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针对连续碳纤维增强镁基(Cf/Mg)复合材料异形薄板件预制体制备成本高、性能不稳定等问题,提出了"仿形编织-环向缠绕-铺放定位-缝合增强"的低成本组合制备工艺,设计开发了与之相配套的预制体制备装置。通过理论与实验研究,确定薄板与凸台预制体分体制备:薄板预制体采用径向编织、环向缠绕,仿形无纬布织物与环向纤维层针刺合成,其中纬纱引纬张力控制在1.7~2.3N;凸台预制体采用无纬布横向叠层,再与环状薄板预制体缠绕缝合而成。所制备预制体外形完整,形态良好,环向碳纤维分布均匀、与径向增强碳纤维呈规则排列。经液固挤压制备的Cf/Mg复合材料异形薄板件表明,凸台与薄板连接强度良好,为成形高质量Cf/Mg复合材料异形薄板件奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的解决铝基复合材料异形件形状特征复杂,对良好的抗拉和抗剪切等使用性能有较高要求,制备难度较大等问题。方法提出了"铺层-缠绕-缝合"碳纤维异形件预制体制备方法,设计了直接式缝合、插销式缝合、整体式缝合3种成形方案,通过理论计算分析不同方案预制体的力学性能;在此基础上,采用液固高压成形Cf/Al复合材料异形件,并通过断口形貌、微观组织以及致密度的分析,解释了其力学性能提升的原因。结果根据较佳的预制体成形方法,成功制备了预制体和复合材料异形件;异形件内部未发现气孔、微裂纹等缺陷,Cf/Al复合材料拉伸强度达278MPa,较基体提高了114%。结论整体缝合法为较佳的预制体成形方案,可使构件具有较高的连接强度和定位精度;复合材料内部浸渗良好,致密度达98.59%,故该复合材料的力学性能较铝合金基体提升较多。  相似文献   

徐志锋  余欢  汪志太  郑玉惠  胡美忠  蔡长春  严青松 《功能材料》2007,38(10):1610-1613,1617
采用真空气压浸渗法制备了高体分小尺寸SiCp/Mg复合材料,研究了真空压力对小尺寸SiCp多孔体浸渗的影响规律及SiCp/Mg复合材料的热膨胀性能.实验表明,在浸渗温度为983K,压力0.3MPa,保压5min的条件下,其中,能有效浸渗的振实堆积的单一尺寸SiCp多孔体的最小粒径达到了13μm;而32μm的SiCp/Mg复合材料的密度为2.625g/cm3,SiC颗粒体积分数达到了58.2%.OM、XRD分析表明镁液渗透均匀,无明显的气孔、缩松和熔剂夹杂等铸造缺陷;Mg基体、α型SiC是复合材料的主要组成相,同时还含有少量的MgO、Mg2Si相.此外,32μm SiCp/Mg复合材料在30~200℃温度范围内的平均热膨胀系数为6.5×10-6/K,表现出了优异的热膨胀性能.  相似文献   

为制备性能较高的Cf/Al复合材料构件,选用M40J为增强体,AlMg5为基体,采用真空液相浸渗工艺,研究了复合过程中温度、涂层等工艺参数对槽形复合材料构件性能的影响.结果表明,预制件的预热温度对复合材料的性能有显著影响,预热温度由680℃降到620℃时,复合材料的抗拉强度提高了94 MPa;C-Al2O3涂层对复合材料的性能有较大影响,经涂层处理后的预制件制备的复合材料的最高强度比未经涂层处理的最高强度提高了50 MPa,构件的密度小于2.5g/cm3.  相似文献   

Al2O3f+Cf/ZL109铝基混杂复合材料的制备及热处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用预制体挤压浸渗法制备了Al2O3f Cf/ZL109短纤维混杂金属基复合材料,并研究了固溶和时效时间对该混杂复合材料力学性能的影响。结果表明:复合材料中两种纤维混杂分布均匀,经热处理后,复合材料基体组织细化,较佳的热处理工艺参数为510℃固溶4h,170℃时效4-8h。复合材料断裂主要为大角度的纤维脱粘所致。  相似文献   

以中间相沥青浸渍整体碳毡发泡技术制备的一种新型多孔C/C泡沫复合材料为预制体,通过液相硅浸渗(LSI)工艺制备了C/SiC复合材料,研究了预制体不同孔隙率对Si浸渗及C/SiC复合材料力学性能和微观形貌的影响,分析了复合材料的物相组成和晶体结构.结果表明,采用发泡技术可以快速有效地实现C/C预制体的致密化处理.预制体孔隙率为65.41%时液相硅浸渗处理后所得复合材料性能最好,密度为2.64g/cm3,弯曲强度为137MPa,弹性模量为150GPa.纤维未作表面抗硅化涂层处理以及复合材料中存在闭孔是C/SiC复合材料性能不佳的主要原因.  相似文献   

研究了真空压力浸渗法制备的两种3D-Cf/Al复合材料的微观组织,测试了在25、350及400℃时的剪切性能并分析了剪切失效机制.结果表明,三维五向与三维正交Cf/Al复合材料的致密度分别为97.8%和99.2%,两种复合材料都存在少量微孔缺陷,由于三维五向较三维正交结构而言,纤维束间的交织点数量多、纤维丝间的间隙小以及浸渗过程中铝液受到多个方向纤维束作用而导致的微孔缺陷要多;三维五向Cf/Al复合材料25、350和400℃的剪切强度分别为90.8、55.1和43.6 MPa,三维正交Cf/Al复合材料的则为27.3、33.7和25.2 MPa.造成两者复合材料剪切强度差异的原因主要是由于两者预制体中纤维承载方式不一样.其中,两种复合材料剪切破坏产生于"V"型口铝合金与碳纤维界面损伤处,剪切断口呈近似45°破坏,纤维束的受力变形导致两种复合材料剪切行为失效.  相似文献   

利用有机前驱体浸渍法制备了Si3N4网络陶瓷预制体,利用液态金属浸渗法制备出Al基、Mg基复合材料.分析了在浸渗过程中浸渗温度、润湿角、浸渗时间、浸渗高度的相互关系.在压力下金属液克服浸渗阻力,使浸渗得以完成.网络陶瓷骨架孔筋表面覆盖一层氧化膜有利于自发浸渗的进行.合金中适量镁元素的存在使界面上发生轻微化学放热反应,对浸渗有利.指出压力浸渗制备铝基复合材料与无压浸渗制备镁基复合材料的特点.探讨了这种复合材料抗压强度和摩擦磨损性能特点.指出Si3N4/Al复合材料,Si3N4/Mg复合材料抗磨擦性能明显优于基体,抗拉强度大大高于基体.  相似文献   

无压渗透法是制备SiCp/Al复合材料的重要技术.应用实验方法系统地研究了无压渗透法的工艺参数和添加元素对制备工艺的影响.结果表明,在无压渗透法制备SiCp/Al复合材料的工艺过程中,浸渗温度是浸渗过程顺利进行的重要因素,900℃的浸渗温度为最佳浸渗温度.适量加入Mg元素能提高熔融金属Al和增强体SiC颗粒之间的浸润性,获得结合强度好、孔洞和疏松较少的SiCp/Al复合材料,Mg元素的最佳含量约为1.2%(质量分数).适量添加Si元素能增强熔融铝液的流动性,降低SiC颗粒与Al液间的表面张力,改善其润湿性.  相似文献   

在粉末成形的基础上,结合金属半固态加工技术提出了金属/陶瓷复合材料伪半固态触变模锻成形工艺,并成功制备出 Al/Al2O3复合材料杯形件。微观组织观察及力学性能分析表明制件微观组织致密、力学性能优异。当铝体积分数增加到37%时,不同成形压力下复合材料制件抗弯强度可达430~690 MPa,断裂韧性达8.5~16.8 MPa·m1/2,与原位反应及高温氧化工艺相比抗弯强度及断裂韧性大幅度提高。同时分析了成形温度、成形压力等工艺参数对制件性能的影响。研究结果证明采用该工艺成形金属/陶瓷复合材料是可行的。  相似文献   

We report on the microstructure and optical properties of AlxOy–Pt–AlxOy interference-type multilayer films, deposited by electron beam (e-beam) deposition onto corning 1737 glass, silicon (1 1 1) and copper substrates. The structural properties were investigated by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. The optical properties were extracted from specular reflection/transmission, diffuse reflectance and emissometer measurements. The stratification of the coatings consists of a semi-transparent middle Pt layer sandwiched between two layers of AlxOy. The top and bottom AlxOy layers were non-stoichiometric with no crystalline phases present. The Pt layer is in the fcc crystalline phase with a broad size distribution and spheroidal shape in and between the rims of AlxOy. The surface roughness of the stack was found to be comparable to the inter-particle distance. The optical calculations confirm a high solar absorptance of ∼0.94 and a low thermal emittance of ∼0.06 for the multilayer stack, which is attributed not only to the optimized nature of the multilayer interference stacks, but also to the specific surface morphology and texture of the coatings. These optical characteristics validate the spectral selectivity of the AlxOy–Pt–AlxOy interference-type multilayer stack for use in high temperature solar-thermal applications.  相似文献   

The preparation conditions of the high TC ceramic superconductor Ba(Pb,Bi)O3 is correlated with the superconducting transition. Transition onsets of all materials are similar, but transition widths and transition completeness is strongly dependent on firing temperature. Only materials prepared over a narrow temperature range, resulting in a nearly ideal weight loss, have a complete and narrow transition.  相似文献   

The electrostriction in Pb (Zn13Nb23)O3 crystals has been investigated using a strain gauge method. In the ferroelectric phase below 140 C, the strain vs the electric field shows a hysteresis, which is ascribed to the effect of ferroelectric domains. A quadratic relation holds between the strain x and the electric polarization P as x = QP2 above about 170 C in the paraelectric phase. Values of the electrostrictive Q coefficients are determined from the measurements near 190 C, as Q11 = 1.6·10?2m4/C2, Q12 = ?0.86·10?2m4/C2, and Q44 = 0.85·10?2m4/C2.  相似文献   

The monoclinic-to-tetragonal structure transition of oxides V1?xMox02 with 0≤x≤0.20 has been studied by means of DTA, X-ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility (powder samples) and electrical conductivity (single crystals) measurements within the temperature region 80 K to 400 K. A linear decrease of the transition temperature of 11 K per atom % Mo was observed. The magnetic susceptibility of the low temperature phase was found to be temperature independent paramagnetic for all preparations. Electrical conductivity measurements on the same phase showed crystals with x ? 0.04 to be semiconducting, while a metallic behavior was observed in the region 0.10 ? x ? 0.14.  相似文献   

n-PbTep+?Pb1?xSnxTe heterojunctions with a long wavelength spectral cutoff (λc ≈ 6 μm) were prepared using the double-channel hot wall technique. The electrical and photoelectrical properties of the heterojunctions at 77, 197 and 300 K were investigated. Detectors with RoA equal to 170 Ω cm2 and a quantum efficiency of 25–40% were obtained. Reasons for the shift of the long wavelength spectral cutoff of the heterojunctions towards shorter wavelengths are given.  相似文献   

A high-pressure technique was adopted to obtain perovskite-type Pb(Li14Nb34)O3. A new perovskite Pb(Li14Nb34)O3 was characterized to have a cubic symmetry with ao = 4.069A?; Li and Nb ions in the B-site of perovskite lattice may be in a random arrangement.  相似文献   

Spectrally selective AlxOy/Pt/AlxOy multilayer absorber coatings were deposited onto corning 1737 glass, Si (111) and copper substrates using electron beam (e-beam) vacuum evaporator at room temperature. The employment of ellipsometric measurements and optical simulation was proposed as an effective method to optimize and deposit multilayer solar absorber coatings. The optical constants (n and k) measured using spectroscopic ellipsometry, showed that both AlxOy layers, which used in the coatings, were dielectric in nature and the Pt layer was semi-transparent. The optimized multilayer coatings exhibited high solar absorptance α ∼ 0.94 ± 0.01 and low thermal emittance ? ∼ 0.06 ± 0.01 at 82 °C. The Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS) data of AlxOy/Pt/AlxOy multilayer absorber indicated the AlxOy layers present in the coating were nearly stoichiometry. The scanning electron microscope analysis (SEM) result indicated that the average diameter and inter-particles distance of Pt grains were statistically about 146 ± 0.17 nm and 6-10 ± 0.2 nm respectively.  相似文献   

We have studied the influence of surface fields H/sub p/ (generated by either direct or alternating core current) on soft magnetic properties of amorphous and nanocrystalline Fe/sub 73.5/Cu/sub 1/Nb/sub 3/Si/sub 15.5/B/sub 7/ ribbon. While in an amorphous ribbon the coercive field H/sub c/ decreases with H/sub p/, in the same optimally annealed ribbon (H/sub c/=1.3 A/m, M/sub m//spl ap/M/sub s/) H/sub c/ increases with H/sub p/ for all the explored types of H/sub p/ (static and dynamic with different phases with respect to that of the magnetizing field H). The unexpected increase of H/sub c/ in nanocrystalline ribbon is associated with the influence of H/sub p/ on the surface and main (inner) domain structure. Here, we develop a model that takes into account this influence and explains the experimental results.  相似文献   

Integration of NiSix based fully silicided metal gates with HfO2 high-k gate dielectrics offers promise for further scaling of complementary metal-oxide- semiconductor devices. A combination of high resolution transmission electron microscopy and small probe electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis has been applied to study interfacial reactions in the undoped gate stack. NiSi was found to be polycrystalline with the grain size decreasing from top to bottom of NiSix film. Ni content varies near the NiSi/HfOx interface whereby both Ni-rich and monosilicide phases were observed. Spatially non-uniform distribution of oxygen along NiSix/HfO2 interface was observed by dark field Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy and EELS. Interfacial roughness of NiSix/HfOx was found higher than that of poly-Si/HfO2, likely due to compositional non-uniformity of NiSix. No intermixing between Hf, Ni and Si beyond interfacial roughness was observed.  相似文献   

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