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SIP(Session Initiation Protocol会话初始化协议)是用来生成、修改、终结一个或多个参与者之间的会话的应用层协议.SIP可应用于IP电话、IMP(Instant message & Presence即时消息与存在)、视频会议、IMS(IP Multimedia Subsystem IP多媒体子系统)等.关于SIP协议的实现很多,需要SIP一致性测试来规范SIP协议实现与RFC3261的符合程度,作为SIP协议实现之间互通的保证.  相似文献   

SIP(Session Initiation Protocol会话初始化协议)是用来生成、修改、终结一个或多个参与者之间的会话的应用层协议。SIP可应用于IP电话、IMP(Instant message &Presence即时消息与存在)、视频会议、IMS(IP Multimedia Subsystem IP多媒体子系统)等。关于SIP协议的实现很多,需要SIP一致性测试来规范SIP协议实现与RFC3261的符合程度,作为SIP协议实现之间互通的保证。  相似文献   

在TCP/IP协议族的应用层协议中,文件传输协议FTP具有很强的代表性。应用层协议的一致性测试,目前在国内尚未提上日程,国外则主要集中在协议分析(protocol analysis)上,本文介绍了TCP/IP协议一致性测试现状;研究以协议集成测试系统为测试平台,采用并发TTCN测试集描述语言,对FTP进行一致性测试的方法;并对应用层协议测试进行了一般性的总结。  相似文献   

针对密码协议在实际运行中遭受攻击的问题,设计了自适应容忍入侵的密码协议安全运行防护系统.该防护系统主要由入侵检测模块和容忍入侵模块组成.入侵检测模块采用基于特征和异常的混合入侵检测模式,使用有限状态自动机(FSM)匹配密码协议执行中的各状态参数,实时检测密码协议的运行情况,并把检测结果发送给容忍入侵模块,触发容忍入侵模块根据预先设计好的自适应调整策略,对密码协议的运行进行调节,以达到容忍攻击的目的.采用模拟试验对系统模型进行了仿真测试,测试结果表明该模型能够在一定程度上成功检测对密码协议的攻击行为,并具有容忍某些特定类型攻击的能力.  相似文献   

针对No.7公共信道信令ISUP(ISDN USER PART)协议的特点,分析了利用传统的分布式测试方法实现ISUP一致性测试系统的困难,并借用渡船测试方法的思想提出了一种ISUP协议一致性测试的新方法,其主要优点是较好地解决了上下测试器的同步问题。最后描述了基于这种方法实现的ISUP协议一致性测试系统。  相似文献   

通过对电路结构型固定故障与功能状态变换之间的分析,作者提出基于状态变换图(STG)的故障定义,并简要讨论了测试方法.最后,详细描述状态测试的过程压缩和故障精简问题.  相似文献   

冯子文  朱永利 《发电技术》2022,43(3):501-509
针对目前变电站倒闸操作票系统存在智能性和实用性不足的问题,研究了一种基于有限状态机(finite state machine,FSM)的操作票智能生成方法。根据变电设备与有限状态机之间的关系建立操作票生成模型,通过解析操作任务获取所有相关操作设备和初始状态,以每个操作设备事件作为状态,倒闸操作原则、转移后的设备事件等约束条件为输入信号,驱动有限状态机转移操作设备的状态,进行模型求解,实现操作票智能生成。通过算例对该方法进行验证,测试结果表明:该方法开出的操作票与实际操作票结果一致,能够高效、迅速地完成开票操作,智能性及实用性较强。  相似文献   

详细论述了隧道协议的一致性和互操作性测试的研究与实践。基于协议的测试需求分析,选择并实现了穿越测试法作为隧道协议的一致性测试方法。在实践过程中通过增加测试描述和扩充参考实现的功能,不仅实现了测试过程中对被测系统的自动配置,而且增强了测试例的可读性。对于隧道协议的互操作性测试,尝试提出一种基于并发TTCN操作语义的互操作性测试框架。  相似文献   

以路由协议OSPF(Open Shortest Path First)的LSDB(Link State DataBase)同步过程为例,提出一种测试架构,将C-TTCN(Concurrent Tree and Tabular Combined Notation)测试模型和全局行为分析器融于一体,降低了C-TTCN测试例编写难度并提高了测试系统的错误检测能力。  相似文献   

DCI确定美国的CineCert公司、日本的DMC/庆应义塾大学、意大利的媒体创新中心作为数字影院设备符合DCI规范的测试机构 2008年10月13日数字影院创导组织(DCI)宣布已经和美国CineCert公司、日本DMC/庆应义塾大学和意大利媒体创新中心签署一致性测试授权协议。这些机构将有权测试以确定数字电影设备和产品是否符合DCI的数字电影系统规范(DCI规范)。  相似文献   

彭亮  陈晓妹 《福建分析测试》2002,11(2):1569-1571
本文研究了用氢化物发生原子荧光法测中毒检材中砷含量。本方法是将中毒检材进行有机质的破坏,使检材中砷全部还原为三价砷,在盐酸介质中,以硼氢化钾作还原剂,将三价砷转化为砷化氢。以高纯氩气作为载气将砷化氢从母液中分离,并导入石英炉原子化器中原子化。以砷特种空心阴极灯作激发光源,激发砷原子发出荧光,荧光强度值在一定范围内与砷的含量成正比。本方法灵敏度高,精密度好,检出限为0.0550μg/L。  相似文献   

Cost of software testing can be reduced by automated test data generation to find a minimal set of data that has maximum coverage. Search-based software testing (SBST) is one of the techniques recently used for automated testing task. SBST makes use of control flow graph (CFG) and meta-heuristic search algorithms to accomplish the process. This paper focuses on test data generation for branch coverage. A major drawback in using meta-heuristic techniques is that the CFG paths have to be traversed from the starting node to end node for each automated test data. This kind of traversal could be improved by branch ordering, together with elitism. But still the population size and the number of iterations are maintained as the same to keep all the branches alive. In this paper, we present an incremental genetic algorithm (IGA) for branch coverage testing. Initially, a classical genetic algorithm (GA) is used to construct the population with the best parents for each branch node, and the IGA is started with these parents as the initial population. Hence, it is not necessary to maintain a huge population size and large number of iterations to cover all the branches. The performance is analyzed with five benchmark programs studied from the literature. The experimental results indicate that the proposed IGA search technique outperforms the other meta-heuristic search techniques in terms of memory usage and scalability.  相似文献   

We describe a method for generating multiple small sequences from the N terminal of peptides in unseparated protein digests by stepwise thioacetylation and acid cleavage. The mass differences between a series of N-terminally degraded peptides give short sequences of defined length. Such short "sequence tags" together with the mass of the parent peptide can be used to identify the protein in a database. The sequence ladders are generated without the use of chain terminators or sample aliquoting and the degradation reagents are water soluble so that the chemistry can be carried out on peptides immobilized on C-18 reversed-phase supports without any peptide loss due to washing with organic solvents as occurs in Edman type sequencing. The entire procedure can be automated, and we describe a prototype device for the parallel analysis of multiple samples. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this chemical tagging method in a comparison with Edman sequencing, peptide mass fingerprinting, and MS/MS analysis of crude protein fractions obtained from an HPLC separation of the Escherichia coli ribosome complex which consists of 57 proteins. We show that chemical tagging is a viable first-pass high-throughput identification method to be used prior to an in depth MS/MS analysis.  相似文献   

3G终端EVM指标一致性测试算法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金磊  王冰  李春媛 《高技术通讯》2006,16(8):771-777
分析了EVM指标一致性测试需求和传统测试算法的缺陷,提出了一种基于准确的频偏估计和初始相位估计,快速、精确地测量终端EVM指标的算法.该算法不需要对信号进行解调,而是通过高精度的频偏估计和初始相位估计,快速、准确地恢复参考信号并计算终端的EVM指标,因此实现复杂度.将该算法的仿真结果与现有专业仪表的测试结果进行了比较,证明该算法耗时短,精度高,完全可以满足3G终端EVM一致性测试的需求,同时适合作为3G终端射频测试仪表的关键性算法.  相似文献   

结合汽车道路性能测试特点,给出制定CAN总线通信协议应遵循的基本原则,设计了网络拓扑结构,在借鉴J1939等CAN总线应用层协议的基础上设计出了适合于汽车道路性能测试的CAN总线通信协议,协议有效性在GCM06型机动车道路性能综合测试仪中得到验证.  相似文献   

王小庆  金先龙 《振动与冲击》2014,33(21):102-107
针对大规模网格串行生成的时间和内存瓶颈问题,阐述了一种非结构化四面体网格并行生成方法,首先对几何体进行初始网格划分,并通过相对体积比及最优分区控制初始网格数量;然后采用图论图划分方法对初始网格进行区域分解;最后采用分裂法进行并行网格生成。提出的基于共享单元的边界判定方法,有效地解决了分区边界节点的匹配问题。通过算例证明了该并行网格生成方法具有良好的并行效率,同时可以产生高质量的四面体网格。  相似文献   

Accelerated degradation test (ADT) is generally used to accelerate degradation processes in products to estimate their lifespan and to assess their reliability in a short period of time. How to perform the failure mechanism consistency test is crucial in the application of the ADT method. Existing failure mechanism consistency test methods assume that degradation rates among individual products are the same. However, these methods do not take degradation dispersions caused by manufacturing technologies into consideration. To address this issue, a failure mechanism consistency test method for ADT based on the activation energy invariant method and the likelihood ratio test is proposed. First, a degradation modeling method for ADT is introduced. Then, the logarithmic maximum likelihood function values of the degradation models are estimated based on the two-step maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method. Finally, the decision rule is proposed based on the likelihood ratio test. The method mentioned above is, then, used on the real degradation data of carbon-film resistors and bullet O-rings, and its effectiveness is verified. Furthermore, based on the failure mechanism change point in RTV5370 siloxane rubbers, the simulated degradation data are degenerated to compare the proposed method with the method not considering individual differences in different ADT programs and degradation dispersions.  相似文献   

This article describes a test piece that minimizes the spread of the results of testing of composite materials on a metal base by extension in the direction of a reinforcing fiber and, from the results, determines the mechanical properties of intermediate and finished products made of these materials.Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 10, pp. 39–40, October, 1993.  相似文献   

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