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姜煜  白兴宇 《声学技术》2011,(6):533-537
基于贝尔实验室垂直分层空时编码(Vertical Bell Labs Layered Space-Time,VBLAST)的水声多输入多输出(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output,MIMO)通信技术,通过充分开发空间资源,可在不增加系统带宽的条件下成倍提高数据传输速率,是一种极具潜力的高速水下通信技术。但由于其接收信号中同时含有同频干扰及多径干扰,当信道多径扩展严重时,其性能下降严重。为此,提出一种新的空时频编码技术,该技术通过将各层信号调制到彼此正交的子载波上,不但可在接收端完全消除同频干扰,同时还能获得频率分集增益,从而使水声MIMO通信系统的性能获得极大改善。仿真及湖试结果证明了其有效性。  相似文献   

作为一种极具潜力的高速水下通信技术,基于VBLAST(贝尔实验室垂直分层空时)编码调制的水声MIMO通信技术,借助于空间复用,可在不增加系统带宽的条件下成倍提高数据传输速率。但由于同时受到同频干扰及多径干扰的影响,当信道多径扩展严重时,基于VBLAST调制的水声MIMO通信系统性能下降严重。为此,提出一种新的调制技术,该技术通过将各层信号调制到彼此正交的子载波上,可完全消除同频干扰,从而有效改善系统误码性能,显著提高系统的稳健性。仿真结果证明了所提调制技术的良好性能。  相似文献   

乔宏乐  张歆  张小蓟 《声学技术》2010,29(6):647-650
采用多输入多输出(MIMO)结构和空时编码可以使水声通信系统获得分集增益,改善系统性能。针对水声信道中的频率选择性衰落,研究了一种用于MIMO水声通信系统的空时分组扩展编码方案(STBSC),利用正交扩频编码克服了水声信道中多径干扰对空时分组编码(STBC)信号正交性的破坏。给出了方案的系统模型和实现框图,采用MIMO水声模型对方案的性能进行了仿真。仿真结果表明,STBSC方案在多径水声信道中可以得到完全发射分集。最后介绍了方案的水库试验,试验结果表明了方案的有效性。  相似文献   

空时分组编码(Space Time Block Coding,STBC)技术能够获得满发射分集增益并且译码简单,而正交频分复用(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing,OFDM)技术可对抗水声信道中的多径干扰和实现较高的频谱利用率。设计了将空时分组编码与正交频分复用相结合(STBC-OFDM)的高速水声通信系统方案,并进行了湖上试验研究。湖试中,在1200m距离下,带宽为4.32kHz时有效传输速率为3.328kbps,误比特率低于10-5。湖试结果表明,STBC-OFDM技术在高速水声通信中的应用潜力。  相似文献   

研究了一种水声异步多用户通信非集中式接收机系统,将码分多址和空时自适应滤波、多通道判决反馈均衡相结合,克服多用户系统中的多址干扰(MAI)以及水声信道多途效应引起的码间干扰(ISI),实现指定用户的正确接收。利用实测多通道浅海水声信道响应函数进行了三个用户的异步通信仿真,分别比较了空时滤波均衡与单通道直接解扩、空间分集合并均衡等接收算法的性能,显示了空时滤波均衡接收机在抑制多址干扰、码间干扰、正确区分不同用户等方面的优点。码分多址机制和空时滤波均衡结合使用的特点使系统适合于低速数据传输且水声信道变化较慢的场合。  相似文献   

朱雨男  王彪  张岑 《声学技术》2021,40(2):199-204
针对传统水声滤波器组多载波(Filter Bank Multi-Carrier,FBMC)通信接收端需经过信道估计和均衡才可恢复出发送符号,系统复杂度高且信道估计精度不佳等问题。文章将深度神经网络融入到水声多载波通信当中,提出一种基于深度神经网络的水声FBMC信号检测方法。在训练阶段通过大量的数据迭代、调试超参数和优化算法来改善深度神经网络参数,使其具有预期的估计效果。利用训练完成的深度神经网络模型取代传统FBMC通信系统接收端的信道估计、均衡等模块,自适应地学习水声信道状态信息,同时避免了固有的虚部干扰影响。在测试阶段直接将频域序列作为网络的输入来预测发送的二进制序列,仿真结果表明所提出的基于深度神经网络的FBMC信号检测方法相比传统信道估计算法有更好的误码率性能。  相似文献   

许妍妍  张歆 《声学技术》2012,31(4):389-392
协作传输可以获得无线信道内在的空间分集,有效改善通信系统的性能,增加通信系统的覆盖范围。对水声通信系统中两中继节点协作的译码转发方案进行了研究,提出了基于译码转发协议(DF)的分布式空时分组扩频编码(DSTBSC)方案,该方案可以克服多径衰落对分布式空时分组码(DSTBC)信号正交性的影响。给出了DSTBSC方案的系统模型,着重分析了在采用两中继译码转发时,中继节点的误码对水声通信系统性能的影响。在接收端不考虑信号冲突的情况进行仿真,结果表明,与直接传输方案相比,采用两中继节点、译码转发的DSTBSC方案,在两中继节点处均无误码和一个中继有误码时在相同的比特误码率(BER)条件下均可获得约4dB的分集增益,增加了传输距离。  相似文献   

被动时反与自适应均衡相联合的水声通信研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宫改云  姚文斌  潘翔 《声学技术》2010,29(2):129-134
在实际的水声环境中,被动时反处理单向传输、实施简单,可以减小信道衰落的影响并重组多途信号,抑制码间干扰,但因水声信道复杂性等的影响,接收到信号经被动时反处理后仍存在残余的码间干扰,为此,被动时反处理后,基于递归最小二乘(RLS)的判决反馈自适应均衡处理方法被用来消除这些残余的码间干扰。复杂的实验室波导试验结果表明这种联合处理:(1)实现了无误码传输,(2)自适应均衡器的抽头数较少,计算复杂度较低。验证了被动时间反转和自适应均衡相联合的信号处理方法在相位相干水下通信中的可靠性与高效性。  相似文献   

孙丽君  连卫民  孙超 《声学技术》2007,26(1):137-140
水声信道是最为复杂的数据通信环境之一,而具有重要军用和商用价值的浅海水声信道,其多径与频散效应更为严重。在浅海水声数字通信中,普遍存在着码间干扰和码内干扰效应,严重影响了水下通信的速度和质量。在判决反馈结构的基础上,采用分数的方法,提出了一种适用于浅海水声信道的自适应均衡算法,并通过计算机仿真实验与整数方法进行了性能对比。传输信号采用正交相移键控调制方式,以有效利用有限通信带宽。仿真结果表明,该算法获得了较快的收敛速度和较小的稳态误差,提高了水声通信的有效性及可靠性,因而具有良好的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

MC-CDMA技术是正交频分复用和码分多址技术相结合的综合技术,兼有OFDM和CDMA的优点。在水声通信中,由于海洋信道的复杂性,尤其在浅海信道中,存在严重的多途干扰和海洋环境噪声以及严重的时变和空变特性,因此水声信号的衰落很严重。为了在条件恶劣的水下声信道中实现高速可靠通信,将MC-CDMA技术应用于水声通信。该研究分析了MC-CDMA技术的基本原理,并通过仿真MC-CDMA系统和OFDM系统,以及两个系统的水池实验,验证了在水声通信中MC-CDMA系统具有比OFDM系统更好的性能。  相似文献   

We present here the theoretical results and numerical analysis of a regularization method for the inverse problem of determining the rate constant distribution from biosensor data. The rate constant distribution method is a modern technique to study binding equilibrium and kinetics for chemical reactions. Finding a rate constant distribution from biosensor data can be described as a multidimensional Fredholm integral equation of the first kind, which is a typical ill-posed problem in the sense of J. Hadamard. By combining regularization theory and the goal-oriented adaptive discretization technique, we develop an Adaptive Interaction Distribution Algorithm (AIDA) for the reconstruction of rate constant distributions. The mesh refinement criteria are proposed based on the a posteriori error estimation of the finite element approximation. The stability of the obtained approximate solution with respect to data noise is proven. Finally, numerical tests for both synthetic and real data are given to show the robustness of the AIDA.  相似文献   

Identification of material constitutive parameters is critical for accurate representation of the mechanical behavior of materials at high strain rates. However, customary characterization procedures based on curve fitting of stress‐strain curves, in some cases, are not accurate when the mechanical response exhibits strain rate dependency. In this paper, an inverse characterization technique based on the Taylor impact test is proposed. The technique uses a data reduction operator based on line moments and genetic algorithm optimization to determine the optimum constitutive parameters. Material parameters for a low carbon steel associated with the Plastic Kinematic model were determined using the proposed method.  相似文献   

Hyperspectral image fusion is a key technique of hyperspectral data processing. In recent years, many fusion methods have been proposed, but there is little work concerning evaluation of the performances of different image fusion methods. In this paper, a method called quantitative correlation analysis (QCA) is proposed, which provides a quantitative measure of the information transferred by an image fusion technique into the output image. Using the proposed method, the performances of different image fusion methods can be compared and analyzed directly based on the images of before and after performing the fusion. The correlation information entropy, based on the developed QCA, is also proposed and testified by numerical simulations. Typical hyperspectral data are applied to the proposed method. The results show that the method is effective, and its conclusions agree with the classification results in applications.  相似文献   

Right‐censored failure time data is a common data type in manufacturing industry and healthcare applications. Some control charting procedures were previously proposed to monitor the right‐censored failure time data under some specific distributional assumptions for the observed failure times and censoring times. But these assumptions may not be always satisfied in the real‐world data. Therefore, a more generalized control chart technique, which can handle different types of distributions of the data, is highly needed. Considering the limitations of existing methodologies for detecting changes of hazard rate, this paper develops a generalized statistical procedure to monitor the failure time data in the presence of random right censoring when abundant historical failure times are available. The developed method makes use of the one‐sample nonparametric rank tests without any specific assumptions of the data distribution. The operating characteristic functions of the control chart are derived on the basis of the asymptotic properties of the rank statistics. Case studies are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed control chart technique, and its performance is investigated and compared with some Shewhart‐type control charts based on the conditional expected value weight. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

刘元坤  苏显渝 《光电工程》2007,34(11):65-69
提出一种新的摄像机标定方法,该方法基于2D共面参照物摄像机标定方法和相移技术.首先由摄像机记录已知相位分布的平面,通过相移计算出相位分布.对任意标定平面,两个正交相位分布与平面坐标的对应关系已知,由此可以建立像素坐标与2D平面坐标的一一对应关系.将该已知相位分布的平面在空间中放置不同的位置,分别完成上述测量,即可根据2D共面参照物摄像机标定方法完成摄像机的高精度标定.该方法避开了复杂的标定特征点提取,大大增加了2D标定数据量,提高了标定精度.实验和计算机模拟表明,该方法简单、可靠和精度高.  相似文献   

截面曲线是曲面建模过程中的重要特征,将截面特征曲线重建技术与正向设计技术相结合是实现复杂特征曲面模型重建的重要方法。针对这一问题提出了一种基于UG草图的截面特征曲线全局约束优化技术,并对实现该方法的约束表达、全局约束优化模型的建立及求解、基于UG平台的算法实现等关键技术进行了深入研究。应用实例表明,基于UG的截面特征曲线全局约束优化方法可以得到满足约束条件下的与数据点逼近的最优曲线,基于该曲线可以快速、准确地重建出具有复杂特征的曲面模型。  相似文献   

In this paper, a methodology based on the combination of time series modeling and soft computational methods is presented to model and forecast bathtub‐shaped failure rate data of newly marketed consumer electronics. The time‐dependent functions of historical failure rates are typified by parameters of an analytic model that grabs the most important characteristics of these curves. The proposed approach is also verified by the presentation of an industrial application brought along at an electrical repair service provider company. The prediction capability of the introduced methodology is compared with moving average‐based and exponential smoothing‐based forecasting methods. According to the results of comparison, the presented method can be considered as a viable alternative reliability prediction technique. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is shown that the Laplace transform of a continuous lifetime random variable with a polynomial failure rate function satisfies a certain differential equation. This generates a set of differential equations which can be used to express the polynomial coefficients in terms of the derivatives of the Laplace transform at the origin. The technique described here establishes a procedure for estimating the polynomial coefficients from the sample moments of the distribution. Some special cases are worked through symbolically using computer algebra. Real data from the literature recording bus motor failures is used to compare the proposed approach with results based on the least squares procedure.  相似文献   

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