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目前,大部分人工耳蜗使用者在安静情况下的言语感知能力基本达到较高水平,然而其音乐感知能力尚未达到理想水平,音乐感知研究已成为目前人工耳蜗领域主要关注的研究方向之一。主要探讨人工耳蜗使用者音乐感知研究的研究方法、材料,并分析影响其音乐感知能力的主要因素。对音乐的四大要素即音高、时长、响度及音色等的研究进展进行讨论,从信息的传输和接收间的关系分析影响人工耳蜗植入者音乐感知的因素。对现有的主、客观测试以及调查问卷等研究手段进行总结。综合分析了目前音乐感知研究的进展,并对未来的研究发展方向进行展望。  相似文献   

人工耳蜗帮助超过40万人恢复了部分听力,但其性能仍有较大提升空间,且电听觉机理仍有待进一步揭示。针对诺尔康人工耳蜗系统开发了非实时研究平台。为了验证平台的有效性,对成年植入者开展了电听觉基础心理物理实验(位置音高和包络音高)和噪声中的言语接受阈测量实验。心理物理结果显示,被试者可以按照电极位置从蜗尖到蜗底或按照幅度调制频率从50~200 Hz,产生音高上升的感觉。言语测试显示,基于该平台实现的策略,能提供与临床处理器相当水平的噪声中言语接受阈。该平台可以帮助研究者快速开展电听觉心理物理和信号处理策略方面的研究。  相似文献   

人工耳蜗是一种帮助重度和极重度听力损失者恢复听觉的电子装置。人工耳蜗信号处理策略是人工耳蜗的关键技术之一,决定了人工耳蜗电极输出的信号特征。介绍了电刺激听觉机理,按照时间顺序对主要的人工耳蜗信号处理策略进行介绍,并从听觉感知模型理论的角度对过去40年中在人工耳蜗信号处理策略研究上取得的进展进行深入探讨,最后对未来的人工耳蜗信号处理策略的研究方向提出展望。  相似文献   

创业意向维度结构的验证性因素分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为探索创业意向的维度结构,在综合国内外相关文献基础上,结合访谈研究,编制了个体创业意向调查问卷,并运用此问卷调查了420名被试.采用探索性、验证性因素分析和结构方程建模技术探讨个体创业意向的维度结构.结果表明,在中国背景下个体创业意向的结构维度包括创业希求性和创业可行性两大部分.其中创业希求性包括创新导向,成就导向和自我尊重,创业可行性包括个人控制和责任意识.  相似文献   

简要介绍了目前主要的影像学评估手段,及影像学评估的特点、在临床应用中的价值。并综述了影像学技术的发展及在人工耳蜗植入中的应用前景进行。  相似文献   

对公立医院医生组织公民行为的维度结构进行了实证研究。以中西方组织公民行为研究为基础,发展出适用于公立医院医生这一特定职业的组织公民行为量表。通过开放式问卷调查,得出公立医院医生组织公民行为的基本构成要素,编制公立医院医生组织公民行为结构问卷,并通过对468名医生进行测试,检验了问卷的可靠性和有效性。最终得出公立医院医生组织公民行为结构包括关系和谐、积极主动、自主学习、维护组织和参加群体活动5个维度,共24个条目的公立医院医生组织公民行为量表。  相似文献   

音响发烧友之所以有无限的生命力和无穷的魅力,皆因其为科技和音乐的结合,因此聆听音乐是发烧友的必需的修养。目前许多报刊大部分都介绍国外某某名曲,名歌剧,往往使初学者难以入道。音乐的修养需要循序渐进,首先要聆听情感最接近的音乐、最易于理解的音乐。实际上中...  相似文献   

在音乐课程中,欣赏这一教学领域被视为培养学生音乐审美能力的有效途径。因为欣赏具有最直接、最具体的审美教育价值。它以一定的音乐为审美对象,以参与欣赏活动的人为审美主题,形成一种特殊的审美观,通过这种音响的聆听,实现对音乐美的感受和鉴赏。  相似文献   

郑杨硕  贺世超  罗文澜 《包装工程》2019,40(10):162-168
目的从移动互联网背景下的用户社交场景出发,将人机交互技术的发展与用户的情感化需求联系起来,探索一种新型的信息输入与输出的交互原型方案。方法首先通过用户访谈、问卷调查对用户在使用现有的聊天工具时所遇到的问题进行了定性分析与定量验证;其次基于ViP产品设计法则进行了界面设计和交互设计;最后采用访谈、问卷、眼动测试3种方式进行测试,进一步完善了设计方案,并利用信息交互设计的四维评价体系对设计方案进行了设计评价。结论随着科技的进一步发展和完善,更加多元、高效、有趣的信息交互方式将成为可能。  相似文献   

目的:为评价耳蜗植入术后电极的形态、所处的空间位置和插入耳蜗的深度,设计符合临床诊断要求的最佳X线摄影方法。方法:随机选取20例人工耳蜗植入术后患儿,分别拍摄耳蜗正、侧位CR片,经测量、分析及临床选择,最终确定耳蜗正、侧位片摄影位置及角度。结果:20例图像均能显示耳蜗内植入的电极,其中2例显示电极略有重合,位置及角度欠佳,其余18例均能清晰显示电极数目及排列顺序。结论:耳蜗正、侧位可充分满足耳蜗植入术后检查的临床需要,而且具有摆位简单、快速和经济、辐射剂量小等优点,为临床术后评估手术质量的重要标准。  相似文献   

计鸿祥 《声学技术》1999,18(3):142-144
“仿生耳”对接收到的语言信号的特征峰进行提取,经A/D转换,编码,解码等处理,对神经性耳聋患者的残留听神经元进行刺激,使其在一定程度上的恢复语音识别能力。  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate how singing while driving affects driver performance. Twenty-one participants completed three trials of a simulated drive concurrently while performing a peripheral detection task (PDT); each trial was conducted either without music, with participants listening to music, or with participants singing along to music. It was hypothesised that driving performance and PDT response times would be impaired, and that driver subjective workload ratings would be higher, when participants were singing to music compared to when there was no music or when participants were listening to music. As expected, singing while driving was rated as more mentally demanding, and resulted in slower and more variable speeds, than driving without music. Listening to music was associated with the slowest speeds overall, and fewer lane excursions than the no music condition. Interestingly, both music conditions were associated with slower speed-adjusted PDT response times and significantly less deviation within the lane than was driving without music. Collectively, results suggest that singing while driving alters driving performance and impairs hazard perception while at the same time increasing subjective mental workload. However, singing while driving does not appear to affect driving performance more than simply listening to music. Further, drivers’ efforts to compensate for the increased mental workload associated with singing and listening to music by slowing down appear to be insufficient, as evidenced by relative increases in PDT response times in these two conditions compared to baseline.  相似文献   

The current research examined the influence of loud music on driving performance, and whether mental effort mediated this effect. Participants (N = 69) drove in a driving simulator either with or without listening to music. In order to test whether music would have similar effects on driving performance in different situations, we manipulated the simulated traffic environment such that the driving context consisted of both complex and monotonous driving situations. In addition, we systematically kept track of drivers’ mental load by making the participants verbally report their mental effort at certain moments while driving. We found that listening to music increased mental effort while driving, irrespective of the driving situation being complex or monotonous, providing support to the general assumption that music can be a distracting auditory stimulus while driving. However, drivers who listened to music performed as well as the drivers who did not listen to music, indicating that music did not impair their driving performance. Importantly, the increases in mental effort while listening to music pointed out that drivers try to regulate their mental effort as a cognitive compensatory strategy to deal with task demands. Interestingly, we observed significant improvements in driving performance in two of the driving situations. It seems like mental effort might mediate the effect of music on driving performance in situations requiring sustained attention. Other process variables, such as arousal and boredom, should also be incorporated to study designs in order to reveal more on the nature of how music affects driving.  相似文献   

As use of handheld multimedia devices has exploded globally, safety experts have begun to consider the impact of distraction while talking, text-messaging, or listening to music on traffic safety. This study was designed to test how talking on the phone, texting, and listening to music may influence pedestrian safety. 138 college students crossed an interactive, semi-immersive virtual pedestrian street. They were randomly assigned to one of four groups: crossing while talking on the phone, crossing while texting, crossing while listening to a personal music device, or crossing while undistracted. Participants distracted by music or texting were more likely to be hit by a vehicle in the virtual pedestrian environment than were undistracted participants. Participants in all three distracted groups were more likely to look away from the street environment (and look toward other places, such as their telephone or music device) than were undistracted participants. Findings were maintained after controlling for demographics, walking frequency, and media use frequency. Distraction from multimedia devices has a small but meaningful impact on college students’ pedestrian safety. Future research should consider the cognitive demands of pedestrian safety, and how those processes may be impacted by distraction. Policymakers might consider ways to protect distracted pedestrians from harm and to reduce the number of individuals crossing streets while distracted.  相似文献   

游威玲 《设计新潮》2014,(5):157-164
大山音乐节是泰国主要的户外音乐节之一,从2009年创办至今已成功举办5届,如今已经形成较为固定的运作模式,每年12月份在呵叻府考艾举办,这个为期2天2夜的活动吸引着上万名观众前往。除了音乐、青春,这个音乐节上还充满光怪陆离的设计和匪夷所思的活动。  相似文献   

音乐存在于生活的方方面面,通过影响个体的认知进而影响行为决策。文章引入解释水平理论,探究音乐节奏对个体利他行为的影响。通过系统的行为学实验,研究发现相对于快节奏的音乐,节奏较慢的音乐能够提升个人解释水平,从而驱使在慈善活动中捐献更多的金钱,即节奏舒缓的音乐更有助于人们展现利他行为。解释水平作为中介变量作用于音乐节奏对利他行为的影响。这表明不同的音乐节奏能够带来异质性的解释水平,从而激发不同的利他行为。  相似文献   

With cellular phones and portable music players becoming a staple in everyday life, questions have arisen regarding the attentional deficits that might occur when such devices are used while performing other tasks. Here, we used a street-crossing task in an immersive virtual environment to test how this sort of divided attention affects pedestrian behavior when crossing a busy street. Thirty-six participants navigated through a series of unsigned intersections by walking on a manual treadmill in a virtual environment. While crossing, participants were undistracted, engaged in a hands free cell phone conversation, or listening to music on an iPod. Pedestrians were less likely to successfully cross the road when conversing on a cell phone than when listening to music, even though they took more time to initiate their crossing when conversing on a cell phone (∼1.5 s). This success rate difference was driven largely by failures to cross the road in the allotted trial time period (30 s), suggesting that when conversing on a cell phone pedestrians are less likely to recognize and act on crossing opportunities.  相似文献   

The cochlear implant is the most successful neural prosthesis to date and may serve as a paradigm for the development or further development of other systems to interface sensors with the nervous system, e.g., visual or vestibular prostheses. This paper traces the history of cochlear implants and describes how the current levels of performance have been achieved. Lessons and insights from this experience are presented in concluding sections.  相似文献   

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