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本文从设备管理在油田发展中的重要性出发,在分析油田特种设备安全管理的主要问题基础上,重点介绍了油田特种设备安全管理的对策和建议:强化特种设备安全培训教育和社会宣传教育工作;落实特种设备安全三方责任;强化使用环节的安全管理;加快特种设备安全评价体系的研究与建设;加强特种设备重特大事故应急救援工作;发挥特种设备检验机构技术支撑作用;建立完善特种设备安全管理工作新机制,为安全管理提供制度保障;建立健全特种设备安全管理网络,为安全管理提供组织保障;加强安全隐患治理,提高设备本质安全。  相似文献   

2013年6月29日,《特种设备安全法》通过审议。针对当前电梯安全事故多发的情况,草案规定电梯维护保养单位应当具有相应资质,保证其维护保养的电梯的安全性能,违反规定可处10万元以下罚款。《特种设备安全法》明确,国家建立缺陷特种设备召回制度。因生产原因造成特种设备存在危及安全的同一性缺陷的,生产单位应当立  相似文献   

安全生产风险分级管控和事故隐患排查治理双重预防体系(简称双体系)自2016年开始建设以来在化工、工贸等行业得到了快速的发展。特种设备作为对人类生命财产安全具有重大威胁的设备种类,其双体系的建立就显得尤为重要。医院作为典型的公共聚集和人员密集场所,其特种设备数量较多,种类复杂,危险性也相对较大。文章对某医院特种设备双体系的建立过程进行了介绍,对建立和实施过程中的问题进行了探讨。最后通过对特种设备双体系的建立和实施过程,切实减少了医院特种设备在管理和使用过程中的安全隐患,对医院的安全管理和安全保障具有重大意义。  相似文献   

安全生产风险分级管控和事故隐患排查治理双重预防体系(简称双体系)自2016年开始建设以来在化工、特种设备等行业得到了较快的应用与发展。特种设备作为对人类生命财产安全具有重大威胁的设备种类,其双体系的建立就显得尤为重要。加气站作为车载气瓶充装的经营单位,特种设备主要有LNG储罐、CNG储气瓶组和压力管道等。作为CNG和LNG的充装单位,储存有大量的CNG和LNG,并且时常进行CNG和LNG的车载气瓶充装,其危险程度不言而喻,所以建立特种设备双体系显得尤为重要。文章以车载气瓶充装为主体,对双体系的建设过程进行了介绍和分析,通过双体系的运行情况结合发现的问题进行了总结。通过双体系的建立和运行,切实减少了加气站在管理和使用过程中的安全隐患,对加气站的安全管理和安全保障具有重大意义。  相似文献   

邵玲 《中国科技博览》2009,(21):157-157
针对目前特种设备的总量越来越多,但是安全监管的人手始终跟不上形势发展的需要;特种设备安全监管的责任越来越重,但是监管装备、监管资金还不能满足监管工作的需要;特种设备安全的要求越来越高,但是基层安全管理人员的工作能力业务素质还不能较好地适应安全工作的需要;各级主管部门对特种设备安全工作越来越重视,但是特种设备使用单位的安全意识安全管理素质还跟不上安全工作的需要的矛盾,笔者从多年从事特种设备安全监察实践过程中探索了一种特种设备安全警示标志制度。这一制度的实施能节省行政监管资源,提高监管质量和效率,能有效促进保障特种设备的使用安全。  相似文献   

《特种设备安全监察条例》是我国第一部关于特种设备安全监督管理的专门法规。这部法规规定了特种设备设计、制造、安装、改造、维修、使用、检验检测全过程安全监察的基本制度。5年来,它在加强特种设备的安全管理,防止和减少事故,保障人民群众生命、财产安全等方面发挥了重要作用。5月1日,新修订的《特种设备安全监察条例》将正式实施。修改后的《特种设备安全监察条例》共8章,分为总则、特种设备的生产、特种设备的使用、检验检测、监督检查、事故预防和调查处理、法律责任、附则,共计103条。  相似文献   

《特种设备安全监察》分4篇9章。第一篇主要介绍特种设备基础知识和安全监察基础知识,第二篇主要介绍特种设备生产、经营、使用、检验、检测、作业人员的监督管理和特种设备事故调查与处理等内容,第三篇主要介绍特种设备法规标准知识,第四篇主要介绍特种设备安全监督管理相关人员执业资格与执业要求。读者对象主要是特种设备安全监察人员,也适应特种设备检验检测人员、鉴定评审人员等学习安全监察知识,同时也可作为向全社会宣传特种设备安全监察工作的专业书籍。  相似文献   

特种设备,是指对人身和财产安全有较大危险的锅炉、压力容器、电梯、客运索道、大型游乐设施等设备。一段时间来,电梯等特种设备事故频发造成对人员的重大伤害,引发公众对身边此类“安全陷阱”的担忧。《特种设备安全法》旨在进一步强化特种设备领域的安全保障,从制度上最大限度地降低“安全陷阱”对民众生命和财产的侵害。近日.为做好《特种设备安全法》的宣传贯彻,国家质检总局就相关事项作出重要通知。  相似文献   

《特种设备安全监察条例》宣贯暨特种设备安全监察工作会议召开国家质检总局于3月31日在北京召开《特种设备安全监察条例》宣传贯彻暨特种设备安全监察工作会议,号召全系统特种设备安全监察人员、行政执法人员、检验检测人员以及相关机构人员要以宣贯《条例》为契机,努力开创特种设备安全监察工作新局面。国家质检总局局长李长江在会上提出,各级质检部门要以宣贯《条例》为契机,真正做到六个到位,即:安全责任到位,建立特种设备安全监察责任制。动态监管到位,靠建立动态监督管理机制,实施有效跟踪监督。全面监管到位,尽快部署开展对气瓶、压…  相似文献   

6月29日,《中华人民共和国特种设备安全法》(以下简称《特种设备安全法》)由第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三次会议审议表决通过,自2014年1月1日起施行。该法进一步强化特种设备领域的安全保障,从制度上最大限度地降低"安全陷阱"对民众生命和财产的侵害,这部法律集中体现了以人为本,靠法律和制度来加强安全监管,保障平安  相似文献   

This paper investigates the characteristics of automobile accidents by taking into account two types of automobile insurance coverage: comprehensive vehicle physical damage insurance and voluntary third-party liability insurance. By using a unique data set in the Taiwanese automobile insurance market, we explore the bundled automobile insurance coverage and the occurrence of claims. It is shown that vehicle physical damage insurance is the major automobile coverage and affects the decision to purchase voluntary liability insurance coverage as a complement. Moreover, policyholders with high vehicle physical damage insurance coverage have a significantly higher probability of filing vehicle damage claims, and if they additionally purchase low voluntary liability insurance coverage, their accident claims probability is higher than those who purchase high voluntary liability insurance coverage. Our empirical results reveal that additional automobile insurance coverage information can capture more driver characteristics and driving behaviors to provide useful information for insurers’ underwriting policies and to help analyze the occurrence of automobile accidents.  相似文献   

通过公共领域电梯专项整治活动和最近电梯事故频发引起对电梯责任保险制度的思考,认为电梯责任保险制度可靠、有效地落实,对电梯事故防范以及风险规避是很有必要的。  相似文献   

One hundred and seventy-four drivers who had purchased special insurance coverage during 1988-1989 for in-vehicle equipment that included a radar detector were compared to a similarly sized and sociodemographically stratified driver population random sample. It was found that the radar detector owners had significantly more accident claims and speeding convictions during the period 1986-1989 than those representing the general driver population.  相似文献   

Data information systems for road accidents and road traffic must satisfy high standards of relevance and quality. The general outline of an improved system for collecting road accident data is given. The system is characterized by the use of statistical sampling methods. The police, the insurance companies and the hospitals are recommended as sources of information about the total accident population. A statistical sample of all identified accidents is then investigated in more detail by special local investigation groups. A hypothetical numerical example is given to show how the suggested system would work in practise. Road accident data should not be isolated from road traffic data. An improved system for collecting information on road traffic is also discussed. This consists of a basic system (founded on statistical sampling methods) for estimation of the total volume of traffic and a few other essential variables such as the volume divided into speed and vehicle types.  相似文献   

本文将均值-方差投资策略选择问题拓展为不允许卖空限制下保险公司的动态资产负债管理问题.首先运用复合Poisson过程刻画保险公司的负债,建立了保险公司的资产负债模型,并利用动态规划原理和识别定理得到了资产负债管理问题的值函数所满足的积-微分方程.然后借助Riccati方程构造了一个下半连续函数,并利用粘性解理论证明了其为积-微分方程的粘性上解.最后以闭式形式给出了保险公司的最优投资策略和有效边界,并用数值例子说明了投资策略、保费以及理赔额之间的关系.  相似文献   

天津港"8·12"特别重大火灾爆炸事故现场是刑事技术部门首次遇到的爆炸当量最大、最复杂的爆炸现场,其现场如何勘验无成熟的经验可循。通过对该事故现场勘验的前期准备情况、实地勘验过程和现场分析重建方法的认真梳理,对这类爆炸现场的处置总体原则、现场勘验的前提、现场勘验的基础、现场勘验的保障、现场勘验的方法等进行了总结和探讨,并结合此次现场勘验的经验和教训,从现场安全评估体系、现场环境监测装备、个人防护装备及使用、现场勘验的程序和方法、现场勘验装备、现场快速检验设备等方面,对今后有效地应对此类现场提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

Analysis of accident dosemeters usually involves the use of laboratory-based counting equipment. Gamma spectrometers are used for indium, copper and gold, and alpha-beta detectors for sulphur. This equipment is usually not easily transported due to the shielding required and the weight and delicacy of the counters. For intercomparison studies that require reading the dosemeters on site, a transportable system is required unless the site operating the study can count samples for all the participants. In the case of an actual accident these systems would have a difficulty in counting a large number of accident dosemeters. In an accident, personnel are usually subdivided according to their level of exposure. Those exposed to higher doses are treated immediately. An alternate system should be made available to handle the dosemeters worn by those personnel are likely to receive lower doses. Improvements in portable operational equipment for gamma and beta monitoring allow their use as spectrometers. Such a system was used for the SILENE intercomparison conducted at IRSN Valduc on 12 June and 19, 2002, and the preliminary results compared well with the other participants.  相似文献   

秦英凡  赵丽华 《标准科学》2017,(10):119-123
当前我国电梯保有量世界第一.作为列入国家目录管理的特种设备之一,电梯因其服务公众的特点,尤其是在公共场所使用的电梯、自动扶梯设备,一旦发生安全事故,社会影响巨大.据有关调查,导致电梯事故发生的主要原因是使用环节安全主体责任落实不到位.本文旨在围绕《中华人民共和国特种设备安全法》及有关技术规则的要求,对电梯使用单位落实安全主体责任的主要措施、方法进行了深入探讨.  相似文献   

天津港"8·12"特别重大火灾爆炸事故现场是刑事技术部门首次遇到的爆炸当量最大、最复杂的爆炸现场,其现场如何勘验无成熟的经验可循。通过对该事故现场勘验的前期准备情况、实地勘验过程和现场分析重建方法的认真梳理,对这类爆炸现场的处置总体原则、现场勘验的前提、现场勘验的基础、现场勘验的保障、现场勘验的方法等进行了总结和探讨,并结合此次现场勘验的经验和教训,从现场安全评估体系、现场环境监测装备、个人防护装备及使用、现场勘验的程序和方法、现场勘验装备、现场快速检验设备等方面,对今后有效地应对此类现场提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

The number of pedestrian–motor vehicle accidents and pedestrian deaths in China surged in recent years. However, a large scale empirical research on pedestrian traffic crashes in China is lacking. In this study, we identify significant risk factors associated with fault and severity in pedestrian–motor vehicle accidents. Risk factors in several different dimensions, including pedestrian, driver, vehicle, road and environmental factors, are considered. We analyze 6967 pedestrian traffic accident reports for the period 2006–2010 in Guangdong Province, China. These data, obtained from the Guangdong Provincial Security Department, are extracted from the Traffic Management Sector-Specific Incident Case Data Report. Pedestrian traffic crashes have a unique inevitability and particular high risk, due to pedestrians’ fragility, slow movement and lack of lighting equipment. The empirical analysis of the present study has the following policy implications. First, traffic crashes in which pedestrians are at fault are more likely to cause serious injuries or death, suggesting that relevant agencies should pay attention to measures that prevent pedestrians from violating traffic rules. Second, both the attention to elderly pedestrians, male and experienced drivers, the penalty to drunk driving, speeding, driving without a driver's license and other violation behaviors should be strengthened. Third, vehicle safety inspections and safety training sessions for truck drivers should be reinforced. Fourth, improving the road conditions and road lighting at night are important measures in reducing the probability of accident casualties. Fifth, specific road safety campaigns in rural areas, and education programs especially for young children and teens should be developed and promoted. Moreover, we reveal a country-specific factor, hukou, which has significant effect on the severity in pedestrian accidents due to the discrepancy in the level of social insurance/security, suggesting that equal social security level among urban and rural people should be set up. In addition, establishing a comprehensive liability distribution system for non-urban areas and roadways will be conducive to both pedestrians’ and drivers’ voluntary compliance with traffic rules.  相似文献   

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