly reliable systems, increasing task complexity and extensive experience may severely impair an operator's ability to monitor for unanticipated system states.  相似文献   

By engaging in specific investments a firm may develop a unique competence value for its partner, which makes the partners mutually dependent. This may neutralize any hold-up risk of an opportunistic partner that is tempted to exploit the dependence and appropriate a greater share of the value added in the relation. The purpose of this paper is to investigate such mechanisms of mutual dependence. The analysis builds on previous theoretical and empirical research by the authors. It is based on an integration of transaction cost economics with the resource (competence, capabilities) view and a social exchange view, from a dynamic perspective. The paper asks the following: How do competencies develop in interaction between firms? The social exchange view brings in trust as an important dimension of governance. The research question asks how risks of mutual dependence between firms may be mitigated without either hierarchical or legal control. Five hypotheses concerning such mechanisms of mutual dependence are tested on data from the car industry.  相似文献   

PurposeThis study aims to introduce the dimensions of mobile payment services trust from the perspectives of trust transfer as well as the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 (UTAUT2). We established an integrated model to understand the formation and dimensions of mobile payment trust and continuous usage intention in Taiwan.Design/methodology/approach– An integrated model is proposed and validated with an online questionnaire survey in Taiwan. Furthermore, SmartPLS is employed to validate the proposed model and hypotheses.Findings-The results found upon analyzing responses from 683 participants reveal that the significant antecedents of overall trust include trust in mobile payment service providers, mobile devices, and merchants (R2 = 75%). Furthermore, overall trust has significant effects on performance and effort expectancies with regard to mobile payment. Finally, the determinants of continuous usage intention include overall trust, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, habit, and perceived value (R2 = 85%).Originality-“Trust” of mobile payment is a common concern for developing mobile payment. However, the literature review conducted for this study unearth different perspectives on studying the “dimensions” of trust in previous mobile payment research studies. Besides, many studies consider trust as a generic term as opposed to studying its specific dimensions. This study attempts to fill the above research gaps to facilitate further understanding of the proposed topic. Therefore, the main contribution of this study is to analyze the multiple dimensions and formations of trust in the context of mobile payment.  相似文献   

在PPP项目中,政府的激励策略是抑制社会资本不努力行为的重要机制。研究建立政府激励策略与社会资本努力行为互动的支付矩阵及动态演化博弈模型,分析双方在决策互动中的复制动态和进化稳定性。研究表明,(不激励,不努力)、(不激励,努力)、(激励,努力)策略在不同的参数设置下均有可能成为稳定策略,且个体决策行为对群体行为决策具有一定的影响。Matlab数值仿真结果显示,当社会资本不努力时,政府方一定不会给予激励;而且政府在激励策略中更加偏好事后奖励的激励方式。因此,政府方应该注重具有弹性的事后奖励带来的激励价值。研究结果为合理地设置PPP项目激励机制提供建议。  相似文献   

The current study was based on data from a nationwide Annual Social Survey to investigate the correlation between types of Internet usage (seeking information, e-government use, e-mail, social media and peer-to-peer Internet telephony) and trust in political institutions in Israel's Jewish majority and Arab minority. Trust in government, parliament, and political parties was found to be significantly higher among Jews than Arabs. Our findings show that first level digital divide reflected in Internet use vs non-use does not correlate with political trust. Among Internet users we found different patterns of association between digital uses and trust in political institutions, which may presumably be explained by different group status. E-government use and social media use were positively correlated with political trust only among Jews. Seeking information and e-mail use were negatively associated with trust in political institutions only among Arabs. Peer-to-peer Internet telephony was negatively correlated with trust in government among both groups. Our important finding is that in spite of the processes of digitization, the effects of digital use on political trust are still relatively marginal. In both groups, the primary predictor of political trust is attitudes toward the functioning of different public institutions.  相似文献   

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