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张爱民  李秀林  林京 《声学技术》2004,23(Z1):256-258
1.引言 利用子空间结构进行源方位估计的算法有很多,这些方法均利用了方向矩阵张成的子空间等于信号子空间这一特点,经典的方法有MUSIC[1]和ESPRIT[2]等.然而,对宽带目标而言,方向矩阵是关于频率的函数,因此,不同频率成分的信号子空间是不同的.相干信号子空间(CSM)方法[3]利用聚焦矩阵将不同窄带子空间聚焦到中心频率对应的子空间上,这种方法有效地利用了信号的带宽,大大提高了宽带目标方位估计的分辨率,而且能够处理相干目标的情形.但聚焦矩阵又与目标方位有关,这构成了一对矛盾,通常可以采用常规的方法对目标方位进行预估计,然后根据预估计的结果构造聚焦矩阵.预估计的方位通常会有一定的误差,这将导致CSM方法估计的结果存在一定的误差,本文从理论上分析了由于聚焦矩阵误差导致的CSM方法方位估计的误差.  相似文献   

空间非平稳噪声下圆阵的修正Capon算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
曾耀平 《声学技术》2009,28(3):300-302
在空间非平稳噪声环境下,利用估计的噪声相关矩阵对圆阵接收数据相关矩阵进行预处理,可以消除非平稳噪声对方位估计的影响。再利用修正Capon算法,可以突破瑞利限的限制,且不需要知道信源数,从而实现目标的高分辨方位估计。仿真结果证实了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

杨益新  张亚豪  杨龙 《声学技术》2022,41(3):306-312
宽带波达角(Direction of Arrival,DOA)估计是声呐系统阵列信号处理中一个重要的研究方向。文章提出了一种基于相干子空间的改进稀疏与参数方法(Coherent Signal-subspace based Modified Sparse and Parameter Approach,C-MSPA),以实现高精度和高空间方位分辨能力的宽带DOA估计。算法利用聚焦矩阵将各子带上的采样协方差矩阵投影至聚焦频率上。完成聚焦后,文章基于频率选择的范德蒙分解理论对协方差矩阵拟合准则进行改进,使重构的协方差矩阵中包含的DOA信息严格限制在聚焦区域内,最终对重构的协方差矩阵进行范德蒙分解,得到DOA估计值。所提出的算法无需选取正则参数,同时避免了基不匹配问题。仿真和湖上实测数据分析结果表明,所提出的方法实现了高空间方位分辨能力且提高了DOA估计精度。  相似文献   

基于BP神经网络的四元声定位的距离估计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了基于四节点的声目标定位算法及定位方程,对该算法的精度进行了分析。进行了基于BP神经网络的目标距离估计仿真并取得了较好的结果,成功地解决了复杂非线性距离测定问题。  相似文献   

傅立叶-勒让德级数展开的宽带聚焦   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
林晋美  侯卫民  涂英  蔡惠智 《声学技术》2007,26(6):1235-1239
提出了一种新的直线阵的宽带聚焦变换矩阵的设计方法。该方法把直线阵的阵列流型用以勒让德多项式为基的傅立叶级数展开形式表示,并将高阶项截断,同时对聚焦矩阵加以约束从而保证无聚焦损失。由此解得的聚焦矩阵不受阵列尺寸和阵元间距的限制,无需预估波达方向(DOA)或预置目标所在扇区,而且对不等间距的直线阵同样适用,海上试验证明聚焦算法的实用性和有效性。  相似文献   

基于特征直线的目标被动定位方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
提出一种利用导引头图像信息进行飞机目标被动定位的方法.该方法以目标可预知的先验几何特征为基础,并基于摄像系统视场较小且目标距离远大于目标尺寸时,成像模型可用弱透视投影近似的事实,推导出借助特征直线估计目标距离的单目视觉算法.与传统的目标定位方法不同,该算法通过特征直线的成像尺寸以及相互夹角反映目标成像姿态的变化,使得目标定位算法不依赖于对目标姿态的估计,提高了不同的空间姿态下目标定位的准确性.实验结果表明,该算法能够在低信噪比情况下准确定位目标,且算法不受目标姿态的影响.  相似文献   

讨论一种用于非高斯信号源方位估计的盲波束形成算法。假设背景噪声是二阶统计未知的有色(空间相关)高斯噪声,基于“阵元对”模型的ESPRIT方位估计算法可以通过用累积量矩阵取代自相关矩阵完成信号空间的重建。经过这种处理,加性有色高斯噪声可被滤除,因此算法不需要相关噪声矩阵的知识。当加性噪声源是空间相关矩阵未知的有色高斯噪声时,计算机仿真比较了基于累积量的ESPRIT算法与基于二阶统计的ESPRIT算法的性能。  相似文献   

矢量水听器阵时频MUSIC算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
时频MUSIC算法利用信号的时频分布构造空间时频分布矩阵,并用该矩阵代替传统的相关矩阵进行DOA估计,可以有效抑制噪声和干扰,提高算法的稳健性。时频子空间算法突破了传统子空间算法中阵元数对估计信号个数的限制,时频点包含了信号的时频空三维信息,通过时频点的选择可直接确定信号的频率从而确定阵列流型矩阵。对于宽带信号,在进行方位估计时避免了频域搜索,减少了运算量。将时频MUSIC算法应用于二维矢量水听器垂直线阵中,充分利用矢量水听器的标、矢量信息和信号的时、频信息进行宽带信号的二维波达方位估计。仿真研究验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

何光进  程锦房  李楠  张炜 《声学技术》2013,32(3):238-242
旋转不变子空间法和多重信号分类法需假设背景噪声为独立的高斯白噪声或自相关矩阵已知,当条件不满足时算法的性能急剧下降。针对这一问题,根据矢量水听器多通道输出的特点,提出了一种基于平行因子模型的单矢量水听器方位频率联合估计方法。首先利用矢量水听器各个通道t时刻和t+1时刻的输出数据,计算声压和各振速不同组合时的四阶累积量,并构建三阶平行因子模型;然后分析了 PARAFAC 模型低秩分解的唯一性条件并利用三线性交替最小二乘算法得到了单矢量水听器阵列流形和相位延迟估计,进而得到目标的方位和频率估计。与旋转不变子空间法和多重信号分类法相比,该方法不需要子空间估计和谱峰搜索,在高斯噪声和拉普拉斯噪声背景下对多目标的分辨能力好于ESPRIT算法。仿真和实测数据的分析结果证明了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于减法聚类算法的视频运动目标定位   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
针对视频运动目标定位的需要,本文给出了一种新的视频运动目标定位方法.该方法运用减法聚类算法对视频运动目标进行定位.分析了减法聚类算法的原理,给出了减法聚类算法的公式推导,目标定位的实现步骤及流程框图.研究了本文方法对不同类型视频运动目标的定位效果,并与基于区域生长的定位方法进行了详细比较.结合实验数据说明了本文方法的定位过程、处理时间及抗噪性能.实验结果表明,本文方法适用于待定位视频序列二值图像存在较大噪声斑点或空域连通特性较差的场合.  相似文献   

徐小哲  孙超  唐建生 《声学技术》2005,24(4):245-249
在给定的小尺度平面四元阵的基础上,主要研究了波束域相关信号子空间算法(BeamSpaceCoherentSignal-subspaceMethod—BSCSM)在宽带源定向中的应用以及性能分析。用实测的直升机噪声仿真产生各个阵元上输出的宽带信号源,并且使得这组信号具有特定的波达方向(DirectionofArrival—DOA)。分别使用波束域相干信号子空间法(BSCSM)和阵元域的相干信号子空间法(CoherentSignal-subspaceMethod—CSM)与非相干信号子空间法(InCoherentSignal-subspaceMethod—ICSM),通过计算机仿真实验对其进行方位估计。在仿真实验中,可以直观地看出三种方法的性能优劣。根据计算机仿真结果,统计意义上的误差分析,以及对宽带平面波波达角度的角度分辨率等性能指标的分析比较,可以得出在小尺度基阵定向研究中,波束域方法能够获得比其他两种阵元域算法更好的性能。  相似文献   

戴征坚  李志舜 《声学技术》2005,24(4):250-253
实际系统中阵列误差导致的模型失配问题一直是高分辨方位估计技术走向实用化的一个瓶颈。相对于窄带信号,宽带信号阵列模型误差更加复杂和多样,通过建立宽带阵列信号误差模型,得出了基于空间平滑的稳健的宽带高分辨算法是一种抑制阵列误差的有效方法的结论,这种基于空间平滑的宽带高分辨算法,通过空间平滑后对各频率处不同子阵的互谱密度矩阵求和,一定程度上减弱了阵列误差的影响,具有较高的稳健性。本文结合消声水池试验,分析并验证了其效果。  相似文献   

对采用线列阵系统的水下大型结构的辐射噪声测量原理进行了讨论,分析了测量的要素,对非主轴方向上的目标辐射噪声测量进行了建模,给出了非主轴方向的宽带波束形成方法。通过计算机仿真,得到了主波束宽度、阵元数和阵增益之间的关系,并对计算机仿真结果进行了比较,该结果对浅海条件下的线列阵水下大型结构辐射噪声测量具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Tonpilz piezoelectric transducers with multiple acoustic matching plates are suitable for color image acoustic transmission, to achieve wideband low-ripple characteristics as well as high-efficiency high-power transmitting capability. The design method for the transducers was investigated on the basis of multiple-mode filter synthesis theory. For transducers with single, double, and triple matching plates, optimum specific acoustic impedances and lengths were calculated. Moreover, based on this design method, a 24 kHz array comprising nine identical transducers with single matching plates was built and evaluated. As a result, this array showed high-efficiency, low-ripple, and wideband characteristics. Excellent agreement between theoretical values and experimental results was obtained. A field test was carried out on color image transmission from a 3500 m sea depth, using the fabricated array, during which good color images were received.  相似文献   

Optimization of wide-band linear arrays   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An optimization method is proposed for linear arrays to be used in ultrasound systems under wide-band operation. A fast algorithm, the threshold accepting, has been utilized to determine the element positions and weight coefficients of a linear array that generates a desired beam pattern. To reduce the computational burden in the optimization procedure, an efficient numerical routine for the beam pattern evaluation has been implemented. We address the optimization problem of both dense and sparse wideband arrays. In the first case, the goal is to minimize the side-lobe energy by varying the element weights; we compare the optimized beam pattern with that obtained with classical shading functions, showing that better results can be achieved with a wide-band optimization. We also consider the optimization of the layout (positions and weights) of a sparse linear array to achieve a desired beam pattern with a fixed or minimum number of array elements. The comparison of the proposed method with a narrow-band optimization algorithm is presented, showing that better performances (about -7 dB further reduction of the side-lobe level) can be achieved with a wide-band sparse array optimization. Further numerical simulations are given, showing that the proposed method yields better results than wideband sparse random arrays and periodic arrays with the same aperture width  相似文献   

Rao L  Yang D  Zhang L  Li T  Xia S 《Applied optics》2012,51(7):912-916
A terahertz wideband filter based on double layer metal hole arrays is designed in this paper. A metal hole array is perforated on a metal layer with a square array of circular air holes. The transmission characteristics of the electromagnetic waves through the metal hole array can be determined by the accumulation of in-phase scattering, spoof surface plasmon polaritons, and waveguide modes. The transmission spectrum is tuned by adding another identical layer metal hole array, and a wideband filter can be formed accordingly. Samples containing double-layered metal hole arrays were fabricated by micromachining technology. A wideband filter with center frequency located at 0.8 THz and FWHM reaching 400 GHz was experimentally achieved.  相似文献   

In array signal processing, number of signals is often a premise of estimating other parameters. For the sake of determining signal number in the condition of strong additive noise or a little sample data, an algorithm for detecting number of wideband signals is provided. First, technique of focusing is used for transforming signals into a same focusing subspace. Then the support vector machine (SVM) can be deduced by the information of eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors. At last, the signal number can be determined with the obtained decision function. Several simulations have been carried on verifying the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

超声阵列换能器设计及声场模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
聚焦超声采用的聚焦方式有许多种,电子聚焦是其中之一,与其它聚焦方式相比,电子聚焦技术有很多优点,然而一些相互矛盾的条件对其设计有很大影响。通过用快速算法对阵元声场、以及频率对场的影响进行模拟,对阵列设计中的几个主要考虑方面进行了分析,提供了一般设计思路。采用伪逆矩阵算法,对变迹技术和多焦点技术进行计算机模拟,为焦域控制提供了新的思路,结果表明:将电子聚焦阵列换能器用于高强度聚焦超声治疗设备,比其它  相似文献   

Variable focusing in range from a transmit array can be accomplished by a frequency shift in an acoustic waveguide. In this paper, a general algorithm is derived in free space that can move the focal spot of a linear transmit array both transversely and horizontally. In particular, for variable range focusing, the prescribed frequency shift is the same for all elements of the array, whereas, for transverse focal shifts, the frequency shift varies with element location in the array. The method described in this paper is especially suitable for varying the location of the focal spot of a time-reversal mirror in the presence of an aberrating layer in that no knowledge of the medium properties is necessary. Simulation results demonstrating the proposed method are presented in comparison with those from a conventional steering method.  相似文献   

Frankel MY  Esman RD 《Applied optics》1998,37(23):5488-5494
We develop a method for forming squint-free wideband nulls in the antenna pattern of an ultrawideband array antenna. The technique uses an optical dispersive-prism beam former to provide time-delayed microwave signals to each antenna element for forming a squint-free main beam. The amplitude-modulated optical carrier is propagated through a set of optical links. Each link feeds an array element and includes an amount of dispersion proportional to element position. Tuning the wavelength of the optical carrier controls the microwave signal's arrival-time delay gradient across the array. A dispersive-prism tapped delay-line microwave filter is used to frequency shape a nulling signal. The wideband nulls do not significantly distort the main beam and are steered independently of the main beam. The technique is applied to sidelobe nulling for a transmitter and for jammer suppression for a receiver array.  相似文献   

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