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正一、概述1.目的意义2016年,我国全面实施了GB3095-2012《环境空气质量标准》。该标准中增设了PM2.5平均浓度限值,规定PM2.5年和24小时平均浓度限值分别定为0.035毫克/立方米和0.075毫克/立方米。PM2.5的监测及监测数据结果的准确性保证,已经成为政府环境保护工作的重点之一。PM2.5质量浓度监测仪是用于空气中PM2.5颗粒物监测、评价室内外空气质量的必备手段,其计量  相似文献   

通过目前室内PM2.5及VOCs采用的控制技术效果分析,特别针对具有集中通风空调系统的大型民用建筑,提出了可以结合其空调系统控制调节PM2.5和VOCs浓度的一种技术,并对方案设计和硬件构成进行了介绍。其中,PM2.5浓度的监测控制技术以滤膜称重法为核心原理,对室内空气中可吸入颗粒物浓度进行监测和越限报警,并据此调节空调新回风比例。VOCs浓度控制技术是在空调回风箱内利用光催化技术有效降解室内空气污染产生的挥发性有机物,该技术可以提高反应效率,减少二次污染少,改善室内空气品质。  相似文献   

细颗粒物PM_(2.5)浓度测量及计量技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍细颗粒物PM2.5浓度测量、测量仪器的量值溯源方法和标准装置、切割头切割特性的检测方法,以及检测用标准粒子的制备;研制PM2.5采样器切割头检测装置,制备粒径范围在1.04.0μmm的用于PM2.5采样器切割头切割特性检测的系列标准粒子,对可吸入颗粒物测量仪量值传递方法和准确性检验方法进行研究。通过本研究工作,可以建立PM2.5测量的参考方法,实现对PM2.5测量结果的准确溯源,使得PM2.5的检测数据可溯源至质量标准。  相似文献   

室内挥发性有害有机物限量标准研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
室内挥发性有害有机物的种类繁多,我国现有室内空气质量标准中有机物的限量指标只有甲醛、苯、甲苯、二甲苯、TVOC5种。我们通过研究发现室内空气中17种有机挥发性有害物质出现的频率较高,浓度较大,且对人体健康有很大的危害,世界各国和各地区的空气质量标准分别对这17种物质中的部分组分给出了安全限量。通过科学分析我们建议了涵盖甲醛、烷烃类、卤代烃类、苯系物等的室内挥发性有害有机物限量标准,使我国的室内空气质量控制指标更具有效性和针对性。  相似文献   

PM2.5监测2011年11月16日,环境保护部对外公布《环境空气质量标准》(二次征求意见稿)和《环境空气质量指数(AQI)日报技术规定》(三次征求意见稿),向全社会公开征求意见。《环境空气质量标准》(二次征求意见稿)的最大调整是将PM2.5、臭氧(8h浓度)纳入常规空气质量评价,并收紧了  相似文献   

室内空气中总挥发性有机化合物标准方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
室内空气中总挥发性有机化合物(TVOC)已成为衡量室内空气质量的一个重要指标,其对人体健康的各种危害已引起世界各国的广泛注意,并制定了许多相应的标准检测方法和限值指标。本文综合了目前分析室内TVOC的标准方法,从TVOC的定义、计算方法和检测方法进行了讨论,针对实际情况,为更好地检测室内空气中TVOC浓度,提高室内空气质量建议了相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

近日,由环境保护部科技标准司和中国环境科学学会主编的《PM2.5污染防治知识问答》正式出版。图书分为基本知识,PM2.5的来源、成因、转化,PM2.5的危害及环境影响,环境空气质量标准与PM2.5监测,大气环境管理与PM2.5污染控制,社会责任与公众参与六个部分内容,共102条问答。图书通过通俗易懂的语言,  相似文献   

以重庆的某办公建筑为研究对象,分别对冬季窗户开启、窗户关闭和空调开启三种通风形式下室内外PM2.5浓度、温湿度进行实测,研究通风形式对室内外PM2.5浓度关系的影响。结果表明:三种通风方式下室内外PM2.5浓度差分别为3.8±2.9μg/m3、15.6±7.2μg/m3、37.5±3.9μg/m3,室内PM2.5浓度总是低于室外。窗户开启时室内、外PM2.5浓度变化趋势相同,窗户关闭和空调开启时室内外PM2.5浓度逐时变化情况存在较大的差异。室内PM2.5浓度在窗户开启状态下受室外环境的影响最大,窗户关闭时次之,空调开启状态下影响最弱。通风形式和室内外温湿度都会对室内、外PM2.5浓度和I/O比产生影响。  相似文献   

2月10日,湖南省质量技术监督局正式发布了湖南省地方标准《生态家装工程通用规范》,该标准将于今年3月1日正式实施,这也是我国首个生态家装地方标准。该标准纳入了近年来消费者关注的环境热点如负离子浓度、PM2.5等质量指标,并将室内空气中的甲醛含量由国家标准的≤0.08 mg/m3,调低到≤0.06 mg/m3。该标准的出台,将对湖南省规范室内装饰装修施工和验收标准、保障消费者居家安全起到积极作用。  相似文献   

正《PM2.5防护口罩》团体标准甫一发布,就引起了人民日报、新华社、经济日报、光明日报、中央电视台、中国政府网等国家级媒体的连续追踪报道。抵御雾霾,拒绝PM2.5,中国民用PM2.5防护口罩终于有了自己的标准。2016年1月18日,中国纺织品商业协会在北京召开新闻发布会,正式发布《PM2.5防护口罩》团体标准(TAJ 1001-2015)。这是我国第一次针对PM2.5防护口罩发布团体标准,也是首个正式向社会发布的可以有效防护雾霾危害的口罩标准。《PM2.5防护口罩》团体标准由中国纺织品商业协会提出,中国纺织品商业协会安全健康防护用品委员会归口管理,经我国安全防护用品行  相似文献   

Nowadays particle size and mass concentration measurements are the important parameter of the ambient air quality standards of several countries. The regulatory limits of mass concentration of particulate matter (PM) for the size classes of PM2.5 and PM10, i.e., particle sizes of less than or equal to 2.5 and 10 μm in aerodynamic diameter, respectively in air are defined on yearly and hourly time-weighted-average basis. However, these limits are different in different regulations of the countries. Both of the parameters relate with the human health, climate and other issues, therefore accurate and precise measurement of these parameters are very important. Despite this, so far not much work has progressed in national metrology institutes (NMIs) worldwide on calibration and traceability issue of PM measurements. In this paper in context of PM measurement traceability, we present systematically the (1) air quality regulation in different countries, (2) reference methods for size and mass measurements, (3) variation/error and limitations of PM measurements based on the current results in this study and previously published results, (4) current status of PM size and mass calibration facility, (5) expected uncertainty in PM measurements, (6) add-on uncertainty in other parameters of national ambient air quality standards due to PM measurements, (7) where does traceability of PM issue stand against other parameters of air quality standards and its impact on health and climate, (8) NMIs working on this issue, (9) status at Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), France and (10) conclusion. The aim of this paper is to better understand the importance of international system of units (SI) traceability issue in PM measurements, so wherever and whenever it is measured, should be acceptable everywhere, and data should be comparable for improving air quality and thus the quality of life. Funding agencies should be aware of this issue, and accept the results from the principle investigators and team only when their results have the traceability link to SI. NMIs should make program to involve industries in gas and aerosol metrology work to fulfill the requirement of calibration and standards. The regulatory authorities/ministry should work together with NMIs to improve the data quality of ambient measurements. This will greatly help to better make the policies and decisions on the related impacts. These were also the ultimate goals of “one-day pre-AdMet workshop” organized at National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, India on February 20th, 2013.  相似文献   

2009年北京市春季大气颗粒PM_(2.5)和黑碳浓度变化特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了评价奥运会后车辆限行、施工减少等措施对北京市大气环境质量的影响,利用黑碳仪和颗粒物在线观测仪,于2009年4月26日—5月16日对北京市大气悬浮颗粒PM2.5质量浓度,2009年4月21日—5月21日对黑碳浓度实行连续观测,采用SPSS11.5和EXCEl2003对数据进行统计分析,获PM2.5和黑碳的日均值、小时均值和观测时段内小时均值的连续变化资料。结果表明:观测时段内PM2.5浓度日均值为(9.3±0.2)μg/m3,低于北京市以往同期记录,达到美国EPA的PM2.5推荐标准。黑碳浓度的日均值为(2319±18)ng/m3,低于我国其他城市和北京市历史记录。说明北京市实行的污染源控制手段收到了明显效果。PM2.5浓度呈现周变化趋势,日变化表现两个峰值。黑碳浓度日变化为一峰一谷,未出现以往研究的两个峰值,推测可能受晚间车辆和烹饪活动的影响,晚间峰值被次日升高趋势遮盖。  相似文献   

为了解室内外空气颗粒物PM2.5和总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)的污染状况,自2008年3月24日~4月3日在西安交通大学学生办公室、教师办公室、化学实验室和室外同时采集PM2.5和TSP样品,对其质量浓度及无机水溶性离子组分(Na+、NH4+、K+、Mg2+、Ca2+、Cl-、NO3-和SO42-)进行了分析。结果表明,室内外PM2.5和TSP浓度都远远高于美国空气质量标准规定的35μg/m3。室内外颗粒物浓度具有相同的变化趋势,且室内总体上低于室外。室内PM2.5在TSP中所占比例在65%~85%,室外在40%左右。室内外TSP和PM2.5中二次污染离子SO42-、NO3-和NH4+占总离子质量的50%以上,主要富集在细颗粒中。NH4+、K+和Cl-在总离子中的比例均为室内大于室外,PM2.5中大于TSP。Ca2+、Mg2+主要富集在粗颗粒上,室外含量远远高于室内。  相似文献   

The increasing importance of indoor air quality management on public transport led the Korean government to amend the indoor air quality control in public use facilities, etc. Act including modes of public transport under the Act from June 2013. Particulate matter (PM) in subway systems is reported as being mostly generated by friction—between the wheels and the rails, between the wheels and the brake pads, and between the catenaries and the pantographs. In order to reduce PM level in subway cabins, a newly developed subway cabin air purifier (SCAP) was installed on the ceilings of the cabins. In this study, we analyzed indoor PM concentrations through continuous measurement of PMs less than 10 μm in diameter (PM10) and PMs less than 2.5 μm in diameter (PM2.5) in the cabins of line 2 and line 5 of the Seoul metropolitan subway network, comparing the concentrations in cabins where SCAP devices were installed to cabins without them in order to verify SCAP effectiveness. In both cabins with and without SCAP, the ratio of indoor to outdoor PM10 (I/O for PM10) showed a two-times higher value in line 5 than in line 2, which indicated that the entirely underground line 5 was less ventilated with outdoor air. In addition, the ratio of indoor PM2.5/PM10 showed that coarse mode PM was more abundant in line 5 due to poor ventilation in the tunnel sections compared to that of line 2. Regarding the effectiveness of SCAP, it was found that changes of PM10 concentrations in line 2 and line 5 were from 132.8 to 112.2 μg/m3 (15.5 % efficiency) and from 154.4 to 114.2 μg/m3 (26.0 % efficiency) after SCAP installation, respectively.  相似文献   

PM2.5 concentration prediction is of great significance to environmental protection and human health. Achieving accurate prediction of PM2.5 concentration has become an important research task. However, PM2.5 pollutants can spread in the earth’s atmosphere, causing mutual influence between different cities. To effectively capture the air pollution relationship between cities, this paper proposes a novel spatiotemporal model combining graph attention neural network (GAT) and gated recurrent unit (GRU), named GAT-GRU for PM2.5 concentration prediction. Specifically, GAT is used to learn the spatial dependence of PM2.5 concentration data in different cities, and GRU is to extract the temporal dependence of the long-term data series. The proposed model integrates the learned spatio-temporal dependencies to capture long-term complex spatio-temporal features. Considering that air pollution is related to the meteorological conditions of the city, the knowledge acquired from meteorological data is used in the model to enhance PM2.5 prediction performance. The input of the GAT-GRU model consists of PM2.5 concentration data and meteorological data. In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed GAT-GRU prediction model, this paper designs experiments on real-world datasets compared with other baselines. Experimental results prove that our model achieves excellent performance in PM2.5 concentration prediction.  相似文献   

为研究高效的空气净化材料性能,采用涂覆技术制备了不同固含量氧化石墨烯(GO)薄膜,并测试了其对室内污染物的吸附性能及薄膜综合性能。采用扫描电镜(SEM)、电子能谱(EDS)、X射线衍射(XRD)、傅里叶红外光谱(FT-IR)和拉曼光谱对薄膜的形貌、成分及结构进行表征。研究表明,本文制备的GO薄膜综合性能优异,且对颗粒污染物(PM2.5、PM10)、甲醛(HCHO)及挥发性有机物(VOCs)的去除率达到97%、97%、91%和55%。当风速为0.3 m/s、压降18 Pa时,固含量40 mg/mL的GO薄膜(PP@40GO)对PM2.5去除率为97%,且具有较高的品质因素(QF)0.1948 Pa-1。本文制备的GO薄膜具有良好的综合性能。  相似文献   

A survey of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in residential air in Hangzhou, China, was carried out. Air samples were collected from indoor and outdoor environments during both summer and winter and analyzed for the level of 16 PAHs. The results showed total PAH contents ranging from 0.425 to 36.2 microg/m(3) with highest concentrations in the kitchen areas generally. Particulate PAHs were predominantly absorbed on PM(2.5) with proportion of 59-97% to total particulate phase, followed by PM(2.5-10) (3-24%) and PM(>10) (0-17%). PAH concentrations in indoor air of smoking residences tended to be higher than those of nonsmoking residences. Outdoor environment, Chinese conventional cooking practice, mothball emission and unknown source accounted for -10.5%, 32.8%, 71.5% and 6.2% of total PAHs in indoor air of nonsmoking residences, respectively. Outdoor environment was the fate for indoor PAHs in general, and consumed 10.5% of total PAHs. Finally, health risks associated with the inhalation of PAHs were assessed, and the results indicated that health-based guideline levels for lung cancer risk were exceeded. The largest contribution to total health risks in summer and winter was NA (72.9%) and BaP (45.2%), respectively.  相似文献   

随着人们的生活质量的提高,室内空气品质成为人们关注的热点,为把握目前新装修住宅室内空气污染现状,提高室内空气质量,提供构筑室内空气微污染物对策的基础依据,对某市新装修住宅室内空气进行了实地测试.根据某市20户新装修住宅室内微污染物种类及浓度现场测试和问卷调查结果,分析了新装修住宅室内污染物的状况,研究了影响微污染物浓度高低的主要因素.  相似文献   

Most of the modern air-conditioned buildings have a low fresh air supply to reduce energy consumption. This results in a poor indoor air quality (IAQ) and a 30–200% higher sick building syndrome than that of a naturally ventilated building. Alternatively, energy-efficient and eco-friendly earth air tunnel system (EATS) provides a good IAQ because of the sufficient fresh air supply. This paper presents the cooling performance and IAQ characteristics of a sparsely occupied building supported with an EATS. The building was monitored for the concentration of fine and coarse particulate matter (PM), carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO), temperature distribution and relative humidity (RH) in September and October 2012. The average PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 concentrations were 6.77, 6.11 and 3.17 μg/m3 respectively when the EATS was operated. These are marginally higher compared to that when the EATS was not operated. The average indoor CO2 level, air temperature and RH were 418 ppm, 26.5 °C and 58.2% respectively when the EATS was operated. The diurnal indoor CO2 trend relates well with photosynthetic and anthropogenic activities in and around the building. The CO2 and PM concentrations correlate well with indoor air temperature and RH with a time lag.  相似文献   

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