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中高频段下的粘弹性材料声学参数测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现粘弹性材料在高频段上的声学参数测量,提出一种自由场测量方法,通过测量目标的水下散射声场指向性,计算目标散射场声压的前几阶勒让德系数,建立以目标的材料声学参数为变量的数学模型,并运用遗传算法进行参数反演.仿真结果表明以铝球的杨氏模量(E)为例,不存在声场误差的情况下反演精度可达0.0014%,铝球散射场的实验数据也提供了较高的参数反演精度.将此方法应用于中高频段上某种成分的粘弹性材料参数测量,成功地获取了其在此频段上的声学参数.提高目标散射场的测量精度有利于目标材料反演精度的提高.此方法避免了对声压相位的测量,减少了影响精度的因素.  相似文献   

海底地声参数作为海洋声信道的重要组成部分,很大程度上决定了海洋声传播特性。地声参数可以通过反演算法获得,与距离相关的地声反演问题近年来是研究的热点。粒子滤波是一种高效的序贯寻优算法,可以在海底声学特性随距离缓慢变化情形下,有效解决地声参数的估计问题。但当海底声学特性随距离变化剧烈,如沉积层分层情况发生改变时,传统的粒子滤波则可能失效。为解决此问题,有文献使用了带桥接重采样的粒子滤波反演地声参数。文章在此基础上进一步改进了粒子的采样方式,并将此方法应用到基于海底反射系数的反演中。通过仿真数据处理结果证明,文中提出的改进粒子滤波在地声参数随距离变化剧烈的情况下仍具有较好性能,可以准确地估计海底特性随距离的变化规律和海底沉积层的声学参数。  相似文献   

声学反演是快速、低成本获取浅海局部地声参数的有效方法之一,其中,利用海面噪声的垂直相干函数反演海底参数,只需要两个垂直排列的水听器,不需要专门的发射声源,隐蔽性好,有较高的军事应用价值.通过已有的海面噪声场模型,分析了海底声速、密度及衰减系数对噪声垂直相干函数的敏感度,并利用中国某海区的海洋环境噪声试验数据,结合差异进...  相似文献   

0引言地声反演是获取海底声学参数的一种重要方法,地声反演方法是海洋声学研究的重要内容之一。目前,绝大部分地声反演方法都基于水听器阵列接收的声压信号来进行,而应用包含质点振速在内的声矢量场进行地声反演的方法则相对较少。矢量水听器是一种重要的新型水声传感器,能同时测量声压信号和质点振速信号,已有研究表明,在浅海声传播情况下,声压与质点垂直振速有不同的传播特[1]  相似文献   

陈勃  赵梅  胡长青 《声学技术》2018,37(2):110-116
利用环境噪声反演浅海海底声学特性一直是学者们研究的热门课题之一,目前绝大多数的噪声场建模方法依赖于多维海底模型,而多维参数的求解过程加大了反演的复杂度。减少反演参数个数可以有效降低反演的复杂性,提高反演的速度,以此为目的开展了基于单个参数海底模型的噪声场建模研究,并计算得到了基于海底单参数的噪声场空间相干系数表达式。通过与传统模型的对比,验证了该计算模型的有效性。结合实验数据,利用该模型对实验海域进行了海底单参数反演,并结合海底反射临界角确定了实验海域的沉积物类型为粉砂质砂,该结论与文献记载相吻合。  相似文献   

1引言 浅海环境中,海底底质的声学特性对浅海声场有决定性影响,进一步影响着海洋声遥感及声纳的作用距离.由于海底参数很难大面积直接测量,而利用声学反演的方法可以大范围的估计海底参数,有海底取样测量无法比拟的优点.近年来,有关海底参数的声学反演方法的探索和研究已成为国内外水声学家研究的热点问题.有多种反演方法相应被提出并应用于某些特定海区,如:匹配场反演、近场脉冲声反演、传播损失反演、简正波过滤技术反演及声场垂直相关性反演等等.但是,基于水平纵向相关来反演海底参数的方法还未见有报道.分析其中的原因,可能是由于在通常海域声场的纵向相关半径远大于实验中用到的水平阵长度.考虑到声场声信息国家重点实验室在2002年8月的一次浅海实验中的海深只有4.5m,而布放于海底的光纤水听器阵列长达100m,水平阵阵长大于20倍的海深.我们在研究其水平相关性时发现:不同频率下的水平纵向相关随水平间距变化呈现出特定的振荡现象,这种振荡现象与海底的声学特性密切相关.基于以上考虑,本文试图通过声场的水平纵向相关性来反演海底参数并给出了初步的研究结果.结果表明该方法有一定的可行性.  相似文献   

赵梅 《声学技术》2020,39(5):525-531
海底参数反演是获取海底声学特性一种经济高效的办法。近年来,课题组提出用小掠射角下海底反射损失随掠射角的变化率FdB(dB·rad-1)作为描述海底的单参数,建立了浅海均匀水层和负跃层水文条件下的海底单参数模型。负跃层单参数模型的建立,为海底单参数反演提供了新的设计思路。文章基于浅海负跃层海底单参数模型,设计海底单参数地声反演方法。首先对负跃层水文条件下浅海海底单参数模型进行简单的描述和介绍;然后在浅海负跃层单参数模型基础上,利用声传播损失对海底单参数进行反演;最后利用实验数据对反演方法的有效性进行了验证。  相似文献   

唐晓丹  屈科  胡长青 《声学技术》2013,32(3):208-211
用海底反射损失对掠射角的斜率作为单个参数描述海底可以简化地声反演过程,快速获得海底的地声性质。基于单参数模型及其相干声场的反射相位近似关系,利用匹配场处理技术反演海底性质。通过Hamilton地声模型中的密度声速关系,同时获得海底的密度和声速值。对2001年中美东海联合实验(ASIAEX 2001)实验数据进行了反演,获得海底地声参数。最后利用反演结果进行传播损失预报及海底沉积物辨别,其效果证实了基于单参数海底模型反演方法的有效性及实用性。  相似文献   

王宁  赵犁丰  魏浚 《声学技术》1997,16(3):113-114
叠代反演算法及应用王宁赵犁丰魏浚(青岛海洋大学电子工程系青岛·266003)1引言声波,弹性波的介质参数反演问题在超声检测、海洋声学遥测、医用超声等领域中有广泛的应用前景。目前较为普遍的方法可分为两大类:(1)线性反演;(2)严格逆散射反演的方法[1...  相似文献   

李整林  彭朝晖 《声学技术》2003,22(Z2):116-118
1引言 海底反演的目的是通过测量的声场来对海底声学参数的进行估计.无论反演时所用的海底模型和反演方法是什么,最终总是能反演出一组与所用模型相对应的海底参数.从这一点看海底反演似乎是一个很简单的问题.但是,对一个海底模型,有些海底参数对声场物理量变化不是很敏感,这样这些参数反演结果的唯一性和准确性就很难保证.还有,如果海底模型选取的不恰当,即与实际的海底相差太远,反演的结果有时会很难预报声场.所以海底模型以及反演方法的选取就显得尤为重要.这就是为什么海底反演是国内外一直没有很好解决的一个难点、热点问题.本文通过一个实验实例来说明海底模型及反演方法的重要性和实用性.  相似文献   

《Advanced Powder Technology》2019,30(8):1611-1616
In the ball mill, the motion of charge is a complex system, especially under wet grinding. It is difficult to measure the charge physical quantities and hard to validate the correctness of charge motion simulation. To this end, an instrumented ball which is capable of measuring the charge physical quantities was designed. The laboratory ball mill was lined with 12 pieces of trapezium lifters and filled with Jb = 25% grinding balls. An iron ore was used to prepare the slurry at 50% solid concentration by mass. A series of tests were carried out to investigate the charge dynamics at different mill speeds and slurry filling. The average rotational kinetic energy, average applied force and mill power were measured and analyzed. The results showed that the average rotational kinetic energy increases with mill speed, whereas the average applied force first increases and then decreases. The average rotational kinetic energy and applied force first increases and then decreases by the increase in slurry filling. Furthermore, there exists a slurry filling U = U* that the mill power has a maximum value.  相似文献   

Ice slurry displays many advantages as a phase-change material because the latent heat of ice particles can be used and their heat exchange area is large. In this study, the effect of initial concentration on the rheological behavior of ice slurry was investigated experimentally. Ice slurry flowed upward and downward to keep it homogeneous in the tube, and pressure drop was measured to explain the rheological behavior of the ice slurry. The ice packing factor, Reynolds number, and initial aqueous solution concentration were varied as parameters. The ice slurry flow characteristics exhibit a pseudo-plastic fluid tendency for 5 and 10 wt% of the initial concentration. Ice slurry generated from 2 wt% ethanol solution behaves as a Newtonian fluid.  相似文献   

Seawater is the most common fluid on earth and ice generating machines are increasingly used on fishing vessels to produce ice slurry from seawater with up to 60% ice to be poured over the catch. In this study, a literature search has been made to establish physical property data of seawater as function of salinity and temperature. Ice slurry properties of seawater have been generated and are presented by means of an enthalpy-phase diagram and related tables with ice concentration, enthalpy change and density. This material confirms that an initial salt content of 2–3 % is optimal and it can help determine the potential for long preservation of catch on board and during transport, improving seafood quality. As seawater is known to be corrosive, a brief discussion on corrosion factors and problems, the use of corrosion inhibitors and choice of materials is included in this paper.  相似文献   

Wear by slurry abrasion is a potential problem in engineering components subjected to particulate flow. The life of the components under slurry abrasive wear situations is primarily decided by operating conditions and the materials properties. Martensitic steels are widely used for abrasion resistant applications. The present work reports slurry abrasion response of hardfacing martensitic steel under a wide range of experimental conditions. The response data is generated using systematic and simultaneous variation of test parameters. The experiments were performed using silica sand slurry with different slurry concentration, particle size, sliding distance and load. The results of the investigation suggest that slurry concentration had relatively stronger effect than normal load. The wear volume loss exhibited an increasing trend with increasing severity of test parameters. An empirical equation is proposed to describe the interactive effect of the test parameters, abrasive particle properties and material property. SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) studies revealed different morphology of the worn surfaces which was attributed to mild to severe slurry abrasion test conditions.  相似文献   

Erosion wear of centrifugal slurry pumps is primarily governed by the particulate motion and concentration as well as their physical properties. This paper presents a quasi-3D approach to predict particulate phase motion and concentration in an arbitrary radial section of a centrifugal slurry pump. A brief discussion of the fully developed turbulent flow solution of the carrier fluid is followed by a computation of the particulate phase velocity resulting from a force balance between the pressure, gravity, viscous and inertial effects. The concentration distribution is obtained by invoking the convection-diffusion equation. The governing partial differential equation is cast into a weak Galerkin finite element form. The system of algebraic equations is solved by a Newton-Raphson scheme via a frontal solver. An iterative solution scheme is employed to alternate between the fields of particle motion and concentration. Numerical solutions are examined in light of their applicability to the solution of the pump wear problem.  相似文献   

High concentration slurry disposal system (HCSD) for transportation of coal ash to ash ponds from coal fired thermal power plants using pipelines has emerged as an economical and environmental friendly method. Coal Ash in slurry form is deposited in the ash pond and hence the deposition characteristics at higher concentrations (Cw >60% by weight) are very important. The settled solid profile in the ash pond at high concentrations is of great interest to the ash pond designers. The present study is an attempt to establish the relationship between the settled solid profile and the physical/rheological properties of coal ash slurry at high concentrations. The settled solid profile is experimentally measured in terms of cone angle for slurries of fly ash as well as mixture of fly ash (FA) and bottom ash (BA) in the ratio of 4:1 at high concentrations. The values of cone angle if the slurries are poured on either a pervious or impervious bed have also been measured. The results obtained from the experiments show that the cone angle depends on rheological properties like yield stress and Bingham plastic viscosity which in turn depend on various properties like solid concentration, particle size distribution etc. Also, cone angle for fly ash slurry is higher than that for the mixture of FA and BA slurry at any given concentration. Further, it was also observed from the experiments that cone angle is higher for pervious bed as compared to impervious bed for both types of slurries.  相似文献   

针对电磁流量计浆液测量信号的处理难点,运用概率分析方法,构建了电磁流量计水流量信号和浆液流量信号的统计模型,揭示了两类信号的统计分布规律。在此基础上,提出了一种基于统计模型的信号重构滤波算法。为验证算法的有效性,研制了系统并与日本东芝公司的浆液型电磁流量计进行了对比实验。实验结果表明,浆液信号处理算法和系统是可行和有效的。  相似文献   


Erosion wear of centrifugal slurry pumps is primarily governed by the particulate motion and concentration as well as their physical properties. This paper presents a quasi-3D approach to predict particulate phase motion and concentration in an arbitrary radial section of a centrifugal slurry pump. A brief discussion of the fully developed turbulent flow solution of the carrier fluid is followed by a computation of the particulate phase velocity resulting from a force balance between the pressure, gravity, viscous and inertial effects. The concentration distribution is obtained by invoking the convection-diffusion equation. The governing partial differential equation is cast into a weak Galerkin finite element form. The system of algebraic equations is solved by a Newton-Raphson scheme via a frontal solver. An iterative solution scheme is employed to alternate between the fields of particle motion and concentration. Numerical solutions are examined in light of their applicability to the solution of the pump wear problem.  相似文献   

吴帅帅  刘琴  徐丹 《材料导报》2017,31(6):110-114, 124
以笼形聚倍半硅氧烷(POSS)为物理分散剂,利用POSS与多壁碳纳米管(MWNTs)间较强的相互作用,在水溶液中对MWNTs进行分散。借助紫外吸光度对POSS分散的MWNTs浓度和稳定性进行了表征,测定了分散液的Zeta电位和离心后上清液中固体物质的质量分数,并用透射电镜观察了POSS与MWNTs间的结合情况。结果表明,POSS可以显著提高MWNTs在水溶液中的分散性,且提高程度与其有机官能团R的结构有关。在所采用的五种POSS中,八异丁基笼形聚倍半硅氧烷(POSSC)的分散效果最好。在此基础上,优化得到POSSC分散MWNTs的最佳条件,即MWNTs浓度为30mg/L,POSSC和MWNTs的质量比为1。此时,POSSC可较好地吸附在MWNTs表面对其进行分散,得到具有良好稳定性的MWNTs水分散液。该分散方法简单高效且不破坏MWNTs的完整结构,所得分散液可用于复合材料的制备。  相似文献   

Analyses of iron ore slurries in industrial and laboratory environments showed that many physical and geometric parameters affect the stability and reproducibility of the response to laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. A thorough reexamination of the sampling strategy led to a revised sampling layout that ensures a true representative sampling of the slurry and significantly improves the sensitivity and repeatability of the sampling method. An examination of the characteristics of slurries revealed that the mean particulate size and the concentration of solids in a slurry influence the measurement of silica, whereas the magnetite content is responsible for a matrix effect. On-line monitoring of iron ore slurries should be practicable, provided that these variables are controlled within a few percent or that some means of correction is implemented.  相似文献   

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