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介绍了基于Kirrchhoff近似理论和扰动近似理论建立的双基地海底散射模型,给出了散射强度与双基地声呐各角度之间的明确关系式。仿真实验结果表明,双基地海底散射与角度配置关系复杂,通过合理配置双基地各角度,可以减少海底混响对双基地声呐的影响。  相似文献   

随机起伏界面声散射的实验与理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
孟昭然  孙辉 《声学技术》2014,33(4):299-303
进行了二维粗糙海面声波散射特性的水池实验,测量了不同入射角、散射角以及方位角条件下所对应的散射强度。实验通过不同位置风扇对水面的吹拂获得粗糙水面,分别对水平面上互相垂直的两个方向上的水面波高变化进行了测量,利用周期图法估计出这两个方向上的空间功率谱,验证了实验中的粗糙水面是各向同性的。利用改进的空间域处理技术去除了总声波信号中的直达波和其他固定位置散射体的散射信号,获得了粗糙水面的声波散射信号。利用小斜率近似方法计算了二维粗糙海面的声散射特性。实验与模拟计算结果比较,证实了计算二维粗糙海面声波散射特性的小斜率近似方法的有效性与准确性,相互印证了实验与理论。  相似文献   

小斜率近似方法分析粗糙界面声散射问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
陈小泉  马忠成 《声学技术》2009,28(6):725-728
利用小斜率近似方法计算了起伏海面的声散射特性,得到了具有高斯分布粗糙海面的平均反射系数(即镜反射系数)计算公式,并与微扰法和Kirchhoff近似做了比较,结果表明小斜率近似是一种非常有效的分析起伏表面散射特性的近似方法。最后讨论了海面镜反射系数随海面的不平整度(波浪的均方根高度)、声波频率和声波入射方向的变化关系,得出了只有在声波波长和起伏波浪高度可比拟时,才有明显的镜反射的结论。这为分析浅海目标声散射特性时,选择是否需要考虑海面(海底)所引起的多途效应提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

吴金荣  高天赋 《声学技术》2003,22(Z2):200-202
1引言 浅海混响一直是近年来水声研究的一个活跃而有意义的研究领域.到目前为止已经有多种理论模型,如Ellis[1]的浅海简正波混响模型;Smith[2]和Co1lins[3]各自的抛物方程混响模型;Schmidt[4]的波数积分混响模型等.对于比较平静的海面或负梯度声速剖面,在估算浅海混响强度时往往只需要考虑海底散射而忽略海面和体积散射的影响[5],故本文在浅海混响建模时仅考虑了海底界面混响.Schmidt领导的研究小组利用全波动散射模型研究混响的统计特性,对混响的能量衰减特性研究相对较少.本文从一个十分简单的方式对浅海混响能量衰减进行研究,即利用波数积分方法计算声波从发射换能器到散射体和从散射体到接收水听器的传播,同时采用经验散射函数来描述海底界面散射特性,然后给出混响强度随时间的变化关系;最后给出了数值计算结果,并与实验数据做了比较.  相似文献   

分析了海底混响包络非瑞利化的原因,将基于物理过程的K分布混响模型和Jackson海底散射模型相结合,建立了基于物理散射的单基地海底混响仿真模型。将海底混响统计特性与声呐波束宽度、带宽、频率、掠射角等系统参数和散射体尺寸、散射强度、分布密度等环境参数联系起来,同时兼顾了海底混响的统计特性和物理形成机制,仿真结果验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

利用弹性抛物方程理论中的单向散射近似法处理倾斜弹性体-弹性体的边界条件,建立了不同地形条件下具有弹性分层海底的海洋环境中声场计算的新方法;经仿真分析等深度均匀海水层覆盖下具有倾斜弹性体-弹性体边界的弹性分层海洋环境中低频声场的空间分布结构,表明当弹性沉积层中纵波波速不大于1.5倍水中声速时,声压传播损失完全由海水介质参数和海底底质决定,与沉积层下界面地形关系不大,且弹性界面处有明显的界面波(Stoneley波)存在,即弹性体-弹性体界面的地形变化,基本不影响海水中的声场分布。与能量守恒方法相比较,仿真验证了文中计算方法的准确性。  相似文献   

赵梅  胡长青 《声学技术》2015,34(2):103-108
海底反射特性在浅海声传播中起着决定性的影响。用小掠射角下海底反射损失随掠射角变化率Fd B构建单参数模型可很好地描述浅海海底特性。对单参数模型进行深入研究和改进,建立了在浅海负跃层条件下描述水下声场的海底单参数模型,并利用数值仿真和海上实验数据,对浅海负跃层海底单参数模型水下声场预报的正确性进行了验证。  相似文献   

"不规则海域"是水平边界和海底边界形状不规则的海域。从边界混响产生的物理机理出发,以射线声学为基础,用Lambert散射定律计算海底和侧壁面的散射,建立浅海不规则海域混响强度模型。该模型仿真计算出的收发合置平均混响强度与实验数据测得的混响强度相符。该混响强度模型能准确地计算此类海域的平均混响强度。  相似文献   

唐晓丹  屈科  胡长青 《声学技术》2013,32(3):208-211
用海底反射损失对掠射角的斜率作为单个参数描述海底可以简化地声反演过程,快速获得海底的地声性质。基于单参数模型及其相干声场的反射相位近似关系,利用匹配场处理技术反演海底性质。通过Hamilton地声模型中的密度声速关系,同时获得海底的密度和声速值。对2001年中美东海联合实验(ASIAEX 2001)实验数据进行了反演,获得海底地声参数。最后利用反演结果进行传播损失预报及海底沉积物辨别,其效果证实了基于单参数海底模型反演方法的有效性及实用性。  相似文献   

针对传统深水多波束测深系统海底回波信号仿真方法计算量大和不适用于存在载体姿态的问题,提出一种深水多波束测深系统海底回波信号快速仿真方法。基于扩展散射体海底回波信号仿真模型,考虑载体姿态,通过预先计算海底散射点强度分布确定主要作用区域的散射点,并将这些散射点的强度作为回波信号幅值加权来得到回波信号。利用这一方法,在保持较小计算量的同时,可以得到包括载体姿态特征的仿真数据。此外,利用这种方法还可以进行相位不一致性等误差因素的仿真。  相似文献   

王升  马力  吴金荣 《声学技术》2012,(6):550-554
浅海主动探测时,海底混响是目标回波的主要背景干扰,信混比影响主动声纳的性能.混响和目标回波都属于海洋中的散射问题,利用简正波方法,结合平面波散射函数建立了浅海远程信混比预报模型,实现了不同环境参数下信混比的量化分析.仿真比较了不同信号形式、频率以及不同海底底质下的刚性球信混比曲线,从理论上分析了回波随距离的振荡现象.结果表明:用无指向性的声源探测目标时,信混比较低,探测较为困难;宽带信号照射下目标回波更加平稳;简正波之间的干涉导致回波随距离发生振荡,频率越高,干涉结构越复杂;在硬海底环境中信混比相对较小且目标回波振荡剧烈.  相似文献   

对于搭载多种声学探测设备的水下平台,不同设备的信号可能会产生相互干扰。因此,根据探测设备的波束特性,针对水下平台对海底的探测情形,来分析探测设备声兼容传播过程的特性。结合射线声学和海底散射模型,建立了声兼容分析中声传播的计算方法,并且分析了传播过程中各种因素对声兼容设计的影响。结果表明,在算例的波束条件下,声速剖面对声兼容性的影响较小,而特定类型的海底底质的影响较大。此外,水下平台距海底越高,或者波束偏转越大,声学设备间的相互干扰就越大。为了尽可能减小干扰信号的影响,应尽量避免干扰信号的发射波束和接收波束交叠,此外还给出了波束覆盖角阈值和干扰信号衰减的关系。  相似文献   

Smith GS 《Applied optics》2011,50(28):5422-5429
An analytical model is formulated for the extinction of light by particles in a cavity ringdown spectroscopy measurement. The electromagnetic field inside the cavity is assumed to be the lowest-order Gaussian beam, and the scattering by the particles is incorporated using van de Hulst's approximation for the scattering by a sphere. This model includes both coherent scattering in the forward direction and strong scattering in the forward direction for electrically large particles. The model is used to estimate the amount of energy scattered by the particles that is coupled back into the incident beam. The consequences of this coupling for the measurement of the extinction cross section of spherical particles are examined.  相似文献   

The scattering cross section of electromagnetic radiation by a small spherical metal particle has been calculated in the framework of the standard kinetic theory in a dipole approximation. The calculation has been performed for relatively small (~10 nm) particles, which allows the skin effect to be ignored. A mechanism of mixed specular-diffuse reflection of conduction electrons from the particle surface is considered. It is established that, at certain angles of scattering, the mechanism of magnetic-dipole scattering becomes dominating. The influence of kinetic effects on the differential scattering cross section is analyzed.  相似文献   

Practical model for the calculation of multiply scattered lidar returns   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Eloranta EW 《Applied optics》1998,37(12):2464-2472
An equation to predict the intensity of the multiply scattered lidar return is presented. Both the scattering cross section and the scattering phase function can be specified as a function of range. This equation applies when the cloud particles are larger than the lidar wavelength. This approximation considers photon trajectories with multiple small-angle forward-scattering events and one large-angle scattering that directs the photon back toward the receiver. Comparisons with Monte Carlo simulations, exact double-scatter calculations, and lidar data demonstrate that this model provides accurate results.  相似文献   

用声学三参数判别海底沉积物性质   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
通过用声速-波形-振幅三参数识别技术获得海底沉积物的声速和频谱分析结果,根据声速、波形、振幅认识海底沉积物物理状态和结构特征,结合沉积层的其他地质信息,综合来判别海底沉积物性质。实验结果表明:利用声速高低、波形包络、振幅形状大小与沉积物结构、微结构、层理、颗粒成分、矿物组成、物理力学参数之间的关系,可以判别实验海区浅表层海底沉积物基本性质和划分海底沉积物钻孔岩心中古海水进退事件痕迹的埋藏深度。为声遥感遥测海底沉积物的实践作出尝试和贡献。  相似文献   

The influence of the thermal and mechanical properties of thin films on the damage threshold for pulsed-laser-induced damage is studied using the impurity-dominated breakdown model. This model consists of an inclusion embedded in a thin film. The cross section for the absorption of radiation by the inclusion is calculated using Mie scattering theory and found to be proportional to the geometric cross section in some cases. The geometric cross section is thus used when applicable for simplification.In a previous work the dependence of the damage threshold on the thermal and optical properties of the materials in the system was shown to be a strong function of the size of the imaginary part of the index of refraction of the inclusion. This led to a set of scaling laws that depended on the properties of the film, the inclusion and the incident laser pulse. The present work is an extension of that specifically including the thin film aspects.The thin film aspects of the problem are included by using a cylindrical impurity embedded within the film. Justification for this geometry is presented. Experimental data are also presented which support some of the major predictions of this model.The primary conclusion relating to the mechanical properties of the materials is that a thorough understanding of the absorption mechanism and thermal diffusion is required before the effect of mechanical properties can be realized.  相似文献   

Turcu I  Pop CV  Neamtu S 《Applied optics》2006,45(9):1964-1971
Red blood cells (RBCs) scatter light mainly in the forward direction, where the scattering phase function has a narrow peak. We performed an experimental investigation into the angular distribution of light scattered by blood in the small-angle domain. A highly diluted suspension of RBCs (hematocrits in the range 5 x 10(-5)-10(-2)) was illuminated with a He-Ne laser with 633 nm wavelength. We focused our research on two main topics: the scattering efficiency of the RBCs given by the mean scattering cross section and the scattering anisotropy obtained from the angular distribution of the scattered photons. The collimated beam transmission and the angular distribution of scattered light were measured and compared with the predictions of the effective phase function model. The RBCs' mean scattering cross section and scattering anisotropy were obtained by fitting of the experimental data.  相似文献   

A side-drilled hole (SDH) is a commonly used reference reflector in ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation. In this paper, we will develop reciprocity-based measurement models along with scattering models that allow us to predict the ultrasonic response from a SDH in a pulse-echo immersion setup. Two measurement models will be derived, one suitable for large SDHs where variations of the incident fields over the cross section area of the SDH are considered, and a second model which neglects those variations. Two scattering models are also used along with these measurement models. These include an explicit model based on the Kirchhoff approximation, as well as an exact model obtained using the separation of variables method. Examples of the model-based received waveforms and peak-to-peak voltage responses are presented for a number of SDHs of different sizes and compared with experimentally determined SDH responses.  相似文献   

Depolarization lidars are widely used to study clouds and aerosols because of their ability to discriminate between spherical particles and particles of irregular shape. Depolarization of cloud backscattered radiation can be caused also by multiple scattering events. One of the ways to gain information about particle parameters in the presence of strong multiple scattering is the measurement of radial and azimuthal dependence of the polarization patterns in the focal plane of receiver. We present an algorithm for the calculation of corresponding polarized patterns in the frame of double scattering approximation. Computations are performed for various receiver field of views, for different parameters of the scattering geometry, e.g., cloud base and sounding depth, as well as for different values of cloud particle size and refractive index. As the spatial distribution of cross-polarized radiation is of cross shape and rotated at 45 degrees with respect to laser polarization, the use of a properly oriented cross-shaped mask in the receiver focal plane allows the removal of a significant portion of the depolarized component of the backscattered radiation produced by double scattering. This has been verified experimentally based on cloud depolarization measurements performed at different orientations of the cross-shaped mask. Results obtained from measurements are in agreement with model predictions.  相似文献   

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