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张正华 《工业计量》2000,10(6):18-18
几年来 ,重钢计量战线上的广大职工在“服务、准确、创新”企业精神的鼓励下 ,紧紧围绕计量管理工作的需要 ,在“加强计量数据管理 ,为公司生产、经营服好务”上做工作。1 为计量数据管理打好硬件基础重钢公司承担内转、外购、外销、半成品、成品、大宗原燃材料等物资计量的大型衡器设备共有10台 ,3台汽车秤、 3台机电结合轨道衡、 4台电子轨道衡。 3台汽车秤 ,以前都是采用纯机械传力方式 ,人工操作计量 ,人工书写计量凭证 ,依靠自己的力量 ,已对 2台汽车秤进行了成功的更新和技术改造 ,改造结果经重庆市技术监督局的检验 ,获得认可。改造…  相似文献   

周宝峰 《工业计量》1994,4(2):13-14
生产经营计量数据的管理营口中板厂周宝峰真实准确的计量数据,能为企业领导进行生产经营决策,为企业经济责任制的制定及考核提供可靠的依据,使企业生产提质降耗进而达到提高企业经济效益的目的。这一点已被越来越多的人所认识,但在有的企业中,虽然计量器具管理的较好...  相似文献   

文章结合计量工作的实际,阐述了计量工作在企业生产经营中的作用。  相似文献   

Excel在计量数据管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了Microsoft Excel在计量测试数据管理中的应用,并对其中几项关键技术进行了详细阐述。  相似文献   

工艺技术落后、设备陈旧老化、管理粗放松散、耗能高、污染严重等弊端一直制约着国内炼油和化工企业经济效益和同际竞争力的提高.而就我国基本国情来看,炼化企业首先应尽快转变现存的粗放型管理模式,实现向精细化管理的有效转变.精细化管理的一个显著标志就是实现生产管理的量化和细化.而量化和细化均离不开优良的计量设备和准确的计量数据.  相似文献   

包钢自我加压、依法自主管理、从自身生存和发展的需要出发强化计量管理,实施ISO9000系列标准,建立计量保障体系。制定了计量数据的收集、采用、确认等管理办法,采用微机管理计量数据,做到数据共享。不断提高计量检测手段和装备水平,不断地采用计量新技术,适应科学技术和发展生产的需要。  相似文献   

近几年来,随着企业管 理水平的不断提高和企业 计量工作的不断深化,计量 数据的管理工作越来越显 示出它的重要性和必 要性。 企业怎样管理好计量 数据,如何使计量数据更好 的为生产经营服务,下面介 绍一下我厂的一些做 法: 1.建立健全计量数据 管理制度 企业计量数据管理是 计量职能部门的一项重要 任务,要完成好这个任务, 首先要有一套健全可行的 规章制度来保证.做到有章 可循,职责清楚,奖罚分明。 要明确检定人员、测试人员 及审核认证人员的职责范 围.对那些错误数据的直接 责任者,根据情节的轻重给 予必要的惩罚,对那些发现 错误数据…  相似文献   

Minitab软件在计量数据管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍Minitab软件的特点,并结合济钢计量数据管理实践,阐述了Minitab软件在计量异议处理和采购原燃料计量数据监控过程中的应用效果。  相似文献   

文章运用系统工程的方法,将建立“满足石钢公司测量设备的质量保证要求”作为系统目标,将影响测量设备的质量保证要求的各种因素作为一个系统进行分析,找出主要原因并制订有效措施加以实施,解决企业计量管理工作不畅、不规范等问题,恢复了计量工作在企业质量管理中应有的地位及作用。  相似文献   

Social media data contain rich information in posts or comments written by customers. If those data can be extracted and analysed properly, companies can fully utilise this rich source of information. They can then convert the data to useful information or knowledge, which can help to formulate their business strategy. This cannot only facilitate marketing research in view of customer behaviour, but can also aid other management disciplines. Operations management (OM) research and practice with the objective to make decisions on product and process design is a fine example. Nevertheless, this line of thought is under-researched. In this connection, this paper explores the role of social media data in OM research. A structured approach is proposed, which involves the analysis of social media comments and a statistical cluster analysis to identify the interrelationships amongst important factors. A real-life example is employed to demonstrate the concept.  相似文献   

介绍了舰船综合保障数据综合管理的有关内容,包括信息数据分类、数据综合管理功能分类以及综合保障数据库的设计思路.根据舰船的特点设计了舰船综合保障数据管理系统的硬件框架、软件体系、开发以度数据库工具.所研究的设计思路已在某船舶综合保障信息管理系统中得到应用,证明该设计模式是科学、可行的  相似文献   

Despite changes in tools and practices, the conceptual foundations of performance measurement and management (PMM) are still predominantly rooted in control systems research. While PMM approaches have delivered significant organisational benefits, including creating alignment, supporting monitoring and control, and enabling prediction and optimisation of resource allocation, this paper argues that this paradigm is not capable of responding to increasingly complex and highly uncertain organisational environments. Drawing on ideas emerging in the literature on systems engineering and complex systems, we propose a novel perspective that considers PMM from a ‘system of systems’ (SoS) point of view, whose essential characteristics are autonomy, belonging, connectivity, diversity and emergence. After identifying the assumptions underpinning existing PMM approaches, we outline a SoS-based paradigm to PMM and conclude by articulating the main implications for the practice of PMM and setting out a research agenda.  相似文献   

Product line management involves product expansion or elimination depending on various factors, for example, production processes and demands in the market. This study focuses on measuring product performance for a firm’s product line management, using parametric and non-parametric approaches. First, we choose variables related to the production and demand of products and assess the comparative performance of product groups and individual products using data envelopment analysis (DEA). Second, we attempt to detect possible performance differences among the product groups using one-way analysis of variance. Third, we identify the sources of inefficiency using appropriate DEA scores and offer some managerial insights. Last, we try to confirm the determinants of product performance using Tobit regression analysis. The major contribution of this study is the use of a novel approach for product line management by measuring the performance of product groups and individual products using pertinent variables. The approach used in this study is applicable to various manufacturing and service industries. The limitations of this study are the number of product groups selected and examination of performance using cross-sectional data.  相似文献   

汽车NVH试验数据管理系统关键技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
实现试验数据的有效管理和数据重用并形成NVH试验历史支撑数据库,成为支撑NVH研究、提高NVH研究水平的迫切需要。在分析了汽车NVH试验数据特点和试验数据管理需求的基础上,提出了一套完整的支持商用测试系统和手工数据的汽车NVH试验数据结构化方法,针对数据单位统一定义、数据可视化、试验对象动态扩展等关键问题提出了解决方案,并开发了实用化的汽车NVH试验数据管理系统。对提高汽车NVH研究水平和工作效率、减少工程试验成本上有重要作用。这些解决方案也可供其他振动噪声工程或汽车工程试验数据的系统开发参考借鉴。  相似文献   

For evaluating heuristic and optimal network revenue management procedures test-instances are needed. As a consequence when trying to create instances for network revenue management problems it turns out that among other things a stream of stochastic demand data is required. But, developing and implementing a generator for demand data that fits to a given network, a given set of products, and a given set of capacity constraints is far from being easy. Since to the best of our knowledge no such demand data generator is available to the public, we specify an algorithm to generate this data and we also make this algorithm available upon request. This, we hope, facilitates future research work.  相似文献   

杨力 《工业计量》2004,14(6):2-4
文章结合大量企业实例,阐述了计控一体化、加强计量管理对于建立现代企业制度、提高企业经济效益的重要性。首次提出了计量功能全程化、管理体系科学化、运作综合化、手段现代化的企业计量工作“四化”目标。  相似文献   

Quantified risk and safety assessments are now required for safety cases for European air traffic management (ATM) services. Since ATM is highly human-dependent for its safety, this suggests a need for formal human reliability assessment (HRA), as carried out in other industries such as nuclear power. Since the fundamental aspect of HRA is human error data, in the form of human error probabilities (HEPs), it was decided to take a first step towards development of an ATM HRA approach by deriving some HEPs in an ATM context.This paper reports a study, which collected HEPs via analysing the results of a real-time simulation involving air traffic controllers (ATCOs) and pilots, with a focus on communication errors. This study did indeed derive HEPs that were found to be concordant with other known communication human error data. This is a first step, and shows promise for HRA in ATM, since HEPs have been derived which could be used in safety assessments, although these HEPs are for only one (albeit critical) aspect of ATCOs’ tasks (communications). The paper discusses options and potential ways forward for the development of a full HRA capability in ATM.  相似文献   

Offering a large variety of products at competitive prices and reasonable delivery times is a complex managerial challenge that many companies have to address. Software vendors responded to this challenge by developing and proposing various solutions, such as product configuration (PC) systems, product data management (PDM) systems and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. The relative newness, complexity and mutual interdependencies among these systems make it difficult to understand how they—individually and as a whole—actually support a firm in managing its product variety. Precisely these complexities, ultimately, add to the risks of software selection, leading companies to make inconsistent choices or to implement the wrong systems. Starting from this theoretical and practical concern, the present paper provides a conceptualization of the essential functions of PC, PDM and CRM systems, discussing how these functions help a company to manage its product variety and how they relate to each other. This paper proposes that two core data structures of PC systems—namely the sales and technical configuration models—are essential elements of the information management infrastructure of a company offering a large variety of products, because they enable a number of important product variety management functions also present within PDM and CRM systems.  相似文献   

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