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本文介绍了某复合包装企业实施清洁生产的途径和措施,通过实施22项清洁生产方案,最大限度地提高了原辅料利用率,降低了能耗,减少了污染,实现了企业经济效益和环境效益的统一。说明了复合包装行业只有结合自身的生产特点,开展清洁生产工作,才能节能降耗、减污增效、实现企业可持续发展。  相似文献   

石化企业开展清洁生产的意义和方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石化企业在取得了巨大经济效益的同时,消耗了巨大的能源和原材料,同时也对环境造成了严重的污染和破坏。结合石化企业生产和污染的实际状况,实施清洁生产,是实现经济效益与环境效益协调发展的重要举措,也是搞好环保管理的工作的必由之路。  相似文献   

我国是当今世界钢结构件热镀锌生产大国,热镀锌生产资源消耗大、污染严重,实施清洁生产是我国热镀锌行业可持续发展的唯一出路,而清洁生产的审核是实施清洁生产的必要途径.为此,分析了我国热镀锌清洁生产存在的主要问题,介绍了联合国商品共同基金(CFC)项目"中国热镀锌工业的技术转换及促进需求"在我国的实施情况,探讨了清洁生产的审核方法.  相似文献   

本文叙述了清洁生产带来的经济效益和采用先进的工艺技术,改善管理,综合利用等措施,减少消除污染对人类的危害,促进清洁生产是工业污染防治的创新,全面推行清洁生产,标志着我国清洁生产新方法的到来。  相似文献   

纺织印染行业是排污大户,但是清洁生产和环境无害化技术的途径和机会还是很多的。可以通过工艺设计和替代化学药剂削减废水中有毒物质的数量和浓度,通过对水和化学药剂的回收与再利用实现废物减量化。纺织业要走出低效益、污染重的困境,只有走清洁生产的道路,才能获得经济效益与环境效益的双赢。本课题从了解国内和国际上印染行业的清洁生产发展情况出发,分析印染行业清洁生产的发展情况,对行业的工作流程和行业特点作进一步的分析和深入的了解,从而比较全面地掌握印染行业在生产过程中对环境的影响,重点从废水处理、回水利用、节能降耗等方面分析了行业的清洁生产发展潜力。  相似文献   

煤矿井下粉尘污染既是一个劳动保护问题,也是一个环境保护问题。文章根据煤矿井下采掘粉尘的特性及其危害和对井下空气污染的状况,详细分析了煤矿井下的主要尘源和尘量分布。提出针对井下采掘各产尘源的治理措施。并对煤矿井下的防尘管理做了科学的展望。通过对粉尘污染的治理,改善煤矿工人的作业环境,实现清洁生产,降低矿工职业病发病率,提高煤矿生产效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

清洁生产是实施可持续发展战略的重要组成部分是实现经济和环境协调发展的一项重要措施。它以提高资源能源利用率、减少污染物生产量为目标,从源头抓起,实行生产全过程的污染控制,把污染物最大限度地消失在生产过程中,既有环保效益,又有经济效益,是工业污染防治的最佳模式。  相似文献   

我国稀土资源丰富,是稀土生产、出口和消费大国。但随着我国稀土工业的发展,也带来了严重的污染问题。为促进稀土工业的清洁生产,本文对稀土工业的生产工艺、污染源以及污染治理技术进行了综述分析。  相似文献   

绿色工业即清洁生产是世界各国推进可持续发展所采用的一项基本策略。 清洁生产是相对于粗犷的传统工业生产模式的一种方式,概括地说就是:低消耗、低污染、高产出,是实现与经济效益、社会效益与环境效益相统一的生产模式。 清洁生产主要体现在五个方面:一、尽量使用低污染、无污染的原料,替代有毒原料;二、清洁高效的生产工艺,使物料能源高效率地转化成产品,减少有害环境废物的排出;对生产过程中排放的废物和能源,实行再利用,做到变废为宝,化害为利;三、向社会提供清洁产品,这种产品在使用过程中对人体和环境不产生污染危害或…  相似文献   

焦化企业发展清洁生产技术是实现环境保护、"三废"治理的重要措施。采用清洁生产同"末端治理"相结合,则可节约成本,获得环境效益和经济效益。文章阐述了焦化企业由生产过程带来的环境影响,分析了清洁生产的有效措施及带来的冷思考。  相似文献   

The textile-printing industry in China makes an important contribution to the national economy. However, the associated pollution problems have caused gradual deterioration to the environment and adverse impacts on the local community. The indicator system of cleaner production gives a powerful tool to measure the level of cleaner production of textile-printing enterprises. In China, it has been a big problem of the textile-printing enterprise that consuming large amounts of fresh water and discharging large number of pollutants, and it is lacking in a scientific water-conservation and waste-reduction cleaner production evaluation system. To solve such problems, the establishment of water-conservation and waste-reduction cleaner production indicator system in textile-printing industry is proposed and assessed by the means of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in this article. The judgement matrix is then determined with the Delphi Method combined. Finally, with the Yaahp software, the weight of each indicator is obtained. As an effective way to save water resource and reduce waste emission, the cleaner production technique integration is provided for the enterprises to solve the above problems and achieve the goals of saving water and decreasing the amount of disposed pollutants.  相似文献   

The current methods used to select the schemes for cleaner production in China have some disadvantages. This paper presents research on gray correlation analysis with application to one cement factory in Chongqing, China. The results show that the gray correlation analysis can effectively avoid the subjective bias on the scheme selection for cleaner production. Schemes for cleaner production selected by the gray correlation analysis have better performance than those selected by the traditional method based on economic, environmental and technical indices.  相似文献   

The most pressing environmental problems of casting production in small-scale foundry sector are gaseous emission and utilization of energy. Promotion of clean technology towards cleaner production has achieved significant improvement. But that technology was not widely accepted due to different barriers. However, incremental innovation with the existing technology got preference. For realization of the scenario, operational performances of cupola and pollution control system were evaluated in 12 units and 15 units, respectively. The study revealed that foundry sector, as a whole, could not ensure proper utilization of the energy and the control of emission. The parameters governing the efficiency of these technologies varied remarkably, which questions its consistency and reliability. This study focused the major barriers towards cleaner production with an aim to define the strategies to overcome the eco-friendly casting production.  相似文献   

提出以可持续发展为目标,在企业层次开展清洁生产,在区域和社会层次推行循环经济。通过节约资源和能源、回收及循环利用、减少污染物的产生和排放等手段,获取经济、社会和环境效益的最大化。并以云南磷矿业为例,探讨了矿业可持续发展的一般模式和途径。  相似文献   

The pharmaceutical industry in China makes an important contribution to the national economy. However, the associated pollution problems cause gradual deterioration of the environment and impact adversely on the local community. Cleaner production (CP) technology, an effective way to reduce waste emission and save resources, has been widely employed in the pharmaceutical industry in the developed countries. Such technologies have been applied in a number of factories in China, although there is no integrated assessment and implementation procedure for implementing CP technologies in pharmaceutical plants. To solve such problems, a series of CP options are proposed and assessed here. CP is a powerful tool for decreasing waste production, limiting environmental pollution and natural resource depletion. Moreover, the return on investment in CP is quick, so it would seem that CP activities should be very much in demand by enterprises. Reality is less optimistic: frequently only limited interest is expressed, even after an explanation; business people hesitate to become actively involved. The processes in the pharmaceutical production industry produce a vast amount of waste, including wastewater with high concentrations of organic substances (the principal component), solid waste, and organic off-gas. To solve such problems, a series of CP options are proposed and assessed in this study. Having consideration to environmental impacts and economic efficiency, four groups of medium/high cost CP options were screened in an integrated assessment. To verify the proposed options, a case study was conducted in Degussa Luyuan, Northeast China. The characteristics of resource consumption and waste emission during the production process were identified. The proposed options were evaluated according to different aspects. An integrated CP system based on the proposed options was designed and then implemented in the factory. In three years of practical use, the productivity and quality of alcohol product were improved, with a reduction in waste and pollution and a marked increase in water/energy savings. This study provides theoretical and practical support for the extensive application of CP technologies and sustainable development in China’s pharmaceutical industry. These methods include ways to clean up production that are incorporated in the process design, reforming present production technologies, updating the equipment, exploiting new producing flowcharts, using cleaner energy, building recycling into the manufacturing process, recycling waste, enhancing management, developing environmental protection technology, and ensuring satisfactory end-of-pipe disposal.  相似文献   

随着科学技术与生产的发展,电镀所涉及的领域越来越广。已经遍及人们生活的各个方面。但是电镀生产污染令人担忧,据统计,我国每年排出约4亿吨重金属废水,5万吨废渣。酸雾3000万立方米。更严重的是,一些重金属,如铅、隔、铬通过土壤吸收后进人庄稼内,人食用后会在人体内造成积累性中毒或致癌。因此电镀行业的清洁生产就成为当务之急,这也符合国家的节能减排政策,符合电镀工业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Serious environmental problems have appeared in China since the rapid economic growth 30 years ago, which affect human's health and become a limiting factor for further development. It has brought about the rethinking of traditional ways for economy development and environmental protection, and realized that the change in the model of development and environment protection is of significance. A new industrial revolution is needed for protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development. This paper discusses the characteristics of the new industrial revolution for sustainable development including cleaner production, circular economy, and industrial ecology. Lessons from China and abroad will be introduced to prove that new strategies for environment protection and economic development are needed.  相似文献   

Resource efficiency, including cleaner production and energy efficiency (CP/EE), is an important strategy for developing countries to grow their economies in a sustainable manner. However, informational, technical and economic barriers often limit the implementation of such strategies in the private sector, particularly among smaller enterprises. Since the 1990s, international aid agencies, governments, banks and non-governmental organizations have supplied financial incentives to encourage enterprises to adopt resource efficient practices in Latin America. “Pathways to Cleaner Production in the Americas” (PCPA) was a 3-year multinational project focused on promoting cleaner production practices in micro, small and medium size enterprises (MSMEs) through collaboration with academia. In this paper, we examine the availability and utilization of different types of financing instruments for CP/EE in MSMEs in Central America. We survey nineteen programs across five countries to examine how effectively these instruments are utilized, barriers that hinder their adoption, and best practices for increasing their uptake. We also incorporate the experience of 39 MSMEs that participated in PCPA, with respect to their demand for CP/EE and external financing options. We find a mismatch between MSMEs’ demands and expectations with the supply and interest of financing programs, leading to the underutilization of the funds.  相似文献   

针对假发加工中用水量大,化学药品成分复杂,产生的化学废水难以处理这一问题,结合发制品产业的特点,按照清洁生产的要求,提出在过酸、漂白、染色等假发的加工生产各个环节实施技术革新和设备改造,实现节水减排,提高水资源的重复利用率为目的的清洁生产方案.  相似文献   

Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy - This study focuses on the environmental and economic aspects of sustainability by establishing a supply chain including the collector, cleaner, and...  相似文献   

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