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提出了一种由重复发射的声源配合缓慢转动的传声器组成的、等效于圆形传声器阵列的室内声学测量系统。阐述了这种测量系统的特点及其理论基础,介绍了它在室内声场中若干涉及声源定位及声场空间特性测量等方面的应用,并结合实例作了讨论。系统具有较强的适应性及实用性,在室内声学测量中具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

针对某些传递损失较大的消声器,现有白噪声测试设备的单一噪声源发生器无法满足消声量的测试需求。通过采用低频和中频两种声源发生器,利用过渡管道与测试管道垂直连接的方式,实现了两种声源组合发声对消声器声学性能的测试。为了解决过渡管道与组合声源系统连接处声阻抗变化,导致输出的噪声信号频谱特性随机波动的问题,提出了一种噪声信号的修正方法。该方法基于四传感器法测量过渡管道声阻抗,根据过渡管道传递矩阵,以随机白噪声为激励源输出的管口噪声作为输出声压信号,得到组合声源系统的输入声压信号,实现了对组合声源系统声音信号的补偿。实验结果表明,与传统均衡器调节方法相比,该方法能够在较宽的测试频率范围内输出平稳的声压信号;其次,利用修正前后的声学信号对扩张腔的传递损失进行测量,修正后得到的测试曲线与理论值吻合度较高,证明了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

赵跃英  盛胜我 《声学技术》2004,23(3):154-158
在室内声学参量的测量中,不同的信号处理方法将会使计算结果产生偏差。在数字化测量的基础上,根据ISO3382的测量标准,针对混响时间以及其它声学参量,比较了在信号处理过程中不同的滤波器、信号初始时间的判断方法以及噪声修正方法对声学参量的计算结果的影响程度。结果表明,不同的数据处理方法在低频段、信噪比较小以及混响时间较短的情况下对声学参量的影响较大;与一般的噪声修正法相比,当信号信噪比不足时,对中后期的脉冲响应进行非线性拟合的方法更具优势。  相似文献   

由国防工业出版社出版,齐娜、孟子厚编著的《声频声学测量技术原理》系统地介绍和讲解了声频声学测量技术领域内常用测量方法的原理,重点论述了测量误差理论、测量系统动态分析、测量传感器理论、声学测量传感器原理、传声器和扬声器特性测量方法原理、噪声与振动测量方法原理、室内声学测量方法原理、吸声材料特性测量方法原理、声强与声功率测量技术原理、扩声系统声学特性测量、阵列测量等内容。  相似文献   

赵跃英  盛胜我 《声学技术》2006,25(5):482-485
ISO3382房间混响时间以及其他相关音质参量的测量标准公布以来已有7年,文中结合近年来在实施过程中的一些实际测量的结果,对室内音质参量测量中有关信号选择、误差产生原因、数据处理方法对测量结果的影响以及噪声修正法的使用等问题进行探讨,为进一步提高室内声学测量精度提供基础,亦为修订我国相关标准提供经验.  相似文献   

近年来声强技术在声学试验研究中占有非常重要的位置.由靠近的双传声器的声压信号计算声强为其代表性方法.过去的声学测量以标量声压的测量为主,现在的声强测量可使声场中的能量流可视化,从而大大有利于声源识别及噪声控制.由于该方法不大受反射及背景噪声的影响,使测定机器的总声功率能在一般环境下进行,使测量自由度改善了.但是,由于声强技水的历史还比较短.其测量方法本身、应用范围、结果分析等方面也还不尽成熟,例如,在把声强扩展到复数领域而试图利用其虚部所具有的信息的最新动向中,其测量方法本身还正在发展中;另外,还有关于负声强(声能指向声源)怎样理解等问题.这些在声强技术有效利用上是很重要的,  相似文献   

工况噪声源测定与识别用保真消噪传声套筒的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王太勇  孟长虹 《计量学报》1995,16(4):316-319
本文针对噪声测量和声源定位极易受环境干扰这一重大难题,基于管道传声理论研究了可与通用声学测量传声器配用的保真消噪传声套筒结构,并建立了适用于各种规格的声学测量传感器和工况声声具体要求的通用型模块化结构快CAD软件分析系统,取得了明显的实用效果。  相似文献   

流体机械流动噪声常使用管道法测量,风机管道声学测试中存在多种因素干扰影响测试的准确性。安装于管内的传声器接收到的信号包含了声源的“真声”、仪器表面局部湍流脉动压力引起的“伪声”、管壁振动辐射声以及管壁振动传递引起的传声器振动信号,通过试验方法对各信号成分进行了测试与分离。结论显示,传声器湍流自噪声“伪声”对“真声”测试产生明显干扰,需要安装气流防护装置降低湍流自噪声,而管壁振动分量远低于声源信号,对声源测试的影响可忽略不计。  相似文献   

轮式装载机驾驶室内噪声分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以某轮式装载机为样机,在进行大量试验的基础上,对影响驾驶室内噪声的主要噪声源和驾驶室本身的声学特性进行了分析。通过分析认为:目前样机驾驶室内噪声较大,而影响该驾驶室内噪声的主要声源是排气噪声、机体噪声、主阀噪声和驾驶室自身辐射的噪声,驾驶室本身的声学特性不理想是影响其内部噪声的另一个重要原因,在分析的基础上,提出了有效降低该驾驶室内噪声的措施。  相似文献   

室内声学测量中,在声源重复发射声信号的同时,将单个无指向性传声器缓慢而匀速地转动,其测量结果等效于以转盘转轴为中心的圆形传声器阵列,相应的测量系统简称为RRS。通过消声室测量,着重分析此测量系统在方向脉冲响应测量中的性能及主要影响因素:结果表明,在满足传声器旋转半径大于1/4信号波长的条件下,系统可具有令人满意的方向分辨能力。  相似文献   

以商用区熔(ZM)n型Bi2Te3基材料为原料,采用简单研磨结合放电等离子烧结技术(ZM+SPS)和熔体旋甩(MS)结合放电等离子烧结技术(MS+SPS)制备了n型Bi2Te3基块体热电材料.对三种不同工艺制备出样品的微结构、热电性能和力学性能进行了研究.FESEM微结构表征结果表明:区熔样品的晶粒粗大,有较强的取向性;经SPS烧结后,晶粒细化,取向性大为降低;而区熔样品经MS+SPS后,晶粒得到进一步细化,且没有明显的取向性.对三组样品进行的热电性能和抗压强度测试,结果表明:区熔原料最大ZT值为0.72(430K),抗压强度仅为40MPa;经SPS后,样品的最大ZT值为0.68(440K),抗压强度为110MPa,相比区熔样品提高了175%;MS+SPS样品的最大ZT值为0.96(320K),其室温ZT值相比区熔样品提高了64%,抗压强度相比区熔样品提高了400%,达到200MPa.  相似文献   

消声室是声学专业的实验室用房,它在电声学产品的声学性能检测和机电设备的噪声声功率级测量中得到广泛的应用。消声室的设计,应在遵循声学原理的基础上,处理好使用要求与实验室周围的声环境状况以及建设造价等方面的关系问题。文中结合消声室建设的工程实例,介绍了消声室设计中有关体积、体型、吸声、隔声等方面的技术问题。测量表明,建成的消声室在声学方面的各项指标均满足或优于国家标准的要求。  相似文献   

High-precision continuous spectra of the absorption coefficient, refractive index, complex dielectric permittivity, and loss tangent for several silicon carbide (SiC) specimens are reported in this paper over a broad millimeter- and submillimeter-wave range for the first time. Measurements have been successfully performed using three different types of specially constructed spectrometer systems: a dispersive Fourier transform spectroscopy, an automated 60-GHz open resonator, and a free-space quasi-optical millimeter-wave spectrometer equipped with high-power backward-wave oscillator sources and their associated state-of-the-art dielectric-measurement techniques. Data are presented as continuous functions of frequency from 30 to 600 GHz. The employment of various measurement systems and techniques ensured the measurement of polycrystalline SiC specimens with various degrees of absorption and dispersion characteristics over an extended frequency range with high precision. Results presented here provide comprehensive information of SiC on its optical and dielectric behavior as a function of frequency and purity for its potential application in semiconductor and radio-frequency devices and circuits. An error analysis of measured dielectric-parameter results is also provided.  相似文献   

根据控制室噪声治理实例的结果,提出控制室噪声控制和治理的原则、方法和设计方向。通过对主要噪声源分布、构成情况和控制室隔声效果的测定结果,采用成熟的噪声治理技术(减振、隔声与吸声综合措施),使低频噪声环境获得有效治理。检测表明,治理后的环境噪声下降了19dB(SPL),在125Hz峰点处下降26dB。在控制生产性噪声上已取得较好效果,改善了职工的工作环境。针对电厂车间内磨煤机是主要噪声源,其平均噪声强度均大于95dBA的问题,应根据车间噪声水平、场地等情况正确运用建筑声学合理设计,才能有效的提高控制室防护水平。  相似文献   

As much as tenfold atomic emission enhancements have been observed in experiments combining nanosecond (ns) and femtosecond (fs) laser pulses in an orthogonal dual-pulse configuration for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (ns-fs orthogonal dual-pulse LIBS). In the examination of one of several potential sources of these atomic emission enhancements (sample heating by a ns air spark), minor reductions in atomic emission and as much as 15-fold improvements in mass removal have been observed for fs single-pulse LIBS of heated brass and aluminum samples. These results suggest that, although material removal with a high-powered, ultrashort fs pulse is temperature dependent, sample heating by the ns air spark is not the source of the atomic emission enhancements observed in ns-fs orthogonal dual-pulse LIBS.  相似文献   

Direct measurements of temperature changes were made using small thermocouples (TC), placed near a laser-induced air plasma. Temperature changes up to ~500 °C were observed. From the measured temperature changes, estimates were made of the amount of heat absorbed per unit area. This allowed calculations to be made of the surface temperature, as a function of time, of a sample heated by the air plasma that is generated during orthogonal pre-ablation spark dual-pulse (DP) LIBS measurements. In separate experiments, single-pulse (SP) LIBS emission and sample ablation rate measurements were performed on nickel at sample temperatures ranging from room temperature to the maximum surface temperature that was calculated using the TC measurement results (500 °C). A small, but real sample temperature-dependent increase in both SP LIBS emission and the rate of sample ablation was found for nickel samples heated up to 500 °C. Comparison of DP LIBS emission enhancement values for bulk nickel samples at room temperature versus the enhanced SP LIBS emission and sample ablation rates observed as a function of increasing sample temperature suggests that sample heating by the laser-induced air plasma plays only a minor role in DP LIBS emission enhancement.  相似文献   

Characteristics of fast pulse propagation in a large planar spark counter (PSC) are simulated using a pulser located inside the spark gap. Besides the main mode of pulse propagation, three undesirable modes are observed. These latter strongly distort the shape of the pulse. Characteristics of these modes and methods to eliminate their effects are demonstrated. We present an electrical design for a 120 cm spark counter along with some of its electrical properties as revealed by measurements made with the inner spark pulser. In the present counter design the charge of a pulse is shared by several neighboring strips, enabling one to measure the transverse position of a spark to a high degree of accuracy.  相似文献   

Reactive nanometer multilayers as tailored heat sources for joining The use of traditional joining techniques like soldering or brazing for heat sensitive microstructures often results in damaging or stress induced deformation of the components. Therefore a technology would be desirable, where heat is produced locally and only for a short time. A very promising approach is the application of socalled reactive nanometer multilayers. Reactive nanometer multilayers consist of several hundreds or a few thousands of alternating layers with thicknesses in the nanometer range that can exothermic react with each other. After a local activation of the chemical reaction by an electrical spark or a laser pulse, a self‐sustaining reaction starts, which propagates parallel to the multilayer surface resulting in a stable intermetallic single layer. The peak temperature of the reaction can be above 1000 8C, but the maximum temperature is only reached for several ten milliseconds. Therefore, the heat remains localized in the vicinity of the solder layers surrounding the reactive multilayer. During the entire process the components to be joined exhibit temperatures close to room temperature. We will show new results concerning the fabrication of reactive nanometer multilayers by magnetron and ion beam sputter deposition and the fabrication of free standing nanometer multilayers.  相似文献   

R. Rabi  L. Oufni 《Mapan》2018,33(2):123-130
The aim of this work is to studying indoor radon distribution using the Finite Volume Method (FVM). This paper focuses on effects of exhalation from different sources (wall, floor and ceiling) and the ventilation profile on distribution the concentrations of radon indoor. The rate of radon exhalation and ventilation were measured and are used as input in FVM simulation. It has been found that the radon concentration is distributed in non homogeneous way in the room. The radon concentration is much larger near floor, and decreases in the middle of the room. The experimental validation was performed by measuring radon concentration at different locations in room using active and passive techniques. We notice that the results of simulation and experimental are in agreement. The annual effective dose of radon in the model room has been also investigated.  相似文献   

本文根据声源辐射理论、声场叠加原理以及测得的声功率大小与所选取的测量面无关这一特点,提出了一种通过最小化初级声源和次级声源总的声功率对三维空间噪声的主动控制进行优化的数值方法。文中采用边界元近似,将总的声功率表示成次级声源复强度的二次型正实函数。本优化方法是Bullmore 等人提出的解析方法的推广,具有广泛的适用性,可用于设计初级声源在各面元上的声压可知、次级声源到各面元上的声传播可确定的任何场合下控制器优化传递函数。计算过程中仅用了几次复矩阵乘法和一组复系数线性方程组的求解,因此计算简便、速度较快。文中采用这种方法对圆柱壳和无幕活塞辐射器这两种具有典型指向特性的分布初级声源辐射噪声的优化控制问题进行了研究,说明了方法的有效性。文中还给出了实验验证结果。  相似文献   

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