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矿山废水造成附近水体及环境严重污染,为了保护水资源和矿区环境,必须采取有效的技术措施,使矿山废水净化。采用石灰中和法处理洛南县九龙矿业有限公司酸性矿山废水,通过半年多的运行检验表明,处理效果良好,出水达标,系统运行稳定。SS、COD、NIt3一N等去除率均达到90%以上。  相似文献   

利用电渗析技术脱除头孢氨苄酶法母液废水中的盐分,研究了操作电压、浓缩室与淡化室流速比、温度等因素对电渗析脱盐过程的影响,并研究了反渗透膜法处理脱盐母液废水的膜通量变化趋势。实验结果表明,当淡化室、浓缩室流量均为500 L/h(流速比1∶1),操作电压为25 V,温度30℃时,电渗析在高效脱盐的同时具有理想的有机物截留率达99.50%以上,能耗3.65 kW.h/kg;反渗透膜法在处理脱盐母液废水时,膜通量衰减较慢,水回收率达到75.67%。实验结果表明,利用电渗析、反渗透组合工艺处理头孢氨苄酶法母液废水具有良好的可行性。  相似文献   

扩散渗析处理化纤厂酸性废水   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用均相阴离子交换膜分离废液中硫酸和硫酸钠。废酸中的悬浮物,容易造成膜污染,需要适当的预处理。试验系统的酸回收率、盐截留率、回收酸与废酸浓度比均可达70%-80%。根据试验结果给出了工业装置估算。  相似文献   

化工废水深度处理回用中反渗透系统的运行管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反渗透系统是独山子石化公司化工废水深度处理及回用装置的核心工艺单元,本文对反渗透系统运行管理中的影响因素如RO系统主要监测点及运行参数控制、系统杀茵冲洗和在线清洗、离线清洗、药剂投加控制等几方面进行了分析论述,并对运行成本及经济效益进行核算和分析.实践证明,认真、仔细、严格的运行管理可延长反渗透膜元件的使用寿命.  相似文献   

DDNP酸性废水的廉价处理法   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
介绍了一种过去被当全工业废弃物的GL,经大量实验制成主效吸附材料DF,用于治理DDNP酸性废水并取和理想效果和显著效益。.  相似文献   

蒋小友  吴军 《材料保护》2012,45(7):65-66
正0前言我国约有电镀厂1万余家,排放电镀废水约为4.0×109m3/a[1],造成了严重的环境污染和损失。目前,多采用化学沉淀法处理电镀废水[2]。本工作采用化学方法通过控制pH值沉淀分离不同的金属离子,对某电镀厂的酸性镀锡废水进行了处理,实现了金属及废水的回收利用。  相似文献   

目前,社会各界对废水处理的重视程度不断提高,在降低废水对环境的污染的同时,提高资源的回收与利用效率。基于此,本文将通过对粘胶短纤维酸性废水中硫酸根处理与资源化的试验,分析pH值、氯化钡与碳酸钡量、搅拌时间与速度、反应温度对硫酸根沉淀的影响,进而获得处理、资源化硫酸根的方式,降低废水中的污染成分,为相关人员提供参考。  相似文献   

针对山西某大型钢厂不锈钢股份有限公司工业废水成份非常复杂、含盐量高和处理难度大等特点,以及国家对钢铁企业节能减排的号召,确定了以反渗透技术为主的脱盐工艺来回用该厂的工业废水,有效降低该厂吨钢的新水消耗量.运行结果表明,反渗透系统的脱盐效果非常好,给钢厂带来了很好的水质保障.本文详述了时代沃顿反渗透膜在钢铁厂废水回用系统中的应用情况.  相似文献   

针对重庆某铝厂的废水成份复杂等特点,以及国家对铝业节能减排的要求,确定了以反渗透技术为主的工艺来大规模回用电解铝厂的废水,同时要求有高的废水回收率.运行结果表明,反渗透系统的运行效果非常好,给铝电解厂带来了很好的环境和社会效益.本文详述了时代沃顿的反渗透膜在铝厂废水回用系统中的应用情况.  相似文献   

采用实验室小型反渗透装置,对影响反渗透膜除硼效率的各种因素进行了实验研究.结果表明:苦咸水淡化反渗透膜在通常条件下对硼酸的脱除率仅为30%~45%.反渗透对硼酸的脱除率随进水pH的增大而提高,但不受进水硼浓度的影响;反渗透操作压力的提高也可以增大硼酸脱除率,但元件回收率的增大则会降低脱除率.在各种因素中,增大pH可以显著提高硼酸脱除率,是改善反渗透除硼性能的有效途径.  相似文献   

Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy - Acid mine drainage (AMD) typically has a high amount of copper that can be recovered in pure form for different industrial applications. This study...  相似文献   

This article shows that it is technically possible to produce high-grade quality water, which can be used for process water (as a substitute for ground-water), from a leachate waste-water stream. By using external MEMBIOR technology on the leachate waste-water, high removal efficiencies are obtained for both organic compounds and for nitrogen. High membrane fluxes are also obtained, which were stable during the last two months of a test period.  相似文献   

Phosphorus removal performance of acid mine drainage from wastewater   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Acid mine drainage (AMD) in Yunfu iron sulfide mine contain Fe(2+), Fe(3+), and Al(3+) up to 8000, 1700 and 1200 mg/L, respectively. Phosphorus removal from synthetic wastewater with 10mg/L of total phosphorus (TP) concentration and second municipal effluent with 3.5-4.0mg/L of TP concentration were conducted with the AMD by jar tests. Dosage of the AMD and initial pH of water are the two most important parameters affecting the performance of phosphorus removal of the AMD. The optimal phosphorus removal efficiency and residual iron ions (TFe) concentration are 97.0% and 3.0mg/L, respectively, at 1.61 Fe/P molar ratio and pH 8.03 for synthetic wastewater, and 92.1% and 0.32 mg/L, respectively, for second municipal effluent at 1.41 Fe/P molar ratio and pH 7.3. Resultant heavy metal concentration in effluents and precipitate was very low, and the risk of resultant heavy metal contamination was very small. The phosphorus removal performance of the AMD was much similar to that of ferric sulfate (FS) and polyferric sulfate (PFS), and better than that of FeSO(4). And residual TFe concentration in treated water arising from utilization of the AMD was similar to that of FeSO(4), and higher than that of FS and PFS. The AMD could be used as coagulant for phosphorus removal from wastewater directly due to the presence of Fe(2+), Fe(3+), and Al(3+) largely.  相似文献   

In this study, well-dispersed gold nanoparticles were prepared by the reduction of HAuCl4 in sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate/isooctane reverse micelles system using ascorbic acid as reducing agent. The properties of the obtained nanoparticles were characterized with transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, and UV–vis absorption spectrophotometer. Due to its high water solubility, biodegradability, and low toxicity, ascorbic acid could be used as a benign naturally available reducing agent to synthesize gold nanoparticles.  相似文献   

Acid mine drainage (AMD), has long been a significant environmental problem resulting from the microbial oxidation of iron pyrite in presence of water and air, affording an acidic solution that contains toxic metal ions. The main objective of this study was to remove and recover metal ions from acid mine drainage (AMD) by using lignite, a low cost sorbent. Lignite has been characterized and used for the AMD treatment. Sorption of ferrous, ferric, manganese, zinc and calcium in multi-component aqueous systems was investigated. Studies were performed at different pH to find optimum pH. To simulate industrial conditions for acid mine wastewater treatment, all the studies were performed using single and multi-columns setup in down flow mode. The empty bed contact time (EBCT) model was used for minimizing the sorbent usage. Recovery of the metal ions as well as regeneration of sorbent was achieved successfully using 0.1 M nitric acid without dismantling the columns.  相似文献   

采用界面聚合法制备聚酯酰胺反渗透膜,着重考察该膜的耐污染性和耐氯性.实验结果表明,,聚酯酰胺反渗透膜与传统的聚酰胺反渗透膜相比具有更高的耐腐殖酸污染性和耐氯性.对该膜荷电性能、耐腐殖酸污染性、耐氯性能及其作用机理进行了分析.  相似文献   

Acid mine drainage (AMD) from abandoned coal mines continues to be one of the most significant environmental problems. Remediation of AMD requires an addition of lime source to decrease the acidity, and grouting the entire mine and encapsulating the pyrite by calcium-rich additives is often employed. Utilization of alkaline coal combustion by-products (CCBs) has gained acceptance in such remediation applications because of their cost-effectiveness. A study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of CCBs to abate acid mine drainage by encapsulation of pyrite. Geomechanical, hydraulic, and environmental tests were performed on grouts prepared with various ratios of CCBs as well as an alternative free lime source, lime kiln dust (LKD). The results indicated that the mechanical properties of grouts were dependent on their free lime contents. Hydraulic conductivities of pyrite-grout columns were relatively high due to the coating of the pyrite rock with the grout rather than the filling of all of the void spaces, as commonly experienced in field applications. The leaching tests indicated that the presence of high amounts of lime in a grout is not solely sufficient to improve the quality of AMD, since the rate of dissolution of a high lime content grout may be slow due to its rapid hardening. Therefore, it is recommended that grouts be selected with consideration of their hardening capacities, as well as the percentage of lime content present in the mixture.  相似文献   

反渗透膜的发展推动了水处理技术的进步,自从聚酰胺膜诞生,反渗透膜的发展处于瓶颈阶段,而寻求新型膜材料的研究也在进行中.文章从无机膜、杂化膜及新型有机膜三个方向叙述了近年来反渗透膜的研究状况,归纳了各种类型反渗透膜的分离性能,应用前景及存在问题,为反渗透膜的发展提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of hardness on the combined outcome of metal mixtures was investigated using Daphnia magna. The toxic unit (TU) was calculated using modified LC(50) values based on the hardness (i.e., LC(50-soft) and LC(50-hard)). From a bioassay test, the degree of sensitivity to hardness on the toxicity changes was in the order: Cd相似文献   

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