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低频多模式超声兰姆波超薄弹性层定征方法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
提出了用低频多模式超声兰姆波定征方法来估计超薄弹性层的纵波声速、横波声速、厚度和密度等参数。这里“超薄”是指材料厚度h远小于材料中的声波波长λ,由此导致地时域上材料前后界面的各次回波信号相互混选。中采用水浸耦合方式,结合空间波场设计和泄漏兰姆波频域分析方法获取了材料零阶对称与反对称模式兰姆波色散曲线,并以色散特性为基础的零阶对称模式兰姆波定征方法、简化方法、零阶反对称模式兰姆波定征方法和最小二乘  相似文献   

本文提出低频超声类瑞利波定征方法来估计覆层/基层层状复合结构超薄覆层的纵波声速、横波声速、厚度和密度等参数。这里“超薄”的概念是指覆层厚度h远小于覆层中的声波波长λ,导致在时域上覆层前后界面的各次回波信号相互混迭。文章采用水楔耦合方式,利用超声漏类瑞利波频域分析方法获取层状复合结构超声类瑞利波色散曲线,提出以色散特性为基础的低频超声类瑞利波覆层定征方法和在最小二乘意义下以色散曲线为基础的反向算法对覆层进行了参数估计。文中分析了影响估计准确性的各种因素,研究了低频超声类瑞利波定征方法对覆层各参数的灵敏度及其在误差传递中的意义。实验结果证实,对于银箔/玻璃层状复合结构,该方法能够准确估计厚度小到26μm银箔覆层的声学参数。  相似文献   

本文提出低频超声类瑞利波定征方法来估计覆层/基层层状复合结构超薄覆层的纵波声速,横波声速,厚度和密度等参数。这里“超薄”的概念是指覆层厚度h远小于覆层中的声波波长λ,导致在时域上覆层前后界面的各次回波信号相互混迭。文章采用水楔耦合方式,利用超声漏类瑞利波频域分析方法获取层状复合结构超声类瑞利波色散曲线,提出以色散特性为基础的低频超声类瑞利波覆层定征方法和在最小二乘意义下以色散曲线为基础的反向算法对  相似文献   

超薄弹性层低频超声频域定征方法   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
张锐  万明习  钱明  王波 《计量学报》1998,19(4):291-298
本文提出一种定量无损估计超薄弹性层声速、厚度和密度参数的低频超声波频域定征方法。这里“超薄”的概念是指材料厚度远小于材料中声波波长,导致在时域上材料前后界面的多次回波信号相互混迭。本文采用超声纵波垂直入射超薄层材料,分析了水浸耦合和耦合剂耦合两种情况下,材料反射波和透射波的组成,定义和推导了材料的反射与透射传递函数,提出了在最小二乘误差意义上分别使用材料传递函数幅度谱、相位谱和复谱对各参数进行反向估计的算法,分析了影响估计准确性的各种因素,研究了灵敏度函数在误差传递中的意义。实验结果表明该方法能够对厚度小于百分之一声波波长的超薄弹性层进行无损定征。  相似文献   

纤维增强复合材料中兰姆波的传播因其在无损评价中的应用而成为广泛研究的课题。一般采用传递矩阵法对各向异性多层媒质进行建模。虽然这种方法较为方便,但在大频厚积时会出现数值不稳定。本文作者对Nafeh的传递矩阵方法进行改进,所得到的全局矩阵方法具有较好的稳定性,其程序能有效地产生兰姆波的频散曲线。纤维增强复合材料中兰姆波的传播受多种因素的影响,层数的影响是其中之一。给出了不同层数复合板中兰姆波的相速度频散曲线以及两个基本模式a0s0沿板厚方向的应力分布。这些数值示例为层状各向异性复合材料板的无损评价提供了理论依据。   相似文献   

具有导电各向异性的高分子复合材料(ACPCs)在场发射装置及传感器设计领域具有重要应用。常规的ACPCs很难获得超大导电各向异性系数,且力学性能有限。本文采用碳纤维(CF)宽展、表面浸润与树脂复合一体化超薄热塑性单向带制备方法,制备厚度为0.04 mm和0.1 mm的CF增强聚醚醚酮(CF/PEEK)复合材料单向带,以PEEK纤维为纬线制备CF/PEEK复合材料单向编织布,采用热成型工艺制备CF/PEEK复合材料单向层合板。利用数字万用表和霍尔效应系统测试层合板面内及厚度方向的电阻率和面内的电子迁移率;采用超景深显微镜观察CF/PEEK复合材料单向层合板面内和厚度方向的纤维排列形貌。结果表明,超薄CF/PEEK复合材料单向层合板面内(纤维方向与横向)导电率之比高达377,而面内横向和厚度方向的导电率之比接近1,表明CF/PEEK复合材料获得了良好的横观各向同性;超薄化CF/PEEK复合材料的面内电子迁移行为同样具有巨大的各向异性,这一结果为CF/PEEK复合材料在场发射器件、传感器设计及其灵敏度调控方面提供了实验基础。   相似文献   

纤维增强复合材料横向弹性常数   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出了一个计算单向纤维增强复合材料横向弹性模量和泊松系数的边界元计算模型.泊松系数ν12ν32ν13ν23的计算结果与实验结果吻合得很好.碳纤维增强复合材料横向模量E2E3的计算值也和实验结果完全吻合,而玻璃纤维/环氧横向模量E2E3的计算值却比实测值偏小约10%~25%.予计这是由于本文计算模型未考虑界面层的性能,它对材料的宏观性能产生了较明显的影响.   相似文献   

铁电陶瓷/铁氧体复合材料的相结构与介电性能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
研究了铁电陶瓷/铁氧体混合烧结体的相结构与介电性能。在900℃制备出铁电陶瓷/铁氧体复合材料,该复合材料是介电材料相与铁氧体材料相共存的复相陶瓷。铁电陶瓷/铁氧体复合材料的介电性能在低温区域主要是介电材料相起作用,而铁氧体材料主要在高温部分对复合材料的介电性能起作用。采用两相混合分布的介电常数计算公式拟合了复相陶瓷的介温曲线,并提出修正指数因子αβ,建立修正方程。   相似文献   

冲击载荷下CFRP及GFRP层板断裂韧性的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用Hopkinson杆加载装置, 对带有单边切口的炭纤维增强复合材料(CFRP)及玻璃纤维增强复合材料(GFRP)层板试件进行冲击拉伸加载实验。根据一维应力波理论求得作用于试件上的载荷P(t)和试件加载点的位移δ(t)。 根据试样中应力随时间的变化历史σ(t), 并基于断裂韧性测试原理, 建立了动态应力强度因子K (t)响应曲线。利用柔度变化率方法确定起裂时间, 分别得到在两种加载速率下CFRP、 GFRP层板的动态断裂韧性。结果表明, 随着加载速率的提高, 这两种复合材料的断裂韧性降低。   相似文献   

空间超高频遥感反射器(工作频段600 GHz以上)在轨运行过程中,由于空间温度变化不均匀会产生热变形问题。为了保证反射面的电气性能,空间超高频遥感反射器要求反射面的型面精度均方差值r ≤ 10 μm。本文创新性地提出了一种单曲面板栅格结构反射器,利用有限元仿真分析软件对反射器进行热变形分析。研究了反射器的不同结构参数对反射面热变形的影响,并以低热变形为原则对反射器结构参数进行优化。优化后的结果仍然不能满足空间超高频遥感反射器的型面精度要求,因此设计并制备了一种热膨胀系数α ≤ 0.5×10-7℃-1的零膨胀材料。这种零膨胀材料是将碳纤维增强聚合物基复合材料(CFRP)与芳纶(Kevlar)纤维织物按照一定比例交错循环铺层,利用该比例调整反射器层压板铺层,可以使反射面热变形降低至7.94 μm,满足空间超高频遥感反射器的型面精度要求。   相似文献   

超薄弹性层超声反射波频域测厚法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了克服超声体积波测量方法只适用于测试厚度大于声波波长的弹性层的缺点,提出了频域相对传递函数法测量超薄弹性层的厚度的新方法.在推导超薄弹性层相对反射传递函数的基础上,用相对反射传递函数幅度谱、相位谱和复谱定征超薄弹性的厚度,分析了影响估计准确性的各种因素,研究了相对反射传递函数对厚度的灵敏度函数在误差传递中的意义.实验结果表明:相对传递函数法能够测量厚度为波长百分之一的铝薄层的厚度,相对误差小于2.5%,其中用幅度谱定征得到的结果最准确.这表明相对传递函数法可以有效地测量超薄弹性层的厚度,在实际应用中更加实用,其定征的准确性主要由相对传递函数对厚度灵敏度函数和测量误差共同决定.  相似文献   

A Lamb wave device composed of a piezoelectric plate loaded with a nonviscous liquid layer is presented. The relation between the Lamb wave phase velocity and the liquid density can be used for liquid density sensing. In this paper, utilizing the partial wave theory, the concept of effective permittivity is introduced to analyze the Lamb wave's excitation and the phase velocity calculation under a certain liquid density. The interface between the Lamb wave device and the liquid layer is metallized to eliminate the influence of liquid electrical properties when sensing liquid density. Based on the theory model, the phase difference measurement method is adopted to study the device's sensitivity to liquid density. In order to achieve high sensitivity to liquid density with sufficient excitation efficiency of Lamb wave, the optimal parameters of the Lamb wave device including plate thickness and cut orientation are obtained by numerical calculation. The experimental results are found to be in agreement with the theoretical simulations, verifying the validity of the theory model and the practicability of the optimization design.  相似文献   

The effect of introducing attenuation on Lamb wave dispersion curves is studied in this paper. Attenuation is introduced to a three-layered composite plate by an adhesive bond layer with viscous behavior. No changes are required to the transfer matrix formulation for the propagation of elastic waves. By introduction of a complex wavenumber, the model can be used to the propagation of attenuative Lamb waves. Numerical examples for a three-layered aluminium-epoxy-aluminium plate show that attenuation values of each mode in plates are related not only to attenuation, but also to the thickness of the bonded layer, which is in agreement with practical situations.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a flexible piezoelectric transducer for the generation and detection of ultrasonic symmetrical Lamb waves in plate-like structures. This piezoplatelet transducer structure comprises an array of miniature piezoceramic plates embedded within a soft setting polymer filler material, combining the efficiency of the active piezoceramic phase with a degree of flexibility, which is a function of the platelet/polymer dimensions. For many condition-monitoring applications, the generation of ultrasonic Lamb waves is often appropriate, and this was achieved by incorporating interdigital design techniques via the transducer electrode pattern. The performance of the piezoplatelet transducer structure was evaluated using a combination of linear systems and finite-element modeling, substantiated by experimental results. Importantly, the transducer is shown to operate as an ensemble of platelets, each operating in the thickness mode and well decoupled from neighboring piezoelectric elements. Using this transducer configuration, an unimodal s1 Lamb wave, at 1.45 MHz, has been generated and detected in a 3-mm thick steel plate. Furthermore, a propagation distance of almost 1 m was recorded for s0 Lamb wave generation/detection in a fiber-reinforced composite plate.  相似文献   

The influence of a specified damage on transient propagation of Lamb wave in a composite laminated plate is studied by finite element analysis. The finite element formulation is developed for the laminated plate with embedded or surface-bonded piezoelectric layers. A higher order laminate model is used to describe the displacement field of both composite laminate and piezoelectric layer. The damaged area is modeled by a localized loss of stiffness and quantified by a degradation coefficient . Piezoelectric materials act as both actuators and sensors for generating and receiving Lamb waves. Numerical results show that the waveform, wave peaks and the arrival time of the transmitted Lamb wave are distinctly correlated with quantified degradation coefficient of the damaged area, which are helpful to damage detection for a composite laminated plate in a new way.Tel (Res).: 86-29-88242204, Tel (Off).: 86-29-88213623-8026  相似文献   

采用有限元方法数值模拟了单脉冲激光热弹激发双层材料中的超声波,得到了材料的上下表面的应力场分布。通过对铝板中的波形进行快速傅里叶变换得到频率信号,计算出波包群速度,判断出材料中兰姆波的模态。结果表明:受基底影响,在双层材料的上层铝板中得到了三种模态的兰姆波。该研究为复合材料激光超声的应用研究提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

研究了一种基于压电传感器阵列和主动Lamb 波的结构损伤成像方法,有助于克服Lamb 波在板结构中、特别是在复合材料板结构中存在的频散、多种模式及模式转换的现象给结构健康监测带来的困难。分析了结构多损伤散射信号的时间反转聚焦原理,在此基础上提出了一种基于Shannon 复数小波和时间反转聚焦的信号合成成像方法。该方法中,确定Lamb 波响应信号的到达时刻是信号能够准确聚焦的关键因素之一。提出了利用Shannon 复数小波变换计算Lamb 波响应信号到达时刻的方法。在碳纤维复合材料板结构上对整套信号合成成像方法进行了验证。研究结果表明,该方法能够有效地对同一个监测区域中的多个损伤进行成像定位。相对于30 cm ×30 cm 的监测区域,定位误差不超过2 cm。该方法有助于结构健康监测技术的工程应用。   相似文献   

为了监测整体成型复合材料结构的损伤,提出了一种基于Lamb波和Hilbert变换的能量损伤指数。首先,通过应用Hilbert变换提取Lamb波信号的波形包络;然后选取具有最大峰值的波包,将此波包在结构出现损伤后的能量变化值与损伤前的能量之比作为损伤指示;该方法不需要选择特定的Lamb波模式,克服了Lamb波在复合材料结构中存在的频散、多模式及模式转换给信号分析带来的困难;最后在复合材料T型加筋的损伤演化试验中,对该能量损伤指数进行了应用验证研究。研究结果表明:该能量损伤指数可以用于复合材料T型加筋的损伤监测,当能量损伤指数(EDI)值达到0.62时,所研究的复合材料T型加筋确定有损伤产生。  相似文献   

An alternative acousto-ultrasonic (AU) technique has been developed for nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of fiber-reinforced composites. The technique measures the time of flight (TOF) of AU waves, instead of the stress wave factor, by two low-frequency (0.5 MHz) transducers and relates TOF to material properties and fiber orientation. As the transducer separation increases, the measured time-domain AU signals clearly separate into two groups, since the excitation is under the first critical frequency, which correspond to the first two fundamental modes of the Lamb waves. One is an antisymmetric mode with slower propagation velocity and is highly dispersive, while the other is a symmetric mode with faster propagation velocity, which is very close to that of the longitudinal bulk wave, and is nearly nondispersive. The phase velocity in the composites can be accurately determined from the slopes of the TOF curves, and depends strongly on the azimuthal angle, frequency, and plate thickness. If the wave propagates away from the fiber direction, a slower but more attenuated wave is observed. Phase-velocity curves in azimuthal angles were obtained for E-glass/polyester, S-2-glass/epoxy, and Kevlar 49 composites. The theoretical solutions, for the longitudinal bulk wave and Lamb wave, are obtained by solving an eigenproblem once the material mechanical properties are defined. Good agreement is obtained between the measurements and the theoretical calculations  相似文献   

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