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中国是跨国公司全球战略中极为重要的一环。跨国公司在我国的发展是一个投资者与市场互动的过程,这种互动关系一方面表现为跨国公司对中国市场的试探、评估乃至进入纵深的过程;另一方面表现为中国市场在世界经济大潮的带动下,不断市场化、国际化,从而对跨国公司产生更大吸引力的过程。  相似文献   

当前,经济全球化的趋势日益明显,且进程越来越快.随着我国加入世界贸易和对外开放的不断扩大,跨国公司纷纷携带资本和技术进入中国包装市场,他们一方面为我国包装业发展带来了急需的资金和技术,另一方面也以其雄厚的经济实力和强大的竞争力给我国包装企业带来了巨大的冲击.  相似文献   

包装企业如何应对外资并购的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王能友 《中国包装》2004,24(3):48-49
当前,经济全球化的趋势日益明显且进程越来越快.随着我国加入WTO和对外开放的不断扩大,跨国公司纷纷携带资本和技术进入中国包装市场,他们一方面为我国包装业发展带来了急需的资金和技术,另一方面也以其雄厚的经济实力和强大的竞争力给我国包装的企业带来了巨大的冲击.  相似文献   

张军 《硅谷》2008,(11):135-135
随着中国入世,在有越来越多的跨国公司进入中国市场的同时,也有越来越多的中国企业走向国际市场.经济的高速发展对高校国际商务管理课程的教学提出了新的要求.因此,更新国际商务管理课程教学内容,改进教学方法,对于提高教学效果,培养符合市场需求的合格人才具有极其重要的意义.  相似文献   

《中国机电产品市场报告系列·第二辑》(机械工业出版社 ) 2 0 0 0年 4月出版 ,书中的《真空设备市场》部分。作者 :彭光霞《真空设备市场》目录 :1.市场综述      1.1历史概况 ;1.2今后发展趋势 ;1.3国家经济政策背景 ;1.4外部环境影响。2 .用户需求分析    2 .1需求结构与特点 ;2 .2消费者购买力与购买心理分析。3.行业经济结构分析  3.1产品历史产销量 ;3.2行业集中度与企业经济规模 ;3.3产品生产布局 ;           3.4行业技术经济效益指标比较。4.产品结构分析    4.1产品结构调整趋向 ;4.2产品技术引进。5 .市场…  相似文献   

近几年,跨国公司收购中国品牌的案例并不少见.2004年,被媒体热炒的欧莱雅集团收购小护士、羽西品牌就是一个典型案例.业内人士分析:随着中国市场的进一步成熟,跨国企业希望能够以更亲切,更本土化的形象来进入消费者的视野范围,"虽然大的国际品牌有很高的市场号召力,但是在中国这个较为特殊的市场里,价格甚至是习惯对消费者的选择有着很大的影响力."  相似文献   

据说有一份报告,详细解读了美国政府针对我国无线局域网国家标准(WAPI)的封杀行动,该报告对WAPI的定性是:WAPI突破了发达国家及其跨国公司的技术垄断,是中国科技创新在世界范围内具有重大意义和影响的标志性事件,对其推广也没有违反WTO/TBT(世界贸易组织贸易技术壁垒协定)有关规定.  相似文献   

由国家自然科学基金委员会资助,同济大学经济与管理学院和上海市漕河泾新兴技术开发区发展总公司主办的“跨国公司与开发区的创新、合作”国际论坛定于 2005年 10月 15日~16日在上海召开。征文范围:全球经济一体化;探讨跨国公司与开发区互动关系的探讨;中国开发区发展现状和趋势;开发区(产业区)国际竞争优势研究;发展区域经济与产业经济的新模式;跨国公司在华的总部经济;跨国公司与区域经济;跨国公司的财务体系与金融体系;跨国公司研发及其在华的技术扩散;国家创新体系的深入探讨;产、学、研联盟的探讨;跨国公司在中国 (开发区 )的成功…  相似文献   

1 市场销售总量不断扩大1996年数码相机进入我国市场以来 ,凭借数字成像技术的诸多优势 ,在国内市场刮起了一股旋风 ,使得销售量从 1997年 1 5万台增长到 2 0 0 0年的 15万台 ,年平均增长率超过 10 0 %。 2 0 0 1年后 ,数码相机销售数量的增长非常可观 ,首次突破 2 0万大关 ,原来可望不可及的数码相机已经悄然走向普及。1997~ 2 0 0 1年数码相机在中国的销量见图 1。图 1  1997~ 2 0 0 1年数码相机在中国市场的销量 (万台 )数码相机的销量在中国市场迅速发展 ,究其原因主要有以下三个方面 :首先 ,中国IT消费环境逐步成熟 ,极大地促进…  相似文献   

一、供应商的标准化市场行为 供应商是市场中最主要、最能动的力量。现代市场学(营销学)认为,大多数行业市场都存在如图1所示的(典型)竞争结构。这一结构告诉我们,行业市场的任一现有供应商都面对着这样5种力量的竞争:1.现有其他供应商;2.正在寻求进入的供应商;3.正在寻求取代(或部分取代)市场的代用品的供应商;4.原材料、零部件的分供商;5.  相似文献   

In the current discourse about the technological development of emerging market multinational companies (EM MNCs), the internationalization of research and development (R&D) activities is increasingly discussed as a strategy for catching-up to established MNCs. EM MNCs attempt to use international R&D to tap into technologically superior resources abroad which are not available to them in their home market. This study compares the performance of domestic and offshore R&D activities to look into EM MNCs’ ability to conduct high-quality R&D abroad. We use the Chinese telecommunication equipment manufacturer Huawei as a best practice case study. To map their worldwide patent quality pattern, we propose a multiple-patent-office-approach to ensure a balanced view on their activities with data from SIPO, USPTO and EPO. We also employ three different measures to capture different dimensions of patent quality. The results of the empirical model support the assumption of higher quality for patents with knowledge from advanced offshore locations.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that (1) a type of organizational capabilities—namely, political capabilities—are required for multinational corporations (MNCs) to grow in global markets, (2) political capabilities are important for building productive relations with governments in politically risky host countries, and (3) MNCs can develop political capabilities by accumulating foreign experiences. However, empirical studies have found both positive and negative effects of such experiences on global market expansions. This study attributes such mixed findings to our lack of understanding about MNCs’ procurement processes of political capabilities and proposes types of experiences critical for such procurements by focusing on their reactions to political changes in host countries. Using data on the global mining industry and political changes in host countries, we find that MNCs develop political capabilities and thus make entries into politically risky host countries when they accumulate the experience of partially divesting some of their assets after political changes in host countries. We also find that MNCs are less likely to enter such countries if they have more experiences of exiting from host countries following political change.  相似文献   

分析了机械制造企业因其行业特点而大多采用批量生产,从而难以适应当前市场的多样化和个性化的需求.实施单件流可有效解决这一难题.对单件流进行了概述,并详细介绍了精益生产的最新发展形式--单元化生产,并简要概述了单元生产在很多日本知名企业(如索尼)中的应用情况和取得的成效.而后分析归纳了我国机械制造业实施单件流时所面临的几个关键问题,如工序间的平衡问题、缩短换产时间(推行快速换模技术)、重型件的流动、瓶颈工序的消除、混流生产、全员参与等,及其各自处理对策,同时重点探讨了如何通过推行快速换模技术来缩短换产时间.最后通过案例分析国内外相关企业应用单件流后的明显效果,从而说明了单件流在我国机械制造企业中实施的可行性.  相似文献   

赵佩华  张卫国 《工业工程》2010,13(1):5-9,14
为研究跨国公司能否将其先进的技术转让给我国企业,尤其是赢利能力强与赢利能力相对弱的两种跨国公司,究竟哪一种更愿意转让技术的问题,运用演化博弈论分析了两种跨国公司转让技术策略选择的动态演化过程。结果表明,对于都只是准备进入而尚未进入我国的跨国公司而言,技术转让成本低的跨国公司更愿意转让技术;对于已经进入我国设厂的跨国公司来说,则是赢利能力相对弱的跨国公司更愿意转让技术给我国企业。  相似文献   

Recent literature suggests that multinational companies pursue regional rather than global strategies. Therefore, this study investigates regional management structures, using French multinational companies (MNCs) in the Asia–Pacific region as an empirical context, to address two research questions: first, do MNCs split Asia into subregions and, if so, what are the resulting clusters of countries and clustering criteria? Second, what kind of regional management structures do MNCs establish in Asia, and what are their roles and functions? Factors, such as MNC size, the size of host markets, or the nature of their activities, might explain some differences. The authors conducted 77 face-to-face interviews with expatriated managers in charge of the subsidiaries or regional management structures of 47 French MNCs located in 11 countries in Asia, then crossed these data with secondary sources of information. Nearly half the MNCs subdivide the Asia–Pacific region into clusters of countries, where they locate regional management centres (regional headquarters, regional offices, distribution centres, local offices) with substantial functions and roles. The main drivers of a regional Asian strategy and organisation are the overall size of the MNC and its sales in Asia; the presence of manufacturing activities does not exert any influence. This research identifies ten clusters of countries in Asia, determined by the French MNCs in our sample, on the basis of four main criteria: market orientation/economic logic, geographical and institutional proximity, cultural differences, and the MNC’s own characteristics. Smaller MNCs do not slice Asia into clusters but rather centralise regional decisions and control procedures, implementing few regional management centres in Asia and giving them limited roles and functions.  相似文献   

通过对先进制造技术形成的历史环境的分析,对先进制造技术的目标进行了重新定位,认为先进制造技术具有:(1)以提高企业综合效益为目标的系统性;(2)覆盖从产品市场研究到终结处理等制造活动的全过程性;(3)多学科的集成性以及(4)应用的继承性。在此基础上,根据我国制造业所面临的基本国情分析,提出我国应用和发展先进制造技术的战略是:(1)以开发具有国际竞争力的新产品为目标;(2)以新产品的开发带动先进制造  相似文献   

  • A comparison among Chinese employees in three different climatic areas revealed different scores on five work values of Hofstede??s model.
  • With regard to power distance, temperate regions showed greater scores than colder-than-temperate and hotter-than-temperate regions. In terms of masculinity, the results showed that temperate regions have greater scores than colder-than temperate and hotter-than-temperate regions. Regarding collectivism, hotter-than-temperate regions also showed a higher collectivism score than did colder-than-temperate regions. With regard to uncertainty avoidance, temperate regions showed greater scores than colder-than-temperate and hotter-than-temperate regions, even though colder-than-temperate and hotter-than-temperate regions did not present any significant differences.
  • The results from this article show that China should not be considered as a homogeneous market and suggest that multinational corporations (MNCs) need to take differentiated management strategies across regions in China.

This paper examines the conditions under which foreign subsidiaries of multinational corporations (MNCs) are less prone to divestments. In the study, we examine the importance of foreign subsidiaries to MNCs based upon (1) product-level vertical integration, (2) human capital investments, and (3) technological investments in the subsidiaries. Given that we examine the probability that a subsidiary divestment will occur under the condition that all other subsidiaries are also at risk during the same time period, we employ a Cox proportional hazard rate model as a commonly used statistical method in the event history analysis. For empirical testing, we utilized a sample of Korean 439 MNCs and its 5306 foreign subsidiaries over a period of 1990–2011. We find that even under hostile host market demand conditions, MNCs are less likely to divest their foreign subsidiaries when those subsidiaries are vertically integrated with their headquarters, benefiting from a top management team dispatched from their headquarters or other affiliates, or possessing technological knowledge shared by their headquarters. These findings imply that relationship-specific investments with headquarters cause a hysteresis effect that deters these subsidiaries from being divested, even during times when divestments seem most likely because of unfriendly economic conditions in their host countries.  相似文献   

生物制药产业现状分析及我国企业的发展战略   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张蕊  田澎 《工业工程与管理》2005,10(5):107-111,117
2003-2004年生物技术产业普遍的复苏给我国生物制药企业带来前所未有的机遇和广阔的市场前景.通过中外生物制药企业的对比分析发现,我国企业在自主创新、资金融集、规范管理等各方面与国际水平均存在一定差距.国外制药企业将会在产品研制、专利申请、药品生产以及销售流通等环节对并不强大的中国生物制药业造成冲击.建议我国企业应当明确发展战略,加大研发投入,实现创新、模仿并举;拓宽融资渠道,有效融合金融资本与生物制药技术;积极实施标准化管理;寻求战略合作,从而增强技术优势,降低市场风险,创造更高价值.  相似文献   

浙江省积极参与"一带一路"及供应链创新与应用试点建设,标准在其中发挥重要的软联通作用。本文基于"一带一路"背景,结合浙江省企业供应链试点情况,对"一带一路"倡议下浙江省企业供应链进行分析,以平台型企业为例,分析其供应链标准化发展模式,结果显示:(1)标准化信息平台有助于供应链上下游企业衔接;(2)物流标准化有助于提升我国与沿线国家间供应链各环节的畅通度;(3)通过项目合作的方式,有助于我国优势标准与沿线国家间对接,是目前我国企业走向"一带一路"国家的重要方式。最后为其他试点企业供应链发展提供相关建议。  相似文献   

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