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提出了一种齿板-玻璃纤维混合面板和泡沫芯材组成的新型混合夹层结构,齿板通过齿钉与泡沫芯材相连。该结构采用真空导入成型工艺制备,通过三点弯曲试验研究该结构在不同跨度以及不同芯材密度情况下的破坏模式和弯曲性能,并与普通泡沫夹层结构进行对比分析,同时探究了齿板对该结构界面性能的影响。结果表明:在泡沫芯材密度为35kg/m~3、80kg/m~3和150kg/m~3情况下,齿板-玻璃纤维混合泡沫夹层梁弯曲承载能力与普通泡沫夹层梁相比分别提高了168%、211%和258%,其界面剪切强度依次为0.09 MPa、0.21 MPa和0.45 MPa;随着芯材密度和跨度的变化,该结构主要产生芯材剪切和芯材凹陷两种破坏形态,齿板的嵌入有效抑制界面的剪切失效。另外,利用理论公式估算了试件受弯极限承载能力,理论值与实测值吻合较好。  相似文献   

以泡沫铝为夹芯材料,玄武岩纤维(BF)和超高分子量聚乙烯纤维(UHMWPE)复合材料为面板,制备夹层结构复合材料。研究纤维类型、铺层结构和芯材厚度对泡沫铝夹层结构复合材料冲击性能和损伤模式的影响规律,并与铝蜂窝夹层结构复合材料性能进行对比分析。结果表明:BF/泡沫铝夹层结构比UHMWPE/泡沫铝夹层结构具有更大的冲击破坏载荷,但冲击位移和吸收能量较小。BF和UHMWPE两种纤维的分层混杂设计比叠加混杂具有更高的冲击破坏载荷和吸收能量。随着泡沫铝厚度的增加,夹层结构复合材料的冲击破坏载荷降低,破坏吸收能量增大。泡沫铝夹层结构比铝蜂窝夹层结构具有更高的冲击破坏载荷,但冲击破坏吸收能量较小;泡沫铝芯材以冲击部位的碎裂为主要失效形式,铝蜂窝芯材整体压缩破坏明显。  相似文献   

设计了聚甲基丙烯酰亚胺(PMI)泡沫、 交联聚氯乙烯(X-PVC)泡沫、 NOMEX蜂窝、 缝合PMI以及开槽PMI泡沫等形式的玻璃布面板夹层结构复合材料, 研究了芯材种类和厚度、 面板玻璃布层数以及缝合和开槽等因素对夹层结构低速冲击性能的影响。结果表明, PMI泡沫芯较X-PVC泡沫芯和NOMEX蜂窝芯具有更高的冲击破坏载荷和吸收能量。随着泡沫密度及面板厚度的增加, 夹层结构复合材料的冲击破坏载荷和破坏吸收能量增大。合理的缝合和开槽, 能够增加PMI泡沫夹层结构的强度、 刚度及界面性能, 提高冲击承载能力。  相似文献   

采用碳纤维和芳纶纤维增强复合材料对波纹夹芯结构的面板进行层间混杂铺层设计,通过真空辅助树脂灌注(VARI)成型工艺制备混杂波纹夹芯结构。在60 J、80 J和100 J三种不同冲击能量下,研究了面板混杂铺层方式对波纹夹芯结构低速冲击性能及冲击后压缩强度的影响,并利用超声C扫和工业CT断层成像两种无损检测技术对波纹夹芯结构的冲击损伤机制进行了分析。结果表明:冲击能量较低时,波纹夹芯结构的吸收能量基本不受面板的混杂铺层方式影响,而凹坑深度随表层碳纤维层数增加而减少。冲击能量较高时,面板为分层式混杂(碳/芳纶纤维单层交替铺层)的波纹夹芯结构的抗冲击性能最好,纤维断裂损伤和层间分层主要发生在试样表层,但损伤面积较大;面板为夹层式混杂(以碳纤维为蒙皮、芳纶纤维为芯材)的波纹夹芯结构具有较高的吸收能量,整个上面板的纤维都发生了断裂破坏,但损伤面积较小。碳/芳纶混杂波纹夹芯结构的面板采用分层式和夹层式的混杂铺层设计时,具有较高的冲击后压缩强度。  相似文献   

低速冲击作用下泡桐木夹层梁界面分层损伤机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纤维增强复合材料泡桐木夹层梁在使用过程中不可避免地会遭受各种各样的低速冲击作用而发生损伤,直接影响其剩余承载性能,本文假定泡桐木芯材在低速冲击作用下,会发生分层连续屈曲破坏,同时结合理想弹塑性地基理论,建立了泡桐木夹层梁相应的界面分层损伤数值模型。基于该模型,以塑性变形为参数计算了低速冲击时最大接触力的大小,并与试验结果相对比,误差在合理范围之内。  相似文献   

为考查泡沫铝夹芯梁面板材料对其抗冲击性能的影响,运用数值模拟方法计算了相同重量下面板材料分别为304#不锈钢、工业纯铝和HRB335级钢三种泡沫铝夹芯梁在不同冲量作用下的动力响应;分析了面板材料对泡沫铝夹芯梁跨中变形及芯材压缩应变的影响。结果显示,在冲量相同的情况下,面板材料对泡沫铝夹芯梁的抗冲击性能有一定的影响;爆炸荷载冲量越大,芯材的压缩应变越大,而且面板材料对压缩应变的这种影响也相应地增大。在较大的冲量作用下,HRB335级钢面板泡沫铝夹芯梁的跨中位移及芯材压缩应变都是三者中最小的。  相似文献   

为研究芳纶短纤维对复合材料夹芯材料/结构的界面及性能的影响,对具有芳纶短纤维增韧界面的碳纤维-泡沫铝夹芯梁进行了试验和细观增韧机制研究.在夹芯梁制备过程中,在碳纤维-泡沫铝界面加入低密度芳纶短纤维薄膜,通过短纤维的桥联作用,提高夹芯梁的界面黏接性能.研究了芳纶纤维增韧对夹芯梁面内压缩性能和破坏模态的影响,采用非对称双悬臂梁(ADCB)试验测量了不同增韧参数条件下,碳纤维表板与泡沫铝芯体之间的临界能量释放率.试验结果显示:在相同增韧参数条件下,Kevlar纤维增韧夹芯梁的面内压缩性能和界面临界能量释放率均较好,而混杂长度Kevlar纤维的界面增韧效果最优.通过对试件断面的SEM观测,分析了芳纶纤维增韧的细观增韧机制.  相似文献   

复合材料泡沫夹层结构由于其比强度高、比刚度高、耐腐蚀等特点已广泛在土木工程领域中获得应用。然而,由于复合材料面板与夹芯材料在温度荷载作用下热膨胀系数显著不同,因此在面板与芯材之间的粘结层会产生温度应力,因此会降低界面的粘结性能。本文通过试验研究,系统地给出了复合材料泡沫夹层结构界面温度-应变分布规律,并通过理论建模,提出了界面温度-应变分布规律的计算模型,通过对比实验值与理论值,验证了理论分析模型的精确性。  相似文献   

冷弯薄壁型钢增强复合材料(GCS)夹层梁由上、下玻璃纤维增强复合材料(GFRP)面板、轻质芯材和冷弯薄壁型钢组成.将薄壁型钢(压型钢板)嵌入巴萨木芯材内部,以提高其剪切刚度和极限承载力,薄壁型钢和纤维面板之间采用铆钉连接.通过3点弯试验对GCS夹层梁受剪性能进行研究,分析了薄壁型钢厚度、铆钉间距等参数对其剪切受力机理和破坏模式的影响.结果表明:相对于无薄壁型钢增强复合材料夹层梁,GCS夹层梁剪切刚度和极限承载力分别提高了98% ~133% 和71% ~127%;薄壁型钢厚度对GCS夹层梁剪切刚度和极限承载力影响不明显;GCS夹层梁剪切破坏模式为巴萨木芯材剪切和GFRP面板与薄壁型钢界面剥离破坏;铆钉能有效抑制GFRP面板与薄壁型钢间界面剥离破坏,提高夹层梁延性性能,间距越小,提高效果越明显.  相似文献   

马健  燕瑛 《复合材料学报》2013,30(1):230-235
为了发展缝合泡沫夹芯复合材料低速冲击损伤的多尺度分析方法, 建立了缝合泡沫简化力学模型, 将缝合泡沫等效为缝线树脂柱增强的正交各向异性芯材, 其材料参数由各组分性能及所占体积分数根据均一化理论计算得出; 同时, 建立冲击试验有限元模型, 通过界面元模拟面板与芯材之间的层间分层。采用GENOA渐进损伤分析模块对缝合结构冲击动态响应过程进行数值模拟, 并将计算结果与试验记录进行对比分析。结果表明: 缝合可以减小面板破坏面积, 抑制面板与泡沫分层的扩展; 但缝纫会对结构造成初始损伤, 较高的缝合密度使芯材刚度增加, 不利于泡沫结构的缓冲吸能。数值模拟结果与试验记录吻合良好, 验证了多尺度分析方法的正确性。  相似文献   

Polymeric foams are extensively used as the core materials in sandwich structures and the core material is typically bonded between relatively thin fibre-composite skins. Such sandwich structures are widely used in the aerospace, marine and wind-energy industries. In the present work, various sandwich structures have been manufactured using glass-fibre-reinforced polymer (GFRP) skins with three layers of poly(vinyl chloride) foam to form the core, with the densities of the foam layers ranging from 60 to 100 kg/m3. This study has investigated the effects on the quasi-static flexural and high-velocity impact properties of the sandwich structures of: (a) the density of the polymeric-foam core used and (b) grading the density of the foam core through its thickness. The digital image correlation technique has been employed to quantitatively measure the values of the deformation, strain and onset of damage. Under quasi-static three-point and four-point bend flexural loading, the use of a low-density layer in a graded-density configuration reduced the likelihood of failure of the sandwich structure by a sudden force drop, when compared with the core configuration using a uniform (i.e. homogenous) density layer. The high-velocity impact tests were performed on the sandwich structures using a gas-gun facility with a compliant, high-density polyethylene projectile. From these impact experiments, the graded-density foam core with the relatively low-density layer located immediately behind the front (i.e. impacted) GFRP skin was found to absorb more impact energy and possess an increased penetration resistance than a homogeneous core structure.  相似文献   

《Composites Part A》2007,38(6):1483-1492
This study explored a novel hybrid syntactic foam for composite sandwich structures. A unique microstructure was designed and realized. The hybrid foam was fabricated by dispersing styrene–butadiene rubber latex coated glass microballoons into a nanoclay and milled glass fiber reinforced epoxy matrix. The manufacturing process for developing this unique microstructure was developed. A total of seven groups of beam specimens with varying compositions were prepared. Each group contained 12 identical specimens with dimensions 304.8 mm × 50.8 mm × 15.2 mm. The total number of specimens was 84. Among them, 42 beams were pure foam core specimens and the remaining 42 beams were sandwich specimens with each foam core wrapped by two layers of E-glass plain woven fabric reinforced epoxy skin. Both low velocity impact tests and four-point bending tests were conducted on the foam cores and sandwich beams. Compared with the control specimens, the test results showed that the rubberized syntactic foams were able to absorb a considerably higher amount of impact energy with an insignificant sacrifice in strength. This multi-phase material contained structures bridging over several length-scales. SEM pictures showed that several mechanisms were activated to collaboratively absorb impact energy, including microballoon crushing, interfacial debonding, matrix microcracking, and fiber pull-out; the rubber layer and the microfibers prevented the microcracks from propagating into macroscopic damage by means of rubber pinning and fiber bridge-over mechanisms. The micro-length scale damage insured that the sandwich beams retained the majority of their strength after the impact.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is the fabrication and mechanical testing of entangled sandwich beam specimens and the comparison of their results with standard sandwich specimens with honeycomb and foam as core materials. The entangled sandwich specimens have glass fiber cores and glass woven fabric as skin materials. The tested glass fiber entangled sandwich beams possess low compressive and shear modulus as compared to honeycomb and foam sandwich beams of the same specifications. Although the entangled sandwich beams are heavier than the honeycomb and foam sandwich beams, the vibration tests show that the entangled sandwich beams possess higher damping ratios and low vibratory levels as compared to honeycomb and foam sandwich beams, making them suitable for vibro-acoustic applications where structural strength is of secondary importance, e.g., internal paneling of a helicopter.  相似文献   

《Composites Part B》2007,38(5-6):739-750
Large scale fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite structures have been used in highway bridge and building construction. Recent applications have demonstrated that FRP honeycomb sandwich panels can be effectively and economically applied for both new construction and rehabilitation and replacement of existing structures. This paper is concerned with impact analysis of an as-manufactured FRP honeycomb sandwich system with sinusoidal core geometry in the plane and extending vertically between face laminates. The analyses of the honeycomb structure and components including: (1) constituent materials and ply properties, (2) face laminates and core wall engineering properties, and (3) equivalent core material properties, are first introduced, and these properties for the face laminates and equivalent core are later used in dynamic analysis of sandwich beams. A higher-order impact sandwich beam theory by the authors [Yang MJ, Qiao P. Higher-order impact modeling of sandwich beams with flexible core. Int J Solids Struct 2005;42(20):5460–90] is adopted to carry out the free vibration and impact analyses of the FRP honeycomb sandwich system, from which the full elastic field (e.g., deformation and stress) under impact is predicted. The higher order vibration analysis of the FRP sandwich beams is conducted, and its accuracy is validated with the finite element Eigenvalue analysis using ABAQUS; while the predicted impact responses (e.g., contact force and central deflection) are compared with the finite element simulations by LS-DYNA. A parametric study with respect to projectile mass and velocity is performed, and the similar prediction trends with the linear solution are observed. Furthermore, the predicted stress fields are compared with the available strength data to predict the impact damage in the FRP sandwich system. The present impact analysis demonstrates the accuracy and capability of the higher order impact sandwich beam theory, and it can be used effectively in analysis, design applications and optimization of efficient FRP honeycomb composite sandwich structures for impact protection and mitigation.  相似文献   

The dynamic response of clamped sandwich beam with aluminium alloy open-cell foam core subjected to impact loading is investigated in the paper. The face sheet and the core of the sandwich beam have the different thickness. And the sandwich beam is impacted by a steel projectile in the mid-span. The impact force is recorded by using accelerometer. The results show that tensile crack and core shear are the dominant failure modes. And the impact velocity and the thickness of the face sheet and the foam core have a significant influence on the failure modes and the impact forces. Combining with the inertia effect and experimental results, the failure mechanisms of the sandwich beams are discussed. The thickness of the foam core plays an important role in the failure mechanism of the sandwich beam. In present paper, the failure of the sandwich beam with a thin core is dominated by the bending moment, while the sandwich beam with a thick core fails by bending deformation in the front face sheet and the bottom face sheet in opposite direction due to the plastic hinges in the front face sheet.  相似文献   

A plastic micro buckling approach is investigated in order to see whether it can be used to analytically predict the residual strength of carbon fiber sandwich structures.

A parametric study on impact damage resistance and residual strength of sandwich panels with carbon fiber-vinylester faces and PVC foam core is conducted. Two sandwich configurations are studied. The first configuration consists of thin faces and an intermediate density core, representative of a panel from a superstructure. The second configuration consists of thick faces and a high density core, representative of a panel from a hull. Two different impactor geometries are used. One spherical impactor and one pyramid shaped impactor are used in a drop weight rig to inflict low velocity impact damage of different energy levels in the face of the sandwich.

The damages achieved ranges from barely visible damages to penetration of one face. Residual strength is tested using in-plane compression of the sandwich plates either instrumented with strain gauges or monitored with digital speckle photography.  相似文献   

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